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Hey, we like to write, too, so we decided to put some of our works on the page! Hope you like it! We would also like to put some of other people's original poems on our page as well, so send them to us, and we'll add them and give credit to the rightful writers. Enjoy!

The Stars

As I stand here staring at the star-studded sky
They twinkle above me brightly in tbe dark night
Teasing me, reminding me of their beauty
Making sure I know I can never fly as high
I can never touch the stars no matter how hard I try
They wink at me, asking me to come join them
Knowing I cannot
But as my despair takes hold of me
I remember
I have the ability to love, to be loved
I can feel pain, trust, happiness, peace
I have freedom
I have so many things that the stars will never know
And I hold them close, for they are the joys in life.


A Painting

Ah, the start of a painting
The whiteness of the paper
The smell of the paint
The raised brush.

An image comes to mind
Trees over a sunny path
Mountains over misty lands
Or perhaps a rolling sea.

Before the image fades away
A pencil draws lightly
A quick sketch
On the blank page.

The brush wets down the paper
For a softening effect
To blend the colors
Soon to cover teh page.

The brush now moves to paint
Covering the vast spaces
Now moving to realistic details
Slowly, the painting comes to life.


Please send in your poems to us so we can add them to our page!

A wonderful page of poetry...
Scottish Daisy's poetry page

Back to the Junkyard

email: starrynite00@hotmail.com