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Author's note: If you read part one you know that all the digi-kids are

9 years older. Remember this contains adult stuff so it's rated R or


Destruction of the Worlds-Part 2

Part 2 of Kaylee's Story

"It's me T.K., Tai." T.K. couldn't believe it! The leader of the

digi-group was there, right in front of him! After 9 long years! T.K.

was so happy he hugged Tai (in a FRIENDSHIP sort of way) and told Tai

every thing that happened in the past 9 years. He even told Tai about

the deal with the gang he had made. After a long pause Tai asked, "What

if you don't pay up in time?" T.K. thought for a second and said, "I

really don't know. But if I don't pay in time they said they'd make my

life a living nightmare." Tai gave a worried/annoyed sigh. Then he said

in a sad voice, "Do they know about Kari?"

T.K. stared at Tai in a blank face and then looked at the ground.

"Yes," T.K. replied, "they do. You don't think they'll do anything to

her, right?!" Tai looked at the sky. "I really don't know. Gangs are

capable of anything."


Matt took his last bow and walked off the stage smiling to himself as

the crowd cheered and yelled stuff like "I love you Matt!" and "What's

your number?!" I knocked them dead thought Matt. After an hour of

talking to his manager he finally got in his car and drove back home to

Tokyo. He looked at his schedule to see when his next concert was. It

was in a week.

*Meanwhile at the gang's hide-out*

The gang was just goofing off by watching T.V., smoking and by drinking

beer. Then Tay (he was like the vice-president of the gang) said, "Shi,

do you think that kid will pay us the money?" Shi looked at Tay and

yelled, "How should I know!?" Tay looked a little shocked and said,

"What will we do if he doesn't pay up?" Shi looked at the ceiling in

deep thought and then smiled the nastiest smile you could think of.

"We'll take his girl-friend Kari!" Shi then did one of those evil

laughs. Tay did one himself then started watching T.V. again.


T.K. had $300 dollars and was walking towards the gang's hideout looking

depressed. He needed $200 more dollars but where would he get that kind

of money. Then he bumped into someone and fell to the ground. So did the

other person, who just happened to be Tai. T.K. got off the ground and

helped Tai up. Tai looked at the money in T.K.'s hand and asked

cautiously, "Do you have enough money?" T.K. looked at the ground and

shook his head no. Tai frowned and was in a deep thinking mood. Then Tai

gave a small grin and said, " Do you want me to come with you? If worst

comes to worst I'll be right by your side buddy." T.K. smiled and said,

"Thanks Tai."

When T.K. gave the money to Shi, Shi got really mad. "There's only $300

dollars here T.K.! Where's the rest you little brat!" Then Tai stepped

forward and yelled, "Hey give him a break will ya! He got you more than

half of what you want so give him a little more time to get the rest!"

Shi looked at Tai. (A/n: doesn't that sound weird 'Shi looked at Tai. It

sound's weird 'cuz Shi sound's like Tai) Shi screamed back and said, "WE


Two men came and literally threw T.K. and Tai out the door. They both

landed on the sidewalk and something fell out of Tai's pocket. When

everything stopped spinning T.K. looked to see what it was. IT WAS TAI'S

CREST OF COURAGE! Tai quickly shoved it back in his pocket. "I thought

you threw it away after the massacre." Remarked T.K. "Well, I guess I

lied." Tai replied and ran away. "Oh, Tai. It wasn't your fault." T.K.

thought to himself.


The next day Kari was walking in the park. When the wind blew and the

birds sang their spring songs she felt like she was in paradise. But

then, all of a sudden, she was grabbed by the arms and stomach. Kari was

being pulled across the road and into an alley. She wanted to scream but

a hand was covering her mouth. Then they came to another road, which was

very busy, and crossed it. Matt was on his way to a concert and just

happened to be on the same road. He saw Kari and the men and stopped the

car dead in its tracks. He jumped out of his car and started chasing

after them. A bunch of cars were behind so he caused a traffic jam. Matt

didn't care. He had to get his friend back.

Matt ran into the alley and hit one of the men in the head, but it

didn't hurt him. The gang turned around. Matt was ready to fight but

then he noticed that it was 10 to 1.

He gulped nervously and said, "L-let my friend go!" Then before he knew

it the gang leaped at him. He tried to fight but it was like they all

had inhuman strength or something. So he was out cold in 5 seconds.

When Matt woke up he was tied to a chair. Shi walked out of the shadows

and was holding Matt's crest, which a minute ago was around his neck.

Then Shi said in an inhumanly, "Well, well, well. I see that I have

caught two digi-destines. This can be very useful." Shi had Kari's crest
