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Destruction of the Worlds- Part 5

Wow! I never thought I would get this far in the story! This story will

probably have 10 parts to it. Oh well. It's not like I type nonstop or

something. This fic contains older kid stuff so it's rated PG-13 or

possibly R.

"Did you get Genni's e-mail?" T.K. asked Sora and Mimi as they stood in

front of the library.


"I did."

T.K. looked up and replied, "How are we all going to be together when

some of us are dead? We don't even know where the crests are!" They all

stood there for about five minutes thinking. Thinking about what to say.

Thinking about what to do. Thinking about the others. "Didn't we all

take or crests with us everywhere?" Sora asked finally.

"Matt, Tai, and Kari all did." T.K. replied.

"Joe and Izzy did too." Mimi said.

"I bet the murder has them!" Sora exclaimed.

"We're the only ones left so we have to be careful." T.K. reminded, "We

can't let him get our crests!"

"Um… It's not that I don't care or anything, but can I call you two in

the morning. It's getting late and I have to return this book to the

library." Sora said as she held up her book. "Sure. See you tomorrow."

T.K. replied. "Bye" was all Mimi said and left.

Sora walked up the stairs and opened the door to the library. She walked

inside. The library was totally empty, except for the librarian who was

sleeping. The librarian slept many times before while on duty and when

she sleeps almost nothing can wake her up. Sora placed her book on the

librarian's desk and walked away to find another book.

*5 minutes later*

Sora was on the other side of the library when she heard the crash. She

found out that a window was broken. She didn't like that. Sora started

to get scared so she ran to the door of the library. She thought the

killer was in the room with her. She finally got to the door and tried

to open it but it was locked.

"Hello, Sora. Long time no see." A strange voice called behind her. She

whirled around and saw Matt.

"Matt, oh it's you! You sacred me to death!" Sora replied felling a

little bit better.

"I didn't scare you to death yet. Let me fix that though." Matt said

harshly as he held out a knife with blood all over it. Sora looked up

and said shakily, "Are you the killer?"

"What was your first clue?!" Matt replied as he launched at Sora. She

dogged him and ran for her life down the aisles of books. (A/N": Now it

gets a little confusing)

"Let's get this over with!" Matt said to himself as he walked over to a

bookcase and pushed it over. The bookcases were falling like dominos!

Sora heard crashing but didn't know what it was. A bookcase was falling

on her! She ran as fast as she could but it was too late! The bookcase

crushed her. "AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!" Sora screamed as the yell faded away.

Matt walked over to Sora and saw a pool of blood and her arm sticking

out from under the bookcase.

"It's rude to scream in a library." Matt snickered and left the library

to find Mimi.

Mimi was walking down the street just finishing her daily shopping. She

was feeling very sad and miserable because all of her friends died from

the mysterious digimon. She was actually very upset about Joe's death.

Mimi sort of had a crush on him. She also had a crush on Matt. (A/N: If

you think of all the times Mimi and Joe have been together then you know

that they wouldn't make a bad couple. Matt too. Really!) Mimi walked

home in despair.

She was about half way home when she bumped into someone. It was a young

man with blond hair and beautiful blue eyes. It was Matt.

"Matt, where have you been?!" Mimi asked in a way both happy and


"Mimi, I was kidnapped by these people. They jumped me from behind and…

and… well the main thing is that I'm back. I escaped from that terrible

place." Matt replied. He looked so tiered and hungry.

"Matt how did you…" Mimi was about to say but Matt put his figures on

her lips.

"Shhhh, Mimi, I have something to say that I wanted to tell you for

years. Ever since I first laid eyes on you I… I… I LOVE YOU, MIMI!" Matt

confessed waiting for a reply. Mimi thought about what Matt just said.

She did have a crush on him for years too. He confessed his love for me.

Should I confess? Mimi thought.

"Matt I… I LOVE YOU TOO!" Mimi confessed happily thinking it was the

right thing to do.

Matt's face lit with joy. He grabbed Mimi tight and put his lips

against hers. His lips are so warm. I hope this never ends. Mimi

thought. Both started to French each other. (A/N: EEEEEWWWWWW!!!!!!

GROSS!) Matt held on to Mimi so tight she began to hurt.

"Matt you're are hurting me. Can you loosen your grip a little?" Mimi

asked quietly. Matt looked up and smiled evilly. His eyes turned from

blue to red.

"I didn't even begin to hurt you though." Matt replied wickedly.

"Matt I thought you loved me!" Mimi remarked, shocked and worried.

"Well, I guess I lied then!" Matt replied harshly and shoved Mimi

against a brick wall. It hurt Mimi a lot. Matt pulled out something from

his belt. It was a knife with blood on it. New fresh blood that was

dripping off the knife. Matt dove at her. The knife went through Mimi's

heart. Matt said. "Heart breaker."

Blood came out of Mimi's mouth and dripped onto her dress. She looked up

and at Matt and asked, "Why, Matt, why?"

"No reason. Say 'hi' to your friends in hell for me. Bye lover. HA HA

HA!!" Matt said coldly. He left Mimi there to die. But before he left

Matt took Mimi's crest from around her neck. He held up the crest of

sincerity and the crest of love in front if Mimi's face.

"Sora…" were Mimi's last words as she took her last breath. Matt walked

out of the alley and ran to his base.

The two murders were on T.V. the next morning. T.K. watched in horror.

He was the only one left!

I'm the only one left!

What should I do?

Maybe the gang is responsible for the killing.

I now have enough money for them.

Maybe the digimon is on earth but it's not doing the killing.

Maybe I should go to their hideout before they kill my parents.

T.K. told himself that he should go to the hideout and give them the

money. So he got his coat and left his apartment.


T.K. finally got to the old warehouse where the gang's hideout was. He

was about to open the door but he stopped. What if the gang jumped him

when he stepped inside? What if they killed him? He decided to look in a

window first. If every thing looked O.K. then he would go in and drop

off the money. It sounded like a good plan.

T.K. walked around the building looking for a good window to look

through. He finally found one and looked through it. All he saw were

shadows and a person. But it wasn't just any person. It was Kari! She

was still alive.

Now T.K. knew that he had to go in. But was the gang there? T.K. pulled

out his crest. He looked at it closely. I hope I get Kari out safely. I

have to go in! T.K. ran to the door and barged in.

While inside T.K. ran to Kari as fast as he could. The gang jumped him

from the shadows. "T.K.!!" Kari yelled felling happy and scared. They

knocked him down right in front of Kari. He was so close. The gang held

T.K. up and dragged him to the center of the room.

"Well, well, well. Look at what the cat dragged in. A rat. A rat who

owes me 200 dollars. Got the money, T.K.?" asked Shi who was hiding in

the shadows. T.K. looked at his pocket with the money in it and said,

"The money is in my pocket." A man that was holding T.K.'s arm reached

into T.K.'s pocket and pulled out the money and tossed to Shi. Shi

looked at the money and smiled at his gang. They smiled back.

"Well, T.K., you didn't do a bad job, but I now have to kill you. I

would love for you to be a member of my gang but you're a digidestend.

So… bye now." Shi said evilly. T.K. couldn't believe it. "How do you

know about the digi…?" T.K. asked but Shi cut him off.

"T.K., any non-human would know about you and your friends as the

digidestends. I'll show you." Shi's eyes turned red. His veins popped

out. His skin began to rip and break, as he grew bigger. Shi's teeth

became sharp. His hair grew long and white as the skin broke off his

body. The gang changed too. They grew and were on all fours. They became

green and scaly. T.K. and Kari watched in horror.

"You see what I mean T.K.? And while I'm at it why don't I show you your

little friends killer too!" Shi remarked as a figure walked out of the

shadows. No way! It can't be! T.K. thought as Matt walked next to Shi

with a bloody knife. "THIS IS YOUR KILLER T.K. HA HA HA HA HA!!!" Shi

teased harshly. "Hello T.K. Long time no see." Matt said.

"Matt, as my servant, go kill T.K.!" Shi commanded. Matt nodded and

walked towards T.K. and held up the knife.

"MATT, it's me! Your brother! Snap out of it! You have the crest of

friendship, remember!?" T.K. screamed trying to stop Matt. Matt stopped

and asked himself, "I have a brother? The crest of friendship? What…?"

"Matt! Kill him! NOW!" Shi commanded. Matt stood there, in pain, as his

eyes blinked blue and red. He fell to the ground and dropped the knife.

T.K. kept talking to Matt. "Matt, you play the guitar! You love it! You

love your family, your friends, even Gabumon! Remember Gabumon, your

best friend?!" It was working. Matt was fighting it, but so was the bad


"MATT! Don't listen to him. I command you!" Shi shouted getting worried.

Then Matt stopped shaking. He grabbed the knife and stood up. T.K.

didn't know if he was bad or good. Matt opened his eyes. They were blue,

but he still looked bad.

"Good, Matt. Now kill him!" Shi commanded. Matt held up the knife and

ran towards T.K. Oh no! T.K. shut his eyes expecting a knife blade going

through his heart. But something else happened. T.K. felt the monsters

grip loosen. He opened his eyes to find the two monsters dead on the

floor next to him. T.K. looked up to see Matt helping him up off the

floor. Shi looked shocked.

"Matt! What the hell do you think you're doing! Kill him!" Shi

commanded. Matt looked up. "No you bastard. You all ready made me kill

my friends, but there's no way you will ever make me kill my brother."

Matt shot back. "T.K. go get Kari."

T.K. nodded and ran towards Kari. While T.K. untied Kari Matt was

fighting the monsters. Matt was getting hurt but he killed three digimon

with the knife. Kari was soon free.

"You stupid Gimomon! Kill him already!" Shi commanded his gang.

"T.K., Kari! RUN!" Matt told them. "But Matt, what about you?!" Kari

asked worried knowing that Matt would get killed. "Don't worry about me!

GO!" Matt shouted. "Thank you Matt!" T.K. thanked. T.K. and Kari ran to

the door but the Gimomon blocked the door. Matt fought with all of his

might and yelled to them, "GO ON THE ROOF!" T.K. and Kari obeyed and ran

to the stairs. While running up the stairs they heard a horrifying

scream of Matt. Kari began to cry. T.K. got all teary. They knew Matt

was dead. They then heard the digimon running up the stairs. The two ran

faster up the stairs. Finally they reached the roof.

On the roof T.K. and Kari ran around looking for a fire escape. There

wasn't one! They were stuck! Then the digimon finally got to the roof.

"Just make this easy for us and give me your crest T.K.!" Shi asked in a

killing voice. "Who are you really?" T.K. demanded. Shi smiled and

replied, "I'm Nightmon! And I am the most powerful digimon to ever

live!" T.K. rose up into the air and was being pulled towards Nightmon.

Nightmon threw T.K. right into a knife that Nightmon was holding. T.K.

was gasping for air. T.K.'s crest was taken off his neck as it was being

held in Nightmon's hand. Kari screamed and burst into tears. T.K. fell

to the ground dead.

Suddenly Kari felt a pain in her mind. Someone gave her a message!

Something was giving Kari orders. Shoot your arrow of light into the

cloudy night sky. That's what it said. Kari didn't know how but she

found a special power in her. She held her arms up in the air as a white

light in the shape of an arrow formed. "LIGHT ARROW!!" Kari shouted as

the arrow shot into the night. "Gimomon, kill her!" Nightmon shouted.

The Gimomon charged at Kari. She screamed. Kari died of a broken neck.

Nightmon held up all eight crests. He laughed wickedly. "Now that I have

all the crests I can open the portal to the digiworld and destroy earth!

Portal open now!" Nightmon shouted into the night. Nothing happened.

"Open Portal!!" Nightmon shouted even louder. Still nothing happened.

"OPEN PORTAL!!!" Nightmon repeated as loud as he could. But still

nothing happened. "What the hell is wrong!?" Nightmon asked himself in

wonder. "I got all the crests! What's wrong? And what the hell was that


It's pretty late right now but I managed to finish part 5. I hope part 6

really surprises you. You don't have any idea what I have in store for

you people. MWA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!! Sorry 'bout that. But really I

hope you like part 6 when it comes out. I feel so bad about what I did

to the characters but it goes with the story!