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Galdr-sound: zzzzz

Letter: Z, final R

"Elkīs sedge has its home / most often in the fen / it waxes in the water / and grimly wounds / and burns with blood / any man / who in any way / tries to grasp it" (Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem)

"Man is the increase of dust; / mighty is the talon-span of the hawk" (Old Icelandic Rune Rhyme)

"I know a 14th / If talk of the gods before the fold. / I can speak of the Ases and elves / Few of the unlearned / Know these things" (Havamal 159)

The name elhaz may be derived from the words for "elk"(large deer), "swan" or "protection", or possibly, from the Germanic twin gods known as Akis. The reversed stave of the Younger Futhark is called yew or yew-bow. All of these names carry a meaning of warding and holiness. The rune elhaz is closely related to the rune mannaz. The two runes are alike in that both refer to the spirit in earthly shape that is the being of humanity, the difference lying in that elhaz rules the pathways between the gods and humans and the drawing/sedning downwards of godly might, while mannaz is the rune of the indwelling, inherited seed of the godly being in humankind. The alternate shape of this stave is yew, associated with eihwaz, and the primal tree-shape is very similiar to the snow-flake shape of hagalaz. The difference is that the branches are connected to the roots by a bridge showing the human awarenes of Midgardhr as the middle of all things, w/man in the middle. The rune elhaz shows the awareness of the human that she or he is both a microcosm of the universe and necessarily because of the nature of human perceptions, its center. One interpretation of the stave-shape is that it shows a human with head and hands upraised in the Teutonic stance of prayer, or willed and mutual communication between gods and humans. The full tree-shape shows this communication with both the wights above and the wights below Midgardhr.

As the rune showing the threefold bridge Bifrost (made of air, fire and water), elhaz is also a rune of cleansing and warding. It is the rune by which one may hod speech with oneīs own valkyrja, the swan-winged bringer of wisdom and messenger between god and humans. Bifrost may only be crossed by humans when they are guided by the valkyrja, when the increase of dust - that is, the full melding of the highest being of the soul with the living human awareness - has taken place.

The rune elhaz is a great rune of warding, as shown by its bond with the shielding might of the valkyrja and yew tree and by other aspects of the stave as well. The stave-shape has been suggested to show the horns of the elk or the hand outstretched in a warding gesture - both powerful images of defense. The Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem writes of the rune as burning, which shows the being of the warding called upon through elhaz. It is the warding of holiness, the intense fiery energy, like that of Bifrost, in the presence of which nothing unclean can abide. In both thought and working the urne of elhaz is similar to the establishiment magicīs conception of the pentagram: it embodies the might of spirit as the guiding force within the earthly being; it shows the conscious human microcosm, as contrated with the hagalaz of the macrocosm. It wards and makes holy at the same time. Like the antlers of the elk, elhaz is both shield and spear, not only does it woard but it also brings woe to the enemy who tires to work woe against its wielder.

The rune elhaz may be used to ward a person or a place and also to hallow a place, especially if one is about to begin a dangerous working. The power of elhaz to communicate and ward may be seen, in a sense, as a complement to the power of eihwaz; the two yew-staves may be used harmoniously together.

Elhaz may be used to fill a space or an item with the power drawn from the higher realms: to make it holy, that is both whole and filled with godly might.

Elhaz is a guide to spiritual growth and cleansing throught calling on the higher energies which gradually raise the personal vibrational level. It both dirves unclean energy away and brings in holy might in its stead. At the same time, it holds a balance between the lower and higher faculties, being the bridge of consciousness which at once unites and separates the lower and the higher. One may use the original tree-form and stange to draw power from all the worlds.

Elhaz may be used to cause woe to those who are spiritually unrefined to benefit from its cleansing fire. It is especially mighty against the dead who have been drawn up to this plane by magical means and also against all beings of the lower worlds.

Ritually, elhaz rules all forms of hallowing. It may be used in most cases where the pentagram would be called for in Western High Magickal Arts.

Elhaz may be used to fare through worlds. Used with other runes, elhaz brings out their highest level of spiritual working, bidning them to the goal of evolution of the consciousness.

A stone which works well with elhaz is black tourmaline, which shields against woe-working might and brings power down from the higher realms into earth as well as from the wheel of power at the crown of the head to the lowest wheels (chakras)


You may have met a Guide who has accompanied you either as a friend or teacher as you learn about the runes and yourself. If this is the case, converse with Him/Her, because S/He has been the living Bridge between you and the Inner Realms, a Best Friend, Teacher, Lover and Companion as One.

If you have not met any special Companion and Wise Teacher, donīt worry. In due time S/He will come and you will know Her/Him for sure! While you have not met Her/Him, write down the qualities you most admire in your friends and in yourself and offer this Gift of Love to the Inner Realms, with a prayer of trust and love in the One you know will come out of the blue, just wanting to be recognized and acknowledged by you.