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Gabumon awoke with a start. It was cold. He sat up carefully and looked

around. There was Mimi, curled up next to Izzy. Sora was leaning against a

wall, Piyomon at her side. Tai was stretched out, next to Agumon. T.K. was

next to Patamon, sleeping soundly. Kari was talking softly to Gatomon, and

Kyra was curled up, a ways away from the others. She seemed to be crying in

her sleep. He glanced around the circle again. Were was Matt? Oh, there he

was. Talking to Sappiremon quietly. Gabumon got up all the way and walked

quietly over to them.

"Guardian of Friendship, there is grave danger here. If you feel unsafe,


the Hope and go to safety."

"Are you nuts? I'm staying. I won't let a snake beat me." Matt responded to

the gryphon-like creature.

Gabumon's eyes filled with pride. The girl Kyra had wrought this wonderful

change in them all. Matt cared.

The gryphon turned and saw the wolf-like digimon.

"Well Gabumon," he said evenly, "It's been awhile."

Matt looked startled. "You guys know each other?"

Gabumon looked in the other direction. "Matt, I only know what the


have written. The sacred prophecy of the Garurumon tribes must not be

forgotten. Sappiremon taught me to read the words that the tribe elders


written. I have learned much." With this, the wolf went back to his nest in

the hay, circling it warily three times, and then stretching out.

Matt watched, and then left quietly through the main entrance of the cave.


Katamon perked up her ears at a slight sound coming from the main cave.

Someone was up. Remembering her orders not to let the guardians out alone,

she stretched and padded softly after the Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow, the

guardian of Friendship.

"You are up early, Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow. May I be of any help." purred a

small voice from behind Matt. What the cat had said was more of a statement

than a question. He ignored that, and spoke to her.

"Why do you call me that?"

"It is in your very being, a great sorrow of a lost friend. They are no

longer themself, they have let their spirit die." answered the small


in a matter-of-fact tone.

"How do you know all this?"

"I am a cat, or at least part cat, Guardian of Friendship. I sense things.


can read thoughts as well as body movement." She shook her wings. "If you

would like to go out, one must join you. The Master said to do so."

"Why do you call her the Master?" asked Matt, curious.

"You have asked many questions. I will tell you when we are with your


again." The cat took flight, and hovered over him. "Where do you wish to

go, friend of my Master?"



After Kyra had gotten over being mad, she allowed them to go and use her

kitchen that she had made during her stay at Digiworld. She insisted,

however, that Katamon Kyra was really angry when the others had returned.

"Katamon! What did you DO?"

"I took the Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow to the storage tree. We needed food


"Matt! You scared Gabumon! Don't you care? You scared me, and you scared


and you scared the others. Never do that again! We need you."

The tiny woman said this in a scared voice, a voice that showed true


She shook her deep auburn hair and stalked away. Mimi came over and the two

began to help each other with the tricky business of hair.

Mimi had finally gotten her hair combed out. The trek the day before had


done much for her appearance. With Kyra's help, she put it in a ponytail


braided it. Kyra's hair was a different matter. It was very long, and was a

deep, burnished auburn. It hung to her waist in a long braid. She now shook

out her hair, and began to comb it. After this was finished, she wound her

hair around her hand and took a small mirror out of her bag. Looking into

it, she began to put her hair into a ponytail, and then started a rope


Halfway through, Sora came over and took over the braiding, as it's very


to see your back. When finished, the little female, dressed in green,


toward Sora. Sora had cut her hair a while ago, and now it was bobbed, with

the ends curled under. It was still the same reddish-brown it had been 10

years ago in digiworld for the first time. Her eyes were still the color of

burnt honey, but they held a deep and fathomable loss. She now wore a long,

baggy T-shirt that was saffron-colored. Her jeans were a faded cerulean,


she wore gray high-tops.

Mimi wore a long rosy sleeveless shirt. It went to her thighs, and she wore

pearl-gray leggings. She had on white sneakers. She had come a long way


her teen days.

Matt was wearing -what else? - A sleeveless shirt with a collar. It was


surprise) green, and his jeans were a deep cobalt. He wore brown hiking


Tai almost had taste in clothing. He wore a long-sleeved navy shirt,


by one of a lighter and bolder blue. He was wearing long brown shorts. They

went to his knees. His shoes were beat up New Balance tm.

T.K. was wearing a white T-shirt and faded jeans. He had long since


his weird hat-thing he had worn when he had been six or so.

Jyou still went for the 'preppy' look, and he looked good. He did not,

however, have his first aid bag this time. He had left it in Kari's VW.

Izzie/Koushiro was much taller now. He looked happier too. He still wore an

untucked orange shirt with olive shorts, but he now wore black Nikes. He


still carried a small, white and yellow laptop.

Kari wore a charcoal tank and sweater set, and khakis. Her choice of shoes

were black platforms. The stylish, comfortable kind. Her hair was still

brown, and she had worn it short and hanging in her face until now. Kyra


given her a bandanna, and she now wore it pulled away from her face.

Kyra was the last you would look at. She was barely five feet tall. Her


auburn hair was braided and hung down her back. She wore a stunning outfit


greens. Her long sleeved top was pale, with a darker green sleeveless over

tunic. She wore leggings, also green, but paler than the tunic. She wore a

thin brown belt on which you would see her digivice. She wore ankle boots

that were tan colored. Her green eyes were perhaps her most stunning

features, bright and alive, looking like jade. One would almost think her


elf. Slung over one shoulder was a small backpack, also green and navy. It

held her laptop, her medikit, her hair stuff, and other necceites. She had

just turned twenty-three the day they went back to digiworld.


Author's note: Sorry to interrupt you, but are the descriptions a bit late?

I'm new at this. Hope you like the story so far.

n had to help them.

"Cats are very neat, and to tell the truth, you guys are not the best at

cleaning up after yourselves. Besides, she knows where everything is.

"You have a point. Come on, Kitty." Jyou said

"KITTY!?! I resent that! My name is Katamon! Not KITTY!"

Kyra sighed. These people had a lot to learn about cats. They did have a

sense of dignity.

"Agghhhhhh! No claws! Ahgggghhhhhhhhh! Help!"

"Jyou! Leave Katamon alone!"

"I am leaving her alone. She's attacking me! Help!"

"That's what you get for calling me 'kitty'." The little cat walked away


Jyou, her work done. He wouldn't call her kitty again on this trip…at


he better not.


"Matt, will you please pass me the cloves?" Sora asked politely.

"Sure. What are you making?"

"Well, don't laugh."

"I won't, I swear."

"All right. I'm baking something for Piyomon. Rubymon says that fire


are fond of spice cakes, and I can make a mean cake when I set my mind to


"I'm sure."

"Now, now, you two. Matt, stop flirting. Sora, stop encouraging him."

"We were flirting?"

"I wash my hands of you!" Kari stormed out of the kitchen.


Author's Point of View: Kari walks up.

"What the fricken' hell did you do to my lines?!"

"Listen. You, T.K., and Jyou are the plucky comic relief. Shut up and get

back in there. I write the story, I get to say what happens."


"What was that?"



Back to the story.


Jademon had called a council, and had invited the Digidestined's digimon.

When the general chatter had subsided, Jademon tapped her long tail on he


"Friends. We are here to explain what cannot be explained to your partners.

Kyra must tell them this, but we are allowed to tell you." Jademon shifted

herself. She had grown to almost Kyra's height since they had come.

Unairamon neighed. "Just get on with it Jademon. They need to know."

"She has a point." came Sappiremon's deep voice.

"I will tell them." Said the melodious, low voice of Katamon.

Jademon looked at the cat-like animal in surprise. She had always missed


Master the most, but…Oh well. "Go ahead. Leave no detail out."

Katamon swallowed, and began her story.

"It was a long time ago, when a green-eyed girl fell into the worlds.

Thirteen or fourteen years old she was, I think, your time. She was very

beautiful, and she was very intelligent. She and a boy came to Meloudiemon,


singing fish-like animal. She sang ballads and histories. The girl


The boy did not. She called herself Akyriya or Kyra to some. The boy she

called Senji. Poor Senji. He didn't listen, didn't believe. He spurned all

monsters but one.

"Yes, Monsters. That's what he called us. The one he traveled with was a

poisonous little beast. He was called Acidomon. He left Kyra alone, to die

when she fell ill. One day she found a digi-egg. It was in a nest with four

or five others, all the same color. Green, they were. Green as grass, green

as envy. Her illness was worse, and she crawled into the nest, fevered and

hoping to die. Her body warmed the eggs. They had been dead. And she made


to be. A unicorn, with healing, a gryphon, with power, a pheonix for


a fox for shrewdness, a dragon for wisdom…and a small winged cat. First

though, we were Laureliamon, small, flightless creatures. We digivolved


Kalranimon, and then, we changed. She gave the male a small stone, blue and

beautiful. He became Sappiremon. She gave one of the females what she


an 'opal', glittering many colors. She digivolved into a Pegasesmon. To

another female, she gave a small, blood red stone. She became Rubymon. The

fox-like one was given a small carving of a dog-like creature, of a vixen,

the girl told us. And the last female was given a small charm on a silver

chain. She digivolved to Katamon.

The Pegasesmon healed her. Senji watched all. That boy-" Katamon broke off

and hissed. "That boy was trouble. He had found the crest of Strength. The

villain. One night, we ran from that place. Us, having no past, the girl

remembering all to well. We found a crest on our journey. Life. The boy

followed by night, and broke the crest. The boy died. Acidomon was turned


Kyra's light. It all worked out." She shrugged.

"I see. How did the boy die?" asked Augumon.

"You need not know." With this cold utterance, Katamon walked away.


That night, the digidestined gathered with the digimon around a large



Katamon settled herself next to Matt.

"Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow. Don't eat the meat. It is not suited for your

digestive track."

"Okay. But stop calling me that!"

"Calling you what, Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow?"

Matt changed the subject. "What do you call Tai?"

"He is named the Hard-Hearted-One."

"And the others?"

"The one you call 'Mimi' is known as the Sincere-One-of-Heart. Her husband,

'Izzie' is the All-Knower-of-Spark. The one called 'Kari' is the

Lady-of-the-Light. She will be paired with the Hopeful One. The

Loving-One-of-the-Life will be essential to your quest. 'Jyou' is

One-Who-is-Reliable-and-Frightened. My Master is the

Ever-Remembering-Jaded-One. We call them the All-Knowing, the Sincere-One,

The Love-of-the-Soul, Reliable-One, Light's-Child, and the

Ever-Remembering-One. You and your leader's names do not change. His once


the Courageous-Leader-of-All." The cat fell silent.

Matt probed further.

"What troubles the Master?" he asked.

"Nothing that you need know yet." Said the little cat calmly. "Now eat."

He ate.


Later that evening, all of the digimon gathered around Kyra, and the

Digidestined joined them.

"Please! You stopped at part two, chapter one." Rubymon said.

"Oh, all right. Let's see…Chapter one…On Watership Down." Kyra took a


battered copy of Watership Down out of her bag and began to read.

The digimon curled up and listened with rapt attention.

Katamon purred, a deep rumbling sound from the back of her throat.


After finishing a chapter, Kyra marked her place and put the book away. A


moan went up from the digimon.

"I know, I know, you want more. If I read it all tonight though, what will

you have to look forward to in the morning?"

"She has a point." Said Tai, who had been listening harder than the others.

Mimi yawned.

"I'm tired. It's really late you guys. We should get some shut-eye."

"She has a point." Said Koushiro, also yawning.

Kyra smiled. Everyone was bantering happily now, talking and walking into


cave. Jademon waked up to them.

"We have made your own privet quarters. Come this way."

Everyone followed. Mimi was given the first room. It was all done in a

blushing pink, and it had a soft, comfortable bed. She smiled, and walked


with Palmon following her.

Matt got the next room. It was dark gray, with a cot-like bed in the


It looked like a prison cell.

"You're actually going in there?" asked Sora in an astonished voice.

"It reminds me of home."

T.K. was led into a roomy orange chamber. He and Patamon looked happy, as


a weight had lifted from their shoulders.

Kari was led into a 'cheery' room all done in cool green. Gatomon followed


Koushiro was given a non-descript room, an old ivory color. It was nice

looking, and there was a large desk.

Led down the halls, Sora, Tai, Jyou, and Kyra went to the last few rooms.

Sora went to a light turquoise room, with sable trim.

Jyou went to a bleached room, devoid of anything that might carry germs.

Tai went to a tan bedroom, with desk and chair. It looked comfortable, and

not much else.

Kyra stopped at the last door. It swung open without her touching the


The interior was done in many shades of blue. It had a small twin bed


a computer on a desk, a chair, and a little bookcase. It looked like

something out of a magazine. Curled up on the bed was Katamon, looking

sleepy, but alert.

"Master." She rose in a formal greeting.

"Please. Don't do that."

"Yes Master." The cat settled back down. "How was the day?"

"It was tolerable. Katamon. Did you tell them about your origins?"

"Only the digimon."

"Thank the Gods." Kyra said fervently.

"Why do you say such things, Master?"

"I worry, little cat. I will worry each night, when the moon rises. Then


Horrors come. It's almost more than I can bear." She shuddered.

There was a tentative knock on the door.

"Who is it?" called Katamon.

"It's me, Jademon. I'm with Sappiremon and Rubymon. We wish to enter,


"Come." With a single gesture, Kyra unlocked the door. The digimon filed


Though the door was quiet small, none of the digimon who entered seemed to

touch the sides.

"You must sleep." The fiery digimon, Rubymon said in a warm tone. "You need

your rest."

"I go, I go. Kyra climbed into the bed, where Katamon promptly sat on her

chest. Jademon curled up at the foot of the bed. Sappiremon settled onto


rug in front of the bed, and Rubymon curled up on the glowing cinders of


fire. Unairamon sat outside the door, leaning against it slowly. Soon sleep

descended onto the caves.

"Good evening, rest well, sleep tight." A mocking voice said from far away.

"Soon, my little Guardians, I'll have you and your seer. You'll remember me

all right."

The dark shape turned.

"Go. Send the nightmares. Let no one sleep well in those cave tonight!"

The snake bowed.

"Yessssss, Masssssssssster. I do assssssssssss you whissssssssssssssh."

"Shut up and do as I tell you, you worthless reptile."

Salsmindermon bowed his head.

"I go, I go." He slithered away into the darkness.

The dark shape stood alone.

"One day I will have my revenge. Sleep well, you emasculate things. Nothing

can save you now." A hollow laugh resounded through the halls of the


The Darkness would prevail. The Light had no hope now…

The monstrosity grinned evilly He would have their blood this time. Just


and see.


Well, that's part four. Hee hee hee… What shall I write next? If my


stories scare you, don't read 'em.