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Howling Wolf

By: Sarah

Disclamer: Digimon belongs to Toei, Saban, FOX and more, but not me, although I wish Matt would.*Dreams and smiles* But Sophie Mikakno, Melanie Tachikawa and their digimon are mine, ALL MINE! MHUAHAHAHAHAHA! *Thinks of hugging them, then torturing them, then pushes those thoughts aside*

A/N: This is my first fic, so it's going to be fit for the recycle bin. Anyway, this fic takes place just after The Ultimate Clash and this doesn't fallow the storyline. Since I'm writing this before the fic, I have no idea what my fingers are going to type. So may I be excused in advance for anything that offends anyone? I'm also French(Vive le Canada!), so can everyone ignore the bad spelling? Thanx, Sarah Izumi ^_^ (This IS my real name, but yet *confused* I don't really like Izzy. Stange.)

Anyway, on with the show!


"You're sure you won't change your mind? It would be safer with the group. Back with Kari, Mimi, Izzy, Sora, Joe and the others." MetalGarurumon said, avoiding saying the names of the other two people

"That's the wolf part of you leaking out and I don't like it. I can't go back with them, I have no use there, even if I am one of the so called Digidestened."

The human and Digimon have been walking for about a half-hour, fighting the whole time.

"He's so stubborn when he wants to be." MetalGarurumon muttered under his breath.

"I sure can be. But this is different, I really need to think. Alone." MetalGarurumon was suprised, Matt wasn't supposed to hear that. But then he realized what Matt had said. He wanted to be alone, as in no one with him.

"But Matt, you know as well as I do that I can't leave you alone. What if one of the Dack Masters come and attack you?" MetalGarurumon asked, a bit confused.


Now MetalGarurumon wasn't confused, he was afraid. Afraid of what Yamato would do. He de-digivolved into Gabumon.

"Gabumon?" Matt asked quietly. "Could you, like, go take a walk and find T.K. and tell him that I'm OK and that I'll come back in a few days? And stay with him?" Matt asked, hoping that the digimon would be long enough for him to think awile.

"Sure Matt." Gabumon said as he ran off, already knowing what Matt had in mind. As soon as Gabumon answered, Matt was running off to some unknown place.

As the two where going their ways, they were unawere of four eyes watching them from the bushes with curiosity...


"So, the guy's name is Matt. He's weird." said the spider-like leaf-green digimon.

"Nikamon, don't judge like that. He must have his reasons. Besides, he's cute." said the girl with brown hair.


"You know, we've been here for five days, and STILL really don't like your attitude, Nikamon"

"I belive you were judging me, Sophie!" He said, laughing.

"Yeah, well I have my reasons! Let's go report Mel."


As Yamato was sitting down under a tree, he heard some laughing in the distance.

"Hello? Gabumon, is that you?"

No answer.

"Yeah, great. Now I'm depresed AND hearing voices." Matt said to himself. "And now I'm talking to myself!"

I should have let Gabumon stay with me. He's right. What if an evil digimon attacks me?

"You'll be a dead man, Ishida. That's what." he said to himself

Matt got up and left in search of his best friend.


"Mel? Melanie? Where are you?"

"Raka? Miyu? HELLO! IS ANYONE ALIVE IN HERE???" Nikamon shouted.

"WE WERE ASLEEP, YOU LITTLE...." screamed the girl with honey-colored hair, Melanie Tachikawa, almost stepping on Nikamon.

"Mel, stop it. We're sorry to disturb your sleep, but we have important news to deliver. Where's Rakarumon and Miyumon?" asks Sophie.

"Miyumon's asleep in the cave. You know, sometimes I think she's going deaf to our voices."

"I'm here." said the grey horse digimon, Rakarumon. "Behind you."

"OK, now that we're allmost all here, Sophie and I have found another human and digimon!" Nikamon said, excited.

"The digimon's name was either MetalGarurumon or Gabumon" clarified Sophie. "And the guy's name is ... "

"Matt. Sophie has a crush on him." Nikamon teased.


"DO TOO!" Nikamon said, laughing.

"Oh, whatever. I don't care what you think."

"This Matt dude must be pretty hot for tomboy Sophie to like him." Mel joined in, hoping Sophie will not kill her.

"You know, I don't care what you think either you ditsy, dumb blonde!" Sophie said, teasing back, knowing Mel wouldn't take offence. Suddenly, she stopped laughing. "You have a sister named Mimi, am I right?"

"Yeah, but where does she fit in this tease-a-thon?"

"I heard the digimon say her name."

"Silly. You know as well as I do that my sister's at some stupid summer camp while I was put in summer school."

"Yeah, that's what I thought. I must be hearing things."

"Shouldn't we go find the other humans?" asked Rakarumon

"You're right, let's go!" cried Mel


"Gabumon! Gabumon, I'm sorry, come back! Gabumon! Where are you?"

If Matt didn't say this a million times in an hour, he didn't say it at all. He was despret to find his friend. He didn't even care if some evil digimon were to hear him. He just wanted to find his friend.


As the group of girls and digimon were walking in the dense forest, it was their turn for being watched. Gabumon tried to be quiet, but he just couldn't belive that there could be more humans in the Digiworld.

"I thought that eight humans were enough, but maybe not. Those Dark Masters must be pretty strong."

Just then, Miyumon with her keen hearing, heard a voice.

"Everyone stop!" she called while landing "There's something in the bushes!"

"Mel and Sophie, stand back!" cried Rakarumon

"No need to panic" called the mysterious voice from the forest

"Hey, I know that voice!" said Sophie

"Yeah, that's Gabumon!" said Nikamon

"Who's Gabumon? Is he or she evil?" asked Miyumon

"I'm Gabumon, and I'm a vaccine." called Gabumon, finally untangled from the thorns.

"Prove it"

"Miyumon, he doesn't have to prove anything. He's one of the eight chosen digimon that Raka told us about." said Nikamon

"Oh, sorry."

"It's alright. It seems you know more about me than I know about you. Who are you?" asked Gabumon

"Yeah, I'm Sophie Mikakno and this is Nikamon, Rakarumon and Miyumon." said Sophie

"And I'm Melanie Tachikawa, but you can call me Mel." Mel said

"You look familiar to me Mel, what did you say was your last name?" Asked Gabumon


"Do you have a sister by any chance?"


"Did she go to a summer camp?"


"Is her name Mimi?"

"Yes. Why all the questions?"

"She's also in the digiworld."

All Mel could do at this point was stare. My little sister, here? In the world of monster and no malls?

"MIMI? WHERE ARE YOU?" Mel screemed at the top of her lungs.


A/N: I admit, this wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Thanx for even reading this far. Any comments, ideas, flames(I wouldn't like it but hey, I don't have any E-mail anyway) are welcome at : . Even if it has nothing to do with digimon, I'll read and reply to anything. And for those people who can't read (speak/write) japanese, mochi mochi means hello, and baka means idiot. If I get lots a E-mail, I may write part two. Thanx again for reading!

With insanity and digimon in a barrel
