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Darkness falls, part 7


By: Kira Yalnami

Here's part seven. I hope you like this. This part is for those people whose e-mail addresses I forget for your great ideas.

~ Kira.

* * *

The blackness welled up. No escape! No escape! His mind screamed a warning of an attack; he barely made it out of the way in time.

Fight back. Face your fear! He jumped away from another blast of fire. It was hopeless…suddenly, a light! So blue, so inviting…

"Light Blade!" Matt jerked out of his dream. His crest glowed…So, he thought grimly, This is my technique.

* * *

The fire…keep it away…No! NO! Not him! Not Izzie!

"I can't help them! Somebody help them! Please! Help him…"

The monster glowed, a sickening red, sullen and gross. It smiled at her fear.

"I have you now, my pretty. And you friends." He said this with contempt in his voice. The shadows flickered. He grew thin, stretched out, and transparent.

"NO!" His cry was one of hatred. Mimi looked at him, trembling. She heard another cry, and there she was.

Lillymon. Falling into thin air, unable to move.

Mimi did not scream. She cried, silent, lost tears. Then she raised her eyes, looking at the

shadow with intense hatred.

"You," she said, her voice trembling with rage, "You killed them, You will kill them. You cannot be allowed to go on." Her eyes were usually a soft brown, but now they were a deep, deep charcoal color.

"Sincerity Bloom!" her voice reverberated, her crest glowed, and all was silent for one minuet. Then the death scream began. The shadow contracted, and expanded, contracted once more, and then he was not there.

She dropped to the ground, pale and exhausted.

"Mimi?" the shaking voice of Koushiro came out of the dark.

* * *

So close. So close! He banged his fists into the wall, and then stepped back, wishing he hadn't lost his temper. Ouch, he thought, I HATE it when I do that. This dream wasn't going to end.

A voice in the cave.

"Jyou…Jyou…lead the Guardians. We must rely upon you to lead us to safety, Jyou. Find the path. Teach the way." A disembodied voice came from nowhere.

"Hurry Jyou!" the voices of friends. He heard a battle raging.

"Light Blade!"

"Courage Fire!"

"Love Power!"

"Sincerity Bloom!"

He shook in his shoes, but they needed him. Placing his hands on the rock wall, and pushed, using all the power around him. His crest glowed silver.

"Reliable Sea!" A stream of iron-gray water swirled, and flowed fast like the rapids of a treacherous river flew, divided, and became a maelstrom.

The wall opened. The Reliable-One-with-Fear had found the way.

* * *

The digimon were gone. Gatomon was gone. Run! Run! Run and Hide! Her instincts screamed, but she was trapped, shaking where she stood.

"Kari!" it was Tai! Tai was alive!

"Kari, We're okay, but we can't find T.K. Have you seen him, anywhere?" Matt's frantic

voice echoed throughout the cavern.

"I'll find him! Leave everything to me!" she ran down the corridors, to where she knew T.K. would be. And there he was, beaten, starved, and weak. But he was alive. Alive! She helped him up, and looked around. And she gasped in horror. Digimon, hundreds of them, were kept there, in cages. Small, cramped quarters. There! It was…No, it couldn't be…But it was. It was Gatomon. White fur stained and muddy, her claws bitten to the quick. Her eyes lolling, empty of life. It could not be! No! NO! Gatomon! Her mind screamed at her, and she began to cry, pulling T.K. along, crying harder. Her friend, her partner was dead. Dead! That didn't make it anymore or any less real. She reached the crevice, where the others had jumped to the other side. She could not do that, not without killing T.K. She could not leave him.

"Tai! Help me!" those same words that Gatomon had spoken as she had been carried off by evil, darkness, Myotismon.

Her crest glowed pale pink.

"Brighter" she hissed at the design. It flared up like a light in the darkness. That was it! There was writing on the wall!

Throughout the evil,

Throughout the soul,

Light hides,

Light dies,


The light, hidden,

In darkness so thick as not to see

The stars.



"I am Light's Child! I will save the chosen one of the dark!" she cried silently in the depths of her heart. Suddenly, she was running, sprinting, fleeing, and there She was.

"Gatomon, you are alive in there. Speak!" Kari's dark amber eyes paled, and she picked up the still form. And ran.

"Light Heaven!" she cried.

Another voice, stronger, masculine, joined hers.

"Hope Flare!"

The crescendo rose and the choral notes hovered for one moment, and then were still.

Two voices called out in triumph.

"Hope Light!"

* * *

This was wrong. None of his calculations allowed for this! Death was not a factor! Ahh! Pain! Quick, searing pain!


Mimi! Mimi was there!

The shadows! Constricting, expanding, like some gross blob. Glowing!

Power! Purple light! Knowledge! Use the power!

"Know your enemies! Koushiro, you must fight!" That voice! Concentrate! Know your strength!

STRIKE! A near miss!

A flash of insight! Know your enemies! Know their weaknesses!

"Knowledge Lightning!" power flashed.

He stood, gasping for breath. The menace was gone!

"No, Izzie. The shadows will always be there. Be ready. And know the time to strike!"

* * *

We dreamed. Miles and oceans away, on the other side of the wall, were our friends. We see them, not as friends. No, no, it is much worse. Trapped in our own minds, we see them as prey. Our minds scream in horror. But the instinct prevails, coming out of a past so darkened, not even the Night ones can see where.

No! NO!

Blood! We tear at them, eat their flesh. I see a glimpse out of my own heart, a sight I wish never to see again.

We are eating them.

No! NO!

Wait. Wait.

Sora is not here. Piyomon prowls, looking for her partner, to quell her appetite for fresh blood and flesh.

I tear again at Kyra, and I expect the intense feeling of pain filtering through her. She screams, once. Then she is still, resigned to her fate. Still, she kicks Augumon and Gabumon away from Matt and Tai, weak with loss of blood from the battle with the shadows.

No! NO!

It is no use. The hunger! The huntsong! Gabumon howls in triumph as he digs his claws into his partner's chest. There is blood. I see, but not with my own eyes. I see the world through the eyes of my dying friend, partner, and comforter.

NO! NO! This is not real! Help!

The love appears, blinding us with its warm light.

Live. Pulse. Breath. Know.

* * *

"Remember me, Kyra?" the mocking voice was closer.

Do not run. A true warrior never runs from the battle. Do not run!

"I remember you, shadowed one. You were on the point of my arrow the last time we met."

The shadow grinned, if you could call it that.

"Remember your brother?" his voice was but a low hiss. "Remember how he died, waiting for you?"

"LIAR!" she screamed at him. "My brother was killed by you. You made me watch." She smiled thinly. "He is a minor power, Synthlaya. And I am much, much more than a minor power."

The shadow recoiled from her. "You lie!" it hissed, sending two of the digimon, Gabumon and Katamon reeling into thin air.

"NO!" her voice was a low whisper, and she stood there, trembling. "I fear you not! You may kill the digimon! You may kill my brother! You may kill me, but you will never harm the digidestined. Never! I am sworn to protect, and I will keep my word!"

She saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Matt! What was he doing? Then it hit her. The death cry. Out of the dreams, the death cry followed him. She caught his eye, and shook her head ever so slightly.

Synthlaya saw.

"Perhaps I shall just kill your little friends," he mused.

She shrugged.

"As you will. Out of curiosity, however, what friends? I have none. They left me so they could save their own skins."

Matt was three yards away now.

"You idiot bat! You think you can kill me with fire?" laughed Kyra from the heart of a fire hot enough to burn stone.

He creased his brow, and added more power.

The fire burned to the temperature where rocks would melt.

Kyra looked at him, her cool green eyes alternately flickering a deep blue or lavender.

"Change." The power in this one word overwhelmed the King of Shadows. She now

was a silver tabby cat with green eyes, looking bemusedly at the demon's efforts.

"It won't work, you know." She said, and whether she meant the fire or her death or the death of the digidestined it was hard to tell.

"Who are you? You are not some wretched girl as I was lead to believe! What are you?" panted Synthlaya, out of breath and out of power for the moment.

"I am Ta-she. I am the Green-eyed cat. I am the Queen of the Felines." She purred deep in her throat. She sounded almost smug. "I am the Dragon Queen. I am the Shape-changer. I am Kira!" The spelling of her name altered, becoming more delicate, powerful, free. She flickered, and she was no longer a cat. She was a gold and silver dragon; her green eyes flashing with barely suppressed rage. She raised her eyes to the entrance of the cave. There was Sora. Bruised, bleeding, shaken. But it was Sora.

The dragon/Kira raised her eyes at Sora. Kira's eyes glowed deep blue, and a silver light flickered over Sora's face. Terror. Her body moved jerkily, as if she had no control over it. She was slammed into an alcove at the entrance of the cave, slammed into Tai, who would not leave.

Matt was three feet away now. Almost there, almost in reach.

"None will come between us, Shadowed One. I would have that so." The great dragon looked at the Shadow with her piercing eyes. "Is that a deal?"

"Deal." Came the sullen voice of her archenemy.

She preened her gold and silver scales, and then she flickered once more, and became Kira again.

"Good." Her voice was icy cold, the cold of a mountain stream in the middle of the coldest night in midwinter.

The energy was there! Matt had thrown her power that she had entrusted to him. The green and silver shone, and blue and lavender came into play. Red, orange, pink, and yellow. The crests had given her the power to kill the monster, the Shadow, the king of Darkness. He had many names. She knew him as Synthlaya.

She gathered the energy to her breast, and absorbed it. She then looked at the shadow, looking through the light. It hit her. This malvoyant power was her brother. Senji was alive, but he needed to die. She hardened her heart, and began the incantation.

"Remember!" her voice echoed, and she continued.

Do you remember me?

I remember you.

Remember the blood?

Remember the war?

Remember me?

Do you remember me?

I remember you.





Do you remember me?

I remember you.


He writhed, but she did not falter. As she uttered the last syllable, she looked at the body that held the darkness. And she let go the power. He writhed. He contracted, seeming


And then it happened. The death wail. Her friends fell over the overhang, and she felt such a loss…alone. This is what Sora had felt and now it was the Seer's turn…

Kira jolted awake from her dreadful nightmare.

"That's it. I've snapped." She muttered, shaking her head. This was going too far. Since when had she been able to shape-shift for example?

* * *

There was the sound again. A cry of terror in an abandoned ally.

"Leave me alone!"

He would not walk away. He approached, looked at the male offender.

"What is your name?"


"Well, Taichi my boy, I hate to say it, but I'll have to kill you."

"You can't kill me."

"Oh really?" the gangster raised an eyebrow.

Tai felt the snap of metal and a cold blade dug into his neck, just slicing the delicate skin of his throat.

He closed his eyes, reaching for the power that lived, coursing through his veins.

"Courage Fire!"

The ally glowed a burnt orange color. His eyes glowed, flaming with anger. Jerked his arm. Hit them. Pain. Kill. Kill to live.

He called Izzie. Told him what happened.

Anger. Disbelief. Told him he was a fool.

But he heard Augumon. He heard! He knew the dark would come…


The yelling. He had yelled that he hated them, even Sora. Why had he been so cruel? Sora, why did you have to go away?

He had seen her again, when he and Matt carried Kyra to her home for help. Sora would know what was wrong.

He had seen her after almost two years. She seemed so scared and so sad. He thought he had heard her crying.

Was he the reason she cried?

Remember the poem. "It is Margaret you mourn for." Who was it by? Couldn't remember…You mourn for yourself. Is that the dream's story? Know your self? 'A man must face himself before he can face his enemy.' He had been young and stupid. Age had taught him that not always the good guys win.

Tai snapped awake. What a strange dream. He was living in the past, remembering the future.

* * *

Author's note: I know, I know. This is super corny. Ash, you thought your fics were bad? Well mine are even worse!

Sorry about Sora's crest power…I think I'll change it to 'Love Flame' or something. God, it sounds like the 70's and I wasn't even born then! Also, crest powers are subject to change. The story mine is a spin-off of isn't done yet. If you want my fic done, e-mail Ash at she owns All that is Ishida (great site for Matt lovers, and her links are a must-see. She has over 130). Anyway, bother her so I can finish this thing.

Also sorry about the 'living in the past, remembering the future' stuff. I read waaaayyyy too much sci-fi and fantasy. I promise not to read 'The Wild Road' before I finish, otherwise I'll work Cy in here. And maybe Tag…

I really have got to get a life. Sorry for the delay in getting this to you fans, of which there are few. Hope you like part seven. I need a break to get more ideas. Send any ideas

you've got, I need 'em. Thanks.

-Kira Yalnami \^_^/ -Hooray! I made it! Yes! I finally finished 'Dreams'. (That's chapter seven!)

PS: I wrote almost this entire thing in advance. As of now, I'm up to part nine. Hee hee hee…If you like this, plague me with reviews and e-mail. Say what you like; I'm not hypersensitive anymore. (Note: Sorry Bob the Conqueror. Didn't mean to send that mean letter. I was feeling…indisposed. Little fairy digimon walks up and whispers: "NO! She has PMS!" (Author excuses herself, grabs fairy and throws her out of window. There is a yoweling sound, and a little shriek. The fairy's wings kind of float in the air for a moment. All is quiet.) Ahem. Back to my note thing. ) Anyway, no viruses, okay? You can send death threats. No swearing, please. I'm only an "Innocent" 13 year old. (That in itself is an oxymoron, I know). Anyway, until my next submission, Ciao!

~ Kira

PPS: I'm writing truly depressing poetry for each character. I started with Matt's and Kyra's. The response is so-so. Tell me what you think, if you hate it, well, that's YOUR PROBLEM. If you don't like them, don't read them. In fact, POG MO THOIN to you!


Editor's Note: We apologize for Kira's note. She had a little too much free time. She has taken to giving her cat and co-author, Hazel-rah (Or Hazel-sama) a curfew. This is bad. She also is not eating much sugar. We will try to reason with her. By the way, for those of you who don't understand Gaelic, Pog mo thoin means Kiss my Irish…well, you get the idea.


~ Crazy Editor