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" A Ninth Digidestined? "

Judo stood on a high cliff, her baggy purple tank top and even baggier blue jeans flapping in the wind. She was scanning the vast ocean infront of her. A digimon came trotting from behind and stopped at her side. It had a lions body with the head of an eagle and golden wings. The digimon had fangs that were visible when her mouth was shut, and long black claws that sunk deep in the grassy turf.

" You see anything out there, Griffinmon? " asked Judo. " Well, I see a black dot....... no, a raft. " said Griffinmon, also scanning the ocean. " That's funny, " said Judo, " I wonder why there's a raft all the way out here. " Her voice seemed to be low and thought struck. " Why don't we go and check it out ? " suggested Griffinmon.

Suddenly the digivice that was clipped to Judos' pants began to beep and vibrate wildly. She took it off her hip and studied it. There was a red dot on the screen right were Griffinmon said the raft was. " Hmmmm........... Yes, let's go check it out. " said Judo after clipping the digivice back to her pants. Griffinmon jumped off the cliff and spread her wings wide, catching a bit of wind. Judo jumped too and landed on Griffinmons' back. Together the two flew toward the raft.

* * *

On the raft Tai was scanning the sky for anything with his mini pocket telescope. The rest of the kids and their digimon were sitting down, completely bored.

" Hey! " said Tai, now staring intesly though the telescope. " What? " said Augumon, who was imidiatly by his side. " There's a digimon up there, and it's flying straight toward us! " At the mention of this everyone snapped out of the mind numming silence and stood up. " Wait, " said Tai, " I think..........ya! There's someone on it! " Tai put his telescope in his pocket and looked up. Augumon looked up too.

" Hey! That's Griffinmon. I've herd of her before. No one's ever seen her, but they said she exisited." Just then Griffinmon dove down and swooped past the raft. When she did Judo jumped off Griffinmons' shoulders and landed on the raft, making it shake upon impact. Judo looked at the kids and their digimon.

" Hi, " she said, " I'm Judo, who are you? " Tai looked surprised, but said, " I'm Tai this is Augumon, Sora and Biyomon, Izzy and Tentamon, Joe and Gomamon, Mimi and Palmon, Matt and Gabumon," Judo stared at Matt for a moment. There was something different about him........something.......something. " T.K. and Patamon. " Tai finished. " Where did you come from? " he asked. " Well, I come from Mythimal Island. If you look in your telescope, North by Northeast, you might be able to see it. " " But how did you know I had a telescope? " Tai asked puzzled. Judo giggled.

" You'd be amazed at what you can see at 100 feet in the air. " Tai looked through his telescope to where Jodo said the island would be. He saw a green landscape with dense woods and a long coast line. He say hills and glistening blue rivers. " Now I've got a question. " said Judo. " Why are you on this little raft? " " We were just trying to find anyplace to go besides the island we were on. " said Tai. " You should come to Mythimal Island. You could probably find something there. " she offered. " What do you guys think? " asked Tai.

" I'll go. "

" You can count me in. "

" Me too! "

" Um.......I guess so. "

" Sure! "

" O.K. "

" Well, I guess that means we're going! " Tai said.

" You're not planning to go on this are you? " Judo asked." Well,um......" " You guys could always ride on Griffinmon. I'm sure she could carry you all. " suggested Judo. " Alright. "

Judo whistled through her teeth. Griffinmon flew down and hovered next to Judo.

" Hey. " she said. " Um, Griffinmon? Could you carry Tai and his friends to the island? " Griffinmon looked at the group , then at Judo. " Are you kidding me? " Judo looked surprised. " It would be so easy to carry this bunch. Go ahead, climb on. " she smiled a toothy smile encouraginly.

Judo grabbed Griffinmons' tail. Griffinmon swished her tail. It sent Judo flipping through the air, she landed gracefully on Griffinmons' back. She looked at the others, " You coming? " Then as an after thought added, " Don't try that it took a ton of practice."

With a little troublef everyone got on, except Mimi. " I'm not going on there! " she said. " Afraid I'm gonna bite? " said Griffinmon ad snapped playfully. " What's the matter then, Mimi? " asked Palmon. " I just can't get on! " " I'll help. " Palmon said.

" Poisin Ivy!" Palmons' Poisin Ivy went out, wrapped arouwnd Mimis' waist and pulled her on, then Griffinmon rose up and took off at a good speed. Tai, who was sitting behind Judo, asked, " How long have you been in Digiworld?" Judo calculated for a moment. " Well, I guess about.......a year now." The others exchanged startled glances. Tai asked another question," Why didn't you come and fight Etemon and Devimon with us?" " Who?" " You mean you never herd of Etemon or anyone else?" " No. I didn't even know you guys were here." " Ya sure. You could have used the digivice. That is, if you have one."

" Yes, I do." Judo closed her eyes. Tai was getting her mad.

" You still could have come to help us." Tai said, his voice louder and more mad that before. " I told you, I didn't know you were here." she said her voice now getting louder too. At this moment Griffinmon landed. Everyone got off. Tai and Judo stood face to face screaming at each other. " You could see us on the digivice!"

" You were out of range!" A fire went off in Tai's head. He ran at Judo and drove his shoulder into her stomach, propelling her into the sand. Judo knew better. When she landed on her back she kicked strait up, sending Tai flying over her head. The two both jumped up at attacked each other. They ended up rolling down the shore and into the shallow water. Unfortunetly Tai had his hands arownd her neck and was practecly drowning her. At least until Judo tripped Tai from under water and did the same. Tai used the same manuver. Judo was smarter than that. When Tai was trying to drown her she stayed under water, she would pretend she was dead. Tai let go of her neck and stepped away, his eyes widening. Before he know what was happening Judo had tripped him and jumped up, gasping for air. Tai got up moments later. They both circled deeper in the water until Tai tripped in a ditch were the water took a steep hill down. Judo dove down and started to attack Tai from under the water. They both were kicking and fighting until Judo couldn't stand it anymore. She needed air! Judo swam to the top of the water and caught her breath. She treaded water and looked arownd for Tai. She couldn't find him anywhere. Then it struck her. She dove strait down again and found Tai sinking, his eyes closed. She swam faster to catch up with him. Finally she was far enouph down. She wrapped her arms arownd his waist and hauled him up to the surface. She swam with one arm, the other keeping Tai at the surface. When she was on shore she laid Tai down and stepped away, shaking her head. They all were looking at Tai except Matt, who glanced at Judo, who was running away.

" Hey! Wait!" he said and took a step forward. Matt felt a tug on his jeans, it was T.K. " Where are you going?" he asked. " Don't worry. I'll be back." and he took off after Judo. He saw her skipping rocks across a river and climb a steep slope. She got over just in time before Matt grabbed her ankle. She ran into more woods. Matt ran in too. He looked around, but no one was to be found. He looked everywhere but up. Perched in a low tree branch was Judo, waiting for Matt to take one more step. Suddenly Judo jumped from the branch and tackled Matt from behind. As soon as he was down Judo got up and ran some more. She ran until she came to a large dirt slope and stopped. Judo turned and saw Matt get up and start running. She jumped onto the hill and started sliding down with one foot infront and one purple gloved hand dragging in the sand behind her to slow down her speed. There was a tiny rock ahead that no one could see, but Judo tripped on it anyway and started rolling down the rest of the hill. As soon as she got to the bottom she got up and started running looking behind her the whole time. Matt was gaining fast. He ws already at the bottom of the slope and running. Judo glanced forward just too late to see the cliff she was about to fall off. Matt grabbed her wristed just as she was loosing balence. He pulled her back up. Judo ripped her arm from his grasp and sent an ice blue glare at him. Matt looked at Judo only noticing then how pretty she really was. He almost blushed. Judos' glare softened.

" Why did you run off like that?" he asked looking at the dark circle arownd her left eye. " You saw what I did to Tai! I can't go back there." Judo said.

" Tai'll be fine. He was lucky you knew where he was." Matt said, once again looking at her black eye which was growing darker.

" Yeah, lucky." " Why don't you come back now?" Matt asked, now looking at her straight in the eye. " I will. Later on." Matt looked at her again. He saw a warrior. He could tell. If she really had lived on this island for a year she had to be tough. " I'll see you later then, I guess." he said.

" Ya. Bye." Judo say on the edge of the cliff her ponytail dripping with water. Matt walked away.

* * *

Back at camp everyone was sitting around a fire, even Tai who had just woken up.

" I don't trust her." he said, still a little angry. " I do." everyone turned arownd to see Matt walking out of the woods. " Matt!" said T.K. and ran up to hug him.

" Where have you been?!" Sora asked. " I was just exploring. And chasing Judo arownd. She seems pretty upset about Tai." " I hope so." Tai said staring into the flames. " Why?" Matt asked sticking up for Judo. " She almost fell off a cliff because she was so upset!"

" Really?" said Tai, a little stunned. " Which cliff?" piped up Griffinmon who hadn't run off after Judo.

" The one neat the dirt slope."

" Wow. You must be special, Matt. I don't think I've ever seen her loose her balence or anything!" Matt blushed a little.

* * *

So do ya like it? Tell me and I'll write the rest. Yes, there's a whole lot more to type. This story is dedicated to my Best Friend pudd488 and my quiet bud, Tinkegirl.