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School was out for the day. It was Tuesday June 6th. Me and 7 of my friends were staying after school. We were going to practice 2 songs for the graduation that night, and we wanted to make sure Bill, Tim, John, Elizabeth, Jenny, and Amanda had the dance routines right. Everybody else were in the gym. I was still in the classroom getting something. Then I left the room, and headed towards the gym. I saw Hanson at the front desk, and wondered what they were doing here. I got to the desk and was about ready to turn right to the gym when Tay stopped me.

"Hey, I gotta talk to you Meghan,"he told me.

"Tay, I can't talk right now. Can't this wait?"I said.

"You're just saying that since you don't want to talk!"Tay exclaimed.

"Taylor, really, I can't talk right now! I gotta get into the gym!"I exclaimed.

I went into the gym and Tay had followed me.

"Exactly why do you have to be in here?"Tay asked me.

"Duh. We gotta practice for the graduation which is tonight,"I answered.

I got onto the stage where Ravi was standing with his guitar strapped on, and Nathan behind his drum set. I got behind my keyboards.

"What do you mean practice?!?"Tay yelled.

"Taylor! I happen to be in a band! Can't you see that!"I told Tay.

"Fine. Practice, but we're talking as soon as you're done,"Tay said.

"Fine!"I exclaimed.

"Uhh, what's going on?"Nate asked me.

"Never mind Nate. Let's just practice,"I said.

"Ooookkkk,"Nate said.

"Let's get going here guys!"Jen exclaimed.

"Yeah yeah yeah yeah. Count it off Nate,"I said.

"1, 2, 3, 4,"Nate said and Ravi, Nathan, and I started playing our insturments. The rest started dancing. Tay was still in the gym, and he was watching, wanting to know exactly what was going on. Then we started singing.

Pretty soon, John messed up, so we stopped for a while so the others could fix the problem. As soon as it was fixed, we started off where we stopped again. We did make a few more mistakes throughout the 1st routine. We fixed the problems, and did the whole song again. We did the song a few times, and decided it was good enough. Then we did the 2nd song. We did fine with it. We practiced for about half an hour, and then practice was over. We turned off the keyboards and guitar, and got off the stage. Ravi and I stayed behind. Everybody else left to go home. It turned out Nancy was still here, waiting for 1 of her parents to pick her up.

"Now can we talk?"Tay said with frustration in his voice.

"Yeah. What did you want to talk about?"I said.

"What is going on between you 2?"Ravi asked.

"Oh great Meghan! You got our guitarist!"Tay yelled at me.

"Your guitarist? Tay! You guys replaced him in 1998!"I exclaimed.

"Yeah Taylor. You guys did replace me. I moved here, and needed a job. I found out that Crazy 8 needed a guitarist and went to them. They hired me right away since they knew who I was,"Ravi told Taylor.

"Can we talk in private?"Tay asked me.

"Why?"I asked.

"Cause I don't want your friend to know what we're talking about,"Tay answered bitterly.

"Tay. If this is about what happened in Janurary, Nancy already know about it. She was the 1 I was staying with for the night when you got mad at me,"I told Tay.

"Oh! So she's the 1 who knows about Zac's crush on Jenna! Why did you have to tell her that anyway?"Tay yelled.

"Taylor! I didn't tell her anything about Zac's crush! You said it! She just happened to be sitting right next to me! I didn't say anything about his crush, you did!"I yelled back.

"Uh huh, like I would say that,"Tay said sarcasticly.

"You did say it Taylor. I remember you saying it, not Meghan,"Nancy said.

"See! I wasn't lying there,"I told Tay.

The teachers, and Mr Kimble then came into the gym to set things up. Mrs. Grooms saw that Tay and I were mad at each other.

"What's going on in here?"she asked.

"Oh Taylor and I were just talking, or should I say, yelling at each other,"I said as I gave Tay a cold look.

"Why don't you guys go into the classroom and work out your problems?"Mrs. Grooms suggested.

"Fine! Tay wanted this talk to be private, so we can just go into the classroom where no one will bother us and know what we're yelling about!"I said, still staring at Taylor. Tay had an angry look on his face.

"We'll just go into the classroom Mrs. Grooms. I don't exactly know what's going on, but I think I can get the to tell me about it, and help them solve their problems,"Ravi said.

"Ok,"Mrs. Grooms said.

We left the gym with me leading the way. Zac, Ike, and Walker followed us. We went into the classroom and Nancy came with us too. Tay wasn't happy to see her with us.

"Ok guys. Why are you yelliung at each other for? I didn't even think Meghan would know Taylor,"Ravi said.

"Oh he's just mad at me because I told a few people that I chatted with him on the instant messenger!"I exclaimed.

"Hey! You gave out the screen name to those 6 girls that night too!"Tay yelled.

"No I didn't! I have noo idea who the hell you're talking about! The only person that I gave the screen name to was Liltay385!"I yelled at Tay.

"Uh huh, suurrrrreeeeee,"Tay said.

"It's true! We were only talking to like 3 people that night, and I didn't see her give the screen name to anybody that night,"Nancy said.

"But you still gave out the screen name,"Tay said to me.

"I don't know why I gave it to liltay385, but I did. But I know for sure I never gave it to anybody else!"I exclaimed.

"And you still shouldn't have told anybody that you were talking to me and Zac,"Tay said.

"I told some people even before you told me not to tell! And some don't even believe me anyways!"I yelled.

"Who did you tell!"Tay yelled.

"Nancy, my aunt Chris, my interpreter Jo, Mrs. Grooms, my friend Sarah, the idiotic Zac, and some others,"I told Tay.

"Hey! I'm no idiot!"Zac exclaimed.

"I wasn't talking about you Zac. I was talking about another Zac. Zachary James Hansen who lives in Maine,"I said to Zac.

"Guys! Quit arguing!"Walker said sternly.

"Betrayer!"Tay yelled.

"JERK!"I yelled.

"Why do you still think of me as a jerk Meghan?!?"Tay exclaimed.

"Cause you are a jerk! You wouldn't listen to what I had to say. I keep trying to talk to you somehow, but how can I when you've put me on your block list!"

"You lied to me and Zac!"

"Yeah I did, but I told Jenna exactly what I did and all that. Yeah I did lie. I don't know why I lied, but I did. But I was lying only for a few days! And then I admitted what I did to Jenna since I never knew if you were on or not!"

"Jenna sent me that e-mail that you sent to her, saying you needed to talk to me,"Tay said.

"And I did need to talk to you Taylor!"I exclaimed, starting to feel bad inside.

"Like you really did feel like as if you've lost a friend. How can you be a friend! You lied, you've betrayed us,"Tay said.

"But I admitted what I've done! I've regretted everything that happened! I even told Jenna that. After you got mad at me and stopped talking to me, I felt bad. I really did feel like I lost a very good friend Tay. I didn't think of you as some guy from a band. I thought of you as a friend. But after that situation, and you blowing up at me, I thought of you as a jerk. Then for a few days after about a week, I stopped thinking of you as a jerk. But soon I started thinking of you as a jerk again since I keep thinking about the whole thing!"I interupted Tay.

"Oh sure! And you still think of me as a jerk!"Tay yelled.

"We'll leave right now so you guys can solve the problem on your own!"Walker said and left with the others. It was only Tay, Nancy, Zac, and me left in the room.

"Yeah I do Tay. A few others even agree with me about you being a jerk. Liltay385, Shelley, a few from the official club,"I told Tay.

"What did I do to them?"Tay asked.

"You accused liltay385 for using Jenna, but she wasn't using her! She likes Jenna. She likes talking to her. She thinks Jenna's a cool person. Why would she use her? For Shelley, she had to go to the hospital because of you!"I started.

"What do you mean Shelley had to go to the hospital because of me?"Tay yelled.

"Shelley was trying to fly 1 day because she loved you. But she ended up getting stitches and a broken arm. She was also desvestated when she found out you loved somebody else,"I said.

"And what about the 1s from the club?"Tay asked.

"They met you in real life, and thought you as a jerk. There was this 12 year old girl. She was trying to get your attention, and trying to talk to you. But you wouldn't listen to her. Instead, you turned from her and went to another girl to talk to. An older girl who was prettier that the 12 year old! She felt REALLY bad about that! She was upset about it! With the other person, she said you were obnoxcious. You only thought about yourself, and only talked about yourself. You didn't care what the others thought of! And there were a few others that I've talked to. Some that used to be MAJOR Hanson fans, are now haters because of you! I was about ready to stop being a Hanson fan myself,"I said.

"Then why did you keep on being a fan?"Tay asked.

"Cause I like the music. Why would I stop listening to music that I like the most? Because Taylor Hanson was a jerk? I don't think so. I also kept on being a fan because I still thought of you guys as a friend, even you Taylor. I was never able to get my mind off that situation, never! Everyday and night I keep on thinking about the situation, and tried to think of what I could have done to not make you mad,"I explained.

"You still think of us as a friend?"Zac asked me.

"Yeah,"I answered him.

"Sure you do,"Tay said sarcasticly.

"Taylor, don't you realize how much you've hurt me? It hurts to be called a liar. Sure I lied. I lie once in a while, but not all the time. I don't know why I lied to you guys, and I've regretted lying to you,"I told Tay.

"Like I did hurt you,"Tay said.

"You did Taylor! Like I've said, after you stopped talking to me when I was over at Nancy's, I felt awful. I was about ready to cry because I've lost a friend, a good friend! And Nancy's tried to make me feel better by taking a purple marker and a Hanson picture with the Backstreet Boys on the other side, and colored all over your face on that picture. But that didn't make me feel 1 bit better. I was miserable. I couldn't stop thinking about it,"I told Tay.

"Yeah right,"Tay said.

"It's true! You did hurt her! Even I thought you were a jerk after that!"Nancy exclaimed.

"Nancy had wanted to say something to you that night when you were mad, but I wouldn't let her since I knew it would just make verything worse,"I said.

"Tay, why don't you just listen to Meghan. I believe everything that she's said. Why can't you?"Zac said.

"How can I? How can I trust her again Zac?"Tay asked him.

"You should trust me Taylor. Once in Feburary, Jenna got mad at me for telling Zac to confront her and you guys, but I had to keep telling her I didn't. I got mad at Zac and yelled at him for doing whatever he did to Jenna. Jenna wasn't very happy about that. And know what I told her?"I said.

"What?"Tay asked.

"That if these things keep happening, or if I keep doing something to make you or her mad, that she could just stop talking to me then. She agreed to that, to give me 1 more chance, and I haven't done anything wrong since then,"I said.

"Did you really say that?"Tay asked me.

"Yeah, I did. And I meant it too. But we're still talking. But I am still mad at Zac, not only for that, but for lying to me for a year,"I answered.

"Zac's been lying to you for a year?"Zac asked me.

"Yeah he had been. Last year in May, he and his friend Becky told me you guys were having a break then. That you guys were going to spend your break in May with Zac and Becky. And I believed him! He even got me to believe that I talked to you and Tay on instant message. But when I talked to you guys through Jenna, I stopped believing Zac, and we had an arguement once about that. Zac and I haven't talked since the situation in Feburary until the other day,"I explained.

"Meghan. You're right, I am a jerk,"Tay said.

"About time you realized that,"I said sarcasticly.

"Yeah. Did we really lose fans becuse of me?"Tay asked.

"Yeah. They told me exactly what happened, and said they decided to listen to other bands. But I'm not like them,"I answered.

"But you did feel like you wanted to hate us and stop being a fan,"Zac said.

"Yeah. I was only feeling it. I didn't actaully do it. You guys are still my number 1 favorite band. You always have been since September of '97,"I said.

"I hope you will forgive me for all that,"Tay said. "Oh I will. I'm already starting to forgive you now that you're being nicer. It's Zac that I'm not going to be forgiving for a long time,"I told Tay.

"We can continue chatting online then I guess,"Tay said.

"Yeah. We have our own names now. Mom and dad finally gave in and let us have our own names, just as long as we don't give away who we are. We do have profiles, but they're a little weird, but it doesn't say anything about who we are or what we're like or whatever. We have weird profiles,"Zac said.

"Yeah we do. Even Ike has a weird profile,"Tay said.

Walker came back into the room.

"So have you guys solved your problems?"Walker asked.

"Yeah dad. We did,"Tay answered.

"So does that mean we're friends again?"I asked Tay.

"I guess,"Tay answered.

"Gotta go, bye Meglers,"Nancy said.

"DON'T CALL ME MEGLERS NAN!"I yelled after Nancy.

Zac started snickering about that. "Uhh, nothing,"Zac said with a bit of a scared look.

"Uh huh, surrrrreeeee,"I said.

"Why does she call you Meglers?"Tay asked me.

"Nick name which I hate. I hate nicknames that has to do with my name in it. It just drives me crazy. Besides, she's kinda getting me back for calling her Nan, Nano, and some others like that,"I answered.

"Oookkk,"Tay said.


Tay, Zac, and I were friends again. We chatted as much as we could on instant message. We also talked through the video camera on the computer. We kept in touch just about everyday, and never got mad at each other anymore. Tay and I had explained the whole arguement to Jenna, and she was surprised to hear that. But she was glad we were friends again. I was glad Tay wasn't mad at me anymore, and that we were talking again.

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