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Wolf in Sheep's Clothing

by Cybra

Disclaimer: I don't own Digimon. I don't own the characters of Digimon. I'm just borrowing them. So send all your lawyers back to their law firms. Besides, I have nothing that you'd want. However, Liquimon, Cobramon, and Cybercobramon are MINE! You can not sue me for using them!

Author's note: Hey, y'all! This is my second fanfic for Digimon. Go easy on me. I have corrected the ages (Izzy and Mimi-10; TK-7; Joe-12; and Sora, Tai, and Matt-11).

Izzy walked over to the lake near the campsite. It was a beautiful sunrise as he went down on his knees next to the water. He looked up at it for a nanosecond before he took off his gloves and put them next to him. The brilliant colors of Digiworld's sunrise were reflected in the clear water. Izzy could see his reflection easily.

He gave a slight smile as he leaned forward and scooped up some of the cool water. He leaned over the lake as he splashed the cold water on his face in order to both wash it and wake him up completely. Nobody was awake. Not even Tentomon. He was as quiet as possible as he went through his morning routine.

Izzy's dark eyes scanned the area, making sure no one was around. It would've been most unfortunate for him to have been attacked at that moment when he was all alone. Using the water as a mirror, Izzy finger-combed his red hair. However, he had to lean over the water to get a good view. The Crest of Knowledge fell out of his orange shirt and hung there around his neck. Izzy hastily put it back, not wanting the tag to get caught on something and pulled off.

He looked at the sunrise once more. The smell of some flowers nearby blended perfectly with the smell of the water. In the quiet of the early morning, Izzy could think clearly without any distractions. He turned his head back over his shoulder to his friends who were sleeping about 5 yards away. Tentomon rolled over in his sleep. Izzy wondered, as he usually did, what Digimon dreamed about. Now THERE was a puzzle.

He turned his attention back to the sunrise. His reflection copied him. If someone had nabbed Izzy's digital camera and snapped a picture, it would've been one awesome (or should I say, "prodigious"?) picture. The reflection and Izzy both had a thoughtful look on their faces. The gorgeous colors of the sunrise made a perfect backdrop. The orange of Izzy's shirt didn't quite match that of the sunrise so he wouldn't have disappeared with only his head and hands showing.

Izzy let his mind wander, allowing it to come up with new ideas without being forced into it. The early morning was also quite relaxing. Unfortunately, one of the thoughts that came most often was Izzy's secret. Sometimes, his heart begged for him to tell, but he could never bring himself to do it. He didn't want the others to think less of him.

Izzy was still lost in thought when Sora woke up an hour later. She was about to wake up everyone when she noticed they were one short. Much to her surprise, she saw that Izzy's backpack was still there. Even more surprising was the fact that Izzy hadn't taken out the laptop. She got up and began to search quietly for him until she saw him sitting there.

He was still on his knees, the lightening bolts on the bottom of his shoes clearly visible. Sora wasn't sure, but she thought that maybe Izzy had been there for quite a while.

"Don't your knees hurt?" she asked quietly.

Izzy snapped out of his thoughts and turned back to Sora. Finally, the pain of sitting in such a position for so long was registered. Izzy had been too distracted to notice. He stood up and rubbed his knees.

"Now that you mention it, yes."

Sora just smiled and shook her head. "Since you're up, you're going to help me fix breakfast."

Izzy thought for a moment. "Okay, but do you think I could wake up Tai when we're finished?"

Sora cocked her head to one side, but answered, "Sure."

Liquimon had been paying close attention to the child at the edge of the lake. She noticed the Crest of Knowledge come out from underneath his shirt.

" YOU are one of the Digidestined. Lord Myotismon will be thrilled when I turn you and your friends' heads in on a silver platter," she sneered.

The child checked around, not knowing she was there. She watched as he just looked at the sunrise and seemed to become lost in thought. Liquimon knew that in her true form, she could not attack him. However...

When the child finally left, she oozed out of the lake. Her true form was a clear liquid that could see and hear everything around her. She had no real eyes or ears. Her body did all that for her. Liquimon's hearing and vision told her that nobody would see her.

"Physical change!" she yelled quietly, so as not to alert the children.

Her body oozed upwards, defying gravity. The liquid formed itself into a shape. After a painfully slow process, a human girl of about 10 years-old was standing there. Other than the boy and a few brief glimpses of the two females, she had no other frame of reference of humans. She had filled in the missing parts herself. She checked herself in the lake. A perfect transformation. She also checked the crest and tag in the water. The circles of the Crest of Knowledge were perfect.

As she began to move towards the campsite, she never thought once about how the crest was perfect in a REFLECTION. In real life, the symbol on the crest was BACKWARDS.

"YAH!!!" Tai yelped as he was rudely awakened.

His startled cry woke up the others. All of them snapped up while Sora was laughing her head off. Izzy had an amused look on his face.

"Mornin', Tai," Izzy said as if nothing had gone wrong. In his hand was a small rock.

Tai turned his head and saw that something like a coconut had fallen and hit a rather large rock near his head. There were also 3 other small stones.

Joe thought about all of this for a second and then burst out laughing. Matt looked at him funny.

"What's so funny, Joe?" he asked.

Joe stopped laughing just long enough to answer, "Remember last week when Tai yanked Izzy into the water and got him soaking wet? I think Izzy just got his revenge."

Izzy looked over at him while Matt snickered. "Please, Joe. It's not revenge. It's justice being served." He looked at Tai sternly. "When you dragged me into the water, you almost dragged my laptop in as well. My laptop isn't exactly waterproof."

The Digimon were laughing and leaning against each other. TK was laughing, too. Mimi was giggling uncontrollably. Tai turned red with embarrassment.

"Okay, Izzy. I apologize." He then quirked an eyebrow. "How'd you do it anyway?"

Sora answered for him. "When he was done helping me with breakfast, he picked up a bunch of rocks and then sort of moved around in a circle. Then, he started throwing the rocks at that coconut-thing until it fell. It hit the rock and the rest is history."

Someone giggled that wasn't part of the group. Everyone instantly stiffened. The Digimon got in front of their respective partners. It could be some sort of evil Digimon that wanted to attack them. The bushes rustled as whatever it was began to move closer. The Digimon tensed, ready to attack. The leaves parted and revealed...

A girl of about 10-years old. She had shoulder-length red hair and chocolate-brown eyes. Her face sort of reminded you of Mimi's in some places, while it reminded you of Sora's in others. She was probably an inch shorter than Mimi. Taller than Izzy, but not by much. She had slender arms and legs which were shown off by her tan skirt and yellow T-shirt. Around her neck was a Crest and tag. Exactly what Crest, nobody could see well yet.

"What is it?" Biyomon asked.

"It's a human girl!" Sora answered in astonishment.

Tai stopped Sora from getting too close. "Wait! It could be some kind of trick!" He turned his attention to the girl. "Are you a Digi-girl or a real girl?"

The girl cocked an eyebrow. "What kind of a question is that? I'm real. Question is, what are those things?"

She was pointing at the Digimon. Agumon looked confused. Didn't she know? Then he remembered what the Digidestined had been like before they had gotten well-acquainted with them. He decided to speak up.

"We're Digimon. I'm Agumon. These are Tentomon, Biyomon, Gabumon, Patamon, Palmon, and Gomamon. Who're you?"

The girl's eyes kind of darkened, as if her mind had just gone blank. To stall for time, she asked, "Who're the rest of you?"

Izzy noticed the tactic easily and tried to ask her to tell them her name again when Tai cut in.

"I'm Tai. These are Joe, Sora, TK, Matt, Mimi, and Izzy," Tai answered.

"However, we don't have the pleasure of knowing your name," Izzy pointed out in a gentlemanly fashion. If she WAS trying to stall for time, he didn't want to tip her off that he knew.

"I'm..." she hesitated. Then, it seemed as though she made up her mind. "Jamie."

Sora glanced at Tai. When he nodded, she moved forward and held out her hand. "Glad to meet you, Jamie. Welcome to the group."

Jamie smiled and shook hands with Sora. Izzy didn't like the feel of this new girl. There was something odd about her. It wasn't until Sora's startled gasp that he REALLY didn't like the feel of this new girl.

"What is it, Sora?" Palmon asked, alarmed.

"Her Crest! It looks almost exactly like Izzy's!"

There was a loud chorus of "WHAT?!". Everybody began talking at once until Tai raised a hand and whistled. All fell silent.

"What do you mean, Sora?" Tai asked, keeping a wary eye on Jamie.

"It looks like the Crest of Knowledge, but it's different. The symbol is the same, only backwards. I don't get it."

"Hmmm..." He looked at her dead in the eye. "Where'd you get it?"

Jamie hesitated and then answered, "I found it back home. I thought it was pretty neat so when I put it around my neck to show off to my friends, I ended up here."

"Take it easy, Tai," Mimi said. "It's kind of like how we found the Digivices and ended up in Digiworld. Nobody could've heard that story."

Izzy was about to state that it could've been spread by Digimon, but was once again cut off by Tai.

"You're right, Mimi." He looked at Jamie apologetically. "Sorry 'bout that. There are a lot of bad Digimon out there who'd like to have our heads."

Jamie nodded. "Is there anyway I can get back home?"

Tai frowned. "'Fraid not. You're stuck as long as we are."

"What?!" she asked, tears in her eyes. She suddenly began to cry.

Sora patted her back and shot a death glare to Tai.

"There, there. Don't worry. We'll get you back home. Somehow," Sora said in a soothing voice.

"You will?" Jamie asked, looking up at Sora with tears in her eyes. When Sora nodded, she calmed down. "I'm sorry. It's just I've never been this far from home before."

"You're not the only one," Matt stated.

TK ran up to her with Patamon. "It's okay, Jamie. Matt'll think of some way to get us home! Won't you, Matt?"

"Err...right..." Matt said nervously, realizing he'd been put on the spot. Tai snickered at Matt's predicament. "One word and you're history, Tai."

Tai didn't say a word, but continued to snicker. Jamie smiled as she wiped the last remaining tears from her eye. She looked at all of them, the look was hopeful. Still, Izzy noticed that there was a happiness there that had nothing to do with the possibility of going home.

Jamie had taken a few days to get into the swim of things. The others tried to make her comfortable as possible. Still, Izzy had his doubts on her story. The sight of the second Crest of Knowledge had made him extremely wary of her.

Jamie looked over at her now-sleeping "comrades". She stood up and walked quietly out of the camp until she was out of hearing range. She lifted her Crest. The backwards Crest of Knowledge disappeared to show Myotismon's face.

"What news do you have for me?" the evil Digimon asked.

"I am now a part of the group. None of them suspects a thing. They'll be yours within a week, the fools."

"Excellent work. Keep me updated." His eyes turned cold. "Do not fail me."

"Yes, Lord Myotismon," she answered formally.

The face vanished to reveal the Crest again. She scowled at it. The Crest had been perfect in the reflection! Too late to fix it now. If she changed it, the others might notice. She wanted to return to her normal form of Liquimon, but knew that she couldn't transform the same thing twice unless she had seen it again within ten minutes of her attempting to copy it. Jamie sighed.

However, Myotismon was very pleased with her. Good things happened when you were Myotismon's favor. Gatomon gave testimony to that. Jamie grinned. When she completed her mission, she'd make Gatomon look like a joke. Gatomon would no longer be the top Digimon in Myotismon's eyes. Instead, Liquimon would be top Digimon. She could hardly wait to see the Digidestined and their Digimon's faces when "Jamie" turned them in. It would be hysterical.

'I will please Lord Myotismon so much that he may make me Lady Liquimon, his trusted aid. Move over, Gatomon! I'LL be number one!' she thought evilly.

"Jamie?" a sleepy voice asked from behind her.

Jamie whipped around to see a tired-looking Izzy rubbing his eyes. She forced a smile on her face.

"Izzy! I'm surprised to see you! What're you doing up?"

"I got up to do some work on my laptop. What're YOU doing up?"

Jamie came up with a fast lie. "I couldn't sleep. How'd you know where to find me?"

Izzy frowned at her, but answered, "You weren't at the campsite, so I decided to look for you. It's highly dangerous to be wandering around with no protection. It would be most unfortunate to be captured or harmed by a malevolent Digimon."

Jamie's mind immediately thought, 'HUH?!' However, her reply was, "Uh, whatever you say, Izzy..."

Izzy sighed. Even she didn't understand. He translated it. "I meant that it wouldn't be good if you were attacked."

Jamie's eyes glittered with new understanding. "Oh, right! I knew what you meant!"

Izzy rolled his eyes. Jamie suddenly realized that Izzy had been kind to her, but still seemed to regard her with a sort of wariness. The reason hit her like a ton of bricks.

'He suspects something!' Jamie thought in a panic.

The disguised Digimon didn't know what to do. Her transformation had been perfect! Well...perfect except for the Crest...But that was irrelevant. He shouldn't have suspected a thing! Master Myotismon would be greatly displeased if her plan was ruined by the computer nerd of the group!

Thinking fast, Jamie suddenly came up with something.

"You know,'re kind of cute," she said casually.

Izzy blinked, totally thrown for a loop. Jamie had been known to be incredibly blunt over the past few days. Still, she'd never said anything like THIS before...

"What do you mean?" he asked.

Jamie smiled easily. "I mean, you're not like all the others. Matt's nice-looking, but older and not as brilliant as you. Tai's...well, he's Tai. I guess that's the only way to describe him. And TK's too young for my tastes. You, however, you're exactly what I like in a guy. Quiet, cute, and intelligent."

Jamie had been walking towards Izzy as she had been saying this. Izzy was now fully awake...and fully freaked out. If she was a bad Digimon, she was a really weird one! He stepped back at the same rate of speed that she was stepping forward. His back hit a tree. No escape now as she walked even closer.

Izzy gulped. "I...uh...why didn't you say"

"Why?" she asked. "I didn't want the others to know before I told you."

Izzy gave a nervous laugh. "Uh, how about we...uh...get back to camp and get some shut eye."

He was thoroughly and officially scared out of his mind. Jamie just kept walking closer, shrinking the amount of distance between the two of them. He sensed that she had an ulterior motive for doing this, but didn't have a clue as to what that motive was. Unless, she was trying to scare or lure him away from some sort of secret. He must've walked in on her doing something. Something that she didn't want anybody to know about. Either that or she'd totally flipped.

"I wanna stay right here with you, Izzy..." she purred.

Izzy's legs had turned to spaghetti. No matter how much he wanted to bolt, he couldn't do it. He had been planted to the spot. His eyes were Oreo cookies with the tops twisted off. His pupils were just two small pieces of the chocolate cookie on the white icing.

For probably the first time in his life, Izzy had no clue as to what to do. Finally, when she had come within two feet of him, his feet decided to work. He was off like a bullet from a gun. His speed made Superman look like a joke. He zipped back over to the rest of the group and curled up, praying that sleep would come swiftly.

He awoke before the sun rose as he normally did. Jamie was fast asleep. Izzy quietly left the campground and went back to the spot where he'd cornered her, but had ended up being cornered himself. He searched around, looking for some clue as to what she had been doing the night before. After about an hour, just as the sun was peaking over the treetops, his search yielded nothing. Whatever she had been doing, she'd cleaned up after herself.

He hadn't trusted her before and he didn't trust her any more so now. In fact, he trusted her about as much as he'd trust Myotismon with his Crest and Digivice. Izzy felt there was something seriously wrong with Jamie. Jamie was an enemy, a wolf in sheep's clothing. Or maybe she was just crazy.

Mimi was next to wake up, awoken by Izzy trying to make his way silently back to the campsite through the bushes. She grumbled at him as she sat up. Izzy wasn't listening. He had several things of fruit and was laying them out in front him. He stepped away from the collected fruit so Mimi could have first pick for breakfast. She took one of the strange, purple bananas.

Tai awoke next, followed closely by Matt. They sort of grunted a "good morning" to each other before they grabbed their breakfast. TK, Sora, Joe, and Jamie woke up at the same time. The Digimon were the last people to wake up.

"Well, let's eat and shove off!" Tai said cheerfully.

"Man, do I feel sorry for making YOU leader," Matt muttered.

"What was that?!" Tai demanded.

Matt smiled and answered, "Oh, nothing."

"Will you two knock it off? It's too early," Sora mumbled.

Jamie ate breakfast in silence, but threw winks over at Izzy. She had to keep it up in order to make her plan work. It made her sick. Flirting with this CHILD! Besides, it didn't seem to be working so far. It would take longer than she thought.

'Come to me, young one,' she thought. 'Let Jamie take you away from this your death...'

As the group walked on, there was a rumbling beneath them. All of them turned around and saw...

"MONOCHROMON! Oh, NO!" Mimi yelled in fear.

"Everybody! Get behind us!" Agumon ordered.

The Digimon stood in front of the eight humans (or supposedly eight humans). Tentomon and Biyomon hovered while the rest of them stood planted in their spots. The Monochromon pressed his attack. The Digimon decided that they might be able to fend him off or scare him off with their normal attacks.

"Spiral Twister!" Biyomon shouted as the green flames swirled from her beak.

"Super Shocker!" Tentomon yelled as the electricity began to shock the large Digimon.

"Pepper Breath! Poi!" Agumon yelled as the fireball erupted from his mouth.

"Poison Ivy!" Palmon's fingers formed long cords.

"Boom Bubble! Puff!" Patamon blew his small-yet-slightly-painful attack.

"Marching Fishes!" Gomamon ordered as flying fish appeared in the sky and began to dive bomb Monochromon.

"Blue Blaster!" The blue flames shot from Gabumon's mouth.

All the attacks hit Monochromon as one. When the dust cleared they saw that Monochromon was still heading right for them.

"Okay! Time for Plan B!" Agumon said.

Tai and Sora's Digivices began to glow. Jamie watched with extreme interest.

"Agumon digivolve to...Greymon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!"

The newly-digivolved Digimon faced Monochromon. The Digidestined gave a cheer.

"Greymon and Birdramon wind up...!" Gomamon said, acting as a sort of sports announcer.

"Nova Blast!" Greymon yelled as the large fireball flew from his mouth.

Birdramon flapped up into the sky. She brought her wings together.

"Meteor Wing!" she yelled as she opened her wings, two fireballs flying out.

All three fireballs hit Monochromon. He retreated, not wanting to pick a fight with Digimon so powerful. Greymon and Birdramon glowed and shrank back down to Agumon and Biyomon. Jamie was clapping hard. She was also whistling.

"Way to go, Agumon!" Tai congratulated, running over to his Digimon partner.

Agumon smiled. "Thanks, Tai."

"Good work, Bi!" Sora said, giving her friend a hug.

"No problem, Sora," Biyomon answered, returning the hug.

Jamie stopped whistling and clapping and ran over there. "That was great! Can the rest of you guys do it, too?!"

"Sure," Gabumon answered, nodding.

"That's fantastic! You two got so BIG!" Jamie enthused, aiming the last comment to Biyomon and Agumon.

"Yeah, and right now, I'm pretty hungry," Agumon said.

"Don't worry, Agumon! We'll get all of you guys somethin' to eat!" Tai said with a laugh.

Joe turned his attention to Gomamon. "Where'd the fish come from?"

Gomamon shrugged. "I dunno. Good thing they were here though!"

"For once, we agree on something."

Izzy walked in silence at the back of the group. Tentomon walked beside him and glanced up at him.

"Izzy, is something bothering you?" he asked.

Izzy looked down at the Digimon. "Yes, but you have to promise me that you won't say a word to anyone."

Tentomon blinked, but nodded. He might find out what was wrong with Izzy this time!

Izzy leaned forward. "I don't think that Jamie's completely trustworthy. Digimon that overheard us talking one time could've spread the story of how we got into Digiworld to other Digimon INCLUDING Myotismon's minions."

Tentomon blinked again. So close, but yet so far. Maybe another time Izzy would tell him his secret.

"But Jamie's one of your own kind! Why don't you trust her?"

"I believe that I walked in on her while she was doing some sort of suspicious activity last night. To frighten me off, she began saying that she liked me. As in LOVED me."

Tentomon nodded and didn't say a word. He wanted to hear all of this.

Izzy continued, "Her plan did cause me to run back to the group. Besides, there are times when she seems like she has hidden agenda. And the Crest of Knowledge that she wears around her neck is most suspicious. Gennai never said that there were two Crests of Knowledge."

"True, but Gennai never said that there WEREN'T two Crests of Knowledge," Tentomon pointed out.

"Also true."

"So how come you don't tell the others?"

Izzy shook his head. "I can't prove anything. I have no solid ground on which to prove my theory true. Of course," he paused, a small smile forming on his face, "she COULD be an alien."

Tentomon gave a small laugh and rolled his eyes. Not the old "Alien Theory" again!

The smile on Izzy's face disappeared. Jamie was looking over at him. He stiffened, remembering last night's encounter. It had not been pleasant. He had no idea that the feeling had been mutual.

Jamie knew she'd have to be on her guard now. She also knew that she'd have to keep up this disgusting flirting. It seemed to keep the child from approaching her. Maybe he'd forget the whole thing if she did it long enough.

The sun began to dip lower over the horizon. It was the sunset that you always saw at the end of all those old westerns. Big, colorful, and bright. Tai brought up his mini-telescope and shaded the lens in the bright light.

"Well, we'll have to camp here for the night. All that's ahead of us is a small desert. We'll try crossing that tomorrow."

"I...agree with Tai," Matt said.

That statement earned startled looks and gasps from the rest of the group. Matt grinned.

"I knew it would freak you out!"

Izzy raised an eyebrow. "You know, I have a theory that maybe YOU'RE an alien!"

Matt grinned even more at the sarcastic tone. It was the first time he'd heard Izzy use sarcasm. In a sense, that was good. That meant that Izzy was normal in SOME way.

Izzy wasn't asleep. Sure, his eyes were closed and he was lying on the ground, but he wasn't asleep. He laid there keeping himself awake by reciting the book Windows '95 for Dummies in his head. Even though he had Windows '95 all figured out, he had read it once and found it pretty amusing.

Jamie "woke up" and walked into the jungle around them. She quickly glanced over her shoulder to see if anybody was awake. Izzy held himself perfectly still while trying not to seem stiff. He evened out his breathing and prayed he wouldn't REALLY fall asleep. He'd been up for 3 hours.

When she was out of sight, Izzy slowly pushed himself up onto his feet, ready to flop back down as if he had been just rolling over. Once on his feet, he walked into the section of jungle that he had seen Jamie go into. Carefully and slowly, he picked his way forward.

Finally, he heard voices.

"I think that I have that one pesky Digidestined out of my hair for the moment," Jamie's voice reported to someone.

"Excellent. You have done well," said a deeper voice. It took a moment for Izzy to place it, but he DID recognize it. Myotismon!

He crept closer and saw "Jamie" talking into the phony Crest. The whole thing had been bogus! Izzy didn't know whether to be happy or sad that he had been right. Still, this was important and he had to report this to Tai. He slowly backed up and stepped on a twig. SNAP!

Jamie's head whipped around. Myotismon growled at her, "It seems you have a visitor..."

"Don't worry, Master. Whoever it is shall be eliminated..."

Myotismon's face disappeared from the tag. The fake Crest reappeared. She ran towards where Izzy was hiding.

Izzy wisely chose that moment to move it. He began to run back to the campsite as fast as he could. Jamie leaped up from behind him and pinned him to the ground with herself on top of him. He struggled but couldn't get free.

"Oh, no you don't!" she snarled into his ear as she covered his mouth.

"Izzy!" Tai's voice called. "Jamie!"

Jamie growled in frustration. This was not going to be good. Her quick-thinking mind came up with a quick plan. She swiftly stood and yanked Izzy painfully to his feet. Izzy's eyes watered at the abuse of his right arm. She had pulled him up by using only that arm.

"You...are going to attack me..." Jamie muttered.

She shoved him against a tree behind her. As Izzy stood there for a moment, dazed, she picked up a bunch of red berries. She squeezed her hand and smeared the juice onto her arm. She picked up a sharp rock in the shape of a knife and smeared juice onto that, too. The juice was the color of blood.

"What're you doing?" Izzy asked, regaining his senses.

She didn't say a word as she pinned him with one arm and then shoved the rock into his gloved hand. "Blood" smeared all over the glove. Then, she let out an ear-piercing shriek. She ran towards the campsite, Izzy hot on her heels. He had no idea that he was running right into her trap.

Tai was surprised to see Jamie burst out of the bushes, her arm bleeding profusely. She ran over there and got behind him. She was gripping her arm and screaming.

"He's gone completely crazy! Don't let him near me!!!"

"Who?!" Matt demanded, waking up.

His answer came from the bushes. Izzy ran into the campsite, the blood-covered rock in his hand. There was also blood on his hand. Tentomon's eyes widened in shock.

"Oh, my goodness! Izzy!" Sora cried.

Jamie sobbed as she shrieked, "Keep him away from me!!!"

The rest of the group glanced at each other as the information presented to them sank in. Matt nodded to Tai as he ran forward and tackled the computer genius to the ground. Joe gave Matt a helping hand. Izzy couldn't move as they pinned him down.

"What are you DOING?! She's the ENEMY!!!" Izzy yelled as if what he said was obvious.

"Izzy, we don't want to hurt you. Don't try to fight against us," Joe warned.

Tai turned to the sobbing Jamie. "What happened?"

Jamie answered, tears streaming from her eyes, "I was...just going to...see if there was some water nearby...I was thirsty...when he came up behind me. I didn't even know he was there before I...I turned around...he had that rock and...and..." Apparently it was too much for her to continue because her body shook with sobs.

Mimi came over, her purse in hand. Believe it or not Mimi kept medical supplies in that bag...that and a few other "supplies". Supplies as in hairbrush, comb, mirror, blush, you get the picture. She took out the gauze and began to wrap it tightly around the upset girl's arm.

"Don't worry. The boys'll hold him back..." she said comfortingly.

Jamie sniffled. "I hope so."

Izzy fumed. "Get off! I didn't attack her! SHE attacked ME! I caught her when she was..."

Matt stuck his hand in front of Izzy's mouth. He looked up at Sora.

"What do you think?" he asked her.

Sora thought for a moment. "I have no idea."

TK stood there in silent shock. Patamon was perched on TK's head. Gabumon came over and added his weight to the back of the enraged Izzy. Tentomon was frozen to his spot. Izzy's dark eyes gave a pleading look over at his Digimon friend. Tentomon didn't know what to do, so he remained silent.

Joe answered the question, though nobody had asked him specifically. "If Izzy really is insane, he's pretty good at hiding it. I've read somewhere that insane lunatics can hide their illness very well. Nobody suspects a thing until it's too late."

Izzy wanted to bite Matt's hand. If only it wasn't gloved...He had to talk to them, but Matt was being a total jerk for not allowing him to speak.

TK asked, "But what kind of thing would set it off?"

"Jealousy is a big reason. There's also..." Joe was cut off by Tai.

"So, you're saying that Izzy could've attacked Jamie because he was jealous of her? Why?"

Joe looked at him in the eye. "Think about it. There are now 2 Crests of Knowledge. Sure, one of them is backwards. For all we know, Jamie's Crest could be the RIGHT one. Izzy could've felt threatened by her."

'I'll give you one thing, Joe,' Izzy thought icily, 'you CAN make good deductions based on insufficient data. However, it's STILL insufficient data.'

Tai walked over to Izzy, Joe, Gabumon, and Matt. He and Matt switched their hands over Izzy's mouth, giving him not only a better ability to breath, but also someone without a glove holding his mouth. Tai leaned forward and seemed to study him for a few minutes. Then, he spoke.

"Izzy, I'm going to ask a few questions and I want you to answer them truthfully," Tai said calmly. "Do we understand each other?"

Izzy gave a slight nod. Tai continued, "What were you doing up?"

When Tai pulled back his hand, Izzy answered, "I was still awake since I was waiting for Jamie to wake up."


"I caught her in a suspicious act last night and she managed to chase me away."

Tai's eyes narrowed. "So, why did you follow her?"

"I reasoned that she might try whatever she had done last night again tonight. And she did." His eyes were lasers on Jamie. "She was communicating with Myotismon through that phony Crest of Knowledge."

Everybody looked at Jamie. Jamie looked hurt. "How DARE you!"

She came over and slapped Izzy across the cheek. Hard. His head snapped to the right as her hand connected with his left cheek. Tai and the others blinked. Izzy laid there, trying to recover from the unexpected blow. Besides, Joe, Gabumon, and Matt were still on top of him.

"He's lying! I swear! I've never even HEARD of Myotismon except for what you guys told me!"

Jamie looked sincere. Izzy's eyes were still daggers at the young girl. Tai made a snap decision.

"Izzy, based on what I've heard and seen here, it still looks like you attacked Jamie."

"WHAT?!" Izzy demanded. Joe slapped his hand over Izzy's mouth.

Matt nodded. "Yeah, she's got a hard-to-believe-yet-possible story that most of the evidence points to. That cut on her arm, the rock in your hand, and the blood on both her arm and your hand. It doesn't look too good for you."

Izzy finally had had enough. He bit the palm of Joe's hand. Joe gave a cry of pain as he pulled his hand back. The way Joe shifted his weight, it left one of Izzy's hands free. He reached up and shoved Joe into Matt and Gabumon. All three of them toppled off the t'ed off child. TK ran forward to help Matt. Matt ordered his little brother to stay where he was, an order that TK obeyed.

At the same time, Jamie gave another shriek as Izzy seemed to run towards her. Tai leaped into Izzy's path and was surprised when Izzy turned a sharp left. He snagged his backpack, laptop computer, digital camera, and cell phone all safely stowed inside, and kept running, slinging it onto his back. Biyomon flew towards him.

"I don't wanna hurt you, Izzy!" Biyomon said as she came towards him.

Izzy barely dodged out of the way. Still, he managed to make it past Biyomon. He headed into the jungle around them, throwing a betrayed look over his shoulder.

"Izzy! Come back!" Tentomon yelled. He flew over to where Izzy had disappeared into the surrounding jungle. Mimi held him back.

"No, Tentomon! He'll try to kill you or something!"

"No, he wouldn't!" Tentomon snapped, struggling in Mimi's grip.

Finally, Tentomon became calm. He just stood there and hung his head. Joe was checking out his hand to make sure it wouldn't get infected or anything. There was a red mark where Izzy's teeth had come in contact with Joe's flesh.

Sora's eyes were wide. "I've never seen him move like that before!"

Tai nodded. "Yeah, he could've probably made a good football player. Small, but can get through people."

Jamie smiled evilly in the dark of the next night. The plan had worked perfectly. Just show them the right clues and they'll fall for anything! What had made the entire thing more delicious was that Izzy's reaction had shown off guilt when he was really guiltless. The others had all fallen for it.

'Thank you, Izzy,' she sneered, 'for the assist.'

She strolled outside of the campsite and held up her Crest.

"Master, I have gotten rid of that pest," she reported when Myotismon appeared.

"Excellent, Liquimon," her master replied. "Now, what is the part you called 'Phase 2' when you described this plan to me? You never explained it."

She grinned even more. "In fact, getting rid of all suspicion WAS Phase 2, Lord Myotismon. I'm about to move on to Phase 3."

Myotismon smiled, a cold and cunning smile. It oozed pure evil. If you had been given that smile in person, your blood would've turned to ice in your veins. He laughed, a sound that was like being dipped into the Arctic Ocean without any protection.

"Ah, yes. I know this part. Destroy them, Liquimon." His eyes became daggers. "Do not let me down or you shall pay dearly."

Jamie visibly quivered. She knew the punishment for disobedience and failure. It was heavy. He could use the worst torture that your mind can think of and make it even worse, ten-fold. She bowed her head to show respect to the evil Digimon. The only reason he kept Demidevimon around was because he sort of enjoyed torturing the annoying pest.

"Yes, Lord Myotismon. I shall not fail you."

She never heard the "beep-beep-beep" of the digital camera. A picture had been taken of her bowing her respect to the image of Myotismon. Izzy lowered the camera from his eye. He had known it would come in handy one day. He stowed it safely away in his backpack and waited in total silence, not moving a muscle. Still, it was rather uncomfortable to be sitting in a crouched position in this tree. Izzy slowly and quietly reached down and rubbed the back of his leg.

Jamie left, unaware that Izzy had proven her guilt.

"What is THAT?!" Mimi asked in fear as a new Digimon attacked them. Joe was cowering behind the rest of the group.

The new Digimon's metal wings reminded you of Metal Greymon's. The talons it had for hands were also metal and ready to rip you apart. Wiring and metal were a patchwork all over the large monster's body. The Digimon itself was some sort of snake with a hood.

"It looks like Cobramon!" Sora answered.

"Worse!" Tentomon exclaimed. "That's Cybercobramon!"

The stat-screen popped up with Tentomon's voice saying, "Cybercobramon is a fully evolved Digimon. His Cyber Venom Sting is something to tangle with and his Metal Claw is a nightmare!"

"Cyber Venom Sting!!!" Cybercobramon shouted as he attacked.

This time the shooting fangs were covered in all sorts of different cybernetic pieces. Agumon and Tai leaped out of the way, allowing the fangs to hit the ground. The fangs suddenly lit up and electricity flowed along the ground. Within a few seconds, the ground within a 3 foot radius of where the fangs had impacted was replaced with metal and wires.

"That could've been us!" Tai realized quickly.

Jamie leaped out of the way of another blast. However, Matt noticed that she jumped a split second BEFORE Cybercobramon had attacked. Something was definitely not right. Either she was psychic, which he seriously doubted, or she wasn't what she appeared to be. His money was on number two.

"Digivolve!" Joe yelped as an order to Gomamon while at the same time was barely missed by Cybercobramon's "Metal Claw" when it shot out at him.

"Gomamon digivolve to...Ikkakumon!"

"Agumon digivolve to...Greymon!"

"Palmon digivolve to...Togemon!"

"Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!"

Tentomon was thrown for a loop when all of a sudden...

"Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon!"

"HUH?!" Jamie asked. "I thought you said he can't digivolve without Izzy!!!"

"Tai WAS telling the truth!" a familiar male's voice answered.

The Digidestined and Jamie's heads all snapped up to a tree nearby. Izzy was leaning against his hand on the trunk while standing on a wide, strong branch.

"Izzy!" TK called happily.

In the background of this little reunion, the newly digivolved Digimon were fighting Cybercobramon. All of them attacked all at once like they had before, but it had no affect. It wouldn't work this time.

"Cyber Venom Sting!" Fangs flew from the evil Digimon's mouth.

One of them struck Garurumon in the leg. The venom reacted in such a way that Garurumon de-digivolved. Gabumon slumped to the ground. Togemon and Ikkakumon were next. Kabuterimon was only grazed, but couldn't attack. Only Birdramon, Greymon, and Patamon were left to fight. However, Patamon had no chance of fighting that monster. It was up to Birdramon and Greymon.

The Crests of Love and Courage glowed.

"Birdramon digivolve to...Garudamon!"

"Greymon digivolve to...Metal Greymon!"

"All right, Metal Greymon!" Tai cheered.

"Go, Garudamon!" Sora yelled.

Cybercobramon tried to attack the two Ultimate Digimon with his attacks. All three were fully evolved Digimon, but it was a two-on-one fight.

"Perfect..." Jamie muttered under her breath.

"Giga Blaster!" Metal Greymon shouted. Two missiles shot from his chest plate.

"Wing Blade!" Garudamon attacked.

Cybercobramon didn't have any time to slither out of the way. He watched as the two attacks hit him dead on. The evil Digimon vanished, leaving a crater behind. Izzy climbed down out of the tree as Garudamon and Metal Greymon shrank. Garudamon had become Yokomon while Metal Greymon had become Koromon.

"Way to go, Koromon!" Tai congratulated as he picked up and hugged his little friend.

"Thanks, Tai!"

Sora was hugging Yokomon tightly. Both of them were laughing. Jamie smiled. Excellent. She could attack while they were still weak. Kabuterimon didn't de-digivolve. Izzy was forcing extra energy into the Digivice so he couldn't do it.

"Izzy, it would be wise to let me change back," Kabuterimon stated.

"Not yet, Kabuterimon," Izzy replied. "I have one last thing to do. Jamie...or is your real name 'Liquimon'?"

Jamie jerked in surprise. How did he KNOW?! Unless...the little sneak!

"Liquimon?" Joe asked.

"Liquimon?" TK repeated.

Jamie looked outraged. "Not this again! I can NOT believe you're going to bring that up again!"

Tai looked sternly at Jamie. "We'll see if he's right or wrong. Izzy? You DID get a picture, right?"

"Picture?" everyone else but Izzy asked.

Tai nodded. "I told Izzy to follow us when and if he got away from us."

"So THAT'S what you were doing before you asked him those questions! I KNEW something was up!" Matt exclaimed.

Izzy nodded as he pulled out his laptop. He pressed a few keys and a picture of Jamie bowing before Myotismon's face on her Crest popped up on the screen.

"I believe the phrase is 'a picture's worth a thousand words'," Izzy stated.

"That's Myotismon!" TK shouted.

"But...but what's he doing on your Crest, Jamie?!" Mimi asked, oblivious to the obvious.

Izzy answered for Jamie. "She was communicating with Myotismon last night. She was trying to get us to trust her so she could destroy us. I heard Myotismon call her 'Liquimon'."

Jamie silently fumed as another stat-screen popped up. On this one was a sort of a clear liquid in the box for the picture of the specified Digimon. Gomamon's voice was heard saying, "Liquimon is a fully-evolved, shape-shifting Digimon. She can copy anything and even combine traits of different things to form something completely new! How she can do this is still a mystery."

"I wondered how you managed to get my eyebrows!" Sora exclaimed. "You must've seen me and copied me!"

"Yeah! And that's my nose!" Mimi said angrily.

"The hair color is mine and she obviously copied me in a way to make herself look my age," Izzy stated. "She probably only caught little glimpses of you two."

Jamie, or rather Liquimon, snarled. The Gatomon was out of the digi-bag. She smiled evilly.

"Brilliant work, but it's not going to save you. It was a pleasure being with all of you, but I'm afraid our 'friendship' has ended. Physical change!"

She began to change. Her skin formed a slick, clear liquid. Her clothes disappeared into that same liquid. All her features slowly changed from human to the Digimon they had been told about. Suddenly, color splashed all over the evil Digimon's features. She began to grow VERY large.

"What's she doing?!" Tai demanded.

"She's copying one of our Digimon!" Izzy answered.

Izzy was half right. She WAS copying a Digimon, but it was ALL of their Digimon, except Patamon, in their Champion forms. Togemon's needles poked out from all over the strange Digimon's skin. Birdramon's wings attached themselves to its back. Greymon's head and tail were attached to Garurumon's body. Ikkakumon's horn replaced that of Greymon's. And finally, as a finishing touch, Kabuterimon's hands and feet appeared on the monstrosity where Garurumon's feet should have been.

"This is really bad!" Joe exclaimed.

"No! REALLY?!" Matt asked.

Liquimon's voice came from the teeth filled mouth. "What do you think? Is it me?"

"It's something all right! But I don't know what!" Mimi answered.

Liquimon laughed. "Thanks for your 'expert' fashion sense, Mimi!"

Kabuterimon flew forward and used his horn like a battering ram. His "Electro Shocker" still wasn't working because of the encounter with the Cyber Venom Sting from Cybercobramon.

"A pathetic effort!" Liquimon mocked as she flew up to the sky. "Try this! Meteor Wing and Needle Spray!"

Kabuterimon turned his head so his eyes wouldn't be harmed by the Needle Spray, but was hit in the chest by the Meteor Wing. He was thrown towards the ground.

"What are you guys waiting for? Digivolve!" Tai yelled.

"We can't," Gomamon answered.

"Cybercobramon's venom is keeping us from digivolving," Gabumon finished for Gomamon.

"I knew I shouldn't have gone to summer camp!" Joe cried over the "fight".

Actually, the fight was becoming more like a slaughter. Kabuterimon could try to ram her, but nothing else. Izzy watched in horror, but knew he'd have to wait. Just a few seconds longer...

"You don't stand a chance, Kabuterimon! However, your courage is admirable," Liquimon said with an evil, twisted smile.

'Now!' Izzy's mind told him.

The Crest of Knowledge glowed brightly. Liquimon's eyes went wide.

"Kabuterimon digivolve to...Megakabuterimon!"

"NO! The venom! It should've...!" Liquimon sputtered.

Izzy crowed, "Try to copy THAT!"

Tai blinked. "How...?"

"I timed the digivolve. Kabuterimon was only GRAZED by the fangs with the venom. He couldn't attack in that form, but I had a theory that if he digivolved, he might be able to attack," Izzy explained. "I also noticed that she didn't add any parts of Metal Greymon or Garudamon. I had a theory that she COULDN'T copy Ultimate forms."

"Well, you were right!" Liquimon snapped angrily. "But this oversized cockroach is about to be history!"

Megakabuterimon was ready. He raised his body slightly and aimed the large horn towards the digi-monstrosity. Flames began to form in her mouth and in her wings, her needles prickled, she aimed her horn, blue flames joined the fireball in her mouth, and a large, electric ball formed in her hands.

"Nova Blast, Meteor Wing, Needle Spray, Harpoon Torpedo, Howling Blaster, and Electro Shocker!!!" she yelled as all the attacks went off at once, heading on a collision course to Megakabuterimon.

"Horn Blaster!!!"

The two sets of attacks barely missed each other. The Horn Blaster hit Liquimon in the chest, causing her to begin changing back to her liquid state. Liquimon's combined attacks hit Megakabuterimon in the face and on the slightly exposed underside. Both Digimon screamed in pain. A bright flash of light forced everyone to cover their eyes. Izzy peeked up over his arm for a moment.

"Megakabuterimon!!!" Izzy cried.

The hot, white light became too intense for Izzy's dark eyes. He snapped his eyelids closed and ducked his closed eyes behind his arm. Light still managed to flood in, but not NEARLY as much as it would have been if he had closed his eyes a second later. The intensity of the light could've caused Izzy to become blind.

The light grew dimmer and Izzy opened his eyes. The light was still intense, but his sight would still be preserved. For a moment, Liquimon's true form split apart into its individual molecules. The light seemed to magnify it for a moment as the rogue molecules came back together to form this extraordinary Digimon. The molecules all had to be in perfect balance in order for her to make metamorphosis from one Digimon to another work. Her kind's secret was finally revealed.

As Izzy's vision darkened, Matt came up behind him. Matt saw him staring at something that the rest of them couldn't see in the dimming light. His eyes seemed transfixed to whatever it was. Matt reached out to touch the younger boy's shoulder.

"Izzy, what is it?" he asked, knowing that Izzy was obviously watching something.

"Complete balance," Izzy whispered.

Matt barely caught him as his knees gave way.

Tai looked nervously at Izzy as he seemed to sleep. He'd been out for about 2 minutes already. What nobody could understand was why Izzy had said "complete balance".

Izzy's dark eyes snapped open suddenly. He sat up and looked at Tai straight in the eye.

"Where's Motimon?" he asked, not even bothering to let Tai inquire about his health.

Tai nodded his head to the right. "Over there. Are you---?"

Izzy didn't stick around long enough for Tai to finish. Motimon appeared to be sleeping. Izzy picked up the light pink Digimon into his hands. He gave Motimon a slight hug.

"Please be okay..." Izzy begged quietly.

As if to reassure Izzy, Motimon's eyes opened. He looked up tiredly at his human companion.

"Hi, Izzy."

Izzy sighed with relief, but he had one last thing to see. As he set Motimon down, he looked around, ignoring the confused stares the others were giving him, until he spotted her.

Liquimon was in her natural form, a helpless liquid. She had survived the Horn Blaster, but could not drag herself to any sort of water. She would die from evaporation if she stayed in the sun too long in her true form, but she hadn't the strength to make the change.

"Looks like you all won again, Izzy," she said as he walked toward her, but the sound didn't have a mouth to create it. It just came from her.

"Yes," Izzy agreed.

A dark circle appeared and Myotismon's face appeared. Izzy and the others looked up towards it. Liquimon's color changed from clear to a hopeful blue.

"Master! Help me!" she begged.

Myotismon's face was cold. "You have failed me, Liquimon! I had high hopes for you. I will not spare you from your fate."

"Please, Lord Myotismon! I will not fail you next time!!!" she pleaded desperately.

It hit Izzy like Etemon's bad singing. The way she was begging it didn't sound like a slave begging her master for forgiveness, it was like a woman pleading with the one she loved for a second chance. Sora put a hand over her mouth to stifle her gasp. The reason Liquimon had followed the evil Myotismon was only because she loved him.

"You would fail. However, you shall be remembered with honors for being able to deceive the famous Digidestined."

Myotismon's face vanished as Liquimon screamed, "Master! Wait!"

A wisp of vapor began to come from Liquimon's body. She screamed and wailed in pain. Izzy didn't move from where he stood. He couldn't. Megakabuterimon's Horn Blaster had started the process and he was going to see it to the end. It made him feel sort of queasy on the inside, but his face showed little emotion as she continued to howl in pain.

"Izzy!" Sora called to him while taking a step towards the pair, but Tai held her back.

"Let him be," Tai ordered softly, knowing that that was what Izzy would've wanted.

Sora struggled for a moment until, wonder of all wonders, Matt came over to help Tai. Sora looked from Matt's expressionless face to Tai's slightly-begging face and stopped struggling. Both of them let her go as they stood there in silence.

The puddle that was Liquimon continued to shrink. More and more vapor came from her body. Her howls of pain became quieter and quieter. Izzy never moved an inch. He didn't blink. Her body soon became so small that she could've fitted on the "screen" of Izzy's Digivice. Finally, her cries were silent as the last bit of her evaporated.

The group of Digidestined and their Digimon had walked about four days away from the site of Liquimon's death. They had stopped by another lake and were spending the night there, only a few feet away. The sun was getting ready to rise over the horizon. A lone figure stood next to the lake.

Izzy's eyes traveled over the lake and the area around it. Had it been about a week before that he'd come to think beside a lake like this one and this whole mess had begun? Was that ALL the time that had passed?

He sat down on his knees beside the lake and removed his gloves, his mind whirring in all different directions. He dipped his hands into the water and scooped up a handful. He briefly wondered if this was what Liquimon would've felt like if he'd scooped her up in his hands. Would her form have acted like water or more like oil? These were questions that Izzy didn't have the answers to, nor did he have the feeling that he ever WOULD get the answers to.

Izzy leaned his face over the lake and splashed the water onto his face, the cold feeling only reassuring him that he was awake. He'd been awake since he didn't know when. The water dripped down his face until he finally wiped the excess away. His fingers finger-combed his hair so that it looked at least half-way decent.

The boy, once realizing why Liquimon had followed Myotismon, had thought a lot about how much people could care for one another. Liquimon had sunk into evil because she had cared so much about such an evil creature. She could've been a good Digimon if she hadn't fallen for that piece of slime.

Izzy's anger at the demon-like Digimon raged like an inferno. Myotismon had obviously known of course and had manipulated the love-sick Liquimon into doing his bidding. Izzy guessed that Myotismon may have dropped a few hints here and there that he MIGHT have been interested in her. Izzy silently vowed to make Myotismon pay for what he had done to an originally innocent bystander in this war between good and evil.

Even as these emotions coursed through his body and mind, his face and features took on the same look as they had that day not so very long ago. The sun rose, the brilliant colors offering hope to a world threatened by evil. The colors made a perfect background behind Izzy with the trees seeming to blend themselves into it.

"Beep-beep-beep!" came the soft sound originating from a digital camera. Izzy took no notice of it.

Mimi lowered the camera from her eye. She had begged Izzy to show her how to use it so she could take pictures now and then of the gang and herself. She had woken up when Izzy had wandered off to find him sitting there in that perfect position. She had even made sure that she had gotten the rippled reflection in the picture. She checked the picture on the screen. Perfect.

She walked back to the camp site, packed the camera back into Izzy's backpack, and laid down next to a sleeping Palmon. Tentomon, normally a light sleeper, didn't wake at the sound of her getting up or lying down. He had digivolved the day before back into his familiar state when Izzy had gotten into trouble. Mimi closed her eyes and fell back asleep.


There's number two! Hope you guys liked it!!! Now for everybody's favorite part...

Here are some ratings just for fun (don't send in results, 'kay?)

1 - Your ability to write was stolen by Vedamon!!! (Yes, I finally learned his name.)

2 - That was worse than Demidevimon!

3 - Wasn't too bad, but wasn't too good either.

4 - Was pretty good, but needs to digivolve a little bit so it's a little better.

5 - Your ability to write is really good.

6 - Woah! Joe might want to borrow your notes from English!

7 - Even Mimi couldn't complain about this!

8 - Tai must be slipping you info or something!

9 - Who are you? A professional writer who just happens to like Digimon?!

10 - Prodigious!