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Hello again! It's me, I decided to write this from pretty close to the beginning. It's got a mix of humor and seriousness in it. Again, the digimon don't really have a part (in fact, they're not even there). If you read my series in order, you may have already picked up on a few hints about the new character.

Ages in my story:

Joe: 14

Tai, Matt, Julia, and Sora: 13

Mimi: 11

Izzy: 10

T.K. and Kari: 8

Disclaimer: I don't own the moon. Oops. I don't own Pokemon. ARGH! I don't own digimon, but I do own Julia, so please ask if you want to use her. FINALLY!

Part 1

Enter evil

"No! Please, don't hurt me! Ahhh!"

The girl found herself staring at Piedmon. Piedmon smiled.

"Why would I hurt a pretty girl like you? I am a merchant. I am selling jewelry. My price is that, whatever the jewel tells you to do, do it to these eight kids." Piedmon presented the girl with photos of the digidestined.

Julia was clueless as to what he meant, but she let it go. She also thought that the red-haired one was cute, but she let that go too. She decided that she had to have one to spice up her outfit--she looked almost like Sora, but she had a red shirt, a green helmet, and was a little shorter. She smiled and said. "Well, that emerald necklace looks pretty. Can I have that?"

Piedmon didn't answer, but presented her with the piece. But, when Julia tried it on, suddenly thoughts flooded into her head:



Sing a hypnotic sound, hypnotize fools, and kill.


Julia dimly realized that the jewel must be the bearer of these thoughts, but she didn't notice another fact about the emerald, until too late.

It was controlling her.

Julia grew too weak to battle the jewel any longer. She collapsed, and let the jewel take over her.

The jewel controlled Julia straightened up, and listened to Piedmon.

"All right. Your voice can produce a hypnotic sound. It only works on living things over the age of ten, so, if they are below that, get them to drink this seltzer." Piedmon laughed, gave her several bottles of seltzer, and vanished.

And Julia was left behind with the jewel.


At Obida Elementary-Jr. High, Izzy ran into Joe in the hallway. This time, however, Joe did not appear to be doing anything normal, or even legitimate.

"Joe, why are you hacking into the school computer system database like that?" Izzy asked.

"It's a reporting assignment about how well schools treat kids. Reporters are actually allowed to break all sorts of laws for the public. Freedom of speech, you know. (Author's note: This isn't my true opinion of reporters. It's my true opinion of foreshadowing)." Joe responded.

"I knew that. I meant, why are you hacking in so inefficiently? I could do it with half the effort!" Izzy said.

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Julia.

Izzy did a double take. Man, she is cute!

"So, when did you get here, Julia? The classes aren't the same without you sending the teachers screaming!" joked Joe.

Julia giggled and smiled. "Just now. Hey, since I don't really know you two, and you two are my best friends, why don't you come over after school?"

Izzy shook his head. "Can't. I have to write this huge report on, if magic was real, what the benefits and complications would be. Joe does two, though, so you could come to one of our houses!"

Joe sighed. "No. I'm sorry, but not my house. Please don't make me explain any further."

Izzy shrugged. "My house it is! That is, if you can come."

"I'm glad I picked musical history as my report topic. But anyway, sure, I can come! It'll be great!"

Julia smiled. She thought (remember, she's being controlled) one-fourth of my work done in a month. Woo-hoo!

Part 2

Hypnotic display

Izzy's house was very interesting. The only thing that looked normal was a sheet of paper that had very detailed info on someone named Walter. Strange devices actually seemed to be normal, and Joe saw a sign marked INEFFICIENT over the newest laptop out on the market.

Izzy, Joe, and Julia chatted while they worked. It happened that the talk turned to music.

"I play the piano. It's good for your math skills! (Author's note: Studies show that playing the piano really does improve math skills!)" Izzy said.

"I play the guitar. It's a good way to just relax." Joe said.

"I sing. Would you like to hear me?" Asked Julia.

"Sure. Shoot. Can you do, oh, Dreidle Dreidle?" Joe said.

Julia said "Sure." She sang, but for Joe, who was getting hypnotized, he didn't her a thing. He just saw a white fog envelop his senses and a stinging headache developing. He passed out of consciousness--but his body stayed upright, now under Julia's control.

Izzy saw Joe gasp and say "That is wonderful! You are great!"

Izzy, who had just heard her sing in an ordinary voice, excused himself to get a snack. He listened in on the events in the other room.

Julia faked tripped over a device on the floor. It fired a laser beam that just missed her.

Joe was at her side in an instant. " Julia? Are you okay? Do you need anything? I can't believe Izzy would leave that lying around with guests like you here!" His eyes were strangely blank, like he didn't have a pupil.

Izzy sighed. Love (he thought that was why Joe was acting crazy) was strange. But the problem was, he was in love. With Julia. Not a hypnotic love, but a real love.


At school, the next day, Izzy wandered right into Mimi. Literally.

Mimi, supriseingly, didn't complain. "Hello, Izzy. I can't wait for he singing contest! All the girls will be there and I'm going to knock them dead!"

Julia rounded the corner. "Oh, I beg to differ. You'll probably be runner up. Who's the judge?"

Mimi shrugged. "I think it's Kari."

"Kari's not here today, for whatever reason. I'll be judge." Said Izzy.

Julia shrugged. "Okay, fine by me!"

Mimi smiled. "Me too!"

Later, at the singing contest, Izzy noticed that every girl in the school and a few boys were there. He also saw Julia giving out free seltzer to the little kids. He noticed Joe in the audience, and noticed that his eyes were blank. He had also noticed that Joe seemed to do whatever Julia wanted.

With a start, he noticed that all the little kids' eyes had gone totally blank too!

Mimi was first. She stepped up to the microphone and sang karaoke. Then came Julia.

As Julia sang, Izzy noticed that everyone in the audience seemed to have a headache. Then, the color drained from their eyes as well.

Izzy dashed into the woods, and hid behind a tree to hear the conversation.

"Oh great! I'm really thirsty, but I have no more seltzer!" Said Julia.

Izzy watched everyone in the audience run off fighting to get Julia something to drink.

Izzy almost ran to a spot on the playground where Matt was, but tripped over Tai, who was lying down.

"Hey! Calm down, man. What's the rush?" asked Tai.

"I think that Julia is hypnotizing everyone by getting them to drink that seltzer or to listen to her sing!" gasped Izzy. "I need to tell Matt!"

"Yeah right. Get real Izzy." Said Tai.

Julia walked up to them. "Hello Tai. What's going on?"

Tai smiled. "Izzy says that you have a voice that people love."

At that moment, Sora and T.K. ran up.

"Oh, singing! May I hear you sing, Julia?" asked T.K.

"Sure. Would you like to try some of my seltzer?" asked Julia.

T.K. drank some as Sora said. "Can I hear you sing?"

Julia laughed. "Sheesh, talk about a figure of speech misinterpretation, Tai! I can sing good, but not that good! And sure, I'll sing" She sang a bit. Izzy noticed the color of their pupils' drain away.

Izzy dashed to Matt as Julia tested Tai, Sora, and T.K.. Matt was completing his math homework when he was interrupted by Izzy. Matt had also noticed something strange going on with Joe, Mimi, and the others at the contest, and found that everything that Izzy said made sense.

Julia was working alone in the science lab that day, when Matt and Izzy walked in with their army blasters. Julia turned around at the sound of their entrance, saw their blasters, and dropped her guise at once.

Part 3

Final combat

"You know that I can take control of you at once, so think twice about attacking me." Said Julia. Her emerald glowed, and their blasters disintegrated.

Matt jumped at Julia, but she dodged him easily. She started to sing, and Matt's eyes went white. After being told, he jumped at Izzy, who also dodged him easily.

Izzy pressed a button on a device in his pocket. It was a teleporter. It wasn't working good and could teleport him anywhere, but anywhere would be better then where he was.


Kari was feeling much better. Her fever had subsided and her mom said that she could go to school the next day.

Suddenly, Izzy was in her bedroom! She looked up from the T.V. and saw him. "What are you doing?"

Izzy told her the whole story. As soon as he was done, as if on cue, Julia appeared.

"I got these on loan from Matt. Now, why don't you surrender and have a drink of seltzer?" said Julia, holding out a teleporter and a blaster.

Both Izzy and Kari attacked her with fists, but Julia beat them both back. Kari whispered instructions into Izzy's ear, and then she drank her own potion.

Kari transformed into Nicemyotismon. Izzy ducked behind a couch. The plan was for Nicemyotismon to distract Julia while Izzy snuck up on her to beat her.

Julia rolled her eyes. "You've spent more then ten years like that, I can tell by your height." She launched into song.

Izzy put a blaster against Julia's head. "Okay, Julia, surrender or die. Your choice."

Julia jumped free, but forgot that it is hard to change direction in midair.

Izzy zapped Julia before she could even make her emerald glow. She was surrounded by a white light, screamed, and vanished.

Nicemyotismon groaned. "Oh, I have a splitting headache again. Thanks for saving me Izzy."

Izzy smiled. "My pleasure."

The end

Not much to say now, except E-mail me about my story and tell me what you think! Please?