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Mimi awoke trembling. Something huge was coming…She repressed the urge to


"Mimi? Are you okay?"

"No Palmon. I think something is out there."

Palmon looked at her distressed partner. Mimi was shaking and seemed to be

scared out of her wits. This was not good.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"It's nothing. Just a nightmare."

"It's more than just a nightmare. What happened?"

Mimi shuddered again, and began to retell her dream.

"It was like I was with many people, friends, you know? And then they

disappeared. I was all alone, and no one was there to help me. The only one

there was a little child, a girl-child, who cried out for me to help her,

again and again. She was being hurt. He was whipping her, lashing out. I


so scared, and then you disappeared. You said you had to leave me, that I


to face Him by myself. That in itself was scary enough, but then He began


hurt the others. I was the only one He hadn't caught, and I had to watch


others cry out in pain." Mimi shuddered. "The worse part was, I couldn't

help. I was there, and it was up to me, and I couldn't do anything." She

started to cry, very softly. "It's not just me Palmon. It took them all. It

made them watch while It hurt those they loved. And I couldn't help."

Palmon was worried. These were not normal dreams. This was serious.


Later that day, as everyone awoke, all with nightmares, they went down into

the surrounding jungle. After a half-hour, Kari began to sing in a


soprano voice. It was the theme song for the movie Anastasia by Disney.

"We were strangers/ starting out on a journey/ never dreaming/ what we'd


to go through. /Now here we are/ and I'm suddenly standing/ at the


with you/"

Sora and Mimi joined in.

"No one told me/ I was going to find you/ unexpected/ what you did to my

heart/ When I lost Hope/ You were there to remind me/ this is the start. /"

Kyra took up the melody in a second soprano.

"Life is a road/ and I wanna keep going/ Love is a river I wanna keep

flowing/Now and forever/ Wonderful Journey/ I'll be there when the world

stops turning/ I'll be there when the storm is through. / In the end I


be standing /at the Beginning with you. /"

Koushiro smiled.

"Not bad Ladies, not bad."

Matt looked at the sky for a minute, and then remarked

"That song is a lot like this world we're in. We were strangers, and we


on a journey. It all fits."

"Why thank you, gentle sir." Mimi curtsied in an exaggerated manner.

"Pay attention to were you're walking!" snapped Jyou at Mimi, who, as she

curtsied, tripped over an exposed tree root. Koushiro caught her arm.


"No problem."

"Here we are. My old cave were I left my harp."

"You have a harp?" Matt asked Kyra curiously.

She nodded.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" T.K. was a little tired, and he

wanted the walk to end soon.

As they entered the cave a small digimon came up to them.

"Well. It seems that the Master is back. I saved your things." The digimon

had cinnamon-colored fur. She had a body not unlike a fox. She had a white

under belly, and her eyes were iridescent indigo. Her paws were dawn-tinted

and she was small and delicate. There was a small shape on her forehead. It

looked like a sun with waving points of light coming from the edges.

"I am Vixenamon. I am a guard. I have stayed here for 14 of your years and

watched my Master's things. They are still well." The fox spoke with a


English accent.

Kyra came forward and warmly embraced the small digimon.

"Vixenamon. It's been such a long time."

The digimon gave a smile and said, "You may come in Master. But the others

are not welcome in my den." She disappeared into a back room.

Kyra gave the others a half smile, and walked into the cave.

Gabumon sniffed the entrance.

"She had another living with her, a Garurumon. But the scent is old. It's

been many years."

Kyra walked out of the back room, an old lap harp in her arms. She adjusted

the strings, and after a few moments, began to play.

Matt closed his eyes and listened to the glorious sounds. She was playing


old air, one unknown to him. But the melody was old. The song played a


bar of notes. The tune went progressively down and up the scale as it


The fox-like creature next to the Seer began to sing in a low tone.

"You were a part of my life when I met you. / When you left you didn't say

goodbye. /Now the years are past. /And the tears still come when you play


old air. /And now you are back again. /Don't break my heart. /You broke it

once before. /I loved you and your mystery. /That's just the way things


/ You were a part, a very special part, / a whole world to me…" She broke


"There is more." Stated Gabumon.

"You are correct, wolf-friend."

"Will you sing the rest, hunt-sister?"

"I think not, wolf-friend. Perhaps your human-" she nodded toward Matt-


sing instead."

Gabumon looked at Matt, who shook his head, blushing.

"No way and no how."

"Are you scared, Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow? The Guide is not afraid."

Mimi looked at Matt in astonishment.


"Is something wrong, Sincere-One-of-Heart?"

"I don't like this. Weird names. You are all going weird on me. I'm


Jyou stomped off, carrying Gommamon.

"Don't go, Reliable-but-Frightened-One. You are needed for our tasks as


as the Loving-One-of-Soul, or the All-Knowing-One. Or even Light's-Child


the Hopeful-One. The Hard-Hearted-One has his own tasks too."

There was a rustling in the trees, and a burning smell, and with a loud


Rubymon was there.

"Hello, Vixenamon. Being Mystical? Where's your Garurumon protector?" she


The vixen clenched her teeth and turned away.

"It's none of your concern were he is."

"Oh really? What about the time you were lost in the fog? Did you get out

without his help? Or the time when-"

"Stop that at once, Ruby. Can't you two get along?" Kyra snapped.

The fox sighed.

"Master, she baits me. I cannot help that I am a carnivore. I am what I was

meant to be." The fox shied away from the bird.

A new voice came from out of the thicket.

"Is something wrong Vixenamon?"

"Guru? Is that you?" the little female perked up her pointed ears and


her muzzle.

A large bluish and white wolf came into the cave and nuzzled the little fox

and Kyra. Then he spied Gabumon and Matt.

"Who is this creature? Have they come to hurt the Master?"

Matt put up his hands in a disarming gesture.

"I mean no harm to Akyriya Tsunami. I am the Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow, or


The Garurumon's eyes widened and he bowed his head.

"I welcome you, Blue-Eyed-One-of-Sorrow. Enter this cave."

The digidestined looked at each other in astonishment. What did this great

wolf mean?


"What the fricken' heck…" T.K. let his sentence trail off.

Kyra just smiled. Here she had first hidden. It had served well, and she


used most of her developing chemicals here. She loved photography. She had

photos of all the digimon she had met…and some of old enemies and


"What's this?" asked Matt, pointing to a large glossy sitting on a counter.

"Oh…that's a picture of when I first got here."

"Who's this kid?" he pointed to a figure in the far left of the photo.

Kyra sighed. Well, she thought to herself, they had to learn sometime.

She took a deep breath.

"It all started when I went to camp on August first. I was there my twin

brother. His name was Senji. I was looking for Matt…I had known him for a

while because I baby-sat for T.K. occasionally. We were good friends, and I

had some photos I had taken of him and T.K. that I wanted to show him. I


him walk out of cabin 9, Where I had been assigned. I thought that was


I could talk to him before he went off to 'be cool'.

"Anyway, I saw him walk out of the cabin on the new snow. He looked a


cold. He wasn't dressed for this weather. Anyway, I had my kit bag with me,

the one that held all of my chemicals for my photos. I saw the fabulous

light, and as I watched it, I saw those flashes of light.

"They were digivices, though I didn't know that yet. I saw you disappear


thin air. I looked around, and then I saw a small electronic gizmo in the

snow. I picked it up and looked at it, and then I was drawn into the


It was like swimming. I landed a short way away from you, but I didn't come

closer, for fear that you guys would see me. I didn't know you then. I


around, and there was Senji! He was short, but not so much as I, and he had

hair so red it looked black. His eyes were gray-green and alive. I'd loved

him very much. He started when he saw me, and then beckoned for me to


He had a little spider in his hands. He looked uncomfortable, and I saw


the little spider was sending out an acid irritant. I put on my gloves and

picked it up. The little thing was about 9 inches long, and it spoke to me.

'Hi! I'm Chorathmon!'

I was a little surprised, but I put him on my shoulder and he nestled in my

hair. While the little spider chattered away, I put an ointment from my

medikit onto the burns on Senji's hands. I then gave him my other gloves,

which, sad to say, were a bright orange. They clashed horribly with his


and green body suite. Then I handed him his little spider-thing back. He

didn't thank me, but I didn't expect him to. He was rather reserved.

"Anyway, after you guys fell off of that cliff, I ran down the side of the

mountain to the river. By the time I got there, all of you were gone. I saw

the imprints your wet bodies had made on the sand, and I ran even faster.

Senji was hard-pressed to keep up with me. We found the beach with the


booths - but they were smashed into pieces. Then a great digimon came at


and Chorathmon digivolved to help me, which was strange. He followed Senji

like a puppy, but he saved me with his acidwebber attack. His new form was

about eighteen inches and he was now called 'Acidomon'. He said that he had

drawn upon both of us for energy, and that he was linked to both of us.


didn't surprise us much, because we were twins after all.

"We had many adventures, and Senji grew more distant from me than ever


was strange. We'd always been close. With each battle he got worse, until


was a new person it seemed. His eyes turned a deep sooty red and he became

violent. Before that time, He had never raised his hand at anyone, until


I have proof though. I have scars." Kyra rolled up her long sleeves that


always wore, heat or cold. On her arms, winding, slashed scars were there.

Then she took off her gloves that she always wore, black as Hecatea's soul,

and showed her hands. They were reddened and sore looking, and their scars

slashed cruelly over her fair skin.

Matt, who sat next to Tai, noticed his look of outrage. He also noticed

small, white scars on Kyra's face.

She continued her story.

"Acidomon had digivolved several times into Nightshademon, and his attack


poison strike. He was divided between us, but in the end he went with


"One day, I fell very ill. I had medicine in my pack, but I was too weak to

get it out. I just got worse and worse. Senji didn't seem to care. He just

kept pushing us on. Finally, I collapsed, and he left me to die in a cave.

There was a nest there, and I crawled into it, hoping to die quickly.

"There were half a dozen green eggs in that nest. I had been told by a

singing digimon about the chosen six, who would come back from eternal


"The heat of my body warmed the eggs, and they hatched into small creatures

that called themselves Laureliamon. There was one male and five females.


had a definite personality, and was very cute. First they just crawled

around, saying their name, and then they digivolved into Kalranimon. They

needed to be different; I knew that, But how? Then I remembered some small

prized possessions I had. I had six items. They were given like this:

"A fox effigy in clay went to one of the females, a quiet hunter, who took

everything seriously. The second item, a small sapphire ring, I gave to the

male, an optimist by nature. I gave an opal pendent to the oldest female,


was bent on learning all she could about healing. The wise little one, who

loved green and was almost as old as her oldest sister, I gave a small


made out of green and white jade. Her humorous sister, a mimic at heart, I

gave a raw ruby, to signify her fiery disposition. She loved birds, and I

drew one on that rock. The last one was the youngest, and the smallest. She

favored to be alone, but responded to her litter. She remembered her past;

she had only been dead a short time, and she still remembered her sister,


had gone to the Dark Lord, and killed her. I gave her a small item, a


charm on a silver chain; a small silver cat with wings was on the opposite

side that I had made it in my siversmithing class. She took it, and her


came alight with wonder. And they all began to digivolve. The male to

Sappiremon, the Fiery female to Rubymon, the healing one to Pegasesmon, the

green-loving one to Jademon, and the fox-like one to Vixenamon, and the


one digivolved into Katamon. Pegasesmon healed me fully and we fled that

awful cave of death. My brother followed." Kyra stopped and smiled.

"It's ironic that I found the crest of Life in that cave. I've always

wondered…Well, never mind. My brother followed me and the digimon and I


all the faster. One night though, when we were all tired, Pegasesmon was on

watch. Senji came up out of her line of vision, and broke the crest of


His crest was of Strength. Pegasesmon digivolved into Horsealmon, and

attacked him. He didn't flinch, and he sent a massive Hydroclorimon, the

digivolution of Nightshademon, at us. He used Acid Star. Horsealmon was so

angry, she digivolved again, without the crest. She became Unairamon, and

used Omega Horn. The boy ran in front of the digimon, his eyes a startling

gray-green. He had been released. The attack had started all ready, and


was no way to stop it. It hit him, full in the chest, and I ran crying up


him. He managed a smile, and said he would be okay, but the other digimon

dragged me away. Chorathmon ran up to me on his spindly legs.

'Kyra, he couldn't stop! Every night he fought the Dark One, and he failed.

But you saved him. Now he's going to leave.' The little digimon sobbed.

"We watched from a distance as the body disappeared, and went into another

world, or so I thought. As I looked up, I saw him, smiling at me.

'Kyra, I have to leave. It is preordained. You must remember what has

happened here. Promise me, Kyra.' he stuck out his tongue slightly, as he


never put much in formality I nodded, and he took my crest, and it fused


a whole new one. He told me that he took the crest of Sorrow, and used it


help repair that. My new crest was Remembrance. He faded away after that. I

stayed in Digiworld for a few years, but then I got home. Mom never

understood why I'd changed so much. In her mind, Senji had disappeared five

years ago. Someone had tampered.

"I still remember though. I always will."


Author's note: What do you think of her story in digiworld? Thanks much to

Akia Starfrost, Ashmoria, Senji, and all those 'little people' who gave me

Ideas. I'll send the next part soon.

-Kira Yalnami ^_^

P.S: Part six is freaky. I'm fixing it, but it's NOT g rated, belive me.