God is Like
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God is Like

God is like...
God is like Coca-Cola,
He is the real thing.
God is like Pan Am,
He makes the going great.
God is like General Electric,
He lights your path.
God is like Bayer Aspirin,
He works wonders.
God is like Tide,
He gets the stains out that others leave behind.
God is like VO5 Hair Spray,
He holds through all kinds of weather.
God is like Dial Soap
Aren't you glad you know Him?
Don't you wish everybody did?
God is like Sears,
He has everything.
God is like Alka Seltzer,
Oh, what a relief He is.
God is like Scotch Tape,
You can't see Him, but He's there.
God is like American Express Card,
Don't leave home without Him.
God Bless.

Email: stephen@cardina.net