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Two Worlds Mix

Author’s dedication: I’d like to dedicate this story to Chris Pleasants,

a great friend

of mine since pre-school. He helped me get the idea for this fanfic

anyway so he

deserves the dedication.

A/N: I don’t own any of these characters, Digimon or Poke’mon, except

for the

ones I make up. Don’t sue me, please, because this is just for fun. I

imagined what

it would be like if the three Poke’mon main characters ( Ash, Misty, and

Broc )

met up with the Digidestined in the Digital-World and I came up with


The story stars out in the "Poke’mon World" A.K.A Japan. Then we

jump to the Digital-World where all the Digidestined are split up and

some of them

are seperated from their Digimon. Ash, Misty, and Broc don’t exactly get


with the Digidestined and.................well you’ll just have to read

and find out!

Hope you like it!!

P.S. I’m not a large fan of Poke’mon and if you are, sorry. I kind of


Poke’mon look bad in this story, from my perspective, so don’t really

get mad at

me. Thanx!!

Let’s begin:

Two Worlds Mix/ Part One

The warm, welcoming sun hit Misty’s back in rays of splendid light. She


on her blue beach towel in her two piece suit, tanning after days of

walking. Ash

and a couple of his Poke’mon were splashing in the salty waves and


constant shouts were heard.

" Geez, Ash! Move over there! I can’t fish if you scare them away!" was


constant complaint. Misty nearly smiled to herself. She could almost see


red, red face steaming with anger and Ash’s smirking one. Ash would

regret it

later, of course. If Broc didn’t catch any fish and none of them had any

money left,

they’d be out of dinner. Let him make that mistake and find out, Misty


I’ve got enough money for Broc and me. He can face the consiquences.

Misty sighed, happy at the thought. She didn’t really like Ash, not a


lot anyway. She still held a grudge against him for totalling her bike.

And his

wisecracks didn’t make it any better. But other than that, he was sort

of okay.

" CANNON BALL!" Ash shouted and hit the water full force. The wave

he, Pikachu, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, and Butterfree made hit Misty in a

shock of

foam. She shrieked in suprise and jumped up. She turned around to face

Ash, her

fists clenched, when the air behind Ash shimmered silver.

" Misty?" Ash asked. He was standing in the water, staring at her. "


Misty! Whatcha lookin’ at?" All Misty could do was point.

Ash turned slowly around and gaped at the large, shimmering circle in


of him. He walked towards it, stuck his hand through it, and was sucked


" Ash!" Mistsy yelled from the beach.

" Pika-Pikachu!" Pikachu agreed and flung himself at the circle.


Squirtle, and Butterfree followed.

" Misty!" Broc yelled from the dock he was on. " Grab my stuff and


We’ve got to follow him!" And he dove into the water, leaving his

fishing rod on

the dock. Misty sighed, grabbed her pack, Ash’s, and Brock’s, and ran

straight for

the disappearing portal. Broc dove through it and she jumped in right




" Garurumon!" Matt’s voice rang out through the Digital woods he was

wandering through. " Garurumon!" No matter how loud or long he seemed to

shout, he couldn’t find his Digimon friend.

They had gotten seperated from the others while battling Dekjomon. Then

they got seperated from each other when a pack of Gizamon attacked them.


arms were scratched up by the thorns and his left cheek was turning

black from a

swift and hard punch one of the Gizamon had managed to land. And he was


" GARURUMON!" he tried one last time, cupping his hands around his

mouth to help project the sound. No answer from anywhere. Unless, you

call three

humans suddenly falling from the sky an answer.

They fell straight from the sky, about fifty feet from Matt, in their


suits and a few odd looking creatures. Matt automatically assumed these


Digimon for no Digimon fell out of the sky unless they had been flying.

At least,

he thought that anyway.

The taller, tanner male stood up and helped the female up. Matt


help but think that she was pretty, especially in a two piece. The

other, smaller, and

paler male stood up on his own.

" So where do you think we landed this time, Misty?" he asked. He


into a backpack similar to TK’s and pulled out three white-and-red

balls. Three of

the creatures that fell out of the sky went into them. Only one

remained. It sort of

reminded Matt of his little brother’s Digimon partner, Patamon.

" Some Poke’mon Safari place again, I’d guess," the taller, tanner male

suggested. " I could be wrong, of course."

" Well let’s keep an eye out for any humans," the female said. " If

this is a

Poke’mon Safari, there better be some humans around."

Poke’mon? So that’s what those creatures were. Matt had been right;


weren’t Digimon.

" Pika-Pikachu!" the small Patamon-looking-Poke’mon chattered, pointing

in Matt’s direction. " Pika-Pika!"

" What is it, Pikachu?" The younger male crouched next to the Poke’mon.

" Pikachu!" the Poke’mon said firmly and ran ten feet from them towards

Matt, then stopped and turned around to look at the three humans. "



" I think he smells something," the taller male confirmed. " Better


him, Ash."

" All right," the smaller male agreed and ran after the yellow rat. "

Lead the

way, Pikachu!"

The yellow rat nodded and ran towards Matt again. It stopped about five

feet from the Digidestined and said, " Pikachu!" The boy stopped right

behind him.

He squinted in the darkness and reached his hand out. It touched Matt’s


shoulder and Matt jerked back.

" Watch it!" he snapped. " Or I’ll sic Garurumon to you!"

The young boy stepped back from Matt. " Misty! I think Pikachu found a


" Boy or girl?" the female shouted at the boy.

" Um......" The boy paused. " Uh, er, your gender, please?" he asked


" Isn’t it obvious?" Matt demanded and stepped from the shadows.

" Um, boy, Misty!" the boy answered.

" Boy?!" the girl shrieked and ripped her red pack open. " God, I can’t

let a

strange boy see me like this!" And she hurridly dressed herself.

" Where’d you come from?" the young boy asked Matt.

" Been here for weeks, kiddo," Matt answered. " Months, even." He had


idea why he was being friendly to this stranger. But something told him

he should

be. " Where’d you come from?"

" Well, Japan, you could say," the boy answered meekly. " We travel

around a lot."

" Yeah? Well so do I and right now, I’ve got to get my feet working and

find Garurumon and my little bro. So back off!" Matt began to walk away.


boy grabbed his wrist and yanked him toward him.

" Wait. Do you know your way around here?" he asked.

" Sort of. But I’m not reliable. Talk to Joe. He’s got that crest,"


answered coldly. " Now let go."

" Not so fast," the boy said and tightened his grip on Matt’s wrist. "


help us, we’ll help you. Kay?"

" Fine. Fine, fine," Matt gave in. " I’ll help you but temporarily. And


get used to it; I’m not this kind of guy."

The boy nodded and dragged the Digidestined over to his two comrades.

The girl blushed a bit at the sight of him.

" Okay, I’m Ash," the boy introduced, " and that’s Misty and that’s


This is Pikachu, my Poke’mon." He indicated the yellow rat. " Who are


" Yamato Ishida," Matt answered.

" Well, Yama-"

" Matt, please," Matt cut off. " I don’t like all that ‘Yamato’ stuff."

" Sorry," Ash grumbled. He reached into his pack and pulled out a pair


jeans and slipped them on. A black shirt came next, followed by a blue

and white

cover jacket. " So, is this a Poke’mon Safari place again or what?"

" Poke’mon Safari?" Matt repeated questionably. " Huh?"

" So it isn’t a Safari," the one called Broc said. " Is is a reserve



" Poke’mon?" Matt asked again. " There are no Poke’mon here."

" No Poke’mon?" Ash asked in disbelief.

" No Poke’mon," Matt confirmed. " We’ve got Digimon and some humans

but heck no Poke’mon."

" So what do you catch and train?" Ash asked.

" Catch and trian?"

" Yeah. Do you have badges you try to earn so you get into


dunno.........Digimon League or something?"

" No."

" Then what do you do?" Ash put his hands on his hips.

" We try to save the world."

" We?" Broc echoed. " Where are the others?"

" We got seperated in a battle against Dekjomon. Then I was seperated


Garurumon in a Gizamon attack. I can’t find my little bro and I really

better get

going so I can find him and-"

" You need medical treatment," Misty interupted.

" What?"

Misty pointed to Matt’s black cheek. Matt gingerly brought his hand up


his cheek slowly and grimaced as he touched it only lightly.

" That," he said. " Nothing bad."

" What got you?" Broc asked. " No human could punch that hard."

" The Gizamon attack," Matt answered.

" And what are Gizamon?"

" I can’t describe ‘em but there’s one right there." Matt pointed at a


looking thing with black fur and big paws with large claws. Orange fur


their backs.

" Looks like he couldn’t do much damage," Broc observed.

" Oh yeah, he can," Matt said. " When there’s a pack of them, they can

do a


" Nothing can take out Pikachu though, right?" Ash looked at his


and Pikachu nodded in agreement.

" Pikachu!" he said.

" Pikachu! Thunder Shock!" Ash ordered. Lightning flew from the small,

yellow rat and surrounded the Gizamon. The sudden attack shocked it and


growled at Pikachu.

" All right!" Ash threw a red-and-white ball at the Gizamon, attempting


catch it. But the ball bounced off the Digimon. All it did was make it


" Idiot!" Matt shouted. " Look! When a Gizamon get’s mad, it gets mad!

It’ll attack us, dope!"

" Pikachu can handle it," Ash said confidently.

" I don’t think so. Gabumon couldn’t hand it," Matt said coldly. "

There is

no way that rat can do any better."

" That rat?!" Ash stormed. " You called Pikachu a ‘rat’?!!"

" Ash, calm down," Broc said. " If you think about it, it’s actually


logical, ya know?"

" Shut up, Broc," Ash said. He was suddenly shoved to the ground by the


" That’s the first thing a Gizamon has done right," Matt joked. Then


Gizamon turned on him. " Oh, you going to blacken my other cheek too?


" Matt.." Misty whined. " You’ll get hurt."

" Not if you play ‘em smart, you won’t," Matt said. Oh God, I sure


use Garurumon right about now! " Come on, Giza! One black cheek isn’t


Blacken the other one, if you dare!"

The Gizamon seemed to smirk and it leaped at Matt. Matt dodged to the

side and kicked out. His foot hit the Gizamon hard in the side and

knocked it

flying. " How do you like it, black frog?" Matt asked mockingly.

The Gizamon growled and launched itself on Matt. It swung its short and

stubby arm, his long claws connecting with Matt’s chest. Matt screamed

out and

kicked the Gizamon again. The barbed hooks on its claws kept it on the


" Garurumon!" Matt shouted.

" HOWLING BLASTER!!!" a voice rang out. A large tiger/wolf creature

jumped out of the bush. A blue fire sort of substance shot from his

mouth and hit

the Gizamon square, knocking it off Matt.

Matt stumbled back and blinked at his Digimon. It took him a moment to

realize TK’s backpack was strapped on one of his front legs.

Garurumon beat the living daylights out of the poor Gizamon and sent


wailing into the woods. " And don’t come back!" he snarled after him. He

began to

glow and deDigivolved back to Gabumon.

" Gabumon!" Matt said, staring blankly at TK’s backpack. Gabumon

brought it up to him.

" I found this but no TK," he said. " Thought you might want it."

Matt took the blue backpack from his friend’s arms and ran his hand

over it.

" Oh TK," he mumbled. " You’re sure you didn’t see TK?" he asked


Gabumon shook his head. " Nope."

" God, why didn’t I stay with him?" Matt asked himself. " I should have

told him to hold my hand, I should have-"

" Matt? We’ll find him," Gabumon assured. " He’s fine. I know it."

Matt clutched the small pack close to his bleeding chest. " I hope


right, Gabumon. I really hope you’re right."

" All right. Who’s this TK dude?" Ash asked. He had gotten up and


off. He wore a scowl on his face.

" My-my little brother," Matt answered. " This is his backpack."

" We figured that," Misty answered. " Does he keep medical supplies in

there at all?"

" Why?" Matt asked.

" We need to fix you up," Misty answered. " A cut on the chest isn’t



" If only Mimi were here," Gabumon sighed. " And Joe. Both are great at


" We can’t exactly-"

Misty was cut off by a wailing coming from a hill off in the distance.


perked up and bit and looked towards the hill.

" That sounds like TK!" he said excitedly. " TK!"

" Matt!" a small boy’s voice cried out. And sure enough, a small boy

dressed in green with a big hat came running down the hill,

backpackless. He was

carrying a small, pink Digimon in his arms.

" Matt!" he shouted again. " Matt, help me!"

" Tokomon!" Matt shouted. " Digivolve!"

" I can’t!" came the squeaky reply. " I don’t have enough strength!"

To Be Continued.........................

A/N: Did you like it? It sucks, I know. E-mail me your critizism or

comments to Don’t put me up in flames, please. I worked hard on


piece. I know it’s long, I’m sorry, but I couldn’t help it.