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Digimon in your BackPack

By Jessie

Hello, I 'm Jessie are your about to read my very first digimon fanfic. I first want to tell you that all these characters (besides the digi-destines and digimon) are real, and not made up. Jen, Jessie (that's me!), David, and Becky are all very much alive and would not like it if you copied them (because that's just disturbing) or use them in anyway.

Next, well, I need a disclaimer because being sued just doesn't sit well with my Mom. I don't own Digimon, digital monsters, nor have anything to do with the creation of it. Yes I know your asking "But Jessie, if you don't own Digimon, who does?" Well gather round young children, and I'll tell you about how the fine people of Toei Animation created the way of living that we all know as Digimon. Ok, I just did, now angry corporate executives can't sue me, which makes my Mom very happy.

I need to thank the very talented Easter (author of Digi-dorks, a very funny fanfic that you all should read!) For she taught me how to send in my fan fictions. Yes, I am computer deficient. Where's Izzy when you need him? * Sweatdrop*

Okay, here are the basics for the story.

First off, my sister is Becky, her friend is David, and my friend is Jen.

Secondly, you need willing suspension of disbelief. Basically, that means try to have an opened mind when reading this. For instance, we can somehow understand Japanese. Just bare with me when reading this.

Now you're ready to read the story. It's called Digimon in Your Backpack. Corny name alert! Please excuse me, it was a late night when I originally wrote this.

Digimon in Your Backpack

Jessie and Jen sat on 17 Middle St.'s cold hard stairs. It was a hot day, and Jessie and Jen were trying to cool themselves off in the shade while a cookout was going out back on the porch. It was a celebration of Becky's, Jessie's younger sister, 11th Birthday.

"It's so hot out! Mother Nature's going to get a nasty complaint letter from me!" Jessie tried to shout as loud as she could, without wasting all her energy up.

Jen nodded in agreement. David came around the corner of the white duplex, soaking wet. His tinted glasses were crooked, and he was out of breath. Jen giggled, and asked mockingly

"Hi David. How's the water?"

"Shut up." David replied, and then sat down on the steps. "You wouldn't be laughing if you were sprayed with the hose too."

"No, I'd be dancing with joy." Jen corrected.

David stuck out his tongue and Becky joined them on the stone steps.

"Hey guys. I got you good with the hose David." Becky paused then changed the subject "What's that noise?"

Jessie, David, and Jen looked up.

"I don't know, but it's coming from up there." David said as he pointed to the sky.

"Look!" Jen interrupted.

A big blob of colors was screaming in the air as it was falling their way.

"Get out of its way! It's going to crash!" David warned.

Jessie and Becky jumped out of its way just in time to see 8 kids and 8 creatures fall on their steps.

"Jen! Are you hurt! Oh yeah, and David too." Jessie called out.

" I'm just fine Jessie. If this KID would get off of me!" Jen yelled, directing her attention to a little boy who was lying on her stomach. He had on a weird green hat and was accompanied by a pig-like orange thingie. (I am the queen of adjectives, darn it!)

A boy with puffy hair and goggles lifted his head and looked around.

"Where are we?" He asked David as he was pushing a weird looking plant off of him.

"Ok! First of all, who are you? Where did you come from, and why did you drop a plant on me?" David shouted.

"Well, I'm Tai" the boy said, pointing to himself "and this is Sora and Mimi, Matt and TK, Izzy and Joe, and Kari." He introduced.

Becky clung to Jessie.

"Wha, wha, what are those?" Becky trembled.

A boy with pointed red hair spoke up, umm, Izzy, yeah, that's it, Izzy.

"Those are our Digimon."

"Digi, wha?" Jen pondered, dusting herself off.

"Digimon, digital monsters." A horned, fur-covered Digimon confirmed.

"They talk?!" Jessie yelped, now hiding behind Becky.

"Sorry, you probley don't get this alot where you come from, but over here we just don't see real talking monsters daily." Jen stuttered.

" It's okay. Why don't we explain." The boy with blonde hair, Matt said.

And so began the 3 hour explaination of the Digi-world, Digimon, and Digi-destines. 4 hours, if you want to include the whining of Mimi, constant interrupting from Matt and David, and mindless scientific junk of Izzy.

"Oh, that pretty much clears up all the questions that I had." Jessie blankly stated.

"Where were you originally from?" Jen added.

"Japan." Matt answered.

Jen, Becky, David, and Jessie all almost fainted from the shock.

"That's on the other side of the world!" Becky exclaimed.

"That means we're in North America!" Joe shouted.

"Great. I suppose Izzy's now going to tell us how we got here." Sora predicted.

"Must be an open space between dimensions." He muttered.

"Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Mimi whined. "I want to go home!"

Jessie and Jen covered their ears and made a face.

"Mimi, calm down. We'll find some way to get home." Kari comforted.

***After some worrying and arguing for about an hour. ***

"You guys need a place to stay for the night. I have a big cellar if you don't mind staying there until we can find a way for you to go home." Becky offered.

Jessie smacked her head.

"Great, I have 16 people/things staying with me. My sister, so generous."

That's the end of part one for now. So, what did you think? Did you like it, hate it, think it should burn? E-mail your complements or your flames *gulp* to It will get better I promise, but introductions are always boring. I'll have a better story line up for you people that feel like reading the next part and I'll feature more of the Digidestines. That's a promise!