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Last time on, "While the Digiworld turns"...

(Camp, Joe is alone, rummaging through his bag. Tai enters)

Tai: It's so horrible...

Joe: (not looking up) What's so horrible? (keeps rummaging) Where did I put that?

Tai: It's Sora she's... cheating on me...

Joe: (looking up) With who?

Tai: *sob* Izzy! (walks off)

Joe (thinking): Poor guy, should I tell him Izzy's his long lost brother?

(By lake, Matt is sitting around, bored. Mimi enters)


Matt: What the...?


Matt: What are you wailing about?


Matt: What about Izzy?

Matt: For the love of... STOP THAT!

Mimi: Izzy's cheating on me...... With Sora. WAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

(runs off)

Matt (thinking): Should I tell her Sora's her long lost sister?

(Feild, Patamon and Palmon are picking flowers, Biyomon and Tentomon are sitting in a tree, and Augumon is staring at Tentomon evilly.)

Patomon: Ohh look, Daisies!

Palmon: Cool!

Biyomon: What a pretty day.

Tentomon: I'd have to agree.

Augumon (thinking): I'm going to get that stupid bug...

Bad theme music plays. New episode begins

(Camp, Joe still rummaging through his bag. Tai sneaks by.)

Joe: (Looks up) Oh, hi Tai.

Tai: *Surprised* Oh, hi Joe. Just passing by. Not doing anything. Nope, not a thing. *laughs nervously*

Joe: Are you okay?

Tai: Fine. I'm fine. Fine, fine, fine.

(Walks off nervously into woods. When out of sight he pauses.)

Tai (pulls out gun): And I'll be even better when I make that Izzy pay.

(Dramatic music)

(Woods, Gatomon is scratching a tree. Gabumon is watching her.)

Gabumon: You should really save that agression to fight our enemies.

Gatomon: Don't get between a cat and her scratching post, if you know what's good for you.

(Augumon enters)

Gabumon: Hello Augumon, where are you going?

Augumon: Just off to see the other Digimon, that's all.

Gabumon: I'll come with you.

(They leave.)

Gatomon: I wonder if I should tell them... Nayh.

(More dramatic music.)

(By lake, Matt is still laying around. Mimi enters)

Matt: Where you going?

Mimi: *jump* Uhh, nowhere. I'm definently not going to hurt Sora. He-he.

(runs off)

Matt: Humm, she's going to hurt Sora. That's nice. *shrugs*

(In woods)

Mimi *pulls out pink gun*: That Sora's gonna pay....

(Even more dramatic music)

(Feild, Patamon and Palmon are still picking flowers. Tentomon and Biyomon are still talking. Augumon and Gabumon enter.)

Biyomon: Hello guys.

Gabumon: Hello.

Tentomon: Hello.

(Augumon grumbles)

Tentomon: What's wrong, Augumon?

Augumon: You are what's wrong.

Everyone: Huh?

Augumon: Pepper Breath!!!

(A small ball of fire flies and hits Tentomon, who begins to burn.)

Tentomon: Owe! Ohh! That hurts!!

Gabumon: Blue Blaster!!!

(Uses his breath o' ice to put out the burning bug.)

Tentomon: Thanks.

Biyomon: What's wrong with you Augumon?

Augumon: I'll tell you what's wrong. Ever since we were baby digimon, I was in love with Biyomon, and now she goes and runs off with Tentomon, just tossing me aside! That's what wrong!

Tentomon: Huh?

Biyomon: Augumon, I didn't know you felt that way, I love you too!!

Tentomon: Huh?

(Biyomon and Augumon skip togeather off into the sunset.)

(Happy music)

Gabumon: It's nice they got to be together. I'm sorry Tentomon.

Tentomon: I'm going to get that stupid lizard...

(Dramatic music)

Patamon: Lookie!! Dandelions!!

Palmon: Pretty!

(Clearing in woods. Izzy is looking at something on his computer. Sora is sitting next to him, laying her head on his shoulder.)

Sora: I'm so happy.

Izzy: Huh? Oh, me too.

(Tai enters.)

Tai *pulls out gun*: I'm happy for you guys too.

(Music rising)

Izzy & Sora: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Mimi enters)

Mimi *pulls out gun*: Ditto.

Izzy & Sora: AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Music Falling)

(Joe runs up, dragging his open bag behind him.)

Joe: Tai! Don't shoot Izzy! He's your long-lost brother!

Tai & Izzy: Huh?

(Music up and down.)

(Matt walks up)

Matt: And Sora is Mimi's long lost sister.

Mimi: So I shouldn't shot her?

Matt: I'm not saying that.

Sora: Huh?

(Music pauses)

(Everyone pauses and looks at each other.)

Tai & Izzy: Brother!!! *They hug*

Sora & Mimi: Sister!!! *They hug*

(They stop hugging.)

Izzy: Hey Joe, how'd you know about me and Tai being brothers.

Joe: My father delivered you two, I saw it in his hospital records.

Mimi: How'd you know about me and Sora, Matt?

Matt: My father was your doctor when you were babies.

Sora: But me and Tai were delivered by the same person and had the same doctor.

(Everyone pauses.)

Joe & Matt: Brother!!!! *They hug*

(TK and Kari enter.)

TK & Kari: What about us?

Izzy & Tai: Sister!!! *hug Kari*

Matt & Joe: Brother!!! *hug TK*

(Happy music)

(Off screen, Gomomon is sitting at a piano, playing. Gatomon enters)

Gatomon: So it's you playing that horrible music.

Gomomon: Don't look at me, ask Little Miss Writer.

(Plays end theme somg.)


Haven't you always wondered what would happen if Digimon was a soap opera? Or is it just me?

You can E-mail me at if you want to tell me what you think of the story.

Disclaimer: Digimon and the characters do not belong to me, they never did, and probably never will. So please don't sue me.