"Dang ice! I have to hurry up now. I need to be in the school store now!"John said quickly and ran off.
"He sure is in a hurry today,"Zac said.
"That's because he has to work in the school store this morning,"I said.
We got to the school, and entered the building. We walked to the classroom, and put our stuff in the locker. Zac shared a locker with Bill and John.
"Zac, why is your mom making you guys go to school now,"I asked.
"She just wanted us to go to a school so we can see what it's like. We are going to school again next year since we won't be traveling so much. Ike's will be gone to collage,"Zac answered.
"Oh. So I guess she made you guys go to school now so you can get used to it,"I said.
"Yep. You're going to stay after school today to help out with the Valentine Bingo decorating,"Zac said.
"Yep. Did you bring a dozen cookies, cupcakes, a cake, or a pie today? Those are the prizes for people who has a bingo,"I said.
"No. I can call my mom though. She just loves to bake. I'm sure she will bake something for tonight,"he said.
"You better ask Mrs Grooms if you can call."
"I will go do that now."
Zac called Diana, and she said she will bring some cookies tonight. We sat at our desks.
After school, almost everybody in the class were helping getting the Valentine Bingo stuff set up. Kids were setting up the consession stand, or the board for the numbers. Others were typing up a price list for the food and pop, or the jobs we were assigned to do for that night. Ike came by with the cookies. Zac took them, and gave them to Jenna, since she was going to fix up the prizes. I saw Jenna kind of make a face when Zac turned around.
That night, people were showing up to play bingo. Zac and I sat in the back of the gym, and chatted. We didn't have a job to do then. The rest of the Hansons showed up. Ike and Tay came to sit with us in the back, while Walker and Diana helped Mackie play.
"I think it's going to be a boring night,"Tay said.
"I think so too. I don't like bingo. It's a very boring game to play,"I said.
"Yeah,"Ike and Zac said at the same time.
We chatted until 7:00.
"Guys, I have to work in the concession stand now,"I said, and went to work. I gave the people thier pops. Zac didn't have any job to do.
Half an hour later, I was back with the guys. We just walked around the gym for a while. I saw Deb, a teacher I used to have at the deaf school. I decided to chat with her for a while.
"Hey Deb. Having fun?"I said.
"Yeah. Nice haircut,"she said.
"Did you notice that my braces are gone,"I asked.
"No I didn't. You have a very nice smile now. Who is this guy,"she said.
"This is Zac Hanson. He's going to school now, after years of being homeschooled,"I said.
"Yep. This is a first time of being in a public school. Meghan, I didn't know you had braces,"Zac said.
"The dentist took them off last month on the 19th. (***That's true. No more braces for me!***)"I said.
"Cool."was all he said. Then he went to chat with his brothers.
"I think I have heard of Hanson before. Aren't they on tv once in a while,"Deb said.
"Yep. That's them alright. The Hansons just moved here this weekend. They are missing Tulsa, Okaholma,"I said.
"They sure are famous I guess,"she said.
"Yep. They're famous around the world. Thay have tons of fans from other states and countries. But they sure don't have much fans around here,"I said.
After a while, I went back to the guys and chatted with them. We just chatted for the rest of the Valentine Bingo.
At 8:45, we went home. Hanson gave me a ride home. Mackie was already sleeping, so Taylor had to carry him inside. I went to my house, and got ready for bed.