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Disclaimer: Not mine, no money, don't sue...

For further warnings, see part 1

Also: We do not own Grandia (though we wish we did!) I'd also like to thank Tolkien, Shakespeare and the creator of Slayers for all their help! (figuratively) We do not own Slayers, Midsummer Night's Dream, or The Hobbit.


Sigh... where do I start? I thought, pondering the location of the hidden treasure I had sent myself to find. The flying mythic creature, I didn’t know the legend, I didn’t even know if anyone had even SEEN the flying mythic creature...

*Well, DUH, Koushirou, if you don’t know, find out! There are plenty of scholars around File Village... Okay, so there’s maybe two... But that’s more than enough to learn about a child’s legend, ne?* I pondered on the idea.

Yes, that’s the ticket! I chomped down another bite of food, "Mmm, these portions and comestibles are very acceptable indeed! Attendant, may I be served another helping of these fine edibles?

A brown-haired woman with a white ribbon in her hair and an okonomiyaki-seller’s outfit walked over to my table carrying a tray, "Hey, sugar, how are you doin’?" the waitress asked.

"I’m quite well, thank you. But I’m in a bit of a fix," I explained.

"Really? Is there anyway I can help?" she asked.

I paused for a moment, "Well, I suppose if you could direct me to the nearest possible scholar in this community so that I might enlist his services?"

The woman smiled, "A scholar? I suppose the nearest to here would be Sage Gennai, he’s just down the road a ways..." she gestured.

I gobbled down my meal fervently, "My thanks, ma’am," With that, I dropped down the fee and a healthy tip for the waitress, and turned for the village concourse.

Once upon the streets, I headed straight for where the waitress had directed me. I needed to hurry if I was complete my mission before the week’s end.

"Sing another one." A gruff voice commanded about a 6 meters to my left.

" Look, I’m tired, I’m hungry, and that would make your 7th one." Came the reply, " Can’t I take a break or something?"

I stopped and turned my gaze to the entrance to yet another tavern. This one looked a bit more seedy then the previous one. The interior was darker and probably attracted fellows with questionable intentions. (Thieves, murderers, bad cooks, evil wizards and drug dealers) I took a cautious step inside to inspect what all the commotion was about. In the center of the dark musty room amiss several dirty tables sat the source.

For once I was at a complete loss of words. Sitting atop an empty table was the most beautiful woman in all creation. She possessed large ruby-shaded eyes and long caramel-colored hair pulled back on her head with a band. Two locks framed a delicate, pale face. She was clothed in a long green dress that reached her ankles and hugged her curves. The silken fabric was embroidered with gold flowers. Overall a very stunning effect.

"No, I didn’t blow 5,000 gold pieces on you so *you* could take a break."

That broke me out of my trance. I blinked a few times to clear my head and concentrated on the situation before me. Upon encountering the young woman I failed to notice the two tall imposing men sitting to either side of her in ill-repaired wooden chairs. 5,000 gold pieces? Slavers?

The girl sneered at him, "Then good luck getting another song out of me," with out warning her head snapped back violently as the man who had spoken to her before stood and brought his hand across her cheek.

The other tyrant snickered, "She’s got a lot of spirit, Myotis."

Myotis, a sinister looking man with long blonde hair, glared at his companion. "I’m afraid so, I’m beginning to think I’ve been gypped."

I suppressed the urge to jump in and intervene. No doubt in my mind now, the girl was some sort of slave. The thought left an iron ball in the pit of my stomach, and my blood felt as if it would start to boil. How could such a ...flower get involved with slavery? What a bass question... not willingly of course! That practice was intolerable, unethical and immoral... trading and selling human beings like brass trinkets...

The girl bravely sat back up and straitened proudly, as if she were the queen herself. Even sporting a fresh bruise on her pale face, she gave off a feel of loftiness. I was impressed. This maiden was not to be taken lightly.

Myotis’s friend snickered again at his difficulty in handling caramel-haired girl, "And guts too,"

"Shut up, Devi..." He turned to his slave and growled a growl that even the Duke could understand.

She refused to flinch. Incredibly admirable.

"I’ve put up with her bullshit for about a year and she still hasn’t broken. If anything, she’s gotten worse." Myotis griped, "I‘m fixing to sell her. Even all the money she’s brought in singing isn’t worth the trouble."

Devi blinked owlishly, "Sell Mimi?"

Mimi? So that was the beauty’s name. ‘Beautiful truth’ I realized what it had meant and repeated it over in my head a few times, enjoying the sound of it before filing it away for future use. Of course it took a moment for the man’s statement to ring true, I being too wrapped in trying to commit her to memory... They planed to SELL her! She could wind up in even worse than a seedy tavern! I resolved to not let this happen.

Before I could make a move the blonde began to speak again. "Yes I think I will. I’ll put her on the auction block tomorrow."

Devi leered at Mimi and she lifted a delicate eyebrow at him and flipped her hair over her shoulder. "Well, I know someone who would gladly take her off your hands..."

Myotis leaned forward, interested. "Is that so..."

The thought hit me that he could very well sell her right here and now... I took a deep breath. I had to do something...

I stepped into the tavern fully and cleared my throat.

Three sets of eyes turned to me.

Okay, Izumi, good job. You’ve got their attention so...Say something! "I’d like meals and boarding for the night, if it’s available, sir."

Myotis looked at Devi and said quietly, "We’ll discuss this later." Then he returned his gaze to me putting on a ‘pleasant’ smile. "Why of course! For how long, Young sir?"

"Just for tonight, thank you."

"And meals?"


"Okay. That would be 200 gold."

I blanched, "200! I could go down the street, get boarding, 3 meals and free run of the bar for that much! 100."

Myotis gave me a look, "Don’t insult me boy, this a fine establishment! We only provide the best here."

Mimi snickered openly.

The owner seemed to be pretty happy that the only people there at this time of day were the wenches and the cooks (whom were busy in the kitchen making... something...) otherwise we would have made a scene, bad for business.

"I’m sure, sir." I replied, pleased with the girl’s amusement. "120, then."

"150, but only dinner."

"Deal," I said and handed him the money. I wasn’t very confident in the cook’s abilities anyway. The only reason I’m staying here is to get close to...I mean help a slave girl I don’t even know...

But I’m supposed to be searching for the flying mythic creature! I really don’t have time to be fooling around with other people’s affairs... But who was I to knowingly leave her to her fate when I could change it. I have to do something.


14. $_$ MIMI


"Mimi," I corrected. "My *NAME* is Mimi Tachikawa."

Surprisingly, he didn’t slap me for the rebuke. He simply glared at me and growled, "I call you what ever I want... Show this man to his room."

"Yes, Sir." I said mockingly. He had the nerve to put me back to work when he just said he was going to sell me off. Well, isn’t that great? I guess I’d better watch myself or he’ll sell me to a whorehouse. Or even worse: that Devi character. I’ve heard what he does to his slaves... It makes me shiver just thinking about it.

I slid off the table and patted over to the young man. Gesturing for him to follow. I rushed daintily up the stairs to the second level, standing at the top waiting for him to catch up.

As he climbed I actually really LOOKED at him for the first time. He had short spiky auburn hair that stuck up and hung at odd angles, deep ebony eyes. His garb was an ensemble of: A long sleeved tunic and strait pants all done in deep brown and purples, a cloak hung about his shoulders attached with a jewel that mirrored the color of his hair, A similar jewel donned his belt.

But the thing that really caught my attention was the way the air about him crackled with power. He must be a wizard then. But what would a wizard be doing here? Oh sure, we get our fair share of magicians and such but only because they’re down on their luck and wanna get wasted or something. This one looks pretty well off. He probably has an ulterior motive...

He made it the top of the stairs and I showed him down the short hallway to his room. I noticed that he kept casting me sidelong glances.

"Here’s your room, Mister..."

"Izumi..." he seemed to blush a little, "B-but just call me Koushirou."

I smiled sweetly, "Alright, Kou-kun. I’m sure a distinguished Wizard like you didn’t come here because of the food." I gave him curious look, "What are you REALLY here for?"

He had the grace to blush and look surprised, "You’re very perceptive." He replied in a smooth tenor voice. Boy I really like his voice... "I’m very impressed."

I smiled smugly, "Well, we bards have a way of doing that. We’re like news-reporters, we’ll do anything for a story." I shot him a knowing look, "And I can tell from looking at you that you could afford room and meals for 4 people over at Ucchan’s, down the street. You wouldn’t stay at this trash heap unless you had a reason. So spill it."

He laughed, I decided I enjoyed his laugh, it sounded like a rare thing and that I was privileged to witness it.

"So you’re a bard?" He said, after he calmed down, obviously avoiding the subject. Fine with me if he wants to play that game. It’s just another excuse for me to see him later.

"Not anymore. I used to travel all over the kingdom and get good money singing and playing on street corners, in taverns, and even for the occasional noble," I explained, remembering what it was like outside this hell-hole.

"What happened?" Kou-kun asked, he seemed concerned.

"Let’s just say I was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The next thing I know is that I’m up for sale. It’s been that way for a while now..." I told him, carefully, not wanting to be too informative.

He seemed saddened by this knowledge. The plot thickens... I shrugged it off. I’ve told the story before. It’s not like I PLAN to stay this way for the rest of my life. I just need to find the suitable means of escape... preferably before Myotis finds a buyer.

I felt eyes on me and I came out of my reverie. Kou-kun had leaned against the doorframe and was staring at me in a dazed fashion. It made me kind of uncomfortable, "W-what?" I sputtered, confused.

He blushed, as if just realizing he was staring, "Huh? Oh, uh, just thinking..." he smiled, his hand behind his head.

I peered at him from my position next to him from outside his door, "Oh, so then.."

I was cut short by a LOUD crashing sound of shattering glass and squeals of pain, "OWIE!"

"Oh no," I muttered and rushed from Izumi’s door to find out what had broken. When I happened upon the scene of the accident, I didn’t approve of what I’d found.

"PATA!!!!!!!!!" I screamed, completely angered at the small animal lying dazed on the floor in a mess of broken glass. It was an antique that my ‘boss’ Myotis had decided to buy at great expense to make the place more ‘classy.’ It was a laugh, but still, it would probably be MY fault, even though I had nothing to do with it.

"What? What happened?" Kou-kun had followed me, I was surprised.

"Oh," I stated, and pointed at the mess on the floor.

"What’s THAT?" he asked, pointing at Pata.

"Oh," I said, "That’s Pata, my pet of sorts since he found me here."

The little brown on white animal stood up and pattered his way towards me on his little hoofed feet.

"Come here, Pata," I cooed, and picked him up gently and snuggled him close to me, "Oh, Pata, DO YOU KNOW WHO HAS TO CLEAN THIS MESS UP!?!?!?!?!?!?!?"

Kou-kun reeled from my sudden outburst. Pata on the other hand looked up at me indignantly, "Well, it was dark and I couldn’t see the stupid vase!" he spat in his high-pitched voice.

"KYAA!" I heard the wizard shout, "It talks! I’ve heard of talking animals, but never that were intelligent enough to correspond with normal humans, but then again I suppose he could be a human under an animal curse that was given the ability to speak, but that wouldn’t make sense why someone would curse and then bless the same person and if that’s the case why?" He rambled on, obviously confused.

I laughed, it was just too funny to see the obviously intelligent wizard dumbfounded by my little pet, "Actually, I hadn’t given him much thought as to HOW he came to be as much as HOW he comes to be so much trouble!"

"Hey!" Pata squeaked from my arms, "That’s not fair, Mimi-chan!"

And that was when the trouble started.


15. -_- JOE

I was bored. I watched my victim slowly turning to stone. She looked bored, too. I hadn’t really gotten to do anything for a good fifteen minutes now, so I decided to revert to my favorite hobby: calling the queen and hanging up on her.

I moved past my lawn ornament of a victim and to my magic scrying pool. It was already filled with water, so I dropped some alchemic elements into it as is bubbled up and glowed with energy as it contacted the royal woman.

~Somewhere in the huge castle, the queen’s magic mirror shimmers and buzzes loud enough for her to hear. She grudgingly got up and answered it.~

"Hello?" the queen’s face appeared in the rippling waters of the scrying pool.

I snickered to myself, "Is your refrigerator running?" I asked ominously.

On her side, the queen sighed, "Yes..." she answered, playing right into my hands...

"Then you’d better go catch it!" I punned, whooping with laughter.

Queen Kari looked back at me through the pool, "That was almost funny the first time I heard it, you dunce of an alchemist!"

I was insulted, I thought hard to come up with that one, "HEY!"

She looked back at me, "What do you want, anyway?"

"Nothing much," I began, "Just your castle, servants, all your lands, your army, and basically control of the world. That’s not too much to ask, is it?"

The queen rolled her eyes, "Sure, no problem... I’ll see what I can do. While I’m working on that, I don’t suppose you could change my brother’s wife back into a person?" she asked condescendingly.

I grinned, "I’m not stupid, dear queen, merely psychotic. It’s one of my better traits, especially for the future ruler of the world."

"I’m sure," she said, sarcasm thick in her voice.

"Don’t get haughty with me," I snapped at her, "I’m in charge of your idiot brother’s duchy, I’ve got enough power to challenge you at this point."

The queen nodded, "True, but you won’t win, and you know it."

She has seen through my bluff, but this had only made me more determined to wipe that smug smile off of her face, "Ha! You saw how easily I took over your brother’s lands, I could do the same to you," I threatened.

"My brother is an idiot," she stated simply.

"You noticed that, too?"


"I feel for you."

"I know, sad, isn’t it?"

"But anyway," I stopped the condolences.

"You’re not done yet?" she sighed.

"Hmm...Okay. I’m done. For now..." I waved my hand through the pool to end the connection.

"MHAHAHAHAHA!" I sprinted to the doorway.

The Duchess rolled her eyes, "NOW what are you doing?"

I smiled evilly and yelled out into the room beyond, "Deploy the TROOPS! MHAHAHAHAHAHA!"


16. ~_~ YAMATO

It was two hours since Duke Kamiya had hit Takeru in the back of the head with the Orihalcon statue, and we had just finished getting over the fact that the Duke (of all people) would be ‘escorting us’ throughout the remainder of this journey. The fact that he didn’t realize he’d thrown away an Orihalcon statue was just... UGH!

I was... disturbed, here I was, with my brother Takeru, sobbing on the cold ground from the pain of seeing how well the Duke had faired at his task, while my party had yet to discover any clues to the location of a magic tree.

This was not only bad luck, but it made us look bad that idiot Kamiya had out-done us. He’d found an Orihalcon statue and hadn’t even realized it. It made me incredibly angry and depressed all at once, "YOU IDIOT!" I screamed, sick of him, "YOU HAD JUST *THROWN AWAY* THE ORIHALCON!"

The Duke smiled, I wanted so much to wipe that idiotic grin from his face, I hadn’t become captain of the guard by putting up with THIS. Still, Taichi continued on, "What’s an Orihalcon? I just threw away a cumbersome stone, and then I found you, my dear companions," he grinned cheerfully.

Being thoroughly enraged, I could barely subside the emotion, "Nevermind, Your Grace, what’s important is that we found the statue, and that NOW we should find the Magic Tree’s Blood," I explained ‘calmly’.

Takeru finally composed himself from his whimpering heap on the dirt, "Well, to do that, Izumi said to use our magic sense to find the tree, ne?"

I smiled, "Yes, that’s right, bro, that’s a good start. I suppose we should just continue to search until it picks something up. Well, O fearless leader, are you coming?" I jumped right into the mission, remembering the time in which we had to complete it.

The idiot Duke stood up proudly, "Alright, troops, ONWARD!!!"

Sigh...I muttered to Takeru, "Next time you’re out hunting for birds... aim low." I gestured at what the Duke jokingly referred to as ‘his head’.

We continued our search through the magical forest where I guessed we would find this stupid tree. At first, the annoying pinging which rang from the Orihalcon stung in my ears a bit. This distraction made it hard to track anything at first, but gradually, Takeru managed to help fine-tune it to block out the statuette. With this clear, we were able to concentrate on scouring through branches, brush, brambles, and broken twigs.

It was an hour later we picked up something.

"What was that?" I asked, suddenly, picking it up. It was like...well...Its really hard to explain...It starts as a pricking sensation that works up your spine and spreads over your skin. Make any sense?

"I think that’s the magic sense," Takeru explained.

"It gets stronger from..." I paused, testing, "This way," I pointed East, over a thicket of pines.

My page nodded in agreement already headed in that direction.

"For SORA-CHAN!" The Duke screamed with pep I’d never appreciate.

~In a small Duchy outside Queen Kari’s lands, Duchess Takenouchi sneezed.~

We cautiously trudged into the forest, deeper with every thud of our footfalls. It was Takeru who noticed it first. He was the one who pointed out that there was another sound than our footsteps as we neared the source of our magic pinging.

As we got even CLOSER, I could begin to make out music and then WORDS to that melody.

"...Shining in the night sky like a silver boat, the beautiful moon reflects my tears of love and hate..." the voices were happy and drunk.

I was still disturbed.

We crept nearer to the ‘supposed’ party, as the Duke put it, and we came upon a rather interesting sight.

It was beautiful...The queer singing was from a large festival. At least that’s what it looked like. Flowers and lights of every color of the rainbow where strung up, lining the trees and hanging on poles. On the ground was a ring of stones that glowed mystically in the lamplight. And everywhere were faerfolk, dancing, singing, laughing and...drinking. Faeries, elves, and various other races mingled and basically looked like they where having fun.

I recognized it immediately. This was one situation I hadn’t counted on, a faerie dance.

The Duke had the sense to whisper, "Oh, this must be Oberon’s wedding!"

My younger sibling peered at him, "How do you know what it is!?"

"Well, the two spirits I met on this road were on their way to this ceremony when I happened across that funny rock," he gestured at the Orihalcon.

Takeru seethed, "It’s an Orihalcon, not a rock. There are no spirits in this forest, only faerfolk."

I added, "The two can’t even exist together, they negate each other," I continued to take in the surroundings. I knew that faerie events were not ones mortals EVER wanted to attend. One could end up trapped in revelry for eons, killed on the spot, or taken into slavery, especially if any faerie took a liking to you.

I told this to the Duke, and reminded Takeru. "Okay, Nii-san," he replied obediently.

"HEY RINA, GAURRI!" The Duke suddenly burst up out of hiding spot in the bushes and rushed over to two small pixies hovering in the air, holding cockleshells.

"AAAH! NO!" Takeru gasped.

The faerfolk stopped the festival all at once. Silence filled the void that was once music. Innumerable sets of eyes focused upon us.

"Rina, look! It’s that idiot!"