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Machinedramon laughed evilly at Tigreromon. "Go back

to the shadows where you belong, Kitty," he said. "I

will take care of the digidestined. It will be much

easier now that you have weakened them."

The Mekanorimon and Tankmon marched away and

Tigreromon whisked away in the other direction. "I'll

be finding the Servant Child," he muttered. It was not

nice to know that he wasn't wanted.

"The digidestined will be the digi-doomed!" Megadramon

cried as he flew into the sky.

Matt walked through the forest quickly. He didn't

bother to wait for Gabumon, who lagged behind. He just

wanted to get far away from the metropolis and his


Finally Matt sank to the ground. "I keep getting more

confused all the time," Matt confessed. "I don't know

why I keep running--or why I keep helping them out."

"You're friends, Matt. You'll always be together."

Matt laughed. "Yeah, right. I really believe that. I

leave for a reason, you know." Then he said, much

quieter, "I just don't know what that reason is."



Almost a mile away, Kari coughed. Tai was instantly at

her side. "Are you getting sick again?"

"I'll be okay," Kari said. Salamon stared at the small

child. Kari was so caring, but she never would admit

to being sick.

Agumon nudged Izzy gently. "Do you think she's

thinking only about us again?" he asked.

With an anxious look at Tai, Izzy whispered, "Yes.

Remember what Tai told us?"

Suddenly a blazing stream of light hit the ground and

a giant dragon appeared. Mimi screamed and covered her

head. "Who in Digiworld is he?"

"Megadramon!" Tai, Izzy, Sora, T.K., and Kari said at

the same time. Another shimmering blade hit the

ground, and the kids began to run.

It wasn't long before Tai noticed Kari lagging behind.

A jet of the light crashed into the ground right

behind her. Tai ran back just as Megadramon aimed

straight at her.

"Hand of Fate!"

Tai picked up his sister and raced toward his friends.

He hadn't even seen Patamon digivolve. "Thanks,

Angemon!" he called.

Suddenly a much bigger beam smacked Megadramon

backwards. He shrieked and dove for the trees. "That

would be Matt," Joe guessed.

"Why does he keep coming back to help?" Tai asked.

"Couldn't we all be a group for more than a day?"

Suddenly Agumon remembered the task at hand. "We can't

think now, just run!"



Matt and MetalGarurumon raced away from

Machinedramon's metropolis. "This time, get far enough

away so that we can't hear them. I just need to think,

and I can't be helping them out all the time," Matt

said. MetalGarurumon nodded and whipped along.

Eventually they stopped. Matt hated himself for

leaving his brother behind, but T.K. could take care

of himself.

At least, Matt hoped so.

Gabumon fell asleep soon. Matt was left awake, keeping

watch. A crack of breaking twigs resounded through the

forest and Matt scrambled to his feet. "No evil

digimon allowed! And no digidestined, either!"

"Am I evil?" a hissing voice asked. Tigreromon leapt

into the small clearing. "I knew I would find you

here, Servant Child."

"I am not a servant!"

"This time, let's set up a few more rules," Tigreromon

said softly. "One, no running." A Tiger Flare wrapped

around the clearing, like a wall of fire. Matt gasped

in horror as Gabumon landed outside of the barrier.

"That takes care of number two as well, no


With one carefully placed eye-beam, Matt's digivice

fell to the ground. "No digivolving during the


With a poisonous smile, Tigreromon said, "And number

four, if I win, you die!"

Gabumon woke up to find himself right next to the wall

of fire. He stood up quickly and shouted, "Gabumon,

digivolve to...hey, what's wrong? Why can't I


"And if I win, you die," Tigreromon's voice said.

Gabumon's brown eyes flew open and he darted away to

find the others.



Meanwhile, Machinedramon watched the seven run from

his attacking Tankmon. "Time for me to join the

battle," he said. With a soft laugh, the third Dark

Master left his stronghold and headed out to destroy

the digidestined.

"Tai! Help! Tai, Tai, Tai!" Kari cried as a

Mekanorimon dragged her away with its long arms. Tai

held out his digivice.

"Salamon, digivolve to...Gatomon!" The white cat dove

for her precious digidestined and clawed at the


"Agumon, warp-digivolve to...WarGreymon!" WarGreymon

raced straight into the battle with a Terra Force

attack. Tai caught his sister when she flew from the

evil digimon's attacks.

"Let's go, you guys!" Tai shouted.

"Biyomon digivolve to...Birdramon!" The seven climbed

onto Birdramon's back. The other digimon mounted

WarGreymon and they flew away.

"Don't worry!" Tai called cheerfully. "We can have a

better fight when we get back from the resort!"

"I wouldn't expect to be at that resort anytime soon,"

a growling voice said.


"Giga Cannon!" The blast sent them flying--literally.

They zoomed higher. Then they heard his voice

again--"I'll get you, digidestined! And your little

servant friend, too!"


Tai perked up. "I hear Gabumon! Lower, Birdramon." She

darted toward the ground. Then they saw Gabumon.

Birdramon landed and let the children off.

"Matt--got taken--by Tigreromon--" Gabumon managed to

say, panting. Tai bit his lip.

"Well, are we gonna go help my brother?" T.K. asked.

Tai nodded and the children clambered back onto the

willing fire bird. Tai helped Gabumon up and they took


Meanwhile, Matt stared into the tiger's angry

charcoal-colored eyes. His own sapphire colored eyes

were watering from the smoke and the strain, but he

would never give up. Never surrender. Never. Yamato

Ishida was not a quitter. Not. Never had been. Ever.

Had never been a quitter. Just not a friend. Just one

who left for the good of all. Just one who really

listened, who really cared. Just one who didn't show

it well, that was all. Not the cold person he appeared

to be. Not in reality.

Matt blinked, not wanting to. With a choked gasp, he

backed to the edge of the fire wall. Tigreromon

flashed an evil grin. "I was positive this would I can kill you..."

The young boy dove to the side as Tigreromon lunged at

him. The tiger whirled and bared his fangs. Matt slid

quickly to the other end of the space. He threw

himself to the ground and let the tiger sail over him.

Tigreromon disappeared through the wall and Matt

abruptly realized that Tigreromon could be anywhere,

waiting to attack from any side. With bated breath,

Matt spun slowly, waiting for the blow that was sure

to come.

The evil digimon leapt through the wall, but he was a

bit off and missed Matt by a few inches. The child

then remembered his digivice and grabbed it.

Suddenly he heard a loud flapping and the fire

dissipated on one side. Matt looked up at

Birdramon--and his friends.

The other kids hopped down just as Matt had the sense

to stumble through the small opening. Coughing, he

collapsed. "Thanks," he mumbled.

Tai stared at the boy kneeling on the grass before

him. He looked small and weak, as if he couldn't take

care of himself. Tai quickly pushed that crazy thought

from his mind.

"He--he's gone..." the voice of Patamon said softly.

The digidestined looked up. The fire wall had

vanished, and so had the tiger.

"We've got to go," Matt said. "Now. Gavinmon will get

us if we don't."

T.K.'s eyes lit up with the essence of hope. "Will you

stay, then, Matt? Will you come back for good?


Matt looked at his younger brother, and suddenly it

hurt. Hurt to know that he would have to leave again,

hurt to injure this small human. But T.K. himself had

said that he didn't need Matt...

~Alone. I'll always be alone. Lonely. Never to

return...never to surrender...never. Not ever. Not

come back. Stay alone with Gabumon. Alone. Never come

back to the ones who love me. Ever.~

"I...I can't. I'm so sorry. I can't." Matt coughed

again before continuing, "I can't stay with

you...can't...just can't. I'm sorry."

Tears filled T.K.'s eyes as Matt and Gabumon walked

into the trees. "Hate him. I hate him. I HATE HIM!"

T.K.'s voice was laced with the rage and sadness that

had been building up so long. "He--he never stays.

Always leaves. I hate him for going. He goes away. He

hates me and I hate him! HATE! Always! He fights

us...he hurts us...and he doesn't care! He said you

were cold, Tai. Remember? And--and--" the boy's voice

cracked as he sobbed, "DemiDevimon meant it. He hated

me. Didn't want to come get me. Never wanted to! I

hate him!"

None of the digidestined had been prepared for this

show of emotion by the innocent young child. They

stepped away, even Patamon. Suddenly, Tai heard a very

soft voice say, "If that's how they all feel, I

should've left them to Master..."

"You don't mean that."

Tai had to strain to hear the reply, "No. I don't."

Then there was silence.

A half-hour later the other children were still

calming T.K. Suddenly a huge figure bounded into the

clearing and a much smaller one leapt off. "I heard

you, kid, but--that--it doesn't matter.

Machinedramon's coming...and he's got an army! I told

you to run...before..."

Tai jumped up and glared at Matt. "Answer one thing

before we fight Machinedramon. Why do you keep helping


There was no reply, although Matt did remark quietly,

"I might decide to get back to you on that." There was

no time for anything else as a huge machine burst into

the clearing.

"Digidestined, you are mine!"

Matt smiled at the kids. "Go ahead. I guarantee, no

transport this time." It took a moment, but finally

Sora understood and grabbed her little stone.

All but T.K. took out the little pebbles. The young

child glared at his brother and choked, "I hate you.

You heard me. I refuse to help!"

Matt turned away and faced Machinedramon. "Whatever,

dude. Agumon, digivolve!"

Agumon quickly warp-digivolved to WarGreymon, and the

two mega digimon attacked. Suddenly a small line of

yellow traced its way to the bright sphere that was

the center of the stones' power.

The bright sphere glowed and suddenly Matt dropped to

his knees--again. Just like before. Then the warm

voice whispered, "Power!" and the digimon stood,

stronger than before.

Matt collapsed, unconscious. "Ice Wolf Claw!"

MetalGarurumon shouted. Machinedramon reeled from the

powered-up blow. One Terra Force sent him flying.

Then, without noticing that she was doing it, Gatomon

jumped over and shrieked, "Lightning Claw!"

Machinedramon disintegrated with the words, "I fear

I've underestimated them..."

Gatomon tottered backwards. "I...I killed him..."

WarGreymon devolved. "That was surprisingly easy," he

remarked, Agumon once again. Tai nodded, bent over

Matt's motionless body.

"This is just not fair. This...this draining. Now


MetalGarurumon stepped up. "My turn," he grunted.

Somehow, he pulled Matt onto his back and they

disappeared again. T.K. buried his face in his hands.

"Oh, Matt..." he whispered.

Sora gently wrapped her arms around T.K. "It's all

right..." she whispered, doing her best to console


"WHY? Why won't he stay?" T.K. asked, voice muffled as

he struggled not to cry in front of the others.

"His path is different," Tai said. "Our path will lead

us home...and hopefully his will lead the same way."

The seven who remained together started to walk again,

as usual. Kari watched her friends, thinking, ~When

will we be together again? We've always been least, as long as I've been here. We

keep messing up. It's my fault, I's my fault

Wizardmon's dead. And now MY digimon killed

Machinedramon. This is I turning into a

murdering little freak?~

Kari accidentally voiced her last words out loud, and

the rest turned to stare. She turned red. "Ummm..."

"Kari!" Tai cried. "Why would you think that?"

Kari turned away and mumbled something incoherent.

Izzy stared at the young girl. "Something weird is

going on here..." he muttered.

"Yeah, we are the Chosen Children, also known as the

digidestined!" Tai said. "We've known that for most of

the trip!"

"No, I mean, there's all these questions: Why did Matt

join Gavinmon in the first place? Why'd he come back

to our side so fast? Where did he get these stones,

and how are they important? Who is this digimon, why

does she hurt Matt, and is she REALLY on our side?

Furthermore, why does Matt keep coming back but

refusing to stay?" Izzy paused before adding, "I think

I could go on for quite a while with these questions."

Tai nodded slowly and then looked around at

all--almost all--of his friends. "I have only one real

question: WHEN are we gonna get some answers?"