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Kinder Klub

In Guben, we had a club for the kids to come to, and lots of kids came. There was nothing much for kids to do, and die Heilsarmee has so much to offer them. And
with nine Australian and more than a dozen German Salvo's around (and a little Gorilla!), we could do something for them.

We gave them stuff to do... we played Games, made things, sang songs (especially 'God is in the House..' they loved the dance steps..), and told Bible stories. We also showed a video 'bout Jesus' death and ressurection. Pray for these kids...

The kids would often turn up even before we'd finished eatin' our bananas at lunchtime, and sit downstairs on the grass and wait very patiently for me (and the others) to come down. Very nice kids, they all loved their little friend Murray (and who doesn't, I'm wunnerful!).
We played lot's of games with the kids. With this game here you sit in a circle, get a big ball of ribbony stuff and throw it across to different people. When you get the ball you say 'Mein name  ist Murray' (which is German for 'my name is Murray' If your name isn't Murray, I tink you say sumfing else...) and say your favorite thing. Then you throw the ball to someone else (don't let go of the ribbon!). At the end, you have a webby thing, but I didn't see a big spider...(yeah, okay, I was hiding...)

We always told a bible story. Sometimes everyone got face-painted
and acted it out. Can you see Sandra being King Darius mit the Lions?
Is interesting, if we told bible stories to kids in Guben ten years earlier,
maybe we woulda' been thrown to da Lions...( I think the silly
Communists were scared of Christians...) but this time, even a man
from the TV came wiv a camera. He even interviewed Johnno who
had white stuff aaaaaall over his face! Haha, pretty funny!

Lot's of the kids had bikes, and there wasn't many cars on
the roads so it was pretty safe for them to ride around...
Even Johnno borrowed a bike and went for a ride, once he
worked out what einbahnstraße meant! (one way street, silly!)

This is some of the kids and some of the German team and
Miss Kitty.. but NO Aussies.. (I think they are all shy..)
Look, its more of them Balloon animals that attacked us in
Amerika in '98... (no wonder Johnno is hiding!)

Here is Jana with Tine. Everyone loves Tine, she was nice and fun and
had bells on her shoes that jingled when she walked. (that's an Australian
team shirt she is wearing...) And there is me with Sandra and Jennifer.
Jenni liked Johnno more than Johnno's arm could stand it! He was
surprised the bruises still don't show! Read John's letter to Jenni..

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