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A/N: *DEPRESSING STORY ALERT* OK I started writing this when I was really depressed and then I finished when I was in a good mood so it's probably a little messed up. Basically part of it's a poem and part of it's a story, kind like a song fic but with my poems instead of lyrics you know. Anyway the main characters are Matt and Mimi, it's not really a Mimato though, its more like a friendship sorta thing but who knows maybe you'll interpret it differently, it doesn't really matter to me. The whole things from Matt's POV contemplating suicide, it takes place sometime after they get back from the digiworld and Matt's just depressed about all of the things he's done wrong. And Mimi, I think I might have gotten her character a little bit wrong, but that's cause I was going for the understanding sincere Mimi, not the annoying ditz Mimi you know?



Eternally Grateful


By Jade



How alone I feel

How lost I am

Surrounded by my pain

Lost in the land

Of my own darkness replaced

By a wish to die

A wish to leave this world

To just say good bye

So now it comes down to this

And it's something that I know

The true depths of my heart

Keep telling me to let go

And so I say good bye

To this pain that I feel

And with this blade

My own life I shall steal.


The blade, it seemed to glisten beautifully in the light of the sun which was now flooding through my bed room window. It seemed the perfect way to leave this world, this harsh reality I knew as life, the empty existence that was me, something I considered to be a total and complete waste of space. That's probably why I wanted to leave so badly, to rid this already corrupted world of the hallow shell that was me, that's probably why I held the razor the way I did now with it's sharp blade lying ever so lightly on my wrist ready to draw blood and take me away from this world, to let me escape.

It was the perfect way for me really, as much pain as posable, yeah that's what I deserved to go out not in a blaze of glory but in a painful pool of blood. Yes, I deserved that and so much more, and so I'd decided that this was for the best, I mean it's not as though I'll be missed, it's not as though it would change anything. And so I tightened my grip on the blade and began to apply pressure as I pressed it's sharp edge into my skin and watched as the blood began to pour out of the wound. And then...

"Matt!" I heard someone exclaim from behind me and I dropped the razor letting it crash to the floor splattering blood on the carpet in deep red specs. "What the hell are you doing!?!" I whirled around to see Mimi standing at my bed room door, a look of pure shock and fear covering her pretty face. I looked away from her and down at my wrist for a brief moment to find that the bleeding wound I expected to see was no more then a deep scratch.

My head turned back to Mimi and I know the look on my face said something along the lines of I don't know, what am I doing? "Mimi....I..." I stuttered not knowing what to say to the girl, I hadn't expected anyone to catch me in such an act, the act of taking my own life, how could I explain it, what was I doing? "What are you doing here!?!" I asked the expression on my face not changing in the least. And for some reason or another I was scared, now more then I was only moments ago when I'd attempted to take my own life, now more then ever.


Who is this girl

And why has she come

In these darkest of hour's

When I needed no one

When for once I really wanted

To be all alone

When my life I wished to end

So through eternity I could roam

I know she's my friend

And I need her somehow

But why of all times

Did she have to come now?


"Matt...I...I just felt like stopping by." She began in a fearful and confused tone. "I knocked but no one answered, and the door was open so I..."

"So you just barged in is that it!?!" I snapped. "Didn't it ever occur to you that I wanted to be alone!?!" Mimi looked hurt as I began to explode with the rage I'd carried with me for so long. I wanted to end it, that dark rage I held within me, I wanted to destroy it before it could hurt anyone else, before it could hurt me more then it already had. And now I guess I was taking it all out on Mimi. "I didn't answer for a reason you know, I don't want to see anyone right now!" I shouted though the true reason I hadn't answered was because I was so lost in thought that I hadn't even heard her at that door. "I just wanted to be alone Mimi, I just wanted to end it, to stop causing everyone pain, to...."

"Shut up Matt, would you just shut up!?!" She shouted at me and I was taken aback by her angry tone which had cut me off mid sentence. "What are you talking about? You wanted to be alone so that you could stop causing everyone such pain by killing yourself. Matt don't you even realize how much more pain you'd be causing us all!?!"

"No one cares about me Mimi, and why should they, I'm such a jerk, all I do is hurt the people I care about most!" I said honestly, at least that's how I felt anyway.

"I don't believe you Matt, how can you not know how much I, we all care about you? Think of us, your friends, your parents, your bother for heavens sake, think of TK!" She said her voice full of compassion, and yet still laced heavily with anger.

Think of TK, I thought to myself, could my sweet innocent little brother ever forgive for what I was about to do, could I really die knowing that by killing myself I'd be killing part of TK too? And once again I was at a loss for words, how did one respond to a comment like that in a situation like this? And maybe she was right, for TK's sake anyway, could I really go through with this, did I really want to?


What am I doing

Do I really know

Is this really for the best

Do I really want to go

Am I really alone

Do I really want to leave

And my family and friends

Do I really want to deceive

Is this what's right

Or am I totally wrong

Maybe I really do

Want to go on.


"Matt, did you even hear me? Do you know what this would do to all of, us, do you even care!?!" Mimi asked me, and she did so with such a conviction, with such a passion that I could feel hot tears begin to well up in my eye's. Dammit, what the hell am I doing, what the hell was I thinking, how could I do this to them? And so I turned away so not to let her see the tears which were now spilling from my eye's.

"Of course I care!" I shouted between sobs in a cracking voice so that it was obvious I was crying, even if she hadn't already noticed. "I care so much Mimi, I care so much but I do so little, and that's why I wanted to die. I wanted for you, my friends, my family, my brother, to have more, you deserve more, and I know it doesn't make any since but that's how I feel, that's why this seemed like the answer, it was the only way out!"

"It's not the only way out Matt!" She said her tone now extremely serious. "It's the easy way out, and it's not the right way out, and I'm not going to let you do it!"

The easy way out, I thought, she's right, I am taking the easy way out, and I'm only thinking of myself. "Your right." I said simply, whipping the tears from my eye's and turning around to face her once again. "But it feels so..."

"Sometimes feelings can be deceiving, they can make you think what your doing is right, like it's the only thing you can do, but deep in your heart you know what's right." Her voice was calm as she said the words, who knew that Mimi of all people could see so clearly what I couldn't see at all, maybe that's why she got the crest of sincerity. It was amazing to me that she could be so right and I could be so wrong, that someone who came off so selfish and ditzy could have such a passionate heart and understand my feelings so well.

"Thanks Mimi." I said giving her a weak smile, and knowing that without her I could very well be dead right now or dying. "Thanks for helping me understand."

Mimi smiled back at me knowing that she'd just saved my life. "Hey, that's what friends are for." She said, and then extending a hand to me added. "Now c'mon, lets go get that cut cleaned up." I took her hand keeping that little smile as she pulled toward the washroom to examine my tiny wound. I guess I was wrong, I mean really, really wrong before, how could I think that this was the way out, how could I think that this would help? Either way Mimi had saved my life and for that I would be eternally grateful, not just for letting me live, but for making me want to, for giving me a reason to go on. And though I knew I'd die someday, at least I knew that I really wasn't alone, and that it wasn't my fault, at least then I'd die knowing that somebody cared.


So maybe I'll wait

For that day

When I am meant

To go away

So to the heavens

I can fly

With feathered wings

Soar through the sky

And let the angels

take me home

A place I'll never

be alone

I guess I can't

Just leave my friends

So I'll stay here on this earth

Till it's meant to end

But until that time

When I should go

I'll try to change

I'll try to grow

To make thing's better

For us all

Until that day

The angels call.


The End


A/N: There you see, told you it didn't make much since, or maybe it was just me. Oh well, hope ya liked it!