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disclaimer: My God, this is stupid! I DON"T OWN DIGIMON or any related

titles, logos, or characters. If you think i do, I question your mental


You Know You Are Too Obsessed With Digimon When.......

( pathetically enough, i am giuilty of all these things.)

1. You can recite all of the digidestined's digimon forms from memory.

2. You hang up on you're best frind because she called you during digimon.

( sheesh, they should know better than that, ne?)

3. You buy a harmonica so you can learn to play like Matt. ( If anybody is

interested, I know how to play "Mary had a little lamb" and "Yellow rose of


4. You sucked your parentsinto digimon and they can recite all the digimon

off their heads.

5. You are always reciting digimon quotes until people question how

mentally well you are.

6. You have gotten this far.

7. You are always acting out digimon scenes and if anyone asks you say

you're rehersing for the school play.

8.You are truly in love with one of the digimon kids.( Matt! Drools......

heh heh! Did I say that out loud?)

9. If you see any digisite pairng together characters you don't agree with,

you flame them until they almost report you as a spammer.

10. During boring classes you write digimon fanfics/ draw the characters. (

I wrote this during Algebra, which I should pay attention in because I'm


*** I you are guilty of more than 5 of these signs of total and

irreversable obsession, you should be checked into a mental institution

immediatly (unless digimon is on!)