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The 2nd Digidestines:

The New World


"Mom, what's going on?" Yamo asked, looking out the window.

"I'll tell you when we get home. Or your Uncle Tai will." Kari hugged

her son.

"Ok." Yamo sighed.

"See? Here's home already. Now get out of the car." The cars pulled

up to the apartment building. Everybody got out of the cars, but they were

all pondering of how they could get the digimon inside without being seen.

"Hey, maybe they could all de-digivolve-because they're smaller in the

in-training form-and hide them beneath our jackets!" Tai smacked his fist

onto his hand.

"Very good Tai, but none of us is wearing one jacket and plus our

digimon called de-digivolve unless they're losing energy." Sora rolled her


"Oh... yeah I forgot about that... dane it." Tai frowned.

"I got'n idea!" Yama yelled all of the sudden. "We'll have three

people for the job-one person will hide the digimon under themself, the

second will look ahead of that person to make sure no ones coming, and the

third will look behind! So there's fifteen people here, and we'll need

three for one digimon, and there's eight digimon.... " Yamo thought for a

long time, but finally came to the answer. "So there's be only five digimon

we could get up there with that plan, and four digi's without one person.

But we could have two people for each digi! And maybe that'd work out...

No, wait-"

"Yamo, drop it! We'll just have to take them all up in one big group.

We'll take the elevator, 'kay? And one person would run up the stairs to

check so that there was no one by the upstairs elevator! All right? Now

let's go already!" T.K. put his hand over Yamo's mouth.

"Well... All right! Sound like a goood plan, my mahn!" Yamo grinned.

"Cool! Let's move your little tooshies now, huh digimon?" Tai yelled

into the car.

"Poison Ivy!" Palmon grabbed Tai with her attack and shook Tai hard.

"Don't you ever insult us again you big scwerming digiworm! You-"

"Palmon, really! It's OK. Tai wasn't insulting you!" Mimi put her

hands to her mouth trying to stiffle a laugh. "Anyway, somebody could see

us too!"

"Oh, sorry." Palmon dropped Tai on hard cement.

"Yow!" Tai yelped. "stupid mangy excuse for a flower digimon she's

more like a weed digimon how I'd like to-" Tai went on mumbling under his

breath. But fortunetly for him no one heard him.

"Ok, I'm go on a private Chat Room that I designed myself. No one can

get on this room without knowing the password. So I can send a quick email

to Gennai with the password and then we can talk online for a few minutes.

I hope it works." Izzy typed on his laptop. They all waited for about ten

minutes. While they waited Tai and Matt (who were in a different room)

explained to all the children about the digiworld and their adventures,

discoveries, and dangers.

"All right! I have him online!" Izzy anounced.

"Hello, digidestined. You've grown." A little image-picture of Gennai

talked through the computer.

"And you have't one bit Gennai, what's the news about our kids?" Tai


"The thing is there's a new evil digimon out there. His name is..."

Gennai didn't keep on talking.

"Well what's this guys name?" Sora asked.

"His name is... Swarthimon." Said Gennai.

"What kinda name is THAT??" Matt asked.

"I don't know. But he's very powerful, and not to be underestimated.

I mean it, too. He's more powerful than Devimon, Etemon, Myotismon, and

the Dark Masters all put together. He could probably defeat them in one

split second." Gennai told them.

"All right but what's this got to do with our kids?" Tai asked.

"You, digi-destined, are too old to come back to the digiworld. Why, I

cannot explain. Your children will go in place of you, and take your

crests, digivices, and digimon parners as their own. I must leave now, you

must figure out a way to get to the digiworld by yourself! Goodbye!" And

the image of Gennai disapeared.

"You were right all those years ago Tai. Gennai always leaves when we

have to ask him something!" Matt sighed.

"So, um, people, what the HECK is going on?" Daisu spoke up.

"Well everykid, you're going in our places. We have no choice, and

either do you. Both our world and the digiworld will be destroyed and get

all screwed up if you don't do this. This time you have to be very strong,

in more ways than one. You have to figure that out." Matt said.

"Mm hm. You have to have courage, friendship, love, hope, light,

reliablity, truthfulness, and intelligence." Izzy closed him laptop.

"I don't think Daisu has much of that." Liz commented.

"Or Chris... Intelligence, we mean." Tiki said. The two girls

giggled like crazy.

"Oh shut up." Daisu sighed.

"Well, I guess we have to do this." Chris said. "So dad, do I go in

your place?"

"I guess you do." Joe turned to him. "Here, this is the crest of

Reliability. And he's gonna be your partner, Gomamon. Oh yeah, here's the

digivice." Joe dug in his pocket.

"I have a pretty good idea who's going in who's place." Kari said.

"Yamo will go for T.K., Mika will go for me, Tiki for Mimi, Chris for Joe,

Wix for Matt, Daisu for Tai, Liz for Sora, and-" Kari stopped and looked at

Izzy. "Oh my gosh... Izzy, you're not married, are you?"

"Nope. Neither do I have any children, either. I guess I'll just have

to go myself." Izzy stood up.

"No. Gennai said that we couldn't go. Not us grownups. I don't know

why, but I think if we do go, something bad will happen, and neither do I

know why!" T.K. said.

"Oh, this is so confusing." Mimi leaned against Joe, who put his arm

around her shoulder.

"It's ok Mimi, everything's going to work out." Sora reassured her.

"Here Liz, my crest. It's the crest of Love. And this is Biyomon, who's

going to be your partner."

"Hi Liz!" Biyomon hugged her.

"Hey!" Liz smiled.

"Here Yamo, this is the crest of Hope, and this is Patamon." T.K. gave

his crest to Yamo.

"Hi Yamo." Patamon said.

"Hiya!" Yamo said.

And one by one they gave their crests and digivices to their children.

"Now, I know this world is going to be strange to you, and scary, and

it will be dangerous. It will also be fascinating, and beautiful in some

ways. You have to depart now, but just remember to be strong, to be all

that. And be sure to stick together, and be patient with one another."

when Matt said that, he looked at Tai and the two grown men smiled at each

other. "Now, hold out your digivices, and go." Matt then went to Wix and

hugged him. "Be brave, 'kay kid?"

"I will dad. I promise." Wix hugged back.

"You two kids do not fight at all, 'kay? And stick together." Tai,

Sora, Liz, and Daisu hugged each other.

"Be careful children... Oh, I love you sooo much!" Mimi hugged Chris

and Tiki stranggledly. Joe smiled wryly and hugged them after Mimi.

"Be careful you two." T.K. told his children.

"We love you both. And stay by your cousins." Kari said.

"I'll be fine!" Yamo smiled, pointing to himself. He hugged his

mother, then his father. Mika did the same.

"All right, see you later pops!" Daisu held his hand up. "And moms."

He held out his digivice, and the othes followed his lead. The digimon ran

up and stood by their partners.

"Goodbye Izzy! Maybe some other child will show up for me!" Tentomon

turned to Izzy before they left.

"Maybe Tentomon... maybe." Izzy smiled.

A circle of light surrounded the children, colors of blue, purple, red,

green, yellow, and orange. Then a bright flash of light flashed before

their eyes....

"Oh man... my head... " Daisu woke up and groaned. His head was

throbbing as if a table had just been broken over his head.

"Hey there Daisu! Are you okay?" A little yellow dinosaur came into

Daisu's veiw. It was Agumon.

"Hey there Agamun, or whatever." Daisu sat up.

"It's A-gu-mon. Gosh you look alot like Tai! In fact, all of the

other kids look just like their parents!" Agumon told him.

"Yeah, I know. Uh, are we in the, uh, 'digiworld'?" Daisu inquired,

looking around. Never in his life had he seen such funny looking trees.

There were fern-like plants all over. EVERYTHING seemed to be vegetative.

"Geez, isn't there anything else here besides trees and plants? And

Fruit?" Daisu just noticed something like looked like a banana bunch and

something else that looked like a pink orange, only without the ruff skin.

"Why yes! There's deserts and villages and icebergs and moutains and

lakes and there's a big ocean surrounding this whole island." Agumon said

in his high, squeeky-like voice.

"Cool. Hey, do you know where the other's are? I mean, like my sister

and cousins and those other two kids?"

"Yes, I think so! They should be around here SOMEwhere."

"Cool! Let's go look!" Daisu jumped up. "C'mon!" He started walking

to a small path and down, with Agumon by his side.

"Hey! Daisu! There ya are! D'you know where my sister and the others

are?" Yamo and Patamon ran up to Daisu.

"Hey there Yamo! No, I'm not sure where the others are but we're

looking for them!" Daisu smiled down on his younger cousin.

"Oh okay... Hey there Agumon! How's it going?" Yamo suddenly turned

to Agumon.

"Fine!" Agumon smiled.

"Oh! Um, you there with the big hair! Hi!" Daisu saw a girl and boy

running up to him. He figured they was probably the woman's in the pink

daughter and son.

"Hey there!" Daisu replied. "The name's Daisu, and this is Yamo."

"Tiki is my name. And this is Chris!"

"Cool!" Yamo grinned wide.

"Hey there Daisu, Yamo." Chris said. Daisu saw that he had a guitar

strapped to his back. It wasn't very big, but it wasn't small.

"Hey, strum us a song dude!" Daisu pointed to the quitar.

"No! Not right now. Let's find the others first." He held his hand


"Okay Chris! Let's blow this joint!" Tiki thrust her hands up,

laughing. Then Palmon and Gomamon started laughing, and then everybody else

joined in and started off down the road.

* * *

"Unnngh... " Wix awoke slowly, sat up, and wiped his mouth. He

swallowed. "What... " <Oh yeah, now I remember> He thought. <We're in the


"Ah! I see you're awake my friend." Wix saw a dog-like creature come

into the clearing he lied on. It was Gabumon.

"Hey there Gabumon. Where's all the others... my cousins and those two

other kids?" He asked him.

"Well, one is right next to you and I don't know where to others are!"

Gabumon said, pointing to a figure lying next to Wix. It was Mika, his


"Mika! Wake up!" Wix crawled over to her and shook her. She slowly

opened her eyes and blinked.

"Oh, Wix. What's going- oh yeah, we're in this one world, aren't we?"

She questioned him.

"Yep. Here's Gabumon." Wix looked at him.

"And don't forget about me!" A fourth figure came into the clearing.

It was Gatomon.

"Oh hello Gatomon!" Mika brightened as she saw her and smiled.

"Where's my brother Yamo?"

"I don't know. We don't know where anyone is. I think we should go

search for them right away." answered Gatomon.

"Yeah, me too." Wix agreed.

"Let's get going then!" gabumon pointed into the large, green forest.

* * *

"Hey there Agumon! Biyomon! Palmon!" everyone heard a voice yelling

at them. It was Tentomon. He came flying torward them, with another figure

following him, a boy.

"Hey Tentomon! Where were you?" Agumon waved.

"Guess who I found? Or found me?" Tentomon asked proudly.


"A boy! This is Akira," Tentomon moved aside, to reaveal a boy, "and

he's come here in place of Izzy! Well it's kind of obvious since he has the

crest of Knowledge... " The boy had very neat black hair, which smoothed

down on his neck. It was sort of long, but not really. He had two black

strings of hair that went down before his ears. He wore a white dress

shirt, and dark green dress pants. He had a laptop strapped to his back,

and in his shirt-pocket were a pair of spectacles. But the thing most

noticable about him were his dark, black eyes.

"Hello!" He smiled slighty, or shyly it looked like. "Pleased to

meet you. Tentomon told me all about this place and you and your parents."

"Hey there! I'm Tiki, and this is my no-good stupid brother Chris!!"

Tiki held her hand out, and Akira shook it. "That over there is Liz, and

that's her brother Daisu, and this is Yamo! This is Palmon, my 'partner'!"

"Hey Akira, just ignore my sister... I am NOT no-good and stupid, she

just likes describing herself as others." Chris laughed.

"Oh shut up Chris!" Tiki scowled.

"So, is your dad Mr. Izumi?" Yamo asked Akira.

"No! Izumi is my teacher. He isn't married, and I don't think he

ever will be!" Akira smiled weakly.

"Oh... But what do YOUR parents have to do with the digiworld?" Yamo

again asked yet another question.

"I'd rather tell you later... " Akira looked uncomfertable.

"Yeah, sure! But let's get going now, we have to find our cousins!"

Liz spoke up, afraid that whatever Akira would rather tell them later was

something sad and important to him.

"Yeah, let's get going!" Daisu said.

And went off in search of their cousins... not aware of something that

was with them the whole time....