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II. Peace Process Information

Armed with background knowledge about the subcontinent you are now in the position to begin formulating peace plans for the region.

Begin in 1971 when an important agreement,
The Simla Agreement
was signed by India and Pakistan just after a war over Kashmir.

You must be wondering, what is the solution to these problems?

You can read proposals for positive steps to reach a solution and improve relations by turning to
the Institute of Peace and Conflict Studies' site that's got it all: news reports, opinion and analysis.
You can access recent events by clicking the archives button and even find out everything you ever
wanted to know about the present crisis on the borders of Pakistan and India.

Go to this site to get unbiased reports and serious analysis.

Indo-Pak Relations
Don't forget to get ideas from
Pakistan-India Relations: The Way Ahead

Is there any hope for future peace between India and Pakistan?

The next site offers links to both countries' reflections on where they stand after 50 years.

By clicking on the years you have the unique opportunity to see the maps of the regions at key moments in their past. You can also refresh your knowledge by viewing the profiles of both countries which have maps and national anthems.

Wondering what time it is in the two countries?
Find out the current time in the capitals of the countries.

The site is interesting and offers a variety of options such as a slide show and audio-visual reports of the region.

Light at a Half-Century's End?

The Dawn newspaper provides some interesting ideas at:
A Leap Into the Light
Options on Kashmir

Recently, attempts have been made to bring about peace.

Assess the success of these attempts based on your knowledge of the present situation by visiting these sites.

The leaders of Pakistan and India met each other and promised to become friends.
Is this really going to happen?

Subcontinent Sees a Light

The PM of Pakistan discussed recent agreements made in Washington about the pull out of troops with the Pakistani armed forces in CNN's
Pakistan's Sharif meets with military over Kashmir

The U.S. has played a role in the peace process.
The PM of Pakistan met the US President in Washington and pledged to pull out troops from India.
Are the two countries going to accept these efforts?

Pakistan's Pull Out Vow

Conflict resolution has been the goal of many concerned Indian and Pakistani journalists.
They met earlier to find answers to difficult questions and you can join them by visiting "Traveling Seminars" on Conflict Resolution and ask
Can Public Journalism Help the Indo-Pak Problem?

You must be wondering, how can peace be restored to the border of these traditional enemies?

How can peace be ensured on the Line of Control?

Find out the activities of the
UN Military Observer Group in India and Pakistan
This group is located on the cease-fire line between India and Pakistan, in the state of Jammu and Kashmir. It has the difficult and dangerous job of observing developments on the disputed border. It also has make sure that the cease-fire of December, 1971 is being strictly observed and send reports to the U.N. Secretary General.

Guess what? Here are sites that will give you many links to amazing peace sites that are concerned about the future of the world.

Nuclear Age Peace Foundation

Peace Links

Have all of you absorbed the Background Information about the Indo-Pak subcontinent?

Go back and review any facts or ideas that you are not clear on.

Done that?

Okay now let's move on to what Role each of you will play in the next part of this quest for peace.

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