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Cybra, the Human-like Digimon

by Cybra

Author's note: Hey, y'all! It's me again! I wrote this all by myself I sure did! Just like the other 4! Like I have stated in the other fanfics, I have been corrected by Gomamon and shall write accordingly (in other words, I'm going back and fixing my mistakes). The timing is after they have returned to the Digiworld with Kari and Gatomon. Forget that the Dark Masters ever happened because I'm writing my own villains! BWAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ahem. Well, now that that's done (Oh, crud. I just sounded like Vedamon) I believe that I shall thank all you people for listening to this. Yadda yadda yadda. You really don't want to hear this so I'm just going to shut up and write the freaking disclaimer.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon or any of the characters associated with it. I do own all the other Digimon that you haven't heard of before! They are mine and do not steal them! Okay, now send away all your scary lawyers and let's get this show on the road before somebody kills me!!!

Izzy and Tentomon wandered a little away from the rest of the group. Izzy had just wanted to think alone, but Tentomon had insisted on coming along. The boy just gave up and agreed with his Digimon partner.

Tentomon suddenly stopped. "Izzy, do you hear something?"

Izzy snapped his mind back to reality as he asked, "Huh?"


Off in the distance, they heard a girl's voice calling, "Help! Somebody HELP!!!"

"I suggest that we see who's calling for assistance," Izzy stated, heading in the direction of the sound.

"I suggest that we go back and get the help of one of the others!" Tentomon stated.

"No time! For all we know, that person could end up dead if we don't hurry!"

Izzy ran towards the sound with Tentomon right beside him, ready for anything. As they approached a small clearing, they saw a yellow net covering a figure. The pleas for help were coming from under that net.

"That's a one-way energy net! You can't get out from underneath, but someone on the outside can easily destroy it!" Tentomon explained.

"Hey! Get me out of here! Please?!" the figure under the net begged in her female voice.

"You'll be out in no time!" Izzy assured her. "Tentomon?"

"Super Shocker!" Tentomon yelled as electricity flew from his body and hit the net. The net disappeared. Just like Tentomon had said. The figure stood up.

She wasn't very tall, but she wasn't short either. She resembled a human being of about 15 years of age. The girl was thin, but not overly so. Her golden blonde hair surrounded a face with blue eyes that would put the Hope Diamond to shame. She wore a pair of faded blue jeans and a white T-shirt that had crudely dyed onto it "I believe in the prophecy!" She didn't have any shoes.

"It's Cybra!" Tentomon stated.

"Don't you mean something like 'Cybramon'?" Izzy asked.

"No. She's the only Digimon without the word 'mon' tacked onto her name." The stat screen popped up. "Whenever she digivolves, she appears to grow older and her name never changes. Right now, you're seeing her Champion form. She has very powerful psychic attacks. But don't worry, she's a friend and was trained in fighting by Piximon."

"Stop. You're flattering me," Cybra said grinning. "Besides, it's a good thing my name ISN'T 'Cybramon'. Sounds WAY too much like 'Cobramon' if you ask me."

Izzy shuddered. He remembered Cobramon all too well.

This strange, new Digimon snapped her fingers. "Wait. Don't tell me. You're one of those Digidestined kids, aren't ya?"

Izzy nodded. Then he cocked his head to one side; his left eyebrow rose. "How did you know?"

"I was there when Piximon gave you all your brief training course!" she said cheerfully. "I was just sayin' 'hi' to my old teacher when I saw all of you there. I watched you guys as you scrubbed the floors and I have to say that you guys were lucky. I had to scrub those floors all by myself when I was there!"

"If you were there, why didn't you show yourself?"

"Piximon told me not to. Don't ask me why." She put her hands on her hips. "Now, how about telling me your name?"

"Koushiro Izumi, but everybody calls me Izzy."

Cybra thrust her hand forward and snatched Izzy's hand. She pumped it up and down hard.

"Pleased to meet ya, Izzy! I've been chasing you Digidestined all over the Digiworld!" She paused and let go of Izzy's hand. "Hey, wait a sec. Aren't there supposed to be more of you?"

Izzy nodded. He was also his favoring his right wrist from the pain that her handshake had brought on. Tentomon flew to her.

"This way!" he said, turning around and leading both of them back to the rest of the group.

At first, all walked in silence. Then, Izzy finally asked, "What were you doing in that energy net?"

Rolling her eyes, Cybra responded sarcastically, "Waiting for you to show up and save me." She rolled her eyes again. "Actually I was caught by one of Blackwidowmon's flunkies. He dropped the net on me in the battle and that Digimon, Falcunomon, flew off to get her. I didn't want to stick around for what Blackwidowmon was sure to do to me."

"What would she do?"

She sighed. "She'd reprogram me. Send me after you kids and your Digimon and make me destroy you. She did that to Falcunomon, one of my best friends."

"I'm sorry."

"Not your fault." She suddenly started smiling. "Anyway, now that you Digidestined are back, that means you defeated Myotismon! I knew that blood-suckin' vampire couldn't do diddly squat to you guys! And since you guys ARE the Digidestined, that means you're gonna save my world!"

Izzy felt the slightest twinge of déjà vu. She was a lot like Junpuu! He also felt worried. She put a lot of faith into them. He hoped they could save the Digiworld and Earth, if only to show her that she hadn't wasted faith.

"What kind of Digimon IS Blackwidowmon?" Izzy asked, changing the subject.

She shuddered. "You've faced off against one of her boys before. Well, actually, she's not a boy, but you understand."

Izzy nodded. "Panthramon."

"Well, Panthramon is another good Digimon gone bad because of her. Anyway, Blackwidowmon is a Mega Digimon. She's the leader of this new breed of bad Digimon."

"WHAT?! A Mega?!"

Tai and Agumon approached them.

"Hey, man! Where have you...woah! Who's the babe?!"

"Don't call me 'babe' unless you want a Psy-Tornado shoved up your nose, Hair Boy!" Cybra snapped.


"Tai, this is Cybra. Cybra, Tai. Cybra's a psychic Digimon, Tai, so I'd watch it," the computer genius of the Digidestined explained.

The older boy frowned. "She looks more like a human than a Digimon. And aren't Digimon supposed to have 'mon' attached to their names."

"Well, I don't!" Cybra stated.

"Okay! Jeez! Sorry about the 'babe' thing, all right?"

"Fine...Tai. You know, I think I like 'Hair Boy' better." She grinned. "Maybe I should call you that instead."

"Don't even think about it!" Tai snapped.

"Hey! Settle down!" Agumon said, getting between the pair. "Cybra's on our side, Tai! She's a good Digimon!"

"If she's a Digimon, I want to see her prove it!"

"I can and I will!" Cybra stated.

"Fine! Show us your attack then!"

"I will!"

Cybra turned towards a fallen tree in the middle of an adjoining path. She put two of her fingers together and held them up to her forehead. Much to everyone's surprise, a third eye appeared! The eye began to glow a bright blue, starting from the colored part.


She moved her hand forward in an arc. The blue light followed, curving all the while. When her hand came close to her side, the light stopped following her fingers and shot forward. The light spun around and around until it formed a bright blue tornado that annihilated the log.

"Woah!" Tai shouted, impressed.

Izzy and Agumon were just staring at what had happened, both open-mouthed. Tentomon's eyes were as large as dinner platters. Cybra brought her fingers in front of her mouth and blew on them as if she was blowing across the barrel of a gun. Her third eye disappeared.

"Sorry, Cybra," Tai apologized, he held out his hand.

"Apology accepted, Tai." She took his hand and shook it vigorously.

Izzy snickered as Tai was jerked up and down by her handshake.

"You were just being careful! I heard about the incident with Liquimon and how she tricked you! Oh..."

She cut off and let go of Tai's hand. At the mention of Liquimon's name, both Digidestined had fallen silent. Both of them still remembered that poor Digimon who had been caught in the middle of the battle with Myotismon. Liquimon had ended up dead because she had joined Myotismon's side for the reason that she had fallen in love with him. Liquimon still haunted Izzy's dreams and Tai knew it. It had been Megakabuterimon's Horn Blaster that had killed her. That and the sun.

"I'm sorry."

Cybra looked at her feet. She kicked a stray rock. Izzy was also staring at the ground.

Tentomon decided to change the subject. "What does your shirt mean by 'I believe in the prophecy'?"

Cybra, happy for the subject change, answered, "The prophecy that says that the Digidestined would save our world from evil. I've heard that prophecy ever since I was in my Baby form. Gennai told me all about ---"

"Gennai!" both boys exclaimed. "You know him?!"

She nodded. "Gennai raised me until I reached my In-Training form when he sent me off to Piximon's. He said I had to be ready for the coming of the Digidestined so he told me all about you guys. He also told me my name since I had no idea what it was."

"Tai! Izzy! Agumon! Tentomon!" a chorus of voices called out, getting louder as their owners ran towards them.

Matt was the first to reach them. "Are you guys okay?! We heard an explosion!"

"Oh, that was just me."

TK, Joe, Mimi, Matt, Sora, Kari, and their Digimon partners' heads all snapped towards Cybra. Cybra lifted a hand and shyly waved. Every one of them blinked. However, Gatomon smiled, as did Gomamon.

"Hey, Cybra! Long time no see!" Gatomon greeted.

Cybra went down on one knee. She put her hand out; the palm was up. "Too long! And the last time I saw you, you were trying to kill me!"

Gatomon raised her paw and brought it down on Cybra's palm.

"Good to have ya back to normal though!" she said, grinning at the cat Digimon.

"Good to BE back to normal! Even though it's still a little strange."

"You'll get used to it."

Izzy opened his mouth, but Cybra cut him off.

"Yeah, Izzy, we know each other. We sometimes would hang out together before she left in search of who she had been waiting for."

"Back when I was Salamon," Gatomon added.

"So I'm guessing Kari's that someone, huh?" she asked, wiggling her left eyebrow.

Gatomon frowned. "I've told you once and I've told you a thousand times: don't read my thoughts without my permission!"

"Bite my head off..."

Kari walked up to Cybra and offered her hand. "Pleased to meet ya."

Tai winced as Cybra took her hand and began to shake it. Much to his shock, she was gentle when she shook his sister's hand. He gave the strange Digimon a funny look that received a look that was read as "Ha ha!".

The psychic Digimon was introduced to everyone on the team. The group then began walk together in silence. Each person was lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Izzy spoke up.

"Cybra, you said you didn't know your name before Gennai told you it. Why is that?"

Joe asked, "She knows Gennai?"

Cybra ignored Joe's question and decided to answer Izzy's.

"Well, Gennai told me that my digi-egg had been damaged before I was born. He said that the loss of memory was probably due to that." She frowned. "Still, I have my doubts, but who am I to argue? At least I have a name."

A hand picked up the remains of a one-way energy net. The hand and arm were both of the darkest black. So was the rest of the body. 5 other hands examined the torn-apart energy net. The hands and arms were delicate-looking, as were the legs. The body was not. It had a strange shape. A larger abdomen than normal, the chest was a bit broader, and the head looked strange on top of it all for it was so human-like.

"How could you let her get away?!" an angered, whispered voice asked the Digimon nearby.

The other Digimon looked like a giant bird of prey, a falcon as large as a human being. The wings and most of the feathers were sky blue. The underside was white. The talons on its feet were cruel-looking. Its hooked beak looked the same. This Digimon was designed to hunt for prey. Its large blue eyes looked at the first Digimon.

"She was trapped, Mistress. There was no way she could have escaped," the Digimon said flatly.

The first Digimon looked at him. Her wicked red eyes took away not one bit of attention from her mouth. The teeth were normal, but in front of her mouth were two large, evil pincers. These were the set of extra fangs she used to kill her victims.

Around the evil Digimon's neck hung a blood-red amulet. It glowed slightly as she spoke to her slave. Suddenly, it seemed to glow brighter. The bird-like Digimon gasped. He lowered his head and tried to gain enough oxygen. The glow stopped as quickly as it had started. The falcon Digimon inhaled precious air.

The amulet lifted itself momentarily off her neck and hovered over a spot where the grass had been crushed downward. It scanned the area, picking up the residual energy of something. Then, the amulet created a 3-D picture of a child. The picture was all red, but it was easy to see who it was.

"One of the famous Digidestined," the evil Digimon sneered. "So, that's how she did it. It appears that worthless excuse for a Digimon was right about the Digidestined."

The middle arm on the left side of her body came up. The amulet obediently returned to its mistress and hung itself around her neck once more. The Digimon looked at her servant.

"Go, Falcunomon! Fly as fast as you can and find those children! I shall send out other reinforcements as well! I want the Digidestined DESTROYED!!!" she roared, the whispered voice gone.

"Yes, Mistress!" Falcunomon answered, spreading his wings.

"And before you leave, take this." She placed a small blue amulet around his neck. "It will take the mind of only one Digimon when you use it. Control of that Digimon will be given to me, but it will take my power given in person for it to remain permanent. Now go! And do not fail!"

He flapped up to the sky of the Digiworld. His mistress watched him as he took off towards the south. The amulet raised its face to its owner. The six hands cupped themselves together by the pair underneath the precious gem. A face appeared.

"Yes, Mistress?" the feline face asked.

"Panthramon, go east. Find the Digidestined children and eliminate them!" She also used the amulet to send another small blue amulet. "Use this amulet to bring one of their Digimon under my control."

"Yes, Mistress."

The dark face disappeared. One by one, more faces began to appear, receive their amulet and instructions, and disappear. Not one of them dared challenge her orders. They couldn't. They were under the complete control of the amulet. Meanwhile, the amulet was under the complete control of its owner.

'Where many have failed, I shall triumph! Make no mistake!'

She climbed up a tree and used her spinnerets to form a web. The Digimon rested there. The blood-red hourglass on her back was easy to see now.

"One thing I don't get is why Gennai never told us about you," Matt stated to Cybra as the group continued to walk.

Cybra shrugged. "He's weird in my opinion. Of course, he could've forgotten. Talk about your short-term memory problems."

Matt gave a chuckle at that. He couldn't help noticing that Cybra seemed to stick close to Izzy. It wasn't like she was his Digimon or anything. Still, she hardly strayed from his side. Finally, Matt said something about it. Cybra looked at the ground.

"He saved my life and I'm in debt to both he and Tentomon. If they hadn't come along, Blackwidowmon would've reprogrammed me to destroy you all." She looked up at Izzy and Tentomon. "I don't know if I can ever repay you guys."

"It was nothing really," Tentomon said modestly.

"Yes, it was, Tentomon!" Gatomon snapped. "Do you know what its like to be under the total control of somebody?!"

"Well, no..."

"Trust me, it's not fun."

Mimi walked over to Cybra.

"You know, you have wonderful hair. I was wondering if I could probably brush it for you! Please?!"

"Don't!" Sora exclaimed. "Don't let her! It hurts! Trust me!"

"Err...okay," Cybra relented.

"Yay!" Mimi exclaimed.

Sora looked at the ground and began to shake her head. "You poor, poor Digimon..."

Cybra began to get a bad feeling in the pit of her stomach. "What have I done?"

Falcunomon flew high above the clouds, his wings stretching 8 feet. The tiniest gust of air helped keep him soaring high. He looked down on the landscape, searching. His mistress would not be pleased if he did not find the Digidestined. She was already angered by the fact that they had lost Cybra, a psychic Digimon that was the only one of her kind. She would've been a powerful servant to his mistress.

He heard a distant cry of pain. He paused, trying to figure out the source of the sound. He wheeled around and flew over the spot where he'd heard. He heard the cry again. He swooped lower, just beneath the clouds. His piercing golden eyes focused themselves intently on the terrain below. He heard the sound once more. The voice was familiar.

Falcunomon's amulet glowed and hovered in front of him as he continued to circle the place. Night was falling all around him. His mistress' face appeared on the amulet.

"What do you have to report?" she asked in that whispered voice.

"I have located the Digidestined. Cybra is with them."

She laughed. "Then kill two birds with one stone. I want no competition. Remember, you can only hypnotize ONE Digimon. Choose carefully."

"Yes, Mistress."

The amulet rested once more around his neck. He gained a little altitude. Then he plummeted towards the ground, a living missile.

"OW! MIMI! THAT HURTS!!!" Cybra protested as Mimi brushed her hair again.

"Well, it's because you have so many horrible knots in it! That and twigs and leaves and..."

"I've been living almost all my live OUTSIDE!!! HELLO!!!"

The other Digidestined were laughing. Palmon gave Cybra a sympathetic look. Sora was laughing the hardest.

"I warned you!" she laughed.

Suddenly, Cybra felt something in the back of her mind. A warning. Her blue eyes looked towards the sky.

"What is it?" Matt asked.

A loud screech of a bird of prey answered the boy. The Digidestined ducked for cover. Whatever it was flew down towards them and swooped just over them, talons barely missing TK's face.

"Falcunomon!" Cybra yelled through gritted teeth.

The stat screen popped up. Cybra's voice was heard saying, "Falcunomon is a bird of prey Digimon, as if you couldn't guess. He's also a fully digivolved Digimon. He can attack like a normal bird of prey or use his 'Aerial Attack' to kick your butt!"

"Aerial Attack!" Falcunomon yelled. A ball of energy flew from his beak.

Joe whined, "It's Unimon all over again!!!"

Tai was barely missed by the attack. His Digivice went off.

"Agumon digivolve to...Greymon!"

Greymon swiped at the smaller Digimon. However, Falcunomon was much more nimble than the T-Rex-like Digimon.

"Nova Blast!"

The fireball was right on target. Falcunomon flew right underneath it, his feathers did not even become singed. The rest of the Digivices went off. So did most of the crests.

"Gatomon digivolve to...Angewomon!"

"Greymon digivolve to...Metal Greymon!"

"Gabumon digivolve to...Garurumon!" Then... "Garurumon digivolve to...WereGarurumon!"

"Patamon digivolve to...Angemon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!" Then... "Birdramon digivolve to...Garudamon!"

"Tentomon digivolve to...Kabuterimon!" Then... "Kabuterimon digivolve to...Megakabuterimon!"

"Gomamon digivolve to...Ikkakumon!" Then... "Ikkakumon digivolve to...Zudomon!"

"Palmon digivolve to...Togemon!" Then (finally)... "Togemon digivolve to...Lillymon!"

"Aerial Attack!" Falcunomon yelled again.

"Vulcan's Hammer!" Zudomon hit his hammer on the ground. The lightning bolt that came from that hit Falcunomon's attack, stopping it dead in its tracks.

"Celestial Arrow!"

"Hand of Fate!"

Both Angemon and Angewomon's attacks were too slow. Still, they were quick enough to give him turbulence to fly in. That situation was highly difficult for both sides. Falcunomon couldn't get a clear shot at the Digidestined and he was too small for most of the Digimon. Even Lillymon was having problems. He was far more nimble than he appeared.


Falcunomon barely flapped out of the way of that one. He flew in front of Zudomon.

"Amulet's Hypnotism Power!"

A bright blue ray shot from the amulet into Zudomon's eyes. Joe gasped.

"What's he doing?!" Mimi asked.

Zudomon heard a voice in his head tell him, "Attack the Digidestined."

"Yes, Mistress," Zudomon answered to what seemed like no one to the Digidestined.

"Vulcan's Hammer!"

Zudomon's attack knocked Angemon, Angewomon, and Megakabuterimon right out of the sky.

"Zudomon, what in the Digiworld are you doing?!" Joe demanded.

Joe barely managed to get away from when Zudomon attacked him as well. Cybra leaped in front of him to make sure he wasn't hit, but got nailed herself. Joe caught her, barely.

"Ow..." she moaned. "Zudomon's hammer hurts."

"Cybra, what is that amulet?!" Tai demanded, shaking her shoulders.

"I've only heard about them. They're copies of the amulet that Blackwidowmon possesses. They can hypnotize only one Digimon to do the will of the owner of the real amulet. However, if you destroy the amulet BEFORE the keeper of the REAL amulet arrives to make the process permanent, that Digimon will be free. But afterward, well, you're in deep crud."

"Giga Blaster!"

"Wolf Claw!"

"Wing Blade!"

The Ultimate form Digimon were trying to stop Zudomon from harming the Digidestined. The kids watched helplessly as Zudomon continued his attack with Falcunomon helping things become more difficult.

"I really don't want to hurt you, Zudomon, but if it'll snap you back to your senses...Flower Cannon!"

The attack hit Zudomon's back. He roared in anger and attacked the much smaller Lillymon.


"Lillymon!" Mimi cried as her Digimon fell to the ground. "Are you okay?!"

Lillymon's smile was weak. "Never better. Ow."

"Megakabuterimon! Everybody! Aim for Falcunomon's amulet! That'll snap Zudomon back to normal!!!" Izzy shouted.

"Horn Blaster!"

"Celestial Arrow!"

"Wing Blade!"

"Wolf Claw!"

"Giga Blaster!"

"Hand of Fate!"

"Flower Cannon!"


Falcunomon was so fast and nimble that he flew around all of the attacks and only sustained minor injuries. Zudomon kept on attacking his own friends. One by one the Digimon fell. Soon, only Cybra was standing. Still, could a Champion beat an Ultimate alone? You HAD to be kidding!!!

Megakabuterimon had been hit so badly that he de-digivolved into Tentomon. He flew backwards and landed nearby Izzy. Izzy ran over there and tried to help him.

"Tentomon! Are you okay?!"

"Izzy, WATCH OUT!!!" Matt yelled running towards him.

"Vulcan's Hammer!!!"

The attack sped towards the trio. The human-like Digimon called out their names one by one, Izzy's last. That's when Izzy's Crest of Knowledge and Digivice began to glow once more. The symbol of the Crest of Knowledge popped up like normal, but went against Cybra's forehead. She was covered in purple light.

"Humamon's Champion form digivolves to...Ultimate form!!!"

"Humamon?" they all asked. Even the Digimon were confused.

Cybra (or was it Humamon?) now appeared to be 20 years old. Her hair went down to the middle of her back. She was clothed in a simple dress of a light purple color. Flowers appeared as a headband, all of them the same purple as the dress. Her no-heel dress shoes were also the same color. She had dancer's arms and legs. Her blue eyes were a more clear blue than the sky.

"Vulcan's Hammer!!!"

The attack came right for her, but she easily got out of the way. She raised two fingers to her forehead and the third eye appeared. It glowed even more brightly this time.

"Aerial Attack!"

"Vulcan's Hammer!"

The two attacks ricocheted off of the light from the third eye.


It started a lot like the Psy-Tornado attack, but something was different. When she pulled her hand away, it was like opening up a dam. All this light flooded out from her third eye and seemed to wash over the area. Zudomon couldn't move. Neither could Falcunomon. The amulet was obliterated.

Zudomon shook his head, trying to clear it. Falcunomon, now wounded, flapped away as fast as he could. Cybra sank to her knees and changed back to her normal form.

"I feel SO exhausted!!!"

Zudomon shrank back into Gomamon and looked down at his forefeet as if he'd never seen them before. He couldn't believe what he had almost done. He'd almost KILLED Joe!!!

"Gomamon...?" Joe asked, putting a hand on Gomamon's head.

"I failed, Joe. I almost..." Gomamon choked on the next set of words. Saying them was too painful. Joe understood.

"Hey, you didn't mean it. You were under his control."

Gomamon sighed. "Joe, I couldn't control myself. I tried, but I couldn't get free! You have to believe...what did you say again?"

"I said you didn't mean it. You were completely under Falcunomon's control."

Gomamon cocked his head to one side. "Falcunomon? I heard a girl's voice in my head. For some strange reason, she only talked in a whisper."

"That would be Blackwidowmon," Cybra stated bluntly. "She controlled you through Falcunomon's amulet. She couldn't run the risk of him possibly using you to fight her."

Gomamon nodded, but still felt really awful for what he had done. Tai knew that Joe and Gomamon would have a nice long talk on their night watch that night.

Sora looked over Biyomon. The little pink bird looked exhausted, but okay. She hugged her human partner. Palmon had managed to grab some bananas from a tree and was chowing down. Gatomon walked over to Cybra and gave her a hand.

"You okay?"

"Tired. WAY tired."

Izzy was still looking over Tentomon as he asked, "Cybra, when you digivolved, your name was 'Humamon'. Do you have any idea why?"

Cybra shook her head. "Nada. I don't understand it myself. I don't even know why I digivolved like the others when your Crest went off."

That's when they heard a loud "beep-beep-beep" coming from Izzy's laptop. The boy pulled it out and opened it up to discover he had mail. He clicked on the icon. Gennai's face appeared.

"Hello, kids! I'm afraid that this E-mail isn't for you. It's for Cybra. She has to read this immediately."

Izzy surrendered the laptop over to Cybra. This is what the E-mail said:

Hello there!

How is everything? I must admit that I am highly impressed by how much you've grown and how strong you are! However, that is not important. By now, you have learned that your real name is Humamon.

You're probably wondering what I'm talking about. When you hatched from your digi-egg, I used a powder I had collected from a friendly Wizardmon to make you forget what kind of Digimon you really were. The reason? For your own protection.

Devimon, before the Digidestined even arrived, had heard of a prophecy that had something to do with a Humamon helping the Digidestined defeat an evil Digimon. Fearing for himself, he had most of the Humamon destroyed. Their bodies were incinerated, leaving no trace of their existence. Devimon even cast a spell over the Digital World so that no one would remember the Humamon.

However, your mother, in fear for your life, gave your digi-egg to me and ran away. I never heard from her again. When you hatched, I asked you if you knew what kind of Digimon you were. You answered right away. I panicked. Since you knew what your name was, you'd tell it to whomever you met. So I wiped that memory away and gave you a new name. Nobody suspected a thing. I spread the word around that Cybra was really your name.

I am afraid that you are the only one of the Humamon still around, but I heard from your mother than other Humamon parents had abandoned their children's digi-eggs in a mountain somewhere. There, they are safe and in hibernation. Those eggs need to be hatched and raised. Piximon has volunteered to teach them as he has taught you. However, he cannot leave his home and search for them. That job is left to you, Cybra. Good luck!

Oh, and remember, TELL NO ONE! Not even the Digidestined. We cannot run the risk of something happening! Those Humamon will become an army on the Digidestined's side if Blackwidowmon hears nothing of this. Just tell the children that you have been sent on an assignment from me.



"So, what's the E-mail about?" Tai asked.

Cybra closed up the E-mail and deleted it. "Gennai has given me a mission to fulfill. I have to leave."

"What?! You just joined up!!!"

Cybra's eyes held Tai's. Tai could see that she didn't want to leave, but had to.

"Tai, this is important. Gennai doesn't send me places for no reason. I'll be back someday. I hope it'll be soon." She turned to the Digimon. "You take care of these guys, y'hear?"

"We'll keep them safe!" Palmon said proudly.

Cybra looked directly at Gatomon. "Well, this is a switch. Last time it was you leaving for Lord-knows-how-long. This time it's me. I'll miss ya!"

Cybra went down on one knee. Once more, she reached out her hand, palm up. Gatomon brought her paw down on it.

"I'll miss ya, too. Don't get killed out there!"

The human-like Digimon rolled her eyes. "Darn! You never let me have any fun!"

Gatomon laughed. Cybra took an apple that Joe was offering to her.

"You'll need something for you to eat. Sorry, this is all I could find while you were reading Gennai's E-mail," Joe apologized.

"Thanks, Joe." She hugged the teenager. Joe was blushing uncontrollably.

TK was trying not to cry. "Are you really leaving?"

Cybra knelt down to TK. "I'm sorry. Really I am. But I have no choice. It's really important. Besides, I'll be back."

TK sniffled and nodded. Izzy walked up to her.

"Cybra...about that digivolution, did Gennai say...?"

"He told me not to tell you guys a thing. Sorry. You'll just have to trust me while I'll just have to trust him. It's for your own good."

Izzy nodded and looked at the ground. Cybra put a hand on his shoulder and gave him a slight push towards the others. She faced all of them.

"If I don't go now, I'll never leave. I'm sorry we have to part ways so soon. It's unavoidable. I'll be back! I promise!"

The Digidestined and their Digimon gave a chorus of "Goodbye" and "Good luck". Cybra disappeared into the night. Nobody knew when and if they would see her again. Even if they DID see her again, they wouldn't know whether or not she would be under Blackwidowmon's control.

Izzy muttered, "I still don't understand."

Matt smiled and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sure she'll explain it when she gets back."

The younger boy looked up at Matt and nodded, returning the smile.

Falcunomon gasped for air. His mistress was greatly displeased. The blood-red amulet was glowing fiercely now. Falcunomon fell flat on his stomach, still trying to get precious oxygen into his lungs.

"You have failed me, Falcunomon," the evil Digimon whispered angrily. "By giving you that amulet I had practically gift-wrapped those children for you."

"Forgive me, Mistress!" Falcunomon gasped.

After a few more seconds, the amulet stopped glowing. Falcunomon inhaled deeply.

"I shall have to make another copy for you. Until then, I want you to find more targets for me. I want a VERY large army of the best Digimon in the Digiworld. Those children may have stopped Devimon, Etemon, and Myotismon, but they shall NEVER defeat me. Do you hear me?" she whispered, evil oozing out of her voice.

Falcunomon got up, opened his wings, and took off. At the same time, he shouted, "Yes, Mistress Blackwidowmon!!!"


A/N: What a great abbreviation! Sorry. Okay, thanks to both Gomamon I know, Mei (sorry, I got your name wrong last time!) the owner of Digi Realm, and the owner of the Digimon Garden (I don't know how to spell your name). Last, but not least, kudos to Koushiro "Izzy" Izumi, my first muse who constantly looks over my shoulder! Now, onto everyone's favorite part!

How much did you like this fanfic?

1 - Your talent was stolen by Vedamon!

2 - That was worse than Demidevimon!

3 - Wasn't too bad, but wasn't too good either.

4 - Was pretty good, but needs to digivolve a little bit so it's a little better.

5 - Your writing is pretty good.

6 - Woah! Joe might want to borrow your notes from English!

7 - Even Mimi couldn't complain about this!

8 - Tai must be slipping you info or something!

9 - Who are you? A professional writer who just happens to like Digimon?!

10 - Prodigious!