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A.I. spells AIIIIIIIIII!!!!!

AN: Well, it's another fanfic. Another time travel one. Boy, I love this topic. If you like new digimon, you'll love this. I'm not telling any more hints.
Yes, I know that I'm being really mysterious about Jim. I'll reveal what he did in the next series. Why Jim? I needed a scapegoat.
Oh yes, someone got the correct answer to my contest. I'm not posting the answer yet, so you can continue to send responses in. The person who got the answer is:

ChronoEevee133. Congrats!

Anyway, on with the fic!

Disclaimer: I do not own digimon. Okay. Done. Now for the fic.

"Jim here, reporting to... I guess you. Last time, I was up to my old tricks again, and I managed to get Joe alone. He stupidly tripped over me and knocked us both off a cliff. I decided to try and go back through time, but Joe got my time machine and used it. Mine wasn't working well, and I couldn't pick where to go till I fixed it, but if I didn't use it, I'd die (catch 22 alert). Well, I tried to change time to suit my needs, but Joe stopped me! I managed to get back to the present time, and I WILL have revenge on Joe!"

Part 1
A Little Bugged

Walter and Izzy were hunched over some papers. They were talking in low voices to each other, and appeared to be undistractable. The rest of the digidestined had tried a few times to get them to come around, but to no effect.
"Izzy, I've already tried a preliminary testing. It worked better then I ever dreamed! Computers are more useful if they're smarter and can think for themselves than if they're dumb and unable to think for themselves. Mine helped me in my research!" Said Walter, referring to a program that would increase computer A.I. by a substantial amount.
"Gee, I don't know. I'm confident that it would be useful, but then what would I be good for?" Asked Izzy. He was almost as cautious as Joe these days, whereas Joe was as reckless as Tai. Everyone had noticed this, and despite Joe's assurances that Insane was destroyed, thought that Izzy might have gone there.
"Come on, man. Just try it! I tried it, I'm still smart!" Said Walter.
"Oh all right. I'll try it. But I'm not promising that I'll keep it." Izzy relented.
That night...

Izzy had completed the new program. He hit the install button. Within minutes, it was on. He then activated his diary.
"Izzy, you spelled 'redundant' wrong in line three." Said the computer, matter-of-factly.
"Um, thanks!" Izzy fixed the error, and continued typing. He talked with the computer while he worked. He had an enjoyable conversation. Joe, on guard, noticed nothing out of the ordinary--Izzy invented strange things all the time at home, Joe had been to Izzy's house and seen some.
Izzy typed and typed. The computer talked and talked.
Izzy didn't know that, whenever he typed something, he made the computer stronger. The computer knew.
And it attacked.

Part 2
Computer Virus

The computer didn't exactly jump and bop him in the face. Instead, it asked him to put his hands on the monitor.
Izzy did so.
The computer fired black lighting through his hands. It shot up his arms, and surrounded him. He groaned in pain. When the computer stopped, Izzy behaved, well, quite differently than normal.
He stood up shakily and said. "I am your servant, great computer." The lighting apparently had a hypnotic effect.
The computer said. "Go. Enslave the other children and digimon. Now."
Izzy walked quite normally to the area where the rest were sleeping. Joe was about to yell and wake everyone up, when...
Jim, with his broadsword, jumped in front of him. Joe grabbed his crowbar and they began to fight. Everyone awoke to the noise.
Tai jumped straight up, and focussed all of his attention on figuring out how to stop the fight. Izzy snuck up behind him, and fired the lightning. No one was paying attention.
Tai and Izzy walked out of the campsite to the area where the digimon were sleeping--they had wanted to sleep by themselves. Only Songmon and Labmon were awake, pretending to be asleep.
Tai and Izzy put their hands together, and simultaneously yelled "LIGHTNING SPIRAL!"
Black lightning swirled from their hands, slamming into the digimon. Labmon and Songmon dodged the attack, and then...
The two champions stood up, even as the rookies woke up.
"I am Musicmon, champion form of Songmon. My Song Blast attack can overpower an enemy instantly!" Said Musicmon. She looked like a wooded stick figure, but one that was as tall as Greymon, and one that had wings.
"I would be Sciencemon. One of the smartest. My Science Laser attack can blast an enemy into next week!" Spoke Sciencemon. He looked like Garoomon, with dark fur.
Back at the camp...
Joe finally got a well aimed blow into Jim's chest. Jim stumbled back. Joe swung the crowbar around and hit him in the side. He heard something break. But it wasn't a bone.
It was his time machine.
A purple light swirled out of his cloak. It created a huge portal in the sky. The suction was tremendous. It was like the one that Tai and Metalgreymon had fallen into after defeating Etemon. Jim was swept into it. "Ahhhh!"
Joe's time machine started beeping. Then, without warning, a portal opened behind him.
Walter and Julia grabbed Joe to try to keep him from being sucked in, but they were fighting a losing battle.
At the digimon site...
The rookies had all digivolved into champion mode. Then...
All of the digidestined but Joe, Walter, and Julia were all a bit groggy, either from being jerked out of sleep at midnight or being hypnotized. Joe was really tired, from watch and from fighting a portal through time. Thus, no one could digivolve but Musicmon and Sciencemon.
"I, Metalmusicmon, have extremely powerful attacks. Watch out for my Song Punch!" Metalmusicmon looked like Musicmon, but encased in metal.
"And I, Weresciencemon, can outsmart any enemy. My best attack is the tube laser!" Weresciencemon had just changed like Garoomon did when he digivolved--he stood up on two legs, and grew gloves.

At camp...

Joe was ripped from Julia's and Walter's grasp and sucked into the portal.
He came out about three hours ago, a few miles away from where they had been. He dashed in the direction of camp, as quick as possible, to try to stop Izzy from becoming hypnotized. He had to get there fast.

Part 3
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!!!!

At camp, present day...

Izzy and Tai had come running over from the digimon area, leaving the battle behind. Everyone was watching as they dashed into camp, shaking.
Sora put her hand on Tai's shoulder. "Tai, what happened?"
"Oh, nothing." He casually shocked Sora with his lightning. Sora jumped back. Everyone at camp screamed and ran off. "GET THEM!" Izzy cried. They took off.
T.K. and Kari were lagging behind. Tai grabbed Kari. "Hi, sis." Tai shocked Kari even as she twisted away.
T.K. tripped and fell into Sora's arms. "Sora, does this mean that you don't like me?" He asked.
"Yes, it does." Sora shocked T.K.
They continued to chase the digidestined. They had run for about 10 minutes, when Mimi and Walter ran into the woods. Julia and Matt stayed on the path.

Back in time...

Joe had been going to camp for 2.5 hours, when he saw the campsite. He saw Izzy and the computer. Izzy was about to install the program.
Joe had to think of something--fast! He threw a stone. It clattered a little way from Izzy, but he didn't notice. He threw a rock. It hit Izzy, but he didn't notice. Joe sighed. Now what?
He decided to resort to drastic measures. He grabbed his crowbar and bopped Izzy. Izzy slumped where he was sitting, unconscious.
Joe opened up the program, dragged it to the trash, and hit the EMPTY TRASH button. He activated is time machine, and returned to the present.

Present day...

Poof! Izzy and the others were asleep. So were all of the digimon when Joe returned. He woke them all up, and told them what had happened.
"How interesting. I'll look into that program and see if I can modify it." Said Walter. "I put in a few safeguards so that thing wouldn't happen, but I'll add a few more."
Soon everyone but Izzy, who was on watch, was asleep.

AN: The completion of another fanfic. Hurrah! 'K, please send feedback. This means you. Hee hee.