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Destruction of the Worlds- Part 4

A/N: If you bothered to read Part 1 of "Destruction of the Worlds,"

you'd know that the Digi-Destines are nine years older. And it makes a

lot of sense to read the stories in order anyways.

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T.K. was home him in his apartment when he decided he was really bored.

He clicked on the little T.V. on the floor by hand because he had lost

the remote. He started channel surfing. A newsflash caught his interest

and he quickly turned up the volume.

"A young man was found dead this morning in the downtown part of

Tokyo," a reporter woman announced. "Paramedics assume the victim was

stabbed through the heart with some type of blade. Policemen are still

dusting for fingerprints in order to find the person who committed such

a dastardly crime. So far, no one has been able to identify the victim."

The camera showed a close-up of the dead man.

T.K. couldn't believe what he was seeing or hearing. It was Tai! Tai

was show in a large black body bag. T.K.'s eyes were beginning to get

all teary. He closed his eyes thinking of what to do. Tai was dead and

Matt and Kari had been missing for two days now. Then he had an idea. He

would call all the other digidestends to a meeting. T.K. ran to the

phone and started dialing numbers rapidly.

Two hours later the digidestends were together at T.K.'s apartment

talking about what to do. "I think it's a digimon who's behind this,"

Izzy pointed out. "I wish I could still talk to Genni. He'd know what to


"Can we get this over with? I have a makeover appointment to go to."

Mimi complained.

Everyone gave Mimi a sharp look.

"Mimi, Matt and Kari are missing, Tai is dead and we're trying to figure

out what to do and you're worried about missing your makeover!" Sora

yelled at Mimi making her want to cry. Mimi didn't change at all ever

since they left the digiworld. "I do care but I…" Mimi started to say

but she didn't want to finish.

"I think we should lay low for awhile. Just until the police find the

killer." Joe suggested.

"The police can't do anything to help us! Matt, Kari, and Tai are all!

Do you think it was all just a coincidence! I don't! The police won't be

able to catch the killer!" T.K. screamed shocking everybody. They all

stood there for a minute thinking of what to say.

"Well, I'll go home and do some research on my computer and send you

guys anything of importance. Expect an e-mail soon O.K." Izzy said to

sort of cheer everyone up. They all nodded and walked to the door.

"Remember everyone, lay low till we really know what's going on." Izzy

replied to remind them. Before Joe left T.K. asked if he could stay

behind for a minute. "Joe I'm sorry that I yelled at you before. I've

been having some rough times lately." T.K. admitted.

"It's O.K. T.K. Things like that happen. We all have been under a lot

of stress lately," Joe replied softly. "Well, I better go. Bye."

"Bye, Joe"

Joe waved goodbye and walked out the door. T.K. stood there for a while

thinking about nothing really. Then a thought struck his head like a

bullet. THE GANG! They did say they'd make my life a living hell and

they are. They kidnapped Matt and Kari, probably killing them, and then

killed Tai. Why did I make that deal with those bastards?

He sat on his couch holding his head. It's my entire fault that the

others are dead. T.K. shook his head so much that he fell onto the

floor. He saw something under the couch. "Hey, there's my remote."



Izzy was walking home by himself like he always did. It was very cold

so he started to walk faster. When Izzy finally got home to his

apartment he walked strait to his computer. He searched and searched but

couldn't find anything. About an hour later he got an e-mail from

someone. Izzy opened it to read it.

It said: Izzy, it's me Genni. It's been a while. Anyway, there's a new

evil force in the digiworld and this digimon is now in your world. In

your time it's been there for about two days now. It's called Deathmon.

There's a prophecy on how to stop him. (A/N: what is it with this guy

and prophesies?) I haven't been able to figure out the rest of the

prophecies, but I do know that the digidestands and their crests have to

be together. Expect another e-mail from me soon.

Izzy knew his search was over and started typing and sending messages

to the other kids. Then Izzy heard a crash in the den. He got up and ran

in the room to see what had happened. Izzy saw that a window was broken.

He knew he wasn't alone in the room because he could hear heavy

breathing. Izzy turned on the light and to his superise he saw Matt.

"Matt, where have you been?" Izzy asked taking a step forward. Matt just

stood there smiling an evil smile. There was a dagger in his hand. When

Izzy realized this he took a step back. Matt started to walk towards

Izzy and held the dagger up ready to strike. Izzy ran to his room,

closely followed by Matt, and slammed the door before Matt could slice

his head off. Izzy ran to the phone and dialed 911. Matt broke down the

door with the dagger and ran to Izzy. Matt used the dagger to cut the

cord of the phone. Izzy threw the receiver at Matt but it bounced off

like rubber. Matt leaped towards Izzy and knocked him down to the ground

holding his neck.

"What are you doing Matt?" Izzy asked gasping for air.

"I'm doing what my master ordered me to do." Matt replied hastily. The

dagger came down like lightning into Izzy's chest. Izzy rolled his eyes

and took his last breath.

Matt got up, knowing that his job was done, jumped out the window,

climbed down the fire escape, and started walk towards the hospital

where Joe worked at night.

The next morning T.K. was watching the news again. The lady reporter

informed, "This morning the police found Izzy I****** and Joe Kido dead

in downtown Tokyo. One of the bodies was found in an apartment, and the

other was a doctor working late in Cherry Hospital. Police believe it

was the same killer who killed the man the night before. The police put

a $10'000 award out for anyone who knows or has an idea of who the

killer is. And now for the weather. The rest of the day will be clear

with temperatures around the high 70's. At night it will be cool and

clear. Tomorrow's weather will be cloudy and temperatures will be in the

low 60's. There's a chance of a thunderstorm at the late evening. In

other news…"

T.K. put his face in his hands. Why can't the gang just kill me and

leave my friends alone? Wait a second… THE E-MAIL! T.K. remembered

suddenly. T.K. ran to his computer and turned it on. He went on the

Internet to see if he received an e-mail. He did. T.K. read it and began

to understand that it wasn't the gang; it was a digimon doing the

killing. T.K. got his coat and ran out the door to inform Sora and Mimi.



"This is going better than I thought." Shi said to himself as he held

up all five crests.

"What do you wish for me to do now my Lord?" Matt asked humbly. Shi gave

a wicked smile and said, "Go kill Sora, and when you're done with that

go kill Mimi, my loyal servant." Matt bowed and left the room.

To Be Continued… End of Part 4

I feel sorry for T.K. the most in this story. If you are wondering why

Shi has the crests when they weren't even mentioned in the story the

digidestends carry them around al the time. It's like you going to

school with clothes on. You would never go to school without clothes on.

Unless you are a cough/cough (a word I won't say) who doesn't wear

clothes to school. If you are a cough/cough then may God have mercy on
