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Jennifer and Foximon


Name: Jennifer

Age: 14

Digimon partner: Junumon, Foximon, and Glorymon


Foximon's Digivolve stages

Junumon: Attack: Bubble- Blow

Foximon: Attack: Hurricane Blaster

Glorymon: Attack: Rageing Cyclon

And so it begins...


My story begins When I was at summer camp in Japan. I'm a foreign exchange student from California. When school was out, I decided to hang around for a while longer . I made so many new friends that semester and it was kind of hard to leave them all behind, plus I could have used a vacation away from home.

Oh that's exciting Blah Blah Blah...

Can I please finish... thank you. So, there I was at camp. Little did I know that the unexplainable was about to happen. The sky started to light up, and I'm not talking about the fourth of July. I can't exactly put it into words, but it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The last thing I remember is being sucked into the vortex thing.

When I woke up there it was. starring right at me...


Well I didn't know what heck you were. Besides, you didn't let me finish.


Anyway. there *she* was Junumon.

That's me! Only in a different stage.

Junumon looked kind of like a head with a long bushy tail growing out of it... at least that's what I was thinking at the time.

Huh. That was before I digivolved into Foximon!


That's right you Digivolved to save me when Shellmon got a hold of me.

*frowns* If it weren't for me Jens, I would have to tell this story without you .

*Hugs Foximon* Thanks. I don't know what I'd do without yah!

Hee hee

When the battle was over I wasn't sure what to think. Junumon wasn't Junumon anymore, now she was Foximon. This was all too confusing

and I still don't get it! sigh This was just the beginning of what would be the greatest adventure known to man.


Special thanks to: My good friend Laleta for the beautiful drawing of Me and Foximon. Well done!!! My friends Sammie and Foxmon for makeing me apart of this Prodigious site!!! Keep up the good work guys! My friends Tina and Tigramon Thanks being there for me. Lexxy and Cunomon. I don't know where I would be without you guys. And last but not least all the fans for their wonderful comments and E mails. Thank you all for your insperation. I love you all!!! ^_^