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Darkness Falls

By Kira Yalnami










Tai slammed the door. He was in a really bad mood today, and it was early evening still. He almost didn't answer the door at first, but then the knock was heard on the door again.

"Who is it?" Tai roared.

"It's me. Akyriya." He opened the door. Sure enough, it was his girl friend. They had been seeing each other for about 2 years.

"Taichi. Listen, it's me, Kyra. Are you OK?"

"Yeah, I know. What is it?"

The small redhead looked at him quizzically, and ducked under his arm into the apartment.

"Tai, what's wrong? I was talking to Mimi and Izzie, and then I heard a cry. It was faint, but it was you. What's wrong?" Her green eyes were worried. Tai hated that. He had never seen her cry, but this was close to it.

"I am a monster Kyra. Get out."

"Taichi. You are no monster. I know you. I-" She stopped. "Sit down. This is going to take awhile."

Muttering all the while, Tai crossed the room and joined her on the sofa. Then he stopped and stared. She was playing with a necklace. But that wasn't any necklace. It was a tag and crest! He stared. "Guardian of Courage, please, listen. You are no monster. I am no monster. The others are not monsters. I am Remembrance." She said this all matter of factly. Her crest was pale, pale, silvery blue-green. It had a forget-me-not winding around eight small symbols. No-wait-nine symbols.

"Who are you?!" Tai demanded. "WHAT are you!?!"

She seemed to wilt at his question. "I am Kyra. I am the 9th. I am your girlfriend. I am me." She began to cry.

Tai was stunned. He tentivly put his arm around her shoulder, and she started to calm down. She curled up, clung to him, and soon, the tears werepast.

"I am sorry. Forgive me. I did not mean to-" She broke off and her eyes began to glow. She shook her head. " Taichi, there is grave danger! You must come! We must go to the others. Bring your crest and digivice. Come!" She cried out in a frightened voice.

Tai came. He ran with the small figure dressed in green next to him. They came to Yamato Ishida's house. An old friend. "Matt! Come on, It's an emergency!" Tai yelled.

The door flew open and Matt came out, in jeans and tank top.

"Tai? It's you!" He squinted. "Hi Kyra. What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know Matt. He won't tell me." Kyra responded. Matt's eyes grew wide.

"Hang on." He rushed into the house and came out with a digivice and tag. "I'm ready. Let's go."

Tai was puzzled. This wasn't normal. Matt never was like this. Even with T.K., who was much older now. "Matt, Tai, please listen. The digiworld is imbalance. Genni is dead."

With these words, the small figure collapsed into Tai's arms.

He exchanged worried glances with Matt. Something was very wrong.


She woke up, pain searing through her skull. What had happened? Where was Tai? She remembered falling...

"Kyra? Are you awake?" Came the soft voice of Sora Takenouchi, interrupting her thoughts. "Are you all right? Tai's worried, and you've been out for six hours.

"Where's Tai?"

"He's with Matt in the other room. Are you all right?"

She asked the question more instantly this time."I'm fine. Let Tai come in."


"Tai, Chill. She'll be okay."

"Matt, how can I stay calm!?! She's one of my reasons to get up every morning! What if she's hurt? I'll never forgive myself." Tai continued to pace.

"Tai, I introduced you two. I know how you feel about her."

Tai sighed. Matt was right, but he couldn't just stop worrying. When he had first met his Kyra...


Author's Note: This is a flashback Tai is having. Bear with me, I'm new atthis.

He was 17,and he had been with Matt, taking T.K. to a friend's house. They stopped to buy lunch at a fast food chain, and settled down in a nearby park to eat.

A small redhead walked by, glanced in their direction and then did a double take. Her green eyes flashed with recognition.

"Hey diamond heart! Can I join you and your friend?" Her voice was almost wistful.

Tai raised an eyebrow at Matt. Diamond heart? What the hell was going on here?

"Sure Kyra. Grab a seat." Matt answered back, at ease. He caught Tai's expression. So did the girl, who was roughly 15 or 16. She laughed, a silver laugh, and Tai liked her right away.

"I call him diamond heart, because his demeanor is rough and hard, like a diamond in the rough. But, like a miner, I know the value of that hard rock. It must be polished to let the beauty inside to show.

"He calls me Kyra, because that's one of my numerous nicknames."

"I'm Tai. Taichi Kamiya. Pleased to meet you."

"Hello Taichi. You may call me Akyriya Tsunami, or, if you prefer, Kyra." She laughed again, sounding like a bright bell chime. "I think that we'll get along well, Taichi Kamiya."


Tai's head shot up as he heard the door creak open. Sora stuck out her head.

"Tai, she's awake. She still seems weak, but she's calling for you." Tai sat up quickly and hurried to the darkened observation room.

"Tai? Are you okay? Were am I? I'm scared." Tai almost began to cry, seeing his Kyra lying there, helpless and pleading.

"I'm here Jade eyes. Are you all right?" He responded, worry showing through his voice.

Though her eyes were closed, she smiled faintly at the term of endearment, on the edge of sleep. "I love you, Taichi. Will you stay awhile? I feel safer with you here."

Tai was stunned. He managed to nod and say "Yes Kyra. I promise." She smiled and fell fully into the land of nod.


A while later, a half-hour to be nit-pickingly exact, Tai left Kyra sleeping peacefully.

"How is she Tai?" Matt queried as Tai emerged.

"Asleep." Tai answered, giving his two worried friends a half smile. "I've never seen her so scared before. I hope she'll get over it..." He trailed off.

"We'll just have to wait and see, Tai. Nothing good ever happens easily." Said the soft voice of an old friend. It was Sora.

"I know. I...I just feel so helpless." Tai hit the wall in frustration. "It's like all the good that's happened to me is because of her. If she leaves..." Tai shrugged.

"Don't worry. I'm doing the best I can." Sora gave the two boys a half smile, and left the room.


Kyra woke up, sweating. The dreams were more vivid this time. When would the nightmares stop? She got up, shakily, and walked unsteadily to the door and opened it. She saw Matt, dozing in a chair, and Tai, pacing, was looking worried. She smiled and walked through the door.

"Tai?" she asked softly, startling him. "I'm okay." Matt opened an eye. "Hey Kyra. What's up?" he said, quite calmly.

"The sky." She gave him a half smile.

Tai stopped pacing. "Kyra?" the relief showed in his voice. "You okay?"

"Okay? I feel fit as a fiddle." With that she slipped and fell, exhausted into a chair. "Okay. A badly made fiddle. But seriously, folks." Her face grew grim. "There is evil upon us..."


Kari woke up, the phone jangling in her ear.

"All right, all right, I'm up already." She picked up the receiver.

"Hello? This is Kari Kamiya speaking, why are you calling at this ungodly hour? May I help you?"

"Yeah. Kari, it's Tai."

"Tai! Are you okay?"

"'M fine. You?"

"Great. Why are you calling me at 2:05 A.M. IN THE MORNING!!!!!!!????"

"Listen. This is important. Round up the rest of the digidestined and BE HERE, at Central Park, at 9:00 p.m. tomorrow."

"All right. I'll call T.K. at 8:00 okay? Then Izzie and Mimi. Who else?"

"That's all no-wait- call Jyou. Kyra's got some news for us. It's important. Be there."

"I will, Tai."


"I promise."

"Bye Kari."

"Bye Tai."

She hung up the phone, stunned. She hadn't heard from Tai in over 6 months.

Were had he been? And who was this 'Kyra'?


Okay... Looking for ranting fanatics about now... Please don't kill me! I just have an unrestrained imagination. I can't write for too long before killing the people making noise around me, so these will be basically short. Enjoy!^_^ Kira Yalnami