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The Digidestined Exchange Part 2

Hi again everyone. Here's part 2 of the story. Sorry it took so long. Just so you all know, Matt isn’t quite himself in this part because he's still a little disoriented from falling down the abyss and all. Enjoy!

"Unnhh…" Matt struggled to open his eyes, "My head…"

After plummeting down into the dark crevice, Matt had hit his head and had been fading in and out of consciousness. Now though, as Matt felt his head, the pain was receding and strangely he wasn't bleeding.

"What? How can that be? Where am I?" he wondered aloud.

"My home." A voice replied as a tall silhouette with crimson glowing eyes appeared from the shadows.

"What? Who said that?" Matt questioned the shadow after being startled.

" I did. I am Visomon. Welcome to my humble abode." The figure explained.

"Did you stop my bleeding?" Matt wondered.

"Indeed I did. You were smashed up pretty bad." He explained.

" The earth opened up and I fell and… Where's TK? Where is he?" Matt looked around frantically.

" I found no others. Now you must rest." Visomon replied as he left Matt.

Matt really looked around for the first time. He wasn't in a house at all. He was lying on a bed made of leaves. Matt was in the middle of what looked like a tropical jungle. That can’t be right. Matt thought, I'm under the earth, aren’t I? While Matt pondered his current situation, he was forced to unwillingly close his eyes, as he succumbed to exhaustion.

It was hours later when Matt finally reawakened. It was dark now and he could hear the beautiful music of many crickets chirping. Matt slowly sat up in the leaves to get a better look around. He was in a jungle. The area around him was quite sparse. There was another leaf-bed, a make shift table and a canopy made of, of course, more leaves.

"Hmm." Matt shook his head. How could a jungle grow under here?

"You're awake." Visomon appeared in the doorway.

"Do you ever make a normal entrance?" Matt asked while recovering from shock once more.

"Not usually. It's good to keep your edge." He replied with a grin, "We need to talk."

Visomon stepped into the light and Matt finally got a good look at him. He didn't look like a digimon at all. He looked… somewhat human. And he had blue eyes, innocent, blue eyes.

"You're a digimon? You look like me. Like a person." Matt commented.

"Do I?" he laughed, "I suppose I might. But, unlike you, I do have certain… abilities."

"So you are a digimon. And your eyes are blue like mine. Yesterday they were red. A deep, crimson red…" Matt trailed off and his eyes took on a haunted look.

"You must have been dreaming. But I came here to talk. I have located the one you call TK."


"Where could he be?" TK asked Tai, "We're going to find him, right Tai?"

Oh no. Tai thought, What can I tell him?

"Umm… yeah, we'll find him!" Tai answered more cheerfully than he felt.

"Oh! Look everyone! Look what I found!" Mimi exclaimed and started to run.

Everyone ran after her excitedly. Mimi bent over to examine the ground.

"It's so beautiful." Mimi said.

"What?" Joe complained, "We ran all the way over here just to see something beautiful?"

Mimi picked up and displayed to everyone a pretty turquoise necklace she had found laying on the ground.

"I wonder who would have left such a gorgeous necklace lying here?" Mimi wondered as she fastened it around her neck.

"Mimi maybe we should get back and rest. It's getting dark." Joe motioned to the sky.

"But what about Matt?" Gabumon asked.

Everyone looked at Tai for guidance.

"Ummm… Why are you looking at me? It's a group decision, right?" Tai asked nervously.

What wrong leader-boy? Matt thought he heard Matt's voice.

"What? Who said that?" Tai looked around.

"No one said anything Tai." Agumon looked at Tai strangely, "We should go back. Tai's hearing things."

Fantastic. Tai thought, Matt's not even here and I still hear him making fun of me.

"In my opinion, we should rest." Izzy offered.

"But, Matt?" TK asked, "What about Matt?"

"Well…" Izzy sighed, "He fell TK. I'm sorry, but I don’t think we can find him. I'm sorry."

TK sat down and started to cry.

"Izzy!" Sora looked at him sharply, " TK, it's all right."

Sora sat down with TK to comfort him.

"I think we're all a little tired right now. Why don't we get some rest and talk about it in the morning." Joe suggested.

"It'll be ok TK." Sora murmured.

Sora leant over and let TK cry on her shoulder.


"Quiet!" Sora hushed, "You'll wake the others."

"Sora, be reasonable." Izzy began, "At least listen to what I have to say."

Sora sighed, "Fine."

"Thank you." Izzy continued, " Now. If we were in the real world, would you expect to find Matt after he fell down a large pit?"

"No, but…" Sora started.

"We've looked for days. We can't find Matt. Even if we are in the Digiworld…" Izzy trailed off.

"What are you saying? Do you know something I don’t?" Sora asked suspiciously.

"Sora, maybe we should wake the others up. They might want to hear this." Izzy motioned to all the sleeping children and digimon.

Sora nodded and walked over to them.

"Wake up everyone." Sora gently shook Tai, "Izzy has something to tell us."

"Hey!" Tai exclaimed, sitting up, " Why are you and Izzy already up? Were you, um, discussing something without us?"

"Sorry Tai. Now we need everyone to listen to Izzy." Sora apoligized.

Tai got up and woke everyone else up, except TK.

"Should we wake him?" Tai wondered aloud.

"We have to. He needs to hear this." Izzy said.

In a few minutes everyone was assembled by Izzy.

"I was using my computer last night…" Izzy began.

" So what else is new?" Tai joked.

" Do you want me to tell you? Even though I doubt you'll understand." Izzy retorted.

"Sorry. Go on." Tai apoligized.

"As I was saying, that earthquake wasn't natural. The earth was absolutely still before and after the seismic activity. Someone or something used come kind of bio-magnetic force to pull Matt down there. They wanted him down there." Izzy explained, "I'm not saying whether we should or shouldn't keep searching. I'm just presenting the facts from a logical standpoint."

"So, where's Matt?" TK asked, expecting the older kids to know the answer.

"I think we need to talk about this in more detail." Tai stated, " Gabumon, Patamon, could you talk TK for a little walk while we discuss this?"

"Sure. Com'n TK!" Patamon said cheerfully.

Patamon led TK and Gabumon away with puzzled looks on their faces.


"You found TK?" Matt asked excitedly, "Where? Is he with the others?"

Visomon nodded, "Yes. As I mentioned before, I have abilities. Follow me if you would like to see them."

Matt was confused but got up to follow Visomon, feeling much recovered. Matt was led into a large room.

" Window Through Space!" Visomon yelled.

Matt watched in awe as a huge window seemed to form in the room. In the window he saw everyone but Gabumon, Patamon, TK and Mimi.

"How…?" Matt began.

"Shh! Listen." Visomon pointed.

Matt noticed a scene playing out in the window.

"I had to send them for a walk. Did you want them to hear this?" Tai was saying, " Matt means too much to them. Their judgement would be clouded. We need to do what's best for everyone. Are we agreed then? We'll stop our search for Matt?"

"You're the leader." Joe sighed.

"We'll go with whatever your decision is." Matt heard Mimi's voice from above him.

"That's right. Whether or not we think it's the best thing," Kari informed Tai.

"Okay then. Now we have to tell TK." Tai sighed.

The window got cloudy for a few moments and it became clear again. Matt could only see TK, Patamon, Gabumon and Tai.

"B-but…" TK stammered, "I want my brother!"

"I'm sorry TK. We can't find him." Tai told TK.

"He's gotta be here somewhere! I know he is!" TK cried.

Tai shook his head, "Matt can take care of himself, TK. The most important thing is to worry about the rest of us now."

Tai led TK and Patamon away.

"Matt? Where are you?" Gabumon's voice was barely a whisper.

The window closed.

"Why?" Matt asked, "Why aren't they looking for me? I have to get back and see what Tai and everyone's problem is!"

"Are you sure you want to go back?" Visomon wondered.

"What do you mean? I have to go back. TK needs me."

"Yes well… I have the power to transport you, TK and both your digimon back into the real world." Visomon suggested.

"I don't know… at least I get to see TK here. At home we hardly ever see each other." Matt reflected.

"That can also be changed. How would you like your parents to be back together?" Visomon asked.

"My parents? Together again?…" Matt whispered, "Why? Why would you do that for me?"

"I would only ask one thing in return." Visomon began, "You see, the digidestined only need 6 people to save this world. I do not know why there are 8 of you here. To succeed with 6 people, they need something I am in possession of. I would ask that you find them and bring them here."

As Matt though of going back to the real world, to a good home… He couldn't deny TK that. He would do it.


The digi-destined all sat around a fire eating, but TK wouldn’t touch his food and refused to talk to anyone.

"Poor TK." Mimi sighed, "I'll go and see if he'll talk to me."

Mimi got up and walked past Izzy to talk to TK.

"Mimi," Izzy stopped her, "walk past me again."

"What?" Mimi asked, thinking Izzy was crazy.

"Something is very curious here…" Izzy trailed off.

Sighing, Mimi walked past him again. Izzy stood up and walked towards her.

"Izzy? What are you doing Izzy?" Mimi asked suspiciously as she slowly backed up.

"Your necklace. It's making a noise. Give it to me." Izzy instructed.

"No way!" Mimi exclaimed, "It's mine!"

Izzy quickly snatched the necklace off Mimi's neck, "This may be important. It's just a silly necklace."

Izzy slowly pried open the bottom bead of the necklace.

"Izzy! You broke it! You little…" Mimi thundered.

"Calm down Mimi." Joe instructed, "Why'd you do that Izzy?"

"Just as I thought. Someone's been watching us. There's a hidden camera in here." Izzy proclaimed.

"What? You broke my necklace just because there's a camera in it?" Mimi advanced on Izzy.

"Mimi!" Joe grabbed her shoulder, "So, what do we do?"


"Just exit here. Bring the other digi-destined right back here." Visomon directed Matt.

"Thank you again." Matt left Visomon.

"You are a genius, Visomon." A voice from the corner sounded.

A small crow flew onto Visomon's shoulder.

"Thank you my friend. He is very gullible, isn’t he? He's doing all this for his brother, when in the end I will destroy them all!" Visomon laughed wickedly and all that could be seen was hid red, glowing eyes as he faded into the shadows.


I hope you liked part 2. I hope no one's too angry with me for the way I made Mimi act or any of the other things I did to the characters. Once again, I'd really appreciate any comments if you'd like to email me at

