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My Friends List

As time goes by People lose and Gain Friends, I decided I won't delete anyone from my list. No matter what happens between us...I will just add...if you would like your name to be removed by all means let me know.

  • Pandora: As always you come first, but you are so important to me That I will make an entire link for you so not much here
  • Oiler: Hmm My Little Brother in Law I suppose..There is always a smile on my face when I see how happy you make Caroline. I thank you for that. and I thank you for being a Good Friend to the both of us.
  • SuperDave: Hmm If Chicks digged the Goofy looking Smooth Don Juans we would have women all over us...To bad they don't eh? hahahahaa Still want a game against your Shit talking ass.
  • Wicked:Hey there Good luck in Dallas, Keep up the practice on your(don't hold it against me if i laugh)..your WICKED Wrist shot.
  • Maryann:Good times go by and still you are the same. Don't change for anyone.
  • ChrisOsoGood: Hey there still hanging in there right playing hockey kicking heads and so on right?
  • Mike The man who is the most fun to argue about hockey with. We almost never agree but it is still fun.
  • Helena: Sergei is the man but Steve is all heart a class act, hope everything with you know who works out
  • Coyotes: Hey you never write what is the deal too many guys and too many hockey games eh?
  • WonderWall:"I haven't seen a Jew run like that since Poland 1939" hahahahahaha you were right South Park is cool take care of yourself and have fun life is too short not to.
  • Labatts Girl: Well a woman after my own heart by naming herself after my favorite beer,,and the easiest woman to talk to, being so understanding and all
  • Shanafan:One of these days I will be playing in Detroit and on a Flight and you will have to tell me wear the Emergency Exits are and make sure I have plenty of Barf Bags hahahahahahah..
  • Canuck(Cavelara): A the one man whom i will openly admit to being able to drink me under the table any day of the week, stay cool and for what it's worth you are forgiven
  • Cnidae: Perhaps the most apt at arguing Civily keep working on it though I almost had you
  • Blue:Good luck with your new job
  • Ashley: Remember Spam is bad for you causes many kinds of Cancer,,Good luck with Blake. and Don't forget...KEEP THE STICK AND BUTT DOWN WHEN PLAYING HOCKEY
  • Sportschic:Hey the Basketball Star, Wanna Go sometime you and me a Game of 21 I will take you out.. Hhahahahahaha
  • Lady Byng(Julie): Mail me the Citron Mail me the Citron **Waving my Watch hypnotically**
  • La Canadienne: Hey there what is up we dont' talk much but you did help calm the old nerves before that big camp thanks hope to talk soon
  • Oikku: Hey there Miss Loves to read. Okay okay Finland did better than USA or Sweden but my Russians Smoked you guys. and Remember Mylls has no SISU!!!!!
  • Per:Sorry for all the trouble I caused with your league. Appreciate you helping me with Mikes the times he tried to screw us over.
  • Skooter: I am on your list then I am confuse me so much. then I ask a Question about NHA and you give me the entire history sheesh...Hahahahaha Just kidding you. Good luck. and. Hope everything with O8whatever(hahahaha Love calling her that) works out.
  • Laura: You now have ICQ. Remember Wings chat how fun was that? I suppose your family still thinks I am a freak or something.
  • Artemis Hey Sorry I meant to put you up here. Yep we always have something to talk about Don't we even thought it is not for long at times.
  • Blake:Thanks for inviting me in your league...You sound like a Pretty good hockey player maybe after I demolish dave I will play you.
  • Jeanette: Hmmm Hope those Angels are still looking out for your Nephew sorry if we always didn't get along.
  • Ninja Ryu:Okay so lets see here First I am going to beat Dave in hockey....Then maybe take on Blake then I have to fly all the way to Victoria BC to beat your ass too...Well You can Hold My Trophy while I kiss my Girlfriend and Drink your beer after I demolish you.
  • PowerHouse Annie:The wild out of Control member of the family I see hahahahahaha....and the real reason the Basketball team is good right?
  • The One and Only Star: Hey there Miss WWF Fanatic..have fun in Chicago
  • Mind Riot: Hey man what is up I was just messing about that Guestbook Entry you put in don't worry about it. Hope your computer works for you. in the future
  • OreoKitty:Hello again things should be okay with you you always seem happy when I see you...Thanks again for the help that one day.

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