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Hi everyone. A warning now: this is pretty weird. But I hope you like it. It's my version of I Am Canadian, called I Am Animean.



I'm not a geek,

Or a Japanese immigrant…

And I don't know much of the Japanese language even

Or have no life, or own any action figures…

And I don't think that Ash, Goku or Sekura are real,

Although I really wish they were.

I respect animators,

Not actors.

I can quote Dragon Ball Z, Sailor Moon

And Card Captors.

And Digimon did come before Pokemon!

I can proudly recite all the characters names.

I believe in the Saiyan race and that we aren't alone.

Battling, but not to the death!

And that Psyduck is a truly proud and noble animal.

A digimon is a digital monster,

A Sailor Scout is a super hero,

Pronouced Pokemon, not Pokeyman. Pokemon!

Anime has the coolest characters!

The most interesting plots!

And is the best kind of animation!

My name is Hayley!

And I am Animean!