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Digital Disaster 2


Cooldas: Last time, our heroes' bodies were.... mixed up!!!! Hello, I'm Cooldas, the psycho webmistress from T.K.'s Backpack! WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! Um-Are ya'll still there? *Ahem* (trying to be normal..) N E WAYZZZZZ, STORY START!


Tai: So what you're saying is that my body got mixed up with TAI!!!?????

Joe: Yup! No wonder I felt allergies!!!

Izzy: Izzy, how do you walk around like this? I think I'm allergic to shortness....

Matt: I miss my body...

Tai: hmm...

Cooldas: okay. This is getting real confusing so I'm gonna write the names like this- Cooldas/Sora! That means Cooldas is in Sora's(ugh) body!! WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! Continue..

Matt/Tai: TAI!!!!

Tai/Matt: hu-huh?

Matt/Tai: *grins evilly* heehee.. Tai~ that means *I* get to be leader!

Tai/Matt: WHAAAAAAATTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!???????????

Matt/Tai: HEHEHEHE!!!!!


Mimi/Sora: Sora-how DO you walk around in this *ugh* pants?

Sora/Mimi: How DO you carry this cowboy hat???

Mimi/Sora: IT'S NOT A COWBOY HAT!!!!!!!!! IT'S MY PINK SUNHAT!!!!!!!!!!!

Sora/Mimi: Geez.


T.K.: Iz- I mean Joe-what are you doing?

Joe/Izzy: AHHH! Huh? Oh. It's only you, T.K. Whew.....


Izzy/Joe: Order in the court! I say since Matt has TAI'S body and that Tai has MATT'S body, It is only fair that MATT gets to be leader just untill he returns to his normal self.


Tai/Matt: @#$%^&*!!!!!!!!!!!

Cooldas: Suddely, T.K. came out of nowhere.

T.K.: Hiya Matt!! Uhhhhhhh Who's Matt?

Tai/Matt: *Decides to get revenge on Matt* I'm Matt, little guy!!


Tai/Matt: T.K.~


Tai/Matt: COME TO ME T.K.!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Matt/Tai: Don't belive that lier, T.K.!!! Remember that I saved you in that lake where Seadramon lived???

Tai/Matt: ANYbody would know that!!

Matt/Tai: remember every saturday before we came to digiworld we used to visit each other??? And I bought you that hat!!!???

T.K.: brother!!! *runs to matt*

Matt/Tai: See, Tai you will NEVER get T.K. away from me!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!Tai/Matt: psycho.

Matt/Tai: What did you just say you little b****?! OOPS!!!

T.K.: Matt, What does b**** mean?

Matt/Tai: No, no, T.K. that's a baaaaaaaad word. Don't say it.

T.K.: I think b**** is my favorite word now. Tai, what's a b****? Are you one?

Tai/Matt: *jaws drop open* uh-um, just.......don't say that word!!

T.K.: Matt said it so I guess it's a good word!! *singing* B****, b****, b****~

Cooldas: Okay, that's too much swearing!!!


Joe/Izzy: GOMAMON!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!!!!???????

Izzy/Joe: So what do you wanna do-poker?

Joe/Izzy: They ditched us.

Izzy/Joe:*slowly*What do you wanna play?

Joe/Izzy: Huh? Oh. Um-anything that doesn't have any violance, suffuring, sexual disgusting stuff, hentai stuff, horseplaying, boring events, cheats, muduring,(where did he get that from?) swearing, bad, stupid, idiotic *inhales* things.

Izzy/Joe: ?????


Mimi/Sora: I'm so bored.

Sora/Mimi: Me too.

Mimi&Sora: *sighs* I MISS MY BODY!!!!!!! *cries*

Mimi/Sora: So-whatcha wanna do?

Sora/Mimi: I dn' know. Whatcha wanna do???

Mimi/Sora: Hmm...... I dn' know. Whatcha wanna do?

Sora/Mimi: *veins pop out..* I-I don't know! What do you wanna do?

Mimi/Sora: I dn' know. Whatcha-

Sora/Mimi: FORGET IT!!!!!!!!!!!



Mimi/Sora: I'm so bored.

Sora/Mimi: Me too.

Mimi/Sora: So-whatcha wanna do?

Cooldas: So the ditsy girls start their ditsy little circle conversation ALLLLLLLLLLLLL *Ahem* over again.


I'm runnin' out of ideas so I'm gonna stop here. please send feedback!! Ju8st don't say "You suck!" 'cause I already KNOW I suck and I don't NEED anyone else reminding me!!! if you please!!