Malta Lodge #17

Malta's Minutes

Malta Lodge #17
Thermopolis, WY



Welcome To a New Year

As Master this year, I’m looking forward to working with everyone again. It’s going to be hard finding things to do following the last two years. Hopefully we’ll have lots of Degree work to do and lots of fun doing it.


Clay Little

Worshipful Master

Malta #17



Moonlight              Madness


This year for Moonlight Madness, we have a Fundraiser planned for Carmalen Chimenti. It’ll be on October 24, 2002 at the Lodge Hall beginning 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. with a regular meeting afterward. We’ll be serving Brother Ralph’s Famous Chili and cornbread. Hopefully, the Masons of Thermopolis will raise a good amount to help defray some of her medical expenses.



Coming Dinners and Events


We will have a carry-in dinner for Veterans Day on November 14, 2002 at 6:00 p.m.. After the first of the year, we have several dinners scheduled to honor the Law enforcement agencies, the Outstanding Citizen(s), and Jobs Daughters and DeMolays. We’re also going to have Mothers Day and Fathers Day dinners, which will be served by the Eastern Star and the Masons to each other. All the dates are posted on the schedule for the year.




 Malta lodge Website


If you have a chance, get into our Website at

Brother Eric has been busy updating the site and has done an excellent job as usual. The last time I was in the site there was over 3100 hits. We need some new photos for the site, so if any of you have something you want posted, please notify Eric or myself and we’ll see if we can get them in.