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Life Under the Waters...

Welcome to the site dedicated to the life under the waters. Enjoy!

Hey everybody! And welcome to Lyndi's marine life site, a site I made in computer class dedicated to all sorts of animal life under the waters. Since I think that this site will be a nice addition to our junkyard/scrapbook, I decided to post it online. Read on and you will find information (and pictures whenever possible) on fish, dolphins, whales, sharks, and otters. There is also a page with links to other marine sites that you'll probably like if you liked this!

Since 3/4 of the planet is covered in water, then there must be at least as many creatures as there are on land, if not more. Most of the creatures that live in these waters are fish. But, there are also many other creatures that share the oceans of Earth, like marine mammals, such as dolphins and whales. The ocean is full of life, but much of that life is plant life, or microscopic creatures, like plankton. If this site were about EVERYTHING that was underwater, it would take more than millions of pages. You'd probably get bored long before the end, so I decided just to focus on some of the more common animals that most people think of when you think of creatures under the sea. Now, if you're interested, let's explore some of the animals in the underwater world!

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