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The Digidestined Exchange

Authors Note: Hi everyone. I guess here I’m supposed to say that I don’t own the characters etc. My apologies beforehand because the digimon don’t talk very much. Anyway, this is my first fanfic, so I hope you like it.

Matt was face to face with a Digimon he had never seen before. It was about the height of a human but Matt couldn’t see it very well. It was just a silhouette with glowing red eyes. They were standing in the middle of a dense jungle.

"What do you want?" he asked suspiciously.

"I want to help you." The mysterious Digimon replied, "I have the power to grant you your heart’s desire."

The digimon began to laugh wickedly. Matt saw the evil in his eyes and ran the other way as fast as he could.

"Aaah! Wha..?" Tai slowly opened his eyes and groggily looked around.

"Wake up Tai!"

Tai sat up to see his sister staring him in the face.

"Why are you waking me up, Kari? It’s too early." Tai protested.

"Cause Matt"s finished making breakfast and everyone else is up already."

Tai looked around to find everyone else looking at him.

"Oh… ok, I’m up, I’m up." Tai said as he managed to slowly stand up.

"About time you’re up Tai." Matt said cockily as he appeared on the scene. "Even all the digimon are already up."

As Tai surveyed the area, once more he realized this was true.

"I get the picture Matt. Can we eat breakfast already?"

Tai started walking toward where the food was, hoping that everyone would just drop it and come and eat. He sat down and saw gladly that everyone else had sat down too.

As they started eating, Izzy popped the question on everyone’s mind. "So where are we going next?"

"Couldn’t we just stay here for a while, my feet are really tired." complained TK.

"But TK, we have to keep going so we can find a way home" explained Sora.

"Couldn’t we just look around? There’s bound to be a way home nearby." Suggested Tai.

"Tai, that isn’t a very logical idea. We could wander around and just miss the way home. We need to develop a plan." Izzy informed everyone.

"Izzy’s right. There isn’t any more food here anyway. We need to keep moving." Joe told them.

"OK. We can come up with a plan after breakfast. In the meantime, did anyone notice where all the digimon have disappeared to?" Tai inquired.

"Um, they’re over there," pointed Joe while straightening his glasses.

Tai glanced in the direction Joe was pointing to see Agumon and all the other digimon fast asleep once again. As everyone finished eating, Tai walked over to wake the digimon up.

"C’mon everyone. Wake up! Unless of course you don’t want to help us come up with a plan…"

Tentomon was the first to jump up into the air. "No wait! We want to help!" He shouted.

"Yeah, wait for us, Tai!" Agumon insisted.

"Well, I guess we could wait until you’re all up…" Tai continued to joke.

Gomamon was standing up now too.

"Get up everybody, we’re making a plan!…for what?"

In a few short minutes, everyone was seated.

"OK everyone. We have to start looking for a way home. We have to get back." Tai began.

"But I don’t want to!" TK proclaimed.

"Why not TK?" asked Sora.

"Cause. Patamon can’t come with us, can he?"

"TK, the digimon belong here," Matt explained as he ran a hand through his blonde hair, "and we belong in the real world. They wouldn’t want to come with us."

"But Patamon…" TK started to say.

CRASH! Trees began to fall down around them and the earth began to rumble.

"Don’t panic anyone! Let’s all stay together!" shouted Joe over all the noise.

Coming through the trees was a giant lizard digimon with green scales and glowing red eyes.

"Izzy! Who’s that?" asked Kari.

Izzy quickly opened his laptop to analyze the giant digimon.

"His name is Komodomon. He has a killer attack called Dragon Claw." Izzy reported. "Tentomon digivolve into Kabutarimon!"

Kabutarimon shot into the sky, "Electro-shocker!" he shouted as he shot a ball at the monster digimon.

"Hahaha!" Komodomon laughed as he deflected the attack. "Dragon Claw!" he yelled as he clawed out at Kabutarimon.

"Aaaugh!" Kabutarimon yelled as he was shot down, "Sorry Izzy. He’s too strong."

"Digivolve everyone! Kabutarimon needs help!" Directed Izzy.

"Gomamon digivolve to Ikkakumon!"

"Palmon digivolve to Togemon!"

"Biyomon digivolve to Birdramon!"

"Patamon digivolve to Angemon!"

"Gatomon digivolve to Angewomon!"

One by one, these digimon were hit too, each of their attacks deflected.

"Gabumon warp-digiv…!" Matt shouted but in mid sentence, the earth began to shake violently. Komodomon looked around frantically and disappeared.

"As if things aren’t bad enough!" Joe shouted over the rumbling.

"Everybody run!" Tai advised as he started to sprint away. Everyone started to follow Tai. Matt looked over his shoulder quickly to see TK lying on the ground, trying to get up.

"Matt! I tripped, help me Matt!" TK shouted.

"TK! TK!", Matt screamed as he ran towards TK.

Matt reached TK and pulled him up, "Run TK! Get out of here!"

TK ran as fast as he could. As Matt started to run after him, the earth started to split. A huge abyss opened beneath him. As Matt fell, the last words everyone heard were "run TK!".

The earth slowly stopped the rumbling and roaring and closed up again.

TK, Gabumon and Patamon ran as fast as they could towards where Matt had been shouting his name.

"Matt! Matt! Where are you?" Gabumon shouted.

"Matt! Brother!" TK yelled as he sank to his knees, "it’s all my fault…"

Tai and the others were beside TK now.

"What do you mean, TK?" Tai asked.

"I tripped… and Matt told me… to run…" TK said between sobs, "I ran away… And now Matt’s gone!"

"It’s not your fault TK," Sora calmed him "it’s nobody’s fault."

"But… where is he?" TK looked up at Sora.

" I don’t know TK, I don’t know." Sora replied sadly.

As I said before, this is my first fanfic. If you want to send me some feedback (which I’d appreciate) email me at I’d like no negative comments please because in my opinion this story isn’t very good, but I’m hoping Part 2 will turn out better. Thanks for reading it and I hope you didn’t think it was too bad.

Thanx! Hayley

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