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"Never To Leave Me"

"ALRIGHT! SOUND CHECKS OVER YOU GUYS!" Meghan yelled to Ike, Tay, and Zac.
Chris immediately walked over to Zac and started reminding him of stuff he's forgotten to do lately.
"OKOKOKOKOKOKOK Chris! For the love of god I freakin know what to do!" Zac practically yelled.
Then he stomped off to the bus and into his bunk. He put his head in his pillow. He was more than tired of doing everything that Ike and Tay could easily do.
He looked up and pondered the decision that he was about to make. He saw the bottle of sedatives on the shelf the doctor had given him to ease his panic attacks. He took the bottle of sedatives in his hand and poured each and every one of them in his hand. Then, with water, he poured every one of them into his mouth. Then he put the pillow over his head and waited for the silence to take over his body.


Ike hopped onto the bus to get Zac for rehearsal.

"ZACCC!" he opened the curtain to his bunk and kicked his legs. Nothing. He took the pillow off of his head and saw how pale his face was. His eyes drifted to the shelf.

"Holy shit!" he said as he saw the bottle of sedatives.
He called Tay on his cell phone.


"ON THE BUS NOW!" Ike said and hung up.

Tay could tell by the sound of his voice that this was serious so he ran straight to the bus. Ike had layed Zac down on the floor.

"Oh my god! What the hell??" Tay gasped.

"He tried to kill himself by taking a bunch of sedatives. Help me get him into the shower." Ike and Tay dragged Zac to the small shower that can barely even fit one person. Ike turned the water on. Ice cold. The cold water stung Zac's cheeks. He groaned.

"Good. Your with us. Stay that way buddie," Ike said and with Tay's help, carried him out to the couch.

"Tay, go get some coffee. A big huge thermos thingie of it."

Tay did he was told and came back with it. Ike took it and tilted the drinking part in Zac's mouth. Zac felt the hot liquid stream down his throat and swallowed.


Ike smiled then, because he knew from then on everything was going to be alright. And he could tell from the look on his face that Zac had learned a lesson.

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