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Infinite Power

by Cybra

A/N: Okay, this one might be shorter than normal. By the way, did everybody like my little explanation for why the Crests of Knowledge and Friendship were found together? :::watches heads shake::: Well foo on you.

Disclaimer: I do not own Digimon: Digital Monsters. It's a shame, too. The only way I COULD own them is if the Powers-That-Be that own them gives them to me. Please don't sue me and I promise to return your shiny toys as soon as I'm done with them. Also, I do not own the song "Song for the Mira". So don't you sue me for that either!

<Areyouwillingareyouwillingareyouwillingareyouwilling?> a single voice whispered in his mind, demanding an answer.

"Willing to do WHAT?!" Izzy shouted in confusion.

His only response was, <Areyouwillingareyouwillingareyouwillingareyouwilling?>

The single phrase "Are you willing?" was being repeated so fast, it was like one long word. The white light continued to circle him, awaiting an answer. It had to find a willing host! This boy had opened the gate, now he had to either accept or reject its power.

A Gremlimon unfroze himself. His ridiculously large feet carried him at an incredible rate forward. His large, clawed hands formed fists which pumped the air as he ran forward. His grotesque face held a look of pure determination. He would do this for his mistress.

"I will kill you!" he informed the confused child.

Junpuu snatched up a nearby rock and ran in-between Izzy and the Digimon. Silently, she thanked all those hours she had put into training for the track team. She had a look of anger on her face, her turquoise eyes flashing.

"Leave him alone, Ugly!" she snapped as she brought the rock forward.

It slammed into the Gremlimon's head, knocking him senseless. He fell to the ground, unconscious.

"Who else wants to try it?!" the determined girl growled, glaring at the evil Digimon around her.

Tai whistled and leaned towards Matt. "Remind me to be REALLY nice to her," he whispered.


Izzy had backed up into his own mind, trying to figure out what the voice was asking him. Was he willing to do what? That's when he remembered what Metal Cheetarenmon, in her previous stage, had said.

"...whoever opens the gate must be willing to take on the power held inside..." her voice echoed in his head.

<Of course! Why didn't I understand this before?! The voice is asking me if I'm willing to take on the power inside the temple. If I refuse, it'll search until it finds a willing host...meaning Blackwidowmon! I don't like this, but I have to do this...>

<Areyouwillingareyouwillingareyouwilling?> the voice continued to whisper.

"YES! I'M WILLING!!!" Izzy shouted at the top of his lungs, obviously trying to break through some sort of interference.

"NO! YOU CAN'T DO THIS!!!" Blackwidowmon shouted in anger.

"Willing to do what?!" Mimi asked.

<So be it,> the voice told the boy.

The white light shot upwards, then came back down. Izzy was staring up at it in wide-eyed fascination. The light flooded into his dark eyes.

"IZZY!!!" Junpuu shouted in alarm.

Joe, not even realizing what he was doing, ran forward to hold back the horrified girl. Whatever was about to happen, he couldn't let one of the others get hurt. It was like he had snapped out of a trance when he realized he was pulling Junpuu back.

"Izzy! No! Help Izzy!" she shouted at him.

Joe dragged her over to where Metal Cheetarenmon had put herself between TK and Blackwidowmon. The group of 3 children, along with the rest of the gathered Digimon and humans, watched.

The last of the light was sucked into those familiar dark eyes. Izzy closed his eyes and staggered slightly, like someone had tried to knock him over. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes again. Sora gasped.

They weren't like any eyes she had ever seen. Oh sure, they had the colored part, the white part, and the pupil, but the colored part was a swirling pool of color. Blue, red, purple, green, and other colors kept swirling around and around in those eyes. Those eyes also held a look of total calm, like he had nothing to fear. Blackwidowmon backed up a step.

Izzy reached down and touched his bad knee. It glowed for a minute, but then stopped. He turned and faced where Tai and Matt were hiding, not limping even in the slightest. His wound had been healed.

He pointed towards the pair and a white light shot from that finger. It hit Matt's arm where a bandage had been placed over the burn from when Falcunomon had attacked them before. The bandages disappeared and showed the large red welt. That, too, glowed for an instant, then vanished as if it had never been. Matt touched his arm, testing to see if it was truly healed. It didn't hurt. Whatever magic Izzy had used, it had done its job.

Tigeramon took a step forward, but the tiny amount of poison still in his system caused him to fall. Metal Cheetarenmon put a paw on his left shoulder gently. Her metallic paws were still thin and delicate-looking, but they could easily crush something if she wasn't careful.

Izzy noticed Tigeramon's fall and walked over there at an unworried, unhurried pace. It was like he had all the time in the universe to do something. He knelt down on one knee and stroked the tiger-like Digimon's fur.

Tigeramon started to glow with the same colors swirling like in Izzy's eyes. Suddenly, the Digimon stood up, completely healed. Metal Cheetarenmon stared open-mouthed at the spectacle. Izzy walked back towards Blackwidowmon. He was just strolling over to her like she was a defenseless Baby!

Foolishly, Blackwidowmon raised her amulet to try to take control of him.

"If I can't have that power for myself, I shall have to have power over who DOES! Amulet, make this boy my slave for all eternity!"

Izzy merely raised a curious eyebrow. The red beam shot forward. Cybra bit back her first reaction to it: to curse quite loudly. One second, Izzy was there. The next second, Izzy was behind the evil Digimon. Somehow, Izzy had become too fast for her attacks.

He had never felt such peace in his entire life. There was no need to worry about anything, but he longed to help his friends. He had no control over his own body, but it didn't bother him in the slightest. A very odd feeling indeed.

Izzy watched, as if from afar, as the red beam seemed to come slowly at him. Whatever was in control of his body easily had him dodge. It was like the entire world had been put on slow motion for everyone but him. He was the only one going at normal speed.

<Child, we cannot remain long like this,> the voice that had spoken to him before told him.

<Why not?> he asked.

<Your body cannot sustain me for too long. I must finish my tasks and then leave you. However, I must do it quickly. Do you consent?>

Did he love to work with computers? <Yes. I consent.>

He watched from a distance as he continued to dodge Blackwidowmon's attacks.

"His reaction time must've been speeded up!" Cybra hissed into Tai's ear. "I don't know much about this great power, but this looks like serious stuff."

Tai nodded, eyes wide. Izzy was a red and orange blur. He didn't even break into a sweat! Finally, gasping for breath, Blackwidowmon stopped attacking. Izzy merely lifted an eyebrow in an "are you finished?" expression.

"You cannot stay long in that boy's body!!! You have to leave sometime!" she sneered.

"Indeed I will," Izzy agreed. There was such serenity in that voice. "However, I have to finish what is required of me."

Matt raised an eyebrow. It was like Izzy was talking, but someone else was telling him what to say. Motimon remembered Izzy's voice from when Vademon had forced the boy to surrender his curiosity all too well. This was not the same voice. This wasn't the false peace that Izzy had felt then, this was genuine peace and wisdom in his voice.

"Izzy, are you okay?!" Motimon called to his partner.

Izzy turned his head towards Motimon. The little pink Digimon successfully suppressed a shudder at the sight of those eyes. However, those eyes also held warmth.

"He is quite fine, Motimon," he reassured him.

"He's possessed!" Kari exclaimed.

"WHAT?!" TK asked.

"It's like in 'Ghostbusters'! Someone or something is controlling Izzy's body! Like those weird demon dogs in the movie!"

"Hey, yeah! Now I remember!"

Matt's eyes had grown from dinner plate size to beach ball size. Someone was controlling Izzy? Woah. Weird...

Izzy turned his attention to the enslaved Digimon. They all looked blankly at him, knowing that they would attack him when their mistress ordered them to. He turned his attention once more to Blackwidowmon. He pointed at her.

A white beam shot from his finger and hit the amulet around her neck. Blackwidowmon shrieked as the amulet was completely destroyed. The enslaved Digimon's blank looks changed into looks of relief and happiness, overjoyed to be free once more. Skylar scooted over to Cybra.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"It looks as though we aren't needed after all," she replied, smiling.

Celeste wasn't smiling, she was watching Izzy. Izzy turned his back on the evil Digimon and knelt to help the unconscious Gremlimon. He touched the poor thing and the Gremlimon glowed. Within moments, the Gremlimon was on his feet again, completely healed of all injuries.

Izzy turned his back on the Gremlimon. Big mistake. He attacked the boy from behind.

"Say 'goodbye', kid!" he cried.

"Blast! Gremlimon never WERE ones to just leave after their enemies were kind to them or if they lost a fight!!!" Cybra growled.

Celeste ran towards Gremlimon. The In-Training Digimon was going to try to take down the more experienced Rookie. She slammed into his left side.

"Celeste, stop!" Skylar shouted to his friend.

She paid him no heed. Instead, she backed up a little bit from the now-enraged Gremlimon.

"Psychic Turbulence!"

The attack knocked the Gremlimon off-balance, allowing Skylar to finish him off.

"Psychic Winds!"

"Woah-woah-woah-WOAH!" the Digimon cried as he was swept up and away.

Blackwidowmon used the distraction to pin Izzy down. Izzy didn't fight her off, he merely looked at her dispassionately. She lowered her pincers towards the boy.

"Prepare to die, Digidestined," she hissed. "Venom Bite!"

Her pincers were about to close around Izzy's neck when Izzy shoved her off him in one fluid motion. She landed on her feet, twisting to see her enemy.

"Farewell, Blackwidowmon," he said.

He merely pointed at her again. Another light, this time sort of gray, shot from his finger and hit her foot. Much to everyone's total shock, her foot began to turn to stone! The stone was traveling up her body, engulfing every part of her.

"NO! NO!" she shrieked as she tried to run away, but it was too late.

The stone encased her, making her a large stone statue of a screaming Digimon. Izzy snapped his fingers. The stone statue abruptly crumbled to dust.

"Way to go, Celeste!" Skylar congratulated his friend, breaking the silence. He exchanged a high five with her.

"Thanks, Skylar!"

That's when she started glowing.

"Humamon's In-Training form digivolves to...Rookie form!"

She now looked to be about 10 years old, just like her friend Skylar. Cybra smiled broadly.

"Congratulations are indeed in order," she laughed.

Izzy looked at all of them.

"I have much to show you. Come to the center of the temple."

Izzy raised his hand towards the open door and the two halves of the Crest of Knowledge came to him. The tag came out of his pocket as well. The two halves went into the slot, sealing up the crack when they came together, and the window was fixed. The tag and Crest floated slightly upwards, then placed themselves around Izzy's neck. That's when Izzy vanished.

"What do we do?!" Mimi asked in fear.

"Go to the center of this place, I guess," Matt answered.

"How do we do that?" Sora asked. "For all we know, there could be another gigantic maze in there!"

Izzy's voice told them, "Follow the path of the Crest of Friendship. It will lead you safely through."

A bright blue beam shot from the Crest into the temple. The group looked at each other, then nodded. Skylar and Celeste followed the Digidestined, Junpuu, and the Digimon who helped them inside.

Matt had never seen so many twists and turns in his life. It was unreal! He felt like they were walking in circles, but the Crest's light seemed to know where to go so they followed. TK tugged on his hand.

"Matt, I'm tired," he whined.

"I'm pretty tired, too," Kari admitted.

"We're all tired, but we have to keep going," Tai told them gently.

Matt nodded his agreement. Joe walked in silence next to Cybra and Motimon. Motimon was actually perched on Cybra's shoulders.

"I'm worried," Motimon stated. "What's going to happen to Izzy?"

"I dunno, Motimon. I guess we'll have to keep walking until we find out."

Suddenly, they were inside a large chamber. Metal Cheetarenmon gazed around in wonder.

"It is even more splendid than I have ever imagined," she gasped.

"Splendid" didn't give the chamber justice! Not even "gorgeous" could do that! Ever heard of El Dorado, the Lost City of Gold? The room could've been stolen out of it for it was made of solid gold. Gems of all kinds were inlaid into the golden walls to form the mysterious symbols that had been seen everywhere in this world. Diamond statues of all sorts of Digimon seemed to be guarding the treasure store. The thin rug on the ground was made of the finest spider's silk, making it strong and durable, but also beautiful. Carvings from stone were all over the place with jewel eyes; carvings that looked EXACTLY like the Digimon and all their forms, but a few were broken. A circle of symbols, the same symbols on the Crests, was in the middle of the floor, made of gems for each of the different colors. In the center of the circle stood Izzy.

"Welcome, Digidestined. I was beginning to feel a little worried for you. I feared you would grow impatient and stop following the Crest's light," he stated.

The symbols on the floor lit up. They all jumped, except for Izzy, when 8 statues carved out of different types of gems, minerals, and other valuable materials appeared of each one of them. All were life-size.

Matt's was carved from an enormous blue topaz. It showed him smiling in a friendly way at somebody. He appeared to be trying to be a good friend to someone. He had one hand outstretched and was kneeling on one knee.

Kari's was carved from rose quartz. It showed her looking up at something, a brilliant smile on her face. She was standing up, unlike Matt, and was admiring a point on the ceiling. When the children followed her gaze, they saw a bit of rose quartz glowing slightly, like a light.

The statue of TK had him kneeling, hands folded and eyes closed. Like the statue was praying. It was made from the whitest ivory.

The statue of Tai was made out of normal topaz. The statue was striding forward confidently. He seemed to be ready to take on the universe if the need should arise. A very courageous look was on his face.

Sora's was carved out of a ruby. She looked at the children and Digimon, a look of love on her face. Her hands were clasped together in front of her with her arms hanging downward. She seemed to really care about you.

Joe's was made out of a deep blue sapphire. He was smiling with a look on his face that read "I'll be there". He had one arm out with his finger in a thumbs up position. He was also winking at you.

The statue of Mimi was made from an emerald. She had her hands over her heart and she appeared to be talking. Whatever she was saying, she had the look of total sincerity all over her. She obviously meant whatever she said. She was sitting on a rock.

Finally, they saw Izzy's. The statue was made from a deep purple amethyst. He had what many would call "wise eyes". He seemed to look at you with knowledge that nobody else had. He had a mysterious smile on his face that was half-way happy and half-way sad. His statue was standing right next to Matt's in the circle.

"Wow!" Skylar said, summing up what all of them wanted to say.

"Who...made these?" Joe asked in wonder.

"The creators of this world," Izzy replied. "They knew of your coming and knew you would finally end up here."

All of the assembled group blinked.

Izzy continued. "They created all this and then went to live with the Digimon themselves AS Digimon. They only desired to live in peace. They surrendered the power given to them and locked it in this temple." He smiled. "In fact, the creators were practically children themselves. HUMAN children."

Cybra gasped. "And they chose to live with us Digimon exactly LIKE us?!"

Izzy nodded. "In fact, you and the other Humamon are the descendants of the Creators. You Humamon age only as fast as humans do because you are an off-shoot race from them and your bodies are all in tune with the speed of time on Earth. Your DNA is mainly identical except for the attributes of digivolving instead of aging naturally and of your special attacks."

Joe and Cybra blinked at one another. Junpuu hid a smile. Maybe Cybra would tell Joe she liked him now that they both knew they were practically the same.

"They had come here by accident and had no way to return. They had little choice but to do this, but they quickly learned to love their new home. They lived in total harmony with the Digimon. But then, Devimon learned of a prophecy foretelling the destruction of an evil Digimon with the help of a Humamon and destroyed almost all of the Humamon and erased them from the memories of Digimon everywhere."

Tai shivered with suppressed anger. The look on Izzy's face echoed that anger. Matt put a hand on Celeste's quivering shoulder. She was silently crying for the loss of their parents.

"However, those days have now ended. Hopefully, the Digiworld will have peace once more," Izzy stated.

He walked towards them, then stumbled slightly. He gasped for oxygen. Junpuu ran over there and helped him, keeping him from falling over.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

Izzy's strange eyes looked at her. "I...fear that the longer I take explaining this, that...the less time I have left..."

"What do you mean?" Tai demanded.

"I must finish first." His eyes seemed to bore into Junpuu's soul. "Junpuu, you were brought here for a reason as well. You have no Digivice or Crest, but you were needed to finish the team. You were to give them an their spirits. You are an invaluable part of the team."

"Yeah, there was like this Junpuu-sized hole in the group without you!" TK chirped cheerfully.

Junpuu didn't care if the kid was making that up or not, but she wanted to hug that kid right then and there. However, Izzy slid a little in her grasp once more. He was struggling to stay on his feet. Something was terribly wrong.

"What is it?" she asked.

"This...body...can't..." he began, but was unable to finish his sentence. He was wheezing, trying to force oxygen into his lungs.

Cybra ran forward and helped him to his knees. Everyone gathered around.

"What's wrong with him, Cybra?!" Junpuu demanded.

"It's all that power! Izzy's body is too small to handle it all for very long! All this energy and it has nowhere to go! It's like his body is on overload!" she answered, blue eyes wide.

"You must leave at once!" he ordered, coughing. "Or you will be sealed in or worse! My power levels are intensified in here! A touch of my light can destroy you!"

The Crest of Friendship's light shot through the darkness, leading the way out.

"What about Izzy?" Mimi asked.

"Since he has been my host, he shall be spared and shall be along shortly. GO!" he ordered. He was starting to glow a brilliant light.

"Let's move it people!" Tai ordered.

All 8 children and all 13 Digimon left the large room, heading for the exit door. Matt felt a pain of guilt for ditching Izzy, but knew he had to lead the others out of there. While the place was beautiful, he didn't want to be stuck there for all eternity. That and he didn't want to find out exactly HOW the light could destroy him.

At first, they jogged through the passageways, following the bright blue beam. That's when Kari gave a cry of alarm. Tai glanced over his shoulder to see a wall of white light barely being held back from them, trying to keep as much distance between the group and the energy.

"We have to hurry! Izzy can't hold it all back much longer!" Cybra shouted.

The group broke into a run, following the bright blue beam while trying to avoid taking a wrong turn. The white light continued to pursue them, but was slowly gaining speed. Tai scooped up Kari and ran with her on his back, Gatomon and Agumon running beside them. Matt did something similar to that with TK. Patamon flapped his ears furiously as he flew forward, trying to avoid the approaching light. Gabumon ran beneath him.

Mimi could feel the heat of all that energy. She thought briefly of all the sweat stains that her dress was going to have when this was all over with, but then decided it was better to be sweaty than whatever that light could do to her. She nearly tripped over a rock, but Palmon helped her regain her balance quickly.

"We're almost there!" Matt shouted.

Indeed they were, the only problem was that the doors were starting to close. If they didn't hurry, they'd never make it! Feeling suddenly energized, the entire group ran faster than they had ever run before. They HAD to make it out! Motimon fell off of his perch on Tigeramon's back, the tiger-like Digimon's fur too short for him to hold on to very well.

"Help!" he yelped as he fell.

Joe saw the pink Digimon fall and made a quick grab. He was already carrying Gomamon, but he still managed to hang onto Motimon. The gigantic tidal wave of power was hot on their heels. Gomamon's green eyes were wide with utter terror, but Joe, seeing the reflection of all that power in his Digimon partner's eyes, put on a sudden burst of speed. He flew past the rest of the group, thoroughly impressing all present.

Joe, Gomamon, and Motimon were the first to come running out of the temple with Matt, Gabumon, TK, and Patamon hot on their heels. Tai, Kari, Gatomon, and Agumon were next, quickly followed by Mimi and Palmon. Cybra was half-dragging, half-carrying Sora along with Biyomon clutched in the girl's arms. Skylar and Celeste ran at her side. Metal Cheetarenmon and Tigeramon, who had been lagging behind to make sure nobody else tripped or fell, leaped forward and out of the gates, just in time.

For as they exited the gates, the large doors slammed shut behind them. Sealing up its secrets once more.

Izzy felt like he was spinning out of control. He was being thrown farther back into his mind than he'd ever DREAMED of. That time that Demidevimon had infected him with that weird disease didn't do half of what was happening now.

"HELP!" he shouted in the darkness.

The voice had left, but the pain of all that energy still energized his nerve endings, giving him great pain. He didn't want to imagine what other things were going to happen to him.

"Somebody, please help!" he cried out, completely alone.

Finally, he managed to find shelter in a deep recess of his own mind. It was a peaceful spot, one in which he intended to stay in until his body healed. He soon realized that he couldn't leave even if he wanted to. He was trapped.

"So this is how it ends," Izzy murmured. "After all I've been through, this is how it's all going to end."

He had no exit route at all. His defenses were all still very active in his mind. They were getting energy from somewhere, but he couldn't figure out where exactly. The area that was peaceful had the representation of a clear lake, much like the one near where he'd met Liquimon, with a forest surrounding it. He sat with his knees up to his chest, afraid of what was going to happen next.

The silence was deafening. He would be driven insane just by the silence of it all! He was so sure of that! He needed something to occupy himself. He thought for a moment when he finally came up with something. A memory...

Izzy and Junpuu were seated in his room. She was perched on her normal spot, his dresser, while he was sitting in the chair at his computer desk.

"I signed up with this other guy to do a duet, but he REFUSES to practice with me. I need a guy who can sing the part for him so that I'm used to another melody going on at the same time I'm singing in certain places. So I figured, 'Hey! Izzy's a guy! I'm sure he'd be glad to help me practice!'" she finished explaining.

Junpuu was involved in so many after school activities that Izzy could never figure out how she got her special projects for Miss Naru done. She took art classes, the track team, hung out at his home, and now she was going to sing in a talent show. He couldn't help but be impressed.

"Maybe..." he muttered.

"Come on, Izzy! It'll be great!" she pleaded.

"Well..." He was weakening.

"Please?" she begged, opening her turquoise eyes wide.

"I guess so."


Junpuu reached into her backpack to pull out a CD. It wasn't anything very special, but she held it like it was the most important thing in the world. Izzy took the disk from her and put it into his computer.

"The song is track 4," she informed Izzy.

Izzy nodded as he instructed the computer to play track 4. He glanced at the CD case.

"'Song for the Mira'?" he asked.

Junpuu nodded. "Very pretty song. It's also pretty awesome whenever 2 or more people sing it!"

She handed him the music. The background music began to play for the song. She stood up and got ready.

"You can jump in whenever," she told him.

After a minute of the introduction to the song, Junpuu began to sing.

"Out on the Mira on warm afternoons

"Old men go fishin' with black line...and spoons.

"And if they catch nothin', they never...complain.

"I wish I...was with them again..."

She sang another verse alone until he finally jumped in on the refrain, singing the same melody.

"Can you imagine a piece of...the universe

"More fit for princes and kings?

"I'll trade you ten of your cities...for Marion Bridge

"And the pleasure it brings."

The two of them continued even when they split into harmony. Izzy stumbled on the notes and a few of the rhythms, but managed to get into it. When the song ended, Junpuu smiled.

"Izzy, you're the best! I don't know how I can ever thank you!!!"

Izzy smiled in satisfaction at making her happy. Maybe this wouldn't be such a bad decision after all.

What Izzy didn't know was that Junpuu would be counting on him for practice more than once on more than that song.

Izzy didn't even realize that he had been softly singing that same song until he finally heard the 5th and 6th verses (the last ones) aloud.

"Out on the Mira the people are kind.

"They treat you to home-brew...and help you unwind.

"And if you come broken, they'll see that you mend.

"I wish I...was with them...again...

"Now I'll conclude with a wish you go well...

"Sweet be your dreams and your happiness swell...

"I'll leave you here for my journey...begins...

"I'm going with them...again..."

Tears ran down his face as he continued to sing, just waiting for his end.

Matt stared up at the gates of the temple, anger all over his face. Izzy was trapped inside. Whatever had possessed him had lied. That's when a light shimmered at his feet. He jumped back just as it took the shape of Izzy. The boy was beyond unconscious.

Joe ran up to him and examined him.

"It's like he's in a coma!" he reported.

Cybra came forward and laid a hand on Izzy's cheek, wanting to get direct contact. She shivered after a second and let her hand fall to the ground.

"What is it?" Tai asked.

"He's still alive...somewhere in there he's still alive...but he's trapped. He can't get out. If he stays too long like this, he'll die. Like Joe said, he's basically in a coma."

TK's eyes widened.

"What happened to him?"

"His body has been severely damaged by housing all that energy for so long. I suspect that he forced himself to retain all that energy when we were leaving so all of that pure energy wouldn't harm us."

Motimon put a hand on Izzy's shoulder.

"Then...there anything we can do?" Matt asked, feeling as useless as another time Izzy had been unconscious.

"Yes, there is! We can go in there after him and get him out!" she exclaimed.

"Really? Go into Izzy's mind?" Mimi asked. "That'd be so creepy."

"It's our only chance! All those in favor say 'aye'!" Tai shouted.

"Aye!" everyone answered.

"I can get a few people in there, but we need people still out there. I suggest only 2 or 3 people going in with me to get him out while the rest of you make sure nobody tries to attack us," Cybra told them.

"I'm going!" Tai and Matt volunteered at the same time.

"And I'm going, too!" Junpuu replied. She glared at the group, daring anyone to say anything. ESPECIALLY Sora and Mimi.

"Okay, you three," Cybra said. "Now, here's what you do..."

Izzy felt extreme frustration. There was too much time to think here! He saw all sorts of things in his memories that he never noticed before. It was pretty odd.

"I've gone through every song in my tiny repertoire in order to get my mind off of things and I don't even have a computer here!" Izzy grumbled.

He paced his prison. It was a pretty guilded cage, but it was still a cage. He stopped pacing and sat down on the rock again. All his tears had been shed a long time ago. He wanted out. This must've been what Blackwidowmon's minions had felt like when they were under her control.

He fiddled with the water when he felt a small presence in his head. Someone was invading. He sensed all his defenses go into place. Just like normal. Well, this should be interesting.

Matt, Junpuu, and Tai placed their hands onto Cybra's back. She turned to look at them.

"If any one of you wants to back out, now's your chance."

"We're ready when you are," Matt told her confidently.

"Here goes..."

Cybra touched her hand to Izzy's cheek once more. Junpuu had the strangest sensation of falling as the Digiworld disappeared around her.


A/N: I am on a roll! See what happens when my computer decides to be nice to me? Also, that last verse for "Song for the Mira" might be a little wrong. Sincerest apologies. Please don't kill me!

Kudos to: Gomamon of Digimon Isle, Teya and Stephanie of DigiLegend, Kyra (a goddess of written word if there ever was one!), and Pix and her two muses (Gomamon and Golamon) from Digimon Central. You guys make me feel so loved! My own private fanclub. ;P And last, but certainly not the least, my wonderful muse Izzy! I love him even though he gives me insomnia sometimes (too many story ideas at one time!!! ARGH!!!).

Does anybody know what time it is? Rating time!

1 - Your talent was stolen by Vedamon!

2 - That was worse than Demidevimon!

3 - Wasn't too bad, but wasn't too good either.

4 - Was pretty good, but needs to digivolve a little bit so it's a little better.

5 - Your writing is pretty good.

6 - Woah! Joe might want to borrow your notes from English!

7 - Even Mimi couldn't complain about this!

8 - Tai must be slipping you info or something!

9 - Who are you? A professional writer who just happens to like Digimon?!

10 - Prodigious!