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How to Read the Timeline

If you're here, I'm guessing you had some difficulty reading the timeline. Well, here's my attempt at an explanation...

The time line extends from the year 1 (Landing) to the year 2450. Every fifty years is marked in bold. In between the fifty year markers are lines (|). There are four between each fifty year marker and each one represents a decade.

50 Any event that happens between the year 50 and the year 59 is listed here.
| Any event between 60-69 is listed here.
| Any event between 70-79 is listed here.
| Any event between 80-89 is listed here.
| Any event between 90-99 is listed here.
100 Any event between 100-109 is listed here.

Y'see how that works?
Events are written next to the line or number for their decade. The exact year is listed and then whatever happened in that year. If more than one thing happened in the same year, then the other events are listed below the first. For example:

| 72 Giant spaceships driven by monster polar bears descend on Pern.
~~~~F'lar removes his mask and reveals his true identity - he is, in fact, Lord Fax.

Get it? Both those events ( which I made up, by the way) happened in 72.
If two or more events occur in the same decade, but not the same year, they are written like this:

| 84 Jaxom gets sick of having a white dragon and dyes Ruth pink with purple polka dots.
~89 Lessa shaves her head.

So those two events (which I also made up) happened in different years.
I hope that's all clear now. If it's not...sorry.

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