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Everything you want to know about me

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Brian Elder
  • That is me Brian Elder but most people know me as Russian Freak Boy. First off I will explain the name, My favorite player is Sergei Fedorov and if you know him you know that from his Nike Skate Commercials he has been called, "LONG HAIRED RUSSIAN FREAK BOY" but that is a little long so I shortened it. Some other Favorite Players are, Steve Yzerman, Ed Jovonoski, Patrick Roy, Niklas Lidstrom, Paul Kariya, and Wayne Gretzky. not in any particular order that was just how I recalled them.
  • What do I like I like Hockey of course, I like Golf (Go to my golf page to hear more about that), and I like Playing Pool and having fun with my friends, I have done a little fly fishing not enough to make me any good but it is relaxing I guess and I would have to rate it just under Golf for my relaxing stuff to do. Well Check out the links below for some other Pages about me
  • Check out this skate do you have any idea whose skate this is? I would Kill for a pair of these skates if anyone Wants to by me a Pair I would give you my undying thanks

    1.)Back to my Home page
    2.)A Page about My favorite Sport
    3.)A funny story and a little about one of my favorite sports
    4.)To a Picture of me(NO LAUGHING)
