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The Digidestined and the "French" Matt

**~~This is my first Fanfic. So please write me and tell me what you

thought. I got the idea of a crazy, French Matt after seeing (-: Monty

Python and the Holy Grail :-) like five times. No six. Whatever. So


This story takes place after Matt was "hypnotized" by Cherrymon but he


hypnotized into a crazy, Frenchmen with an outrageous accent. Matt was

definitely not

the same. Cherrymon had also given Matt a golden pendant.

Metal Garurumon with Matt on his back leapt out of the woods where the

Digidestined were.

"Matt! There you are!" Tai yelled.

"Hey Matt! It's Matt!" the others yelled.

"Hey, dude, what's that around your neck?" Tai asked. "Can we see it?"

"Of course not! You are English types-a!" Matt said.

"We're not English" Mimi protested. "Then if we are, so are you!"

"Yes you are! No I'm not! I am French! Why do you think I have this

outraaaaaageous accent, silly girl-a?" Matt asked.

"Matt, stop talking like that and come on!" Tai said.

"You don't frighten us, English pig-dogs! Go and boil your bottom, sons

of a silly person! I blow my nose at you, so called Tai Leader, you and

all your silly Digidestined k-nnnnnnnnnnnnniggggets!" He jumped off of

Metal Garurumon and started to blow

raspberries at them. He put his thumbs on his temples and waved his

fingers when he did this.

"Now look, Matt---"

"I don't want to talk to you no more, you empty headed animal food

trough wiper! I fart in your general direction! Yo' mama was a hamster

and yo' daddy smelt of

elderberries!" Matt made more tongue noises. "Now make Agumon digivolve

or I shall

taunt you a second time-a! I am betting five American dollars that I beat


"He drives a hard bargain," Tai said to himself. "But, ok. Agumon! Warp

digivolving time!"

"Right! Agumon warp digivolve too....WarGreymon!"

"Metal Gaaaaruuuuurumon! Attack-a!"

"Ice Wolf Claw!"


"Now what do you think-a, English pig-dog?" Matt asked Tai.

"OK! I had enough!" Sora yelled.

Hoping her Crest of Love would help him she ran up to him and kissed

him. Plus, she wanted to know how a Frenchman kissed. Her crest had no

effect. Of course because she loved Tai and not Matt. Tai...with his nine

foot tall hair, his tan skin, his bravery...she couldn't think of him

now. Not while her friend was a crazy Frenchman.

"Ice Wolf Claw!"


"Now, Matt, the digimon have digivolved, now snap outta it" Tai said.

**~~AUTHOR'S NOTE: I ran out of ideas at this point, so if I ramble, It's

cause my

brain's too small for any ideas.~~**

"No way, food trough wiper!!" Matt yelled. "No one can stop me! HA HA


Sora ran to Tai and took his hand.

"Tai, baby, what are we gonna do about him?" she asked.

"You tell me, Sora. You kissed him!!!"

"Tai, you know i love you."


(**~~Now we get really personal!~~**)

"Oh, Sora"

"Oh, Tai"

They fell into a deep passionate kiss. Mimi had a disgusted look on her

face. Izzy rolled his eyes. Joe watched. Matt cheered on Metal Garurumon.

TK asked Kari if she wanted to try it.

"I dunno, TK. Both our brothers are here."

"But Kari, Matt's actin' weird and Tai's gettin lucky! C'mon!"

"Tai! Is it allright if I kiss TK like you're kissin Sora?"

"Sure, sure. Fine, fine. Ohhhh, Sora.....!"

"Oh, holy crrrrap!" Matt yelled in his French accent. "War Greymon is


Metal Garurumon's @$$!!!" He walked to Tai who was rolling on the ground

with Sora.

"Here eez your five dollars!!! Please, food trough wiper Tai, put a shirt



How'd y'all like my story? Please write me at to

tell me your opinions. You'd probably really get this story (mainly the

French guy part) if you saw

Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Great movie. Z-y'all lata! Pe@ce out!