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Disclaimer: Not mine, no money, don't sue...

For further warnings, see part 1

Also: We do not own Grandia (though we wish we did!) I'd also like to thank Tolkien, Shakespeare and the creator of Slayers for all their help! (figuratively) We do not own Slayers, Midsummer Night's Dream, or The Hobbit. And have no fear, Fushigi Yugi makers, we will return your pawns to you unscathed. And STILL, there’s more, we have also stolen from Lodoss War, though we’ve how, we just know we did… And a big thanks to Mercades Lackey for her wondrous insight to the ‘science of magic.’ PLEASE DON’T SUE ME!!!! -_-* I can barely feed my poor puppy, much less PAY YOU!

::Angel says: CALM DOWN, YOU IDIOT!::



25. ^_^!! TAKERU

A blood-curdling scream jolted me from my sleep. Wha? Who? I sat up, hurriedly and lifted the tent flap to look outside.

Yamato was gone.

I paled, the screams continued from beyond the circle of fire light.. YAMATO! My brother was in trouble! I grabbed my bow and laced my quiver of arrows over my shoulder. Before I left the tent I threw a glance at the Duke. (Believe it or not but the Duke actually looks like an innocent and likeable person when asleep. Too bad it doesn’t carry over to the day time…) Should I take him along? There might be more action than I could handle…I mean, my master/brother is screaming in pain…And he’s a Knight…

I decided to leave him there. The Duke’s more trouble then he’s worth…

That aside, I leapt from the canvas tent and tore through the underbrush in the direction of my brother’s voice. Twisted branches and vines whipped at my face, tripped me up, and grabbed at my clothes. I ignored them, and instead pressed on.

Closer… Louder…

Closer… Louder


Silence. He stopped…Oh, Man. That can’t be good.

I burst into a clearing and gasped at what I saw.

A tree. A sprawling tree loomed in the middle of the clearing. It’s branches weaving an intricate pattern in the starlit sky.

But that was not what I was gaping at.

My brother…Yamato was hanging limp in the confining arms of this tree. His head dropped so that his chin was on his chest, gold locks dipping in front of his eyes, which were drawn tightly in pain, even in his obviously unconscious state. I stared in horror for a moment but then I saw a trickling of something falling to ground behind him.

In morbid curiosity, I circled the clearing to get a look at his back.

Three limbs where impaled in his back, straight through his armor. Dark blood dripped down his legs and saturated his clothes.

"Oh…my gods…" I paled and resisted the urge to retch. My master was going to DIE if I didn’t do something NOW!

Without thinking, I ran over to him and tried pulling on the roots in vain, they, of course, didn’t budge. I panicked. I nearly began to cry as my fingers slipped again on the blood slick limbs. No no no… Don’t panic…I took a deep breath. Stay calm. Nii-san always said to keep a clear head in tight situations. A life could depend upon it. And boy did it!

I took another deep breath and felt a lot of hysteria flow out with it. Okay…okay. What would Yama do? Well he wouldn’t go at it with his bare hands, that’s for sure. I need something…

I looked around franticly for something to use and spotted Yamato’s sword on the ground some 10 feet way.

Good! That’ll be a great improvement!

And so, I rushed/crawled/skittered/hopped/ran madly and panickedly over to my soon-to-be-dead brother’s sword. Not having much time before the tree finished the knight off, I quickly hefted the large sword into a reasonably good handling stance. Not waiting to think, I lumberjacked the tree’s trunk with a loud ‘THOK’ in an attempt to get its attention and quite possibly free my brother.

At first, this seemed unsuccessful, that is until in front of me appeared a cute little girl, with green hair and wearing a dark brown ragged dress, and blatantly shouted in my face, "What are you doing!?"

I stopped in mid-swing. "Wha!’

"How would you like it if I chopped your arm off?" The short girl sneered.

I was a bit confused, who was she, I asked her.

"Who am I? Who I am isn't important but what is important is what happens next." She answered cryptically.

Whoa...that did NOT sound passive." So what does happen next?" I asked suspiciously.

The green-haired girl scowled, "You leave." She stated dangerously.

I didn't have the chance to blink before the word escaped my lips, "What?"

She decked me. Clobbered, walloped, slaughtered, pulverized, laid low by one blow are very good ways to determine the kind of punch she landed in my stomach just below my breastplate.

I fell to my knees, the little girl seemed taller now. She'd gotten me off guard, I hated myself for it, Yamato would've NEVER made such dumb mistake. I wouldn't make another. I shifted and pushed myself hard from the ground to spring backwards towards the clearing's edge to give myself room to attack.

The malevolent girl frowned, "You're no use to me right now, I'll let you live if you go now," she glared at me with her piercing eyes for the first time.

She was deadly, I could see that, I flickered my eyes towards my elder brother. In that glance, I saw a scene that nearly froze my blood. My brother's near-lifeless body hung limply in the stabbing roots covered in a crimson river of dripping blood. His hair had turned white, and his pain-sealed eyes and blood-coughing lips were the only signs of movement the knight displayed. Horrified, I shunted the image away and gazed blankly at the girl.

Without realizing it, I knocked an arrow, aimed and released directly at the girl's piercing glare.

The arrow never hit its target.

My arrow flew right where it should have hit the arrogant young girl square in the middle of her eyes. Surprised, I had found that the girl had vanished without a show of magic. Apparently, this girl was either a very powerful sorcerer or a mystic being of some kind.

I looked around confusedly, trying to avoid the sight of my brother's dire condition. Trying to escape the reality of his whitened hair. The blood that each breath poured. The straining cough as he struggled lifelessly, the sickening crunch as his broken limbs twisted against the tree's own gnarled ones. I knocked another arrow and shot the root holding my brother's broken sword arm. The hint of bone glinted through the bloodied skin in his arm.

The root snapped, allowing the sickening limb to wave freely. The snapped limb gushed blood. I shot another gnarled root, this time freeing Yamato's back from the piercing spire in his chest. I shot another. And another. Each one poured the magic blood we'd been sent to retrieve, but none of that mattered right now. Yamato was all but free, but once he neared the point where I might be able to retrieve his battered body, the roots simply shot into him again, eliciting an unconscious wail from my brother's mouth.

What would Yamato do? He wouldn't just stand here, he'd come up with a plan. I thought quickly, Fire! I pulled a flint sparker from my belt and started a small blaze in the grass near my feet. Quickly, I knocked an arrow and lit it aflame. Aiming, I let loose the arrow into the tree's trunk.

The fire sparked quickly and a small flare spread about the arrow. I set another arrow ablaze and shot it at the tree. It hit its mark well for the tree suddenly recoiled and its thrashing limbs dropped my brother into a bloodied heap on the forest floor.

"I warned you to leave," the girl's voice echoed. She turned to fully face me, those strange eyes narrowing to small, infuriated slits. She rose a small hand palm outwards in my direction.

"So now...It's time for your life to end." ( track mind, ne? ) I swallowed a muffled yelp and glanced sideways to again see the horrible sight of my dying...maybe already

It didn't seem real...him being like that. I hadn't known him to ever loose a battle...yet...there he was...Dark crimson blood pooling beneath him. The mere sound of it tore at the substance that made up my soul. I think I'd even forgotten the evil presence that did that to him...I could only hear it. Drip...Drip...Drip...I clenched my jaw.

"Heh. Be gone." Said the girl as I turned to face her once again. Her palm blurred and a darkness grew within it. The darkness gathered into a sphere, which crackled with an almost evil intensity. You could almost feel the power's hunger, it's yearning to open its maw to swallow your entire being...

But I wouldn't...Couldn't let that happen. Yamato...My brother..!

In a flash that the fastest and most keen of eyes would have missed, the sphere shot towards me, filling my vision, a trail of shadows tracing it's path. I narrowed my eyes and stepped to the side, just beginning to duck and the circle of darkness brushed past me. I nearly winced as the rancid stench of such evil almost choked me.

As the sphere flew past, the girl's gaze turned to me, a faint hint of ironic surprise in her mirthless smile. "You dodged. Almost impressive." She stated coldly.

I suppressed a snarl and knocked an arrow to my bow, drawing it back and then releasing...Yet again, the girl vanished a mere moment before it would have struck. I grimaced then knocked another, whirling to face the tree.

I let the arrow fly, as the girl materialized in front of the looming tree. She grinned belatedly and sidestepped it, reaching out and snatching the arrow from mid-air.

That did it. I threw down my bow, dashed up to her, brought up my hand and slapped her across the face with a resounding crack. There was a moment of shocked, angry, and faintly hurt silence.

A single, wilted leaf drifted slowly down to land on her shoulder. There was a crash as a branch from the tree snapped, crumbling in a downward arc to settle less than a yard from where the two of us stood, paralyzed.

I, meanwhile, was enveloped in a wave of a strange, not quite painful sensation. It was almost as if I were standing in the middle of a downpour of rain, a fierce blast of wind slamming the droplets into me like a swarm of needles. I thought that for a moment I could almost hear the familiar drumming of the storm...But it was incredibly obvious that this feeling wasn't in any way connected with weather.

Magic. It could only be that. The hairs at the back of my neck stood on end, and my spine turned to ice...The girl?!? She was still frozen, as I myself was, maybe in shock...maybe in pain...maybe in anger or hatred.

And it took only a moment, though it seemed an abyss if eternity, for me to notice this.

It occurred to me that this stillness wasn't exactly needed. After all...she had been incredibly near to killing my brother. What would I do about? Obviously, one or the other of us would regain some form of thought and movement...

What would my brother do?? He would do the right thing obviously. Would he kill the girl before she did anymore harm? Or would he kill her? She is a girl after all. It isn't honorable to take the life of a child.

But she isn't a child, the rational part of my brain argued. She's a magical being under the guise of a girl-child... She's murdering your master. What's to think about? Get rid of her.

I turned my harsh gaze to her, eyes dangerously narrowed. She returned the glare spitefully, yet her chin was lifted in what pride she had left. Suddenly, her arm whipped around to backhand me in return for the slap; I flew a good few feet backwards, too shocked to feel any pain as I landed with a sharp thud on my back.

I winced and scrambled for the knife in my boot. I slipped my fingers inside and grasped the familiar handle of my switchblade hunting knife. I pulled it out with one thrust and directed the unopened weapon at my enemy's back. As she turned at the sudden movement, I snapped the switch to reveal a long, deadly, murderous.... Hair COMB?

(How'd that get in there?!?!?!)

I sweatdropped and shoved it embarresedly back, and brought out the true knife, not without a bit of relief as the blade glimmered lightly in the scant light of the night.

She sneered, though the red imprint of a hand across her cheek darkened, leaving me with a faint flickering of guilt. Oh well.

"A knife?" She snickered. "How pitiful."

I sighed before giving a flick of my wrist, the blade settling comfortably into my palm. I gave a silent prayer before dashing towards her, the blade hissing as it split the rushing air. She waited a few moments before taking a quick step to the side, but I followed her movements, whirling to the side also, though I nearly stumbled.

She grinned ruthlessly at that and brought her fist up in a sharp punch to my cheek, and I stiffened a moment before once again rushing towards her, ignoring the fleeting pain as the steel in my fist hungered for the chase.

I slashed downwards at her feet, and she jumped over the blade, and for a moment all was suspended. Of course, I rolled past her as she landed, the second of unnatural stillness gone.

As I crouched, she whirled, thin lips curling in an inhuman snarl of fury, and the back of her hand sailed towards me, and I bowed my head, hair rustling as the blow flew past. I clutched the knife and brought it upwards, but she stepped back, the sharp blade making a long, vertical slice up her cheek.

She hissed and swiped at me again, slamming her fist into my abdomen. I exhaled sharply and she repeated the action with her other fist. I choked and just barely avoided doubling over, and rammed the knife into her side, my knees feeling week. Her eyes widened and she uttered a strangled gasp, clutching the collar of my shirt and managing another, though weaker punch.

I gulped and drew the knife, now covered to the hilt in a strange black substance ( I assumed it to be blood of some kind..). I huffed and she looked up to me with an expression of pure rage. I had hoped to make a fatal would with that thrust...Obviously not. Her eyes brightened and became a flaming color, illuminating the darkness, and she spat a curse, throwing a few more punches to my chest.

I winced as I heard a snap as they connected, and my breathing was suddenly shallow. With another punch, she sent me sprawling, a cut on my lip spilling crimson, salty blood down my chin to drip over my shirt. As she advanced, huffing heavily as the dark substance from a gash in her side spilled more of the 'blood', she raised a fist for another blow.

I lowered myself and crouched, steadying myself before desperately springing towards her. The cool night was silent, the silvery moon and starlight spilling down upon the scene. The dark and forbidding forest loomed around us, the faint wind whispering a soft silken song of death. The shadows had eyes and watched mirthlessly, their crooked grins leering.

I slammed the blade deeper into her chest. She fell to her knees with a choked sob, and looked up to me, those flaming red eyes holding a mixture of anger, disbelief...and, surprisingly...sorrow. She reached up a hand haltingly as the black substance dripped in a small stream out of the corner of her mouth. The wind tousled our hair, and her eyes closed...And then she vanished.



26. ~_~ YAMATO

Pain...No, that is the wrong word. I'd say agony but of course I'm only guessing. You see, I couldn't feel anything, except for the massive head ache I was experiencing and the fact that I was incredibly weak and exhausted. I seemed to have evolved beyond pain. Which was fine with me. It meant that I didn't have to put up with it. Then again... It could also mean that I'm going to be or already AM dead.

That was an unnerving thought. Was I dead? God, I hope not. That would put a damper on my love life... But that's not the point. Many of the ladies of the Queen's court came to mind.


Man it felt good to just lie there in blissful oblivion. I could just drift…

Hmn? What was that? A voice?

"Yamato!?" the voice took on a more frantic tone, "Yamato!"

"Brother, please don’t die on me…" I heard someone sob, it seemed to come from a distance. As if they were in another room… Brother? Takeru?! Where was Takeru?!

As soon as this though entered my mind, my eyes flew open. The first thing I noticed was the tear streaked face of my younger brother. A large purple bruise lined the edge of his cheek and his clothes dripped with a dark metallic smelling substance. My throbbing head was positioned in his lap, every time he shifted, even a little, pain would shoot up and through my skull.

I opened my mouth to ask my page what happened, however, no sooner had I sucked in a breath to form the words, I began a long round of deep-chest coughs. Almost immediately a coppery taste filled my mouth and a substance I presumed was blood flowed over my lips.

I had seemed to be getting used to this taste…

Summoning up my strength again, I spoke, "Gods…shoot me." (Although guns haven’t been invented yet.)

Takeru smiled in relief, "Hush… be glad you’re breathing…"

"Barely…" I coughed again, then moaned. Shit, that hurt. "Kill me…please."

**That would not be prudent at this juncture.**

What? A voice? No, more like a jumble of thoughts that spilled over from someone’s mind that was not me, and certainly not my brother. Koushirou maybe?

"What WAS that?" Takeru exclaimed, rapidly looking about for the voice’s source.

**’That,’ as you so elegantly put it, would be me, the magic tree, the very GRATEFUL magic tree.**

I hacked a bit of surprise, "Grateful…? For what? My nutritional value? You were eating me!"

Somehow, the tree looked abashed, **I apologize, having you as part of my new diet wasn’t my intent. I was possessed by a siren faerie. Such leeches are dangerous to magic trees such as myself. There are very few of us left because of them.**

I wasn’t very sympathetic, I was dying regardless of whose fault it was…

Takeru sighed, "I’m sorry for you, but I need to know, can you heal my brother?"

**Heal him?** it asked.

"Yes," Takeru continued, "Just look at him, he’s bleeding from every inch of his body, over half his limbs are broken, his hair’s even turned white from the energy absorption!"

"WHAT!?!?!!?!?!?!??!?!" I screamed, even though it hurt like hell, "MY HAIR IS WHAT!?!?!?!?!?"

**White,** the tree stated simply, **Did you not receive your brother’s words correctly?**

I cried, somehow… my hair… my years of perfect hair, just the right shade of blonde… GONE! THE AGONY! THE TORTURE!

The tree interrupted my lament, **I’m sorry, I don’t have healing powers"

"What do you mean ‘don’t have healing powers’??? You’re a damn Magic tree!! You’re saying you can’t fix this!?" I would have pointed an accusing finger at my lusterless locks if it wasn’t for the whole dying problem.

**You shouldn’t worry too much, white is a good look for you. But if it bothers you that much you can always dye it.**

"Diet?" Takeru looked slightly confused," What good would that do him? He’d just be even skinnier."

The ‘magic’ tree got a laugh out of that.

I shot my brother a withering glance, "Who’s side are you on anyway?" I hacked, reminding everyone of the situation we were presently faced with.

Takeru’s face fell when reality hit him over the head with a two ton mallet, "Damnit," he muttered.

"Watch your mouth," I whispered before spilling into another coughing fit. I was getting sick of this.

Takeru faced the tree, still cradling my head in his lap. "Well, if you can’t heal what can you do?"

**I can contact the nearest hospital.**

"Ha ha, very funny." Takeru sneered, "Look, I’m serious, here! My Master is dying, Damnit."

I didn’t have the strength to correct him. My vision kept fading in and out. Hearing was doing the same. It felt like listening to someone with cotton over your ears. Even if I had the strength I still would not have said anything. Master… I hate that title. He was only supposed to address me that way in front of other officers, courtiers, and others of rank. In one on one situations such as this, ‘Brother’ is acceptable and how I prefer it . Too bad, I hear less and less of it now a days…

The tree’s ‘voice’ forced me to stop stirring my juices. ** I wasn’t joking.**

Takeru blinked, "You weren’t?"

**No. I can contact any one you wish telepathically.** It stated simply.

There was a short moment of silence before the youth asked "Anyone?"

I noticed the glimmer of an idea in my brother’s eyes. I’m not sure whether I was comforted by this or not…


"Can you call for Koushirou Izumi? He’s a wizard. I’m sure he’ll be able to help."

Another long pause.

**I’ve found him.** The tree ‘said’ finally, "He’s not far from here. He’s on his way."

Sure enough, not a moment later, Koushirou made another one of his incredibly under dramatized appearances. Simply materializing from no where. At least he didn’t leave behind trails of glitter. However, he wasn’t alone this time. He was accompanied by a striking young woman and a flying bat-pig.

The girl glanced around in an aloof manor and trailed after Izumi as he ran-stumbled over to my brother and I. He knelt down next to us and looked me over. I nearly choked. The scent of his magic was over powering. He must have been laying it on pretty heavy. What could he have been doing to have used so much. I squinted in order to focus on him. He looked tired. Too tired to carry out a healing spell. What happened?

I opened my mouth to ask, but he stopped me by lifting his hand. "Hush, Yamato. Conserve your strength, you’re going to need it." He smiled at me reassuringly, resting his hands on my armor plated chest.

I sighed mentally. I could say the same for you.

I closed my eyes and relaxed as Izumi began to mutter the incantation. A warm glow enveloped me and I slowly regained feeling in my lower body. Bones a lined them selves and knit back together. Open wounds bled out infections and sealed, color flowed back into my skin and (joy of joys) my head ache left me. This all took much longer then it took to describe however.

The glow faded and I opened my eyes. No pain. I tested each one of my limbs. All of them responded to my commands. No pain, or aches and I weren’t coughing up anymore body fluids. All in all, a damned good job. I sat up and looked to Izumi just in time to watch his eyes roll back into his head as he slumped over onto the ground.

Well, shit.


27. Joe -_-

Damn that bitch... I can't believe the unnecessary measures to which I had go to to take over this first kingdom... That Kari... I still can't stand her... All this marching... Even if I am on a horse... The sound gives me a headache...

I pulled the bow from my back, sighted an arrow, holding it there a quiet moment before calmly loosing it...There was a pleasant, meaty thwack as it was embedded in the back of the skull of the idiot drummer who pounded doggedly away at the silly thing. He crumpled wordlessly. "Hmph...That's better...That drum was getting on my nerves.." I sneered, paying no heed to the frightened looks some of the soldiers riding quietly to either side and somewhat behind me threw. I sniggered; they would get the same if such impertinance continued...I noticed one of the soldiers stop at the fallen man, whispering a name..

"Agu-san.." There was a sniff.

That one fell with another pleasant sound...I stifled a grin as he toppled over with a gentle sigh, as if he were falling asleep...with an arrow sticking jaggedly from between his shoulder blades.

As the march wore on, battle and seige plans took form in my ingenius mind. The snorting of restless mounts, clank of metal, and creaking of leather did little for my thoughts. I mentally surveyed the vast horde behind me; I knew it stretched in masses to the far horizon, calvary to the front, and pikemen close behind...Archers following, foot soldiers to the back, and finally, a second row of archers... Any number of my army, of course, were expendable for the conquest of Queen Kari's kingdom...Any number of lives, man, woman and child...That childish whore would get a bitter mouthful of my sweet revenge if *I* had any say in matters!!

The corner of my mouth twisted upwards in a smile as I could feel it...My greatest victory...Against she who'd ruined everything!!!!

My lip curled in a snarl...She'd been the cause that had witheld my marriage to my beloved Sora...How I did love her...Kari and her stupid, devolved excuse for a Duke, Taichi...That bastard!! He'd stolen MY Sora!!!

In my fuming rage, I'd developed my Plan. I would become the Duke's alchemist, in the guise of a loyal subject, and overthrow his weak grip on his holdings! I had worked long and hard...scheming, always scheming...After taking over the Duchy, I would convince my Sora to marry me...Sadly, it hadn't worked...But that was acceptable... Now, with nothing to stop me but the palace walls, I would take my revenge on Kari!!!

But, of course, I sneered, vengeance on my brother, the lucky twit, would soon follow...The first born of my family wouldn' t enjoy many more days of life!!! That snivelling, cross-eyed sibling of mine, Shin, would pay for his fortune in being first...

And Koushiro!! How could I forget my great rival? Yes, rival...Though he had more power, he, too, would meet his fall...Slowly, painfully, he would pay for every spell he cast...For every incantation he muttered...And for that test he cheated on in wizardry school !!!!!!!!!!!

I laughed. It was so...simple. Tears came to my eyes at the bliss of it all. I couldn't loose!! I was invinceable!! Nothing stood in my way! Nothing...And no one.

I unsheathed my sword, hefting it with another, sweet, arcane laugh. A whistling, overcheerful soldier ventured too close...The poor guy lost his head as I swung the glimmering steel blade deftly. "Oops..." I murmured with a grin as the head toppled from the still body, the supid beast that one had once ridden plodding along even as it's master's glazed eyes stared up silently from it's place on the ground.

As I chanced a look ahead, I saw the towering spires of the castle looming in the distance, the evenly cut stones shining with a pale gilded light in the afternoon sun. My grin widened...

There was a deep pounding of hooves as a crimson-cloaked advisor strode up on his sleek mount. I arced a brow mildly as he relayed his thoughts.

"Lord, I highly advise your personage not to-" He gulped as he stared at his reflection from the warhost's leader's dangerousely dark eyes.

"I'll do what I please, how I please, when it pleases me to do it. You may leave now." I had pulled my steed to a halt, staring at this snobby, richly-clad official. His own horse stopped and pawed the dusty earth with a snort, it's rider stammering wordlessly.

My blade whipped around, hissing like a striking serpent as it embedded itself in the chest of the man...I smiled as crimson the same color as his cloak ran down the steel. His eyes were widened forever in terror and shock, a strangled choke bubbling from his throat. And he slid off of the horse, which fled at the strong scent of blood.

And I laughed.


28. Koushirou ^_~

I awoke to the face of a gorgeous angel…

And then I realized it was Yamato. At least, I think it was Yamato… although instead of usual, he had this tacky white hair… I also noticed that he looked more feminine than most guys, but that thought was probably induced by whatever caused me to pass out. At least, I hope so.

"You passed out."

Duh, I thought. Brilliant, Sir Yamato. I would have never come to that conclusion without you.

He leaned forward, some of his newly frosted hair drooped over his black head band and into his face. He appeared paler since the last time I saw him. Most likely due to the energy drain he was subjected to.

He looked like he needed a vacation… I felt like I needed his vacation and then some.

The white-haired knight peered hard at and over me, as if searching for something, probably injuries. He shook his head, appearing not to approve of what he saw. He pulled off his glove and pressed his right palm against my forehead. His touch felt cool, which I remembered was a bad sign. He pulled away his arm with a jerk, "He’s burning up," Sir Yamato muttered.

I heard a higher-pitched gasp. Mimi? "What can we do for him?"

Takeru’s face came into view, outlined by a rim of trees, "Can you tell what’s wrong with him?" he gestured towards me.

I felt pathetic, I could hear and see them fine, I could smell the pine air of the forest we were in, but I couldn’t seem to move, not even my eyes. I felt like an invalid blank, I could barely think straight, but I couldn’t stand this. I tried to speak, but my mouth just wouldn’t respond. I wanted to tell them I was okay. I wanted to tell Mimi that I was okay…

"I’m not sure, but he’s lacking all magical presence, like he’s drained all the magic from his body…not only that but he is unresponsive." He sighed, "These are all sure signs of Backlash." Yamato finished solemnly.

Mimi gasped and knelt down next to me, "Backlash!"

Takeru’s face creased in worry, "Backlash…"

"What’s Backlash?" the Duke’s voice put in, somewhere beyond my vision.

The brothers sweatdropped and Mimi shuddered. She cast Yamato a side-long glance, "You win. He really IS that stupid." She passed him some American dollars. "Sorry, I didn’t believe you. I just didn’t think anything could possibly be THAT dense."

The knight grinned and pocketed his prize, "Apology accepted."

"It’s your turn to explain it to him, Sir." Takeru slid in.

Sir Yamato sighed. "Backlash is the exhaustion of one’s magic essence. He has exerted more magic energy then his body could produce at a given time. He is physically and mentally drained. He’s lucky it’s not any worse. It could cause permanent damage." Yamato seemed to have forgotten to whom he was speaking.

Kamiya’s eyes glazed over. "Ummm…"

"I SAID! He’s tired!" growled the knight, "IS THAT SIMPLE ENOUGH FOR YOU!!!?!!"

Yamato looked to Mimi who sighed in frustration.

"Izumi’s body is working to heal his channels while he rests," he continued ,"on top of that he’s running a fever from the strain."

The Duke looked puzzled, "Channels? Like on TV?"

Yamato returned the puzzled look, "What’s TV? Has that been invented yet?"

His Grace shook his head with a patronizing stare, "Oh, you humble subjects don’t know ANYTHING, do you?"

I watched in gleeful amusement, as Mimi and Takeru had to be bound and gagged to keep from killing the Duke. Yamato had simply collapsed from what was obviously an anger-induced aneurysm.

Five minutes later, after the Duke had been gagged, I realized that I couldn’t keep up this kind of stress on my body. Even though I hadn’t done anything, if I didn’t get help soon, staying conscious wasn’t going to be an easy feat. Already, I could barely remember what was going on anymore… I could’ve sworn that Mimi, Takeru, and Yamato had all been indisposed about five minutes ago…

While I was occupied in a gruesome battle to keep my eyes open, my hearing faded further until it came to me that what they all said was merely muted murmurs in the background of my semi-conscious state.

And in this state, the full impact suddenly struck me. I've got backlash. I CAN'T have backlash! I'm the best wizard this side of the Modem sea! I graduated first in my class, with more natural power than nearly any other mage, witch, or sorceror! I've heard of Backlash before, several of my classmates got it during the semester exams, but they were always the weaker mages, like Clef or Joe. I wonder what ever happened to that one jerk, Joe... He cheated on his semester exam... But anyway, back to my plight:


Duh, Izumi. Think a minute. How much magic have I been using lately? Well, there was that battle. That battle! At least twenty spells right there! And that lightning flash spell! Oh, and then when Mimi was hurt! Poor Mimi, I wish... But that was just once I that I used Healing, right? No, wait, when I had that concussion! Yamato's near-death! And all that teleporting! And with passengers! And that first battle with Devi before the auction! Oh, that Dream Mirror spell really took it out of me. I'm so stupid! No wonder... I may never be able to use magic again... What if that happened?

Would I be worth anything? Would anyone care what happened? Would Mimi care?

But it's just so... I can't be... But I... and then.... It was as if Nature herself stood up and slapped me in the face and told me to stand in the corner. I felt degraded... I felt worthless... I felt like I wanted to die... Or at least sleep...
