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"Okay guys, this is how it works. Say this bowl is the sun, and-"

"That's my bowl Koushiro. Put it down."

"Sorry." Koushiro handed Mimi her bowl back. He loved watching her in action.

Mimi had finally shaken her aversion with dirt to be able to take up pottery. Now she was at the wheel almost all the time, if she wasn't glazing them, or planning what to do next. He shook his head slightly, to jolt him back to his senses. Then he began to explain the way the worlds (digital and Real) to Kari and T.K., who had come by to talk about something or other.

"Okay, Kari, it's like this." He took a sheet of paper from Mimi's design stack and began to draw the idea. "You see, the DigiWorld is a shadow of our own. A copy, like a computer printing some files. You know, like downloading a copy for later use."

The two stared uncomprehendingly at him.

Kari snapped out of her trance first, "Koushiro, what happens if the data, the link to each world is cut off? I didn't take a tech class in high school, but still..."

"Well, chances are, what is not truly digital, and what is not truly human would be taking up a new residence some where. You see..." And he went off on another long, complex lecture that no one really gets, so I'll skip it.

Three hours later, Kari led the others to Central Park, and thought enough to pick up Jyou, whom Tai had called also.

"Why me, that's all I want to know, I've been here for three hours in the cold, but does anyone notice, noooooo, I'll probably end up with hypothermia and die, and where will you all be, hunh? Lost in a virtual thing with no common sense, and then it's my entire fault because I wasn't on time, and then I'll go to purgatory, which is were you'll be and then..."

"Shut up Jyou. Tai said to get T.K., Koushiro and Mimi. He didn't say anything much about you."

"And that's supposed to make me feel better!?!"

"At least fume quietly, if at all."

"Fine, Fine, I'll shut up but you'll be sorry and then..."

"Jyou, put a lid on it!"

Kari was more than a little stressed as she drove everyone to the park in her small VW Bug, what with Jyou going on and on and on and on... This couldn't be happening. Why her? Because she was the only one who had a small, inconspicuous car that's why. And the fact that Tai had asked her, and she would walk through fire for her brother.

"We're there Kari. Park near the grass if possible."

"What do you think I'm doing, Koushiro? Tap dancing?"

"Actually, I think you're trying NOT to reach back and kill Jyou."

"How perceptive."

"Excuse me, but can we go?" Asked Mimi impatiently.

"She has a point you know. Can we get this over with?" Jyou was whining again.

"Coming!" ************************************************************************

"Are they here Tai?"

"Nope. Why should they be?"

Kyra was worried. Tai was being like Matt had behaved before she had shown him how to let his emotions go. Not to kill them, to understand them.

"He'll be okay Kyr. I know him." Sora said, softly.

"Where did you get THAT nickname from?" She asked Sora indignantly. 'It's not on the list I handed out!" The two dissolved into laughter.

The two females had become fast friends, and were both worried about Tai. >But what could they do?

"Ladies and Tai, dinner is served. And yes, it's real food. Not hot-dogs." Said the resident Chef, a.k.a. Matt.

"What is it? You can't have gotten done in a half hour!"

"It's order out Chinese. I like fortune cookies." >" My God Matt, how do you stay thin?"

"I exercise."

"I know that. Really, how do you do it?"

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

Tai had to smile at Matt and Sora's antics. Sora was very skinny, as were all of the Digidestined. It must be in their metabolism.

"Tai, look! Isn't that your sister's car?"

Tai started out of his reverie. Yes, it was Kari's small, beat up Bug. And there she was. It looked like she was trying not to hurt someone. She must have brought Jyou.

"Hey Tai! We're here!"

Tai sighed. Now he had to introduce the others to Kyra, and that would make for a lot of wasted time. He didn't have to worry.

"Hello, Guardian of Light. We have been waiting for you." Kyra's voice broke the uneasy silence.

"We must once again gather to save our worlds. You are the Guardians. I am the Seer; we are Courage, Hope, Knowledge, Light, Sincerity, Love, Reliability, and Friendship. We now have one more to our number."

She paused. "I am Akyriya Tsunami. I am Remembrance."

Kari was taken aback by this strange woman. How did she know them? More importantly, what did she mean? ************************************************************************

"Okay, it's like this." Kyra took a small, state-of-the-art laptop out of her mini-bag. "If the gate has relocated, it would logically go to where we would least expect it." She began to rapidly type her calculations in. All the while, Koshiro watched, envious of the neat little computer.

"Look! I found it! The coordinates are right here...Yes! Here we go. Let's see...Subway to Nerima...take the next train to Heighten...and here we are! At your old camp. The southeast corner. Cabin 9." Kyra was grinning. This was pretty straightforward.

"To the Subway, Robin!"

"Shut up, T.K. We don't have time for that."

"Just trying to lighten the mood..."

"All right then. To the Subway...And beyond!" ************************************************************************

The ride was quiet. As they neared the old campgrounds, Mimi asked Kyra a question.

"How did you know all this?"

"I'm not sure. It just happened, I guess. I think it was because I saw you disappear the first time."

"Well that doesn't make sense..."

"Well, it's really complicated."

"I can believe that."


*Fzzt* "Next stop, Heighten. Again, the next stop is Heighten. Please watch your step." The doors of the train slid open. Hesitating only slightly, Kyra stepped off. The rest of the Guardians followed.

"Let's see...We'll take the bus to 91st street...and make a right. Let's go!" Koushiro was in his element. He loved complicated equations. Not that this was complicated.

"Thanks Izzie."

Kousiro looked up, startled. It was the first time Tai had addressed them during this trip. He had only talked to this 'Kyra'.

"Oh, uh...You're welcome."

"Here we are." Matt said, sounding uptight. "The place where this crazy adventure started..." he trailed off. "I just wish we knew what was wrong"

They came to a stop at cabin 9.

"Here goes..." Muttered Tai. Kyra nodded. Then she held out her hands. Sora took one, and Tai took the other.

"Join hands. This needs us all." She said, crisply. Koushiro shrugged, and took Mimi's hand, who took Sora's. Matt took Tai's hand and T.K. took Kari's, who took Kousiro's.

Kyra muttered something, and her crest glowed. Then, startling the others, their crests glowed.

"Its time to REMEMBER!" Hissed Kyra, as though she was in pain. Tai glanced around the circle, and the others understood.









And the portal opened.



At first all T.K. saw was blue, green, and orange blurring together. As his eyes focused, he saw an old friend.

"Patamon! It's you!"

"I'm here T.K. Wow, you got really big."

"It's part of growing up."

"I see. Let's seek out the others. Times a' wasting."

Sora was stunned. There, after years of dreaming, was Piyomon!

"Piyo! I'm back!"

"Sora!" The two started to cry with happiness. "Let's find the others. They might need us."

Tai and Augumon didn't get teary. They were happy, but some emotions were kept inside.

"Let's find Kyra and the others."

"Who is 'Kyra'?"

"A friend."

"Then let's go, Dude!"



"Well, who else do you see? It's really you!"

"Izzie? Is that you?"

"Yeah, Tentomon. I'm back."

"Look! There's T.K. and Patamon! We had better catch up."

"Mimi! It's me!"

"Oh Palmon! Hooray!"

"Kari? Is that you?"


"Well, what did you expect? Chopped liver?"

"Jyou! It's you!"


"Chill Jyou. It's just me!"

Kyra was the last to wake up. The others had made a circle around her, making allowance for Jyou, who was a bit later than the others.

A little cat, hazy with blue-gray stripes and wings padded over softly

"The Master has returned! Come siblings!" she hissed four of five words and a host of others came out of the dense jungle.

"Katamon? Are the others safe?"

"They are well, Master. We all have come, even Sappiremon and Rubymon. So has Unairamon."

"Help me up Tai. I must greet them."

Tai shrugged and helped her stand. She was very tiny already, and she looked almost miniature with the other digimon crowding around her.

"Master. You have come!" ululated the one they called Unairamon. She looked like a large unicorn, and was fully digivolved. She was pale and radiant, with an emerald and amethyst mane, and azure hooves.

The gryphon, Sappiremon, flapped his eagle's wings. "Master." His deep voice reverberated through the woods. He was deep, interchanging sapphire and ivory.

The pheonix was thrilled. She trilled a melodious song and said in her crackling, fiery voice,

"Master. We welcome you." Her scarlet and tawny coloring glowed like embers.

The little azure and silvery feline walked forward. Her wings were pale and shaded on their underside. "Master. I have missed you." Her ears perked up.

"I hear a sound. It is Jademon! She made it!"

The dragon-like creature landed. She was rather small, not even as big as Kyra herself. Of course, she and Rubymon and Sappiremon and Katamon were all in their rookie stage. Her hide rippled with intense jades and greens. Her eyes glowed a steady garnet, and her voice was soft, hissing, but warm. "My Master and friend. We have been waiting for you."She looked around at the circle of humans.

"I see. The guardians have arrived. Fly!"

The last word was directed at the winged digimon, who with a few strokes of their wings, were in the air.

"Come, Master!" Rubymon called. The other flying digimon swooped and picked them up.

"This is SO cool!" Kari yelled, caught in the joys of flight.

"Uh, I'm allergic to hights."

"Shut up and enjoy the ride."

"Here we go!"

"This is highly illogical."

Tai listened to the other's reactions to this phenomenon in silence. He was amazed at how different the world looked from up here.

"Tai! How did you get up there?" It was Augumon, and he was upset. He, Gabumon, Palmon, and Unairamon were left.

"So sorry." Sappiremon swooped and the three smaller digimon were on his back. Unairamon neighed and began to run, keeping in site of all the others.

Kyra laughed. Her excitement running high, she called out to the other humans."We're almost there! Hold on!" The wind flew by them at a tremendous speed, trilling and streaming through their hair.

This was Life. It was a shame it had to end. The small, albino Mouzamon shook gleefully. His master would be happy at THIS news. Sniggering to himself, the Mouzamon scrambled away.


"Yessss...You have done well, my ssssservent. It isssssss all according to the plansssssss." The Snake-like digimon was villainous, and his answer to the Mouzamon made him shake with self-adulation.

"One other thing though; you have heard all. I do not want thissss information to ssssspread." He smirked.

"Sssstay there..."With a quick movement of his head, the snake snapped...and the mouse was gone into his cavernous gullet. Never to see daylight again.

Salsmindermon bubbled with glee. No one survived with valuable information...not while he ruled.

Chuckling still, he slithered, his crimson wings sloping down his deep poisoned-green scales and his chalk colored belly, as he made his way to his rooms to digest his little snack.


The Digidestined were sitting in a reasonably comfortable cave on some moss-covered pillows.

"It is like this," said Sappiremon, "Long ago, when you left this world, the evil was gone, or so it seemed. But a few years later, after the green-eyed maiden came and left, it returned in the form of the archfiend, of the snake called Salsmindermon."

Jademon took up the story. "He seemed friendly, at first. But Katamon, the others, and I had nothing to do with him. He captured Acidomon and...well, took his power in a transfer. Acidomon hadn't a chance. He withered away after that."

"We swore that we would have our revenge. We went to Genni, who must have known the answer, but...He died. Somehow, there were poisoned slashes on his body. The last thing he said was 'To call the guardians and the seer.' We knew that that meant to call Kyra. We were lucky she knew a key character in your party. So we called her one night, three suns ago. And she came." Rubymon crackled out this information quickly.

Katamon joined them, looking harsh.

"Well, this is a fine thing we're in." She stopped, suddenly, seeing Gatomon. "Sister." She purred. "It's been so long." Then she hissed, and sprang for her throat.

"No!" cried Kari. Gatomon pushed her partner away.

"I'll handle it." She also sprang at Katamon. The two females hissed, spat, and clawed each other.

"You went against us! You went to the Dark!"

"What do you know of my choices?"

"I know you are a fool! Ice Claw!" Her claws lengthened, turned blue, and

streams of hoarfrost and hail came at her sister.

"Lightning Claw!" Sparks and bolts of energy crackled.

"So sister. This will be our end!" She tackled her sister, the one other of her kindle, and they both fell into open air.

'Katamon! No!" Kyra's voice cracked like a whip. "Let her be!"

Katamon stared, but swooped, grabbed Gatomon, and flew them both to safety.


Nothing the other digimon could do to calm Katamon worked. She would hiss at them until they backed down. After she was sure all were in attendance,however, she began to speak. " I had my own reasons. She will live. If there is a war..." she changed the subject. "Listen, we don't know if you have good attacks, but if you have the crests, you'll have the power. Here are our attacks. You'll need to know them." She began to list them.

"Katamon-Ice Claw Jademon-Jade Wing Sappiremon-Wing Rage Rubymon-Kindle Feather Unairamon-Omega Horn. That is all for now. Rely on your strength and your digimon, and you'll understand."


That night, after a meager meal of granola bars Kyra had had the foresight to pack, the Digidestined talked quietly to themselves in the main room of the cave. It had been filled with mosses and grass to use as blankets.

Jyou, as usual, complained. "I'm allergic to wild grass! You wanna kill me?"

"No such luck." Muttered Kari to T.K., who burst out laughing.

"Now, now, children," said Sora, mildly. "It's time to get some rest. We have much to discuss in the morning. Especially you, Gatomon." With a meaningful look around the circle, she crawled into her bed of moss. The others followed suite.

"Good night Guardians. May sleep fall well upon your head." Jademon said, almost sadly, as if she knew what would happen. She settled at the entrance of the cave and waited.

Rubymon came softly into the chamber with Sappiremon.

"Fear rides the night." chittered Rubymon.

"The evil has awakened." stated her companion.

The great dragon looked sadly at the other two digimon. "It seems that Life, indeed, must rescue the Guardians and the Seer." She shook her head. "I had hoped it would wait."


Okay. That's part three. It's a little longer than the others, because I had sudden spurts of inspiration. Please don't kill me, I'm new at this. ^_^
