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T.K.痴 version:

Brother of mine,

Through thick and through thin,

I know of the love,

You keep for me within.


Though harsh you many act,

And cold you may play,

Brother of mine,

In my heart you will stay.


Protecting me from dangers,

Guarding me from harm,

Brother of mine,

Your actions are warm.


The love that you show,

The pain that you hide,

Brother of mine,

I値l be by your side.


And through dangerous times,

And times when I知 scared,

Brother of mine,

I know you値l be there.


In a world we don稚 know,

In times when we can稚 see,

I know when I look,

You値l be there beside me.


Matt's version:

Brother of mine,

Though I may not be there,

I値l know of your love,

The bond that we share.


Innocent burden,

One that I willingly hold,

Brother of mine,

Until I am old.


I値l be there to guard you,

To guide and protect,

Brother of mine,

Is that what you expect?


The coldness I show,

The cruelty I play,

Dear brother of mine,

In my heart you will stay.


And through the mask,

I am forced to wear,

Brother of mine,

You値l always be there.


And no matter what happens,

No matter how scared,

Brother of mine,

Look and I値l be there.