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Destruction of the Worlds-part one

Kaylee' Story



Author's note: It's 9 years after the kids were in the digiworld so they

are all older. This fanfic contains adult stuff so if you can't handle

it don't read it.

Honk! Honk! " Get off the road you drunky!" screamed the driver who

just whizzed by in the car. He's the real drunky thought Matt and yelled

back "You're the real drunky and if I had Gabumon he'd kick your ass!"

After he realized what he just said he quickly got back in the car to

check his guitar. It had a few flakes paint chipped off. He gave a long

sigh and started to drive to his concert. Matt started thinking of all

the things he missed. He missed Gabumon. He missed the digiworld. He

missed his friends. He missed his brother.


"WHERE'S THE MONEY T.K.!!" said the gang leader as T.K. was shoved

against the wall. He yelped from the pain. "I don't have it yet." Said

T.K. weakly. The gang leader was getting annoyed and put a gun to T.K.'s

head. Then he smiled and said "Listen, T.K., remember the deal we had?"


"Well, me and my gang paid for the very, VERY expensive date with this

so called KARI and you were suppose to get me a gun for every member of

my gang and also give us $500. But I don't see the money T.K. So where

is it?!"

"Well, I used my allowance money to buy the guns and since I don't

have any left you're going to have to give me like 5 weeks to pay you

back. I get paid $100 a week from my job so you can see why I need so

much time to pay you back." T.K. replied.

After a long pause the leader (Shi) said" I'll give you a


"But I can't…" T.K. complained but he was cut off."...One week."


" ONE WEEK, O.K.!!!"

T.K. knew he couldn't do anything so he nodded in agreement. "Good. By

the way how was your date?" asked Shi.

"Oh, it was great!" said T.K.

"Well," said Shi" if you ever have another date it will be like HELL! As

a mater of fact if you don't pay us back your whole life will be HELL!"

Shi pushed T.K. to the ground and walked out of the alley followed by

his gang. T.K. was to weak and tiered to get up so he lay there and he

soon fell asleep. A shaking on his shoulder awakened him. He opened his

eyes. A shape of a young man was in front of him. "T.K. are you O.K.?"

said the man.

"How do you know my name?" asked T.K. "It's me T.K. Don't you

recognize me?" asked the stranger.


Who is this man? Will T.K. pay the gang back in time? Will the gang

destroy T.K.'s life?

And will Matt's thoughts bring him trouble?

Short? Yes.