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*This is written in form of a script.*

Matt:I am I the only one tired of beating up stupid monsters?

Other DigiDestined:Heck, no!

Tai:Well, what do you think we should do?

Izzy:I think we should destroy the world! HAHAHAHAHA!

Mimi:No way! Let's go shopping!

Joe:I disagree. Let's study!

T.K.:For what? lets play video games!

Kari:Knock it off, boyfriend! Let's help others.

Sora:I agree. Let's be nice.

Tai:You're laim. Let's clobber more evil digimon!

Matt:You're all morons. Let's be on a game show.

Other Digidestined:Good idea!

*So the DigiDestined and their Digimon went to Holywood, home of Holywood Squares.*

Host of Holywood Squares:You kids are brainless. You aren't a star, and you're too young.

Tai:(Under voice) Ya piece of crap.

Matt:I know what we can do! We can beat up the stars and take their places!

*After the show, the DigiDestined went up to the stars.

Matt:Excuse me, can we have your autograph?

Whoopi Goldberg:Hey! You're that kid from Digimon!

Matt:That's right. and I'm going to whup the livin crap out of you.

*The next day, the DigiDestined got on the show.*

Host:Okay, stars. Say hello to our contestants. Bill Gates, and Steven Jobs.

Contestants, say hello to the stars. Tai Kamiya, Matt Ishida, Sora Takenouchi. Izzy Izumi, Mimi Tachikawa, Joe Kido, T.K. Tikashi, Kari Kamiya, and Daisuke.

Tai:Daisuke? That stupid wannabe? He's in Series 2!

Host:Oh, Well. Let's get started. Bill, you go first.

Bill:I'll take Tai Kamiya.

Host:Tai Kamiya it is! Okay Tai, according to Ben Franklin's saying, a penny saved is a penny what?

Tai:Uh, flushed down the toilet?

Bill:I'll disagree.

Host:Correct! X gets the sqare. Steven, it's your turn.

Steven:I'll take Matt Ishida.

Host:Matt Ishida! All right Matt. What does e-mail stand for?

Matt: Electronic mail.

Steven:I'll disagree.

Host:Wrong! X gets the square.

Matt:(Thinking) What a moron! He practically invented e-mail. What an idiot.

Host:Okay, Bill. You could win it with this.

Bill:I'll take Sora for the win.

Host: Okay, Sora it is. Here's your question. On the show Digimon, Who wears a helmet?

Sora:Uh, Brad Pitt?

Bill: (Laughing) I'll disagree.

Sora: How dare you disagree with me you, you,

Host:(Interupting) Correct for the win! Steven, you bite!

DigiDestined you weren't picked: Hey! What about us?

Host:Settle down! Geez!

DigiDestined who weren't picked:Why don't you settle down! This is Jerry Springer now!

*All but Matt start fighting each other. Matt slowly leaves the building, unnoticed.*

Matt:Wow, that was weird. I'll never do that again.





Well, how was it? It's my first fic so if you didn't like it, I understand. Send me comments at