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The 2nd Digidestined:

A New Fight




"Moo-oom! Chris is singing that ANNOYING song agaaain!" Tiki yelled

down the stairs to her mother. She looked alot like her mother, too, only

with dark brown hair, put up into a bun. she wore a green, pink, and white

striped bikini top, with a a matching skirt. Her brother tormented her with

a song that he had made up...

Oh baabee, how I haaate thee,

You are so uuuuuglyyy,

Just like my sis, Tiikii!

Oh-ho babee, how I hate thee!


Yeah, yeah, YAH YAH YA-!!

"Chris! Stop playing that, that-heavy metal music! Come down here and

have dinner right NOW!" His mother, a.k.a Mimi, yelled at him.

Oh Mistress Mii-mi!

How much do you torme-hent mee...

Why do you hurt me so,

You think I am a sloow Poke!

How come you're so cruel,

To the only son who dearly LOVES yo-!

"NOW, buster!" She yelled again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm comin'." Chris muttered.

"Hey Chris, watch out, mom's in a baad mood tonight." Tiki whispered

to her brother. "It's probably because dad's late, too."

"Thanks for the warning." He replied back.


"ARRRRRRRRGGGH!!" Mimi a pot into the sink and stormed into the dining

room, glaring at her innocent (or scared) looking children.

"Go ahead and eat! I'm waiting for you-!" Mimi started...


"Hello-oo?" Mimi picked up the phone, switching to a musical, sweet


"Mii-mii?" Joe's voice came through, very shaky souding. "There's

trouble here! D-digimon are everywhere! Bad oo-ones! Come to Centrel Square

in Heighton Veiw Terrace riiight awwway! Oh my-!" And there was a click

and a wrrr. Mimi hung up her phone very silently, and turned to her


"Kids, I have to go for a while. Stay here, no matter what. And I

love you both, I'm so sorry for being so cranky awful. Bye!" Mimi grabbed

her straw sunhat, clutching her pink sundress, and stumbled out the door.

"Quick, let's follow her! Here's the extra pair of car keys for the

other car! You can drive, can't you?" Tiki flung the extra car keys into

his hands, opening the door.

"But I don't have my liscense yet!" Chris panicked.

"So? Who cares! Let's go now!" Tiki grabbed him and flung him into

the car, getting into the passanger seat on the other side.

"Hoo-boy... " Chris sighed, and started the car.

* * *

"Ok you guys, I'm not gonna stand here any longer, with all this

rumbling, bumbling, screaming, and noise out side anymore!" Daisu slamed a

fist on the table. "We're gonna go look for our parents! Liz and Mika go

one way, Yamo with me, and Wix with, uh, us!"

"No way Daisu, I'm gonna go on my own, 'kay? An' dont' worry about me

either." Wix said.

"But Wix... " Yamo clutched at Wix.

"No Yamo, stay with you other cuz, okay? Even if he is phsyco." Wix

said, running out the door.

"Hey!" said Daisu after a moment or two.

"See you guys later! And good luck." Liz said.

"Sure, we'll meet with you back here in an hour or two! Ok Yamo, be

brave, and let's be off!" Daisu took Yamo's hand, smiling.

"Right! Brave is my middle name Daisu."

* * *

Joe slammed down the pay phone and ducked. Garbagemon had thrown some

gunk at him, and Joe barely missed it.

"Ye-uck!" He looked at the disgusting slime.

"Junk Throw!" Garbagemon aimed at Joe again.

"Ahhh!" Joe yelled, duckng agin.

"Harpoon Torpeedo!" Came a deep growling voice. A bomb didn't explode

through the slime, but Garbagemon, destroying him.

"I-Ikakkumon? Oh my gosh." Joe gaped at his old friend, as he

dedigivolved into Gomamon.

"Joe! It's really you!" Gomamon leaped on Joe, hugging him tight.

"Gomamon... It's been so long. Thanks buddy." Joe hugged back.

"Wow, you got big! And what happened to your glasses?"

"I wear contacts now, which are kindof like glasses, but you can't see


"Joe! Are you all right Joe?" Tai yelled, as he and the others ran up

to him. "Whoa! It's GOMAMON!"

"Yeah! What did you expect, chopped Fujimon?" Gomamon replied.

"Hey, is Patamon and our other digimon here?" T.K. asked.

"Yeah, they're supposed to be here in a little bit I think."

"Dad! Uncle T.K.!!" yelled a boy off in the distance with another in

his hand.

"Daisu! What-" Tai turned to see his son.

"Whoa!" Daisu yelled. A large Tyranosaurosmon crashed up from the


"Hand of Fate!" yelled another voice, and a flash of light came down

on the dinosaur-like digimon, hurting him.

"Meteor Wings!"

"Celestial Arrow!"

"Nova Blast!" And with the last attack the digimon was destroyed, and

Angemon, Angewomon, Greymon, and Birdramon dedigivolved into Patamon,

Gatomon, Agumon, and Biyomon.

"OH! It's our digimon!" Sora yelled happily. "Biyomon!"







"T.K.! You grew!" Patamon flew over to him, bewildered at the size of

his partner.

"I agree with Patamon." Said Gatomon. "You all grew up!"

"But they still look a little bit the same." Biyomon abserved.

"Oh! Yamo!" T.K. realized his son (and nephew) were still lying on

the ground, and he ran over to them.

"Da! I was scared!" Yamo ran over to him, and T.K. caught him in a


"Uncle? What the HECK is going ON? What are all these... things

here?" Daisu stood up and brushed himself off.

"We'll explain later. Right now we have to destroy all the bad

monsters, and then we can go back to my home." T.K. told him.

"Daisu! I thought we told you to stay at your uncles apartment!" Tai

yelled at his son.

"S-sorry dad, but we were worried about you!" Daisu yelled back.

"Wait a minute, did he say DAD?" Agumon stepped in.

"Ahh! Another thing!" Daisu yelled.

"Yeah, but he's a good monster, don't worry." Sora put her arms around

her son. "And yes, he did say 'dad'. Me and tai got married, and we have

two children, him (she pointed to Daisu) and our daughter, Liz."

"Wow. We've been away too long I think. Or maybe you have from

reality. What were you thinking, Sora, marrying Tai?" Biyomon asked.

"Hey!" Tai said after a moment.

* * *

<Put the foot on the gas pedal... > Chris thought out what his driving

instructor had taught him.

"You're taking long enough following her! I should be driving right

now... And I haven't even had lessons either!" Tiki scowled at him.

"Exactly! You're so stupid! Why don't you just shut up? You're

distracting me and I haven't been driving long, and that's why I've been

taking so long. I'm expirienced. So stop your drivil... " Chris yelled at


"'Exactly! Yadda yadda yoo, I'm expirienced, I need to concentrate,

yadda yad yoo, stop your drivil!'" Tiki crossed her arms and mimicked him.

"Hey! Mom stopped driving. There, at Centrel Square Park! Pull over!"

Tiki saw her mother suddenly pull over to a group of people.

"Hey, dad's over there!" Chris noticed.

"Cool." Was the reply.

"Mimi! There you are! We don't know what's going on, but Izzy's

solution is that the two worlds are colliding together." Joe's ran over and

embraced him wife.

"Oh, this is so scary! I can't beleive it!" Mimi said.

"Hey, I always knew he'd fall for your charms Mimi!" Gomamon said.

"Oh! Gomamon... Is Palmon here, too?" Mimi bent down.

"No, but Agumon, Gatomon, Patamon, and Biyomon are here though.

Tentomon should be here with Palmon and Gabumon in a little bit though. I

don't know what's keeping them." Gomamon looked around.

"Hey Mimi, who's that in our other car?!" Joe saw Chris (though he

didn't know it was him yet) pull over next to the car Mimi was driving.

"Dad! Mom!" Tiki jumped out of the car imediatly, and ran over to her


"Tiki?!" They yelled together.

"Yo people." Chris waved, getting out of the car himself.

"Chris?! What are you doing here?"

"I thought I told you to stay at the house you two!" Mimi put her

hands on her hips.

"Well, too bad! We came and we're here, so that's that!" Tiki smiled,


"What the heck is going on, and what's with all these... monster

creatures running around?" Chris asked.

"Hey, that's Mr. Creature to you pal!" Gomamon popped out behind Joe's


"AAAAHHHHH!! ANOTHER THING!" Chris backed off and tripped over.

"Whoa, he reminds me of you Joe!" Gomamon laughed.

"Ha ha ha." Joe said dryly. "You ok Chris.

"Yeah, whatever pop." Chris pulled himself to his feet.

"Hey, I agree with Gomamon, He reminds me of you Joe! Ha HA HAH HA!"

Tai laughed behind him.

"Ditto!" Matt grinned.

"Hey, that's just not funny anymore!" Joe flushed red.

"Hey, who're the rest of the old folks?" Tiki asked.

"Tiki!" Joe looked at his daughter.

"Well, you are old, aren't you? And so are me and Chris gonna be

someday. But Chris is always gonna be more shrivled up than I am! Whoo

hoo!" Tiki snickered.

"Oh shut up. But hi, I'm Chris, Joe's kid. And this is Tiki, I'm not

sure who she is, but she's adopted." Chris pointed.

"Hey!" Tiki yelled.

"I think we've been waiting here long enough, I-" Izzy started, but a

beep came from his laptop, and he opened it up. "Oh my gosh... We have

email, digidestined. From GENNAI." He told them.

"Whoa, that's deep." T.K. said.

"He says that the digiworld needs help again, and we're too old to come

and save it. So our children are going in place of us." izzy read.

"OUR CHILDREN??" They all yelled.


"Crud. Now we get stuck in some mess that our parents should clean up,

but instead we get thrown into it. Man this sucks." Daisu sighed.

"Look on the bright side, Daisu." Said Liz.

"What bright side?" Said Daisu.

"Hey, I don't know! Do I look like MISS information to you? Do I?

Huh, HUH???" Liz turned at him, and raised her voice up.

"Whoa, cow down, Lizard." Wix put his hand on her shoulder.

"Oh Mimi, it's so good to see you again!" Sora ignored her children

and hugged Mimi.

"Oh, I missed you Sora! Especially your good words of advice all the

time!" Mimi smiled.

"Wow Tiki, you have no idea how much you resemble your mother, in both

physical and words." Sora laughed.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment or an insult Sora?" Mimi turned

on her friend.

"Why don't you figure it out?" Sora turned away mischeiviously.

"Hey guys! We're here, we're here!" Izzy turned to see Tentomon,

Gabumon, and Palmon running up.

"Oh! Palmon! I missed you sooo much!" Mimi ran and hugged her


"I missed you too Mimi." Palmon smiled.

"Izzy! You've grown!" Tentomon flew over.

"And you haven't, I see."

"Matt, my friend! You've grown too, I see." Gabumon hugged him.

"Yeah, I have. It's so good to see you again!" Matt smiled.

"Yes, I agree. Are we still friends?"

"Hey, when haven't we been? Uh, this is my son, Wix. Wix, this is

Gabumon. He was... My digimon partner. We'll explain about that when we

get back to T.K.'s apartment. Ok?"

"Sure pop. Hey Gaumon, how's it going?" Wix stuck his hand out.

"Fine! You look quite like your father when he was your age."

"Yeah, I've been hearing that alot lately." Wix sighed.

"Hey everyone, weknow you'd like to have a little reunion, but there's

no time! So let's get back to T.K.'s apartment. We gotta see what's going

on. Izzy got another email from Gennai. Well c'mon, are you just gonna

stand there? Hurry up!" Tai flung his arms out, looking at everyone.

"Yeah, we're coming Mr. Leader." Matt remarked.

"That's MR. Leader to you, pal!" Tai shot a frown at him, and then

realized what he had said. Everyone burst out laughing.

"Ok, Joe, Tiki, Chris, Kari, Matt, his son, T.K. and his son will go

in one van, and me and everybody else will go in the other. Now let's move

it! Joe's driving one car, and Tai will drive the other because he know's

the way to T.K's! Now let's move it!" Mimi motioned to everybody.

"That's my Mimi!" Palmon smiled.

* * *

Hope you liked this one, and the next part will come out soon! What's gonna

happen to their kids?
