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Izzy's love
AN: Yes, it's me again. Your friendly, neighborhood, fanfic writer. Hi. Pleased to meet you too. Okay, down to business. This, like the others, is a continuing saga. This one concerns mostly Izzy and Julia. This is not very heavy-handed, as I put it, or at least not as much as a future one that I'll plan to write. But on with the fic!
Disclaimer: I own stuffed animals. Um, how'd that get in there? I don't own digimon, but I own Julia and Walter. Please ask to use them.

"This is General Kari of the Wizardmon troop army speaking. Last time, we had a great adventure! It turned out that the jewel that controlled Julia hadn't been destroyed after all, and she managed to capture Izzy in an energy net! She hypnotized everyone in the school but T.K. and I, and reactivated most of the hypnotic seltzer. We were able to brake into the science lab, but Julia put T.K. in stasis and hypnotized me! She tried to stab Izzy, but the real Julia who was in love with him rebelled and wrestled the jewel for co ntrol. With all of it's physic energy on fighting Julia, I broke out of the emerald's grasp, freed Izzy, and defeated Julia for a second time! I hope that she stays dead this time."

Part 1
You've got suffering

Julia Song was once again in front of Piedmon. Piedmon had grabbed the jewel and crushed it in his fist. Julia had no idea as to what would come next, but she doubted that it would be good.
"You have failed me for the last time! Even under the hypnotic power of my jewel, with your seltzer and voice, you flopped! But, you succeeded in discovering a punishment worse than slavery or death. You shall go free--but everyone's memory shall stay as it is." Piedmon laughed. It was a cruel laugh. But, after all, he was the king of cruel. He transformed back into his true form, out of his salesman guise.
"No! Please, um, whatever you are, don't do this! I'll do anything!" Julia was in tears. How could anyone be that cruel? She thought.
Piedmon merely vanished.
Julia left the building and ran home. She didn't notice the look that she got from a bystander. It was a strange one. A mix of pity and confusion.
One from Izzy Koushiro. Joe Kido stood next to him, his bugging device held in one, hand, his videocamera in the other. He had taped the conversation.
Julia dashed into her room. Her parents had been out of town, and she'd been living alone for a few days in Heighton View Terrace. But, aside from the local genius Walter Snyde, everyone knew her story.
She sighed. Oh well. I've always wanted to go undercover. But this is too undercover. Or rather, under-the-cover.
She dug an old, red, traveling cloak out of a box. She fastened it around her, and pulled the hood over her head. She was completely unrecognizable.
The next day, she went to school in her usual attire. Plus the red cloak.

"Who's the girl with the cloak? She never takes it off." Asked Mimi one day in S.S.
Izzy and Joe both looked down at their work and said "I have no idea." Simultaneously.

Part 2
You've got mail

Izzy started typing on his computer that day after school. He was working on how Piedmon had escaped being dead. His current theory was that not only the good digimon could get out through the apparent hole in the space-time continuum (AN: Yes, I know that sounds stupid, especially for Izzy. But what else could I say?) He also guessed that it had shut quickly, and only the digi-destined (and Piedmon) had escaped.
Tentomon buzzed over to him and asked "What are you doing, Izzy?"
Izzy looked up. "I'm e-mailing Walter. He's the smartest person in town aside from me, and he served directly under me in the army. He was a good soldier."
On the screen, a message flashed:
WaltIQ150 has replied:
Hello, Izzy. How are you doing?

To which Izzy said.
I'm fine. Hear from Matt or Kari about Julia? There's something special that I need to tell you!
No, what about her? Asked Walter.
Izzy explained about what he had heard last night.
Wow. That's deep, man. Said Walter.
They chatted a bit about their latest inventions, and that Walter was coming home that night with his laser cannon complete and operational.
Walter eventually had to go and fish with his dad, who insisted on father-son bonding. Izzy was just thinking about signing off when:
Singerruby wants to chat.
Tentomon was shocked. "Uh-oh Izzy. That sounds like Julia! A ruby is a jewel, and..."
Izzy silenced him with a wave of his hand. "It can't hurt to see what she has to say."
Hello, Izzy? Said the person on the other end.
Yes? Said Izzy.
You can kill me now.
Izzy stared at the screen. "Tentomon, what do I do now?"
"Comply?" asked Tentomon.
"Assuming I don't want an innocent civilian dead. Yes, she's innocent. I'll explain later." Said Izzy.
"You're hypnotized, aren't you?" Asked Tentomon, getting ready for a fight.
"Tentomon, be quiet." Izzy had to think fast. If this was Julia, he didn't want her dead, but how to explain? He decided to stall.
Who are you? He typed.
Julia. The girl who attempted to kill you twice. Typed Julia.
I heard that conversation last night. I know that it wasn't you. Returned Izzy. And I also figured out how you were able to stop the jewel from killing me. Kari got a phone call saying that love beats jewels. That was Walter. He had guessed about the jewel. And he knows, as well as I do now, that you love me.
Yes. I do, Izzy. It wasn't as hard to type as Julia thought.
I love you too, Julia. But look, the Internet isn't the best place for love stories. Are your folks home? I could come over. It's only 6:00, and my mom said that I should try to find somewhere to sleep over. She said she was too tired to cook a lot of dinner, and my dad can't cook. It wasn't hard to type, Izzy found out.
My folks are out. You could come over and help me cook. Said Julia. She wondered how good Izzy could cook.
My name is the antonym of cook, but sure, I'll come over. See you! Said Izzy. He logged off, yelled to his mom that he was going out to a friend's house, and started for the door.
Tentomon flew in front of it. "Sorry, Izzy, but I cannot let you pass through this door. You can't go to Julia's! It's too dangerous! What if she attacks you?"
Izzy said. "I do love her, and I think that she loves me too. Plus, Joe has taped proof that she was not responsible for her actions!
"No, Izzy. I won't let you go! Super shocker!" Cried Tentomon.
Izzy easily dodged the blast and rounded Tentomon. He shut his door quickly behind him, knowing that Tentomon couldn't use a doorknob. He dashed out of the house, intent on getting to Julia's house.

Part 3
You've got love

Izzy cautiously rang the doorbell to the Song residence. The door opened, and Julia beckoned him in. He looked around. It looked comfy enough. He was on his guard.
"What would you like for dinner, Izzy? I just went to the grocery store before I went on-line, so there should be a lot." She said, smiling.
"Gee, I wouldn't want to be an inconvenience." Said Izzy. "What would you like?" Asked Izzy.
"Aside from Ho-Hos? I'm sure your mom would want you to have something healthy, yet different, so... We could try egg-drop soup!" Said Julia.
"I'd love it! What should I do to help?" Asked Izzy, licking his lips.
"Separate the eggs. One egg per person, so that makes two eggs. I'll get the broth and mix in the yolk when you have it ready."
"It is doubtful that one soup could defeat both of our appetites, so why not try a salad with that? I could chop up veggies while the soup cooks!" Said Izzy.
"Sure. For the main course, would you like me to heat up macaroni or lasagna?" Asked Julia.
"How about eggs?" Asked Izzy.
"What type?" Asked Julia.
"Scrambled?" Asked Izzy.
"Sure. I can cook them while you chop up veggies! We have carrots, lettuce, celery, cucumbers, mushrooms, and tomatoes." Said Julia, taking out a large bowl from the cabinet.
After dinner, they got down to the serious stuff.
"I love you, Izzy. But, I'll understand if you want to kill me or something." Said Julia. "To be honest, it would probably be better to die, instead of living with my poisoned reputation."
"Julia..." Started Izzy.
"Jim saw me earlier. He had bugged your apartment. Reporters are outside the law for their job, and he claimed that he was seeing how the smartest guy in town lived. He heard the argument between you and Tentomon." Said Julia.
"Julia, I love you, and I won't let anything happen to you. I'll get Joe to show Tentomon the tape of the conversation. I may even be able to convince him to show the tape on T.V." Said Izzy. He meant those words.
He then checked his watch. 8:00. "Let's watch the news and go to bed, Julia. It's been a long day."
"Okay." Said Julia. She sat down on a couch. Izzy sat down next to her.
Walter went to check on Izzy that night around 10:00. He looked in the window -- and saw Izzy and Julia asleep on the couch, the T.V. still on, smiling.

AN: Like it? My second trilogy! Yes! Anyway, again I'll ask for reader opinion on what the ending should be, but with a different choice. It's either an outake session, an interview session, or an outake interview session. You pick!