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Hi and here is my fanfic part one. It's kinda mushy but I just love Yamato. he's so cute.

Here is my fanfic. If you wanna talk to me:

After defeating the Dark Masters, the digigroup went on with their walk. They had found the 8th digidestined just a few months ago. Her name was Kari.

Sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name, you don't need to know. My reason, to teach you about the 9th digidestined. She was supposed to have been with: Tai, Matt, Sora, Izzy, Joe, T.K, Mimi and Kari but she had been very sick with the with an arm injury.

"Matt?" T.K said.

"What is it T.K.?" Matt replied.

"How much further do we have to go?"

"Ask the know it all here!"

"Shut up Matt," Tai said. "I heard that."

All of a sudden a big light shot through the ground.

"What was that?" Mimi asked.

The rock in front of them broke open. There in the space of the rock was a little old man!

"It's Gennai!" Agumon said.

"Hi there!" Gennai said

"Hi Gennai, what's up?" Tai said.

"Well, the whole world was nearly broken apart but other than that, nothing." Gennai replied. "I've got to tell you something." "There is another digidestined to find."

"What!" Joe said.

"Great, now we have to walk around the whole city again!" Mimi whined.

"Don't worry Mimi," Gennai said. "I have enough power to teleport her here."

"Teleportation?" Izzy said. "Since how did you know how to do that?"

"Since the day I was born."

"Well," Sora said. "Can you tell us anything about this 9th digidestined?"

"Yes, I can." "Her crest is Forgiveness." "Her gender is female."

"Girls rule!" Kari shouted. "How old is she?"

"She is 11." Her digimon is Mewmon.

"You mean the Mewmon?" Tentomon asked. "Wow, Mewmon is very famous in the DigitalWorld!"

"Why's that?" T.K. asked.

"Mewmon created the DigitalWorld," Tentomon said in awe.

"Wow! It did?" Joe said.

"Alright, alright." Tai said. "What's her name?"

"Name?" "Let me try to remember.." "Ah, yes, her name is Silver."

"Silver?" Tai said, "You mean Silver Tanya?" "Wow! She's was the prettiest girl at West View Elementary!" "I think she still is!"

Will they ever get to meet Silver? What is she like? Find out in part two. Coming soon.