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Matt sang frantically a song he had learned on their

trip to Earth. It seemed appropriate for the times

they faced, and Matt needed the calm singing brought.

Gabumon listened silently as Matt's sorrowful song

filled the forest that surrounded them.

"I close my eyes

And I can see

The day we met.

Just one moment and I knew

You're my best friend

Do anything

For you.

We've gone so far

And done so much,

And I feel

Like we've always been together.

Right by my side

Through thick and thin.

You're the part of my life

I'll always remember.

The time has come,

It's for the best, I know it.

Who could have guessed that you and I

Somehow, some day,

We'd have to say good-bye."

"I liked that," Gabumon said.

"There's more, but it's supposed to be a song for when

only two people are breaking apart." Matt slowed to a

walk and began to sing again.

"You've helped me find

The strength inside

And the courage

To make my dreams come true

How will I find

Another friend

Like you?

Two of a kind

That's what we are.

And it seems

Like we were always winning.

But as our team

Is torn apart,

I wish we could go

Back to the beginning

The time has come,

It's for the best, I know it.

Who could have guessed that you and I

Somehow, some way,

We'd have to say good-bye."

Matt finished with the sad words,

"Somehow today, we have to say...good-bye."

Matt took out his harmonica and leaned against a tree

to play. Gabumon listened as the wailing harmonica

finished its song. Matt closed his eyes. "You wouldn't

believe the images that crossed my mind while I was


"It isn't good-bye forever," Gabumon said.

"No, don't say that. I thought I could find a way,

well I was wrong. There's no path for me in Digiworld,

Gabumon. None. We aren't able to be friends anymore.

It just doesn't work. That was why my parents broke

up. It wasn't working out. I wanted to run away and be

by myself instead of facing the divorce...but I

didn't. Because of...well, because of the other kids.

We were all at the same school then..."

A flashback crossed into Matt's mind and he let it as

he related his story to Gabumon. He saw himself one

day, after school. He was waiting for T.K. Tai was

there, too, watching for Kari.

"Tai? Do your parents love you?"

"Why, Matt?"

"My parents don't love me. They want to split me and

T.K. up. They're getting a divorce."

"Oh." Tai was silent for a moment before he said,

"Well, you gotta believe in yourself. You won't die or

something. And if you do good things, you get

rewarded. Maybe with visiting T.K."

"That's not how it is."

"Yes it is."

A younger girl walked up to them, a girl they didn't

know well. She was a year younger than both of them.

She smiled. "I heard you and, well, it isn't like

monsters are taking over the world. Good stuff gets

rewarded. You can't just run away from life."

"Mimi, have we ever heard you talk like that?" Tai


"It is highly unusual, indeed," another boy said.

Izzy. He walked over to the threesome and added, "But

she's right. Parents...they always love you. No matter

what." His eyes clouded over. "They--they may keep

secrets, but they love you. Don't you forget that."

Matt shook his head. "Don't try. I'm planning to run

away tonight."

"What about T.K.?" an older boy asked. It was Joe; he

lived in the same building as the rest. "You can't

leave him, Matt."

"Stop it!" Matt snapped. "Changing my mind won't work

this time. I'm just gonna be separated from T.K.


"Oh, Matt," Sora whispered, joining the conversation.

"We can't stop you, but try to understand. Would you

rather have your parents screaming all the time, or

have them happy?"

"Sora's right," Tai said.

"Why does everyone want to help me?" Matt yelled.

"You're our friend," Izzy said.

"Don't run away, Matt," Mimi said.

The others all agreed with her. Then Kari dashed over.

"T.K. wants to come really fast," she reported, "but

he has to clean the erasers. He can't wait to see you

again, Matt. He talks about you in school all the


The other children nodded and began to walk away. Matt

watched them go. Suddenly T.K. raced over and hugged

Matt. "I couldn't wait to see you!" he shouted.

Matt blinked and turned away from Gabumon. "That's

what happened. That's why I didn't leave. It was

because of them."

"So why are we running if they stopped you? If they

saved you from leaving?"

"They've changed since then. They aren't helpful


The two walked on in silence. Matt thought he heard

someone call for help, but he paid no attention to it.

When Matt reached a small creek, he sat down beside it

and let the memories flow back.

Somehow today, we have to say good-bye...


Sorry about the singing, but I was just thinking of

that song and I decided to write it down! Expect more

songs, too.
